Accept yourself as you. Live within yourself so that the without can relate to you. Out of you can spring beautiful thoughts. Out of you can spring beautiful radiance. Out of you can come peace. Out of you can come God. But before anything can come out of you, it must be there. . . . Reality is living with yourself, accepting yourself, and being within yourself. That is the secret of prosperity.


WE HAVE FOUND A TECHNOLOGY that has assisted us in our lives. We are not saying that life is always a rose garden, with rainbows and unicorns showing up to free us from disappointments. We are not preaching or hypothesizing a religion. We are simply sharing a technique that we have seen change people’s lives.

We have witnessed miracles. We have observed people heal from life-threatening diseases. We have watched babies come into this world from parents who were told they would never conceive a child. We have seen people struggling with marriage, family, and loneliness who turned their lives around by using the techniques we are sharing in this book. We do not pretend to have all the answers to this thing called life. However, we know from our own personal experiences that this technology has worked in ways that modern science is only recently beginning to understand.

You cannot think yourself out of thinking. You cannot think yourself out of obsessing. You cannot think yourself out of fear. But you can change your energy to change your thoughts. Changing our energy to change our lives is the concept behind this book.

Through our investigation of the astonishing miracles we have observed, we are convinced that the energy field in and around the physical body and the breath are the missing links in the world of wellness. The ideas in this book may be new to you, but they are based on ancient practices. We invite you to step outside of old thought patterns and into the realm of possibility.


Prana is the energy that flows through us to keep us alive, activating our life and giving us the ability to shine. Prana has a magnetic quality about it, a charisma of its own. When prana flows through our body with ease and without blockages, we can be radiantly healthy and unlock our fullest potential. In many ways our prana is who we are. If we could take a picture of our energy, it would be a luminous three-dimensional mandala of vibrating frequencies and harmonies reverberating through our body and through the electromagnetic field that surrounds us.

Our breath is the main delivery service that brings pranic energy to every cell and into the electromagnetic field that surrounds our body. We also have the ability to give and receive prana from other people, animals, and plants through touch, prayer, and all our interactions. Even a hug creates an exchange of prana. We gain prana from our food and even absorb it through our skin. When we fall in love and are thinking about our beloved, and as they think of us in turn, we exchange pranic energy in one of the most beautiful ways there is.

Kundalini is the concentrated form of prana of the human being. It is the power of the divine inside the human. Kundalini lies dormant at the base of the spine until the frequency required for activation is reached and blocks in our energy channels are cleared, at which point it rises through the central channel of the spine to activate our life-force. When kundalini energy is awakened, it initiates a remarkable series of events in the mind and body. The awakening integrates the energy of the soul into the physical reality of life. It sounds like a mystical process, but it is simply a matter of developing the potential for who you truly are. And we will make it as simple and straightforward as possible.

Surrounding our body is a field of energy that resonates with the bioactivity happening inside of us. Called the electromagnetic field or the aura —terms we will use interchangeably throughout the book—this field is where transformation starts. In order to change our cellular expression to one of health, the practices of kundalini yoga use prana to make the energy shifts in our magnetic field.

In this new age there is so much talk about how thoughts create our reality. This is true; however, it is prana that powers our thoughts. The mind will not shift out of stuck patterns of fear simply by thinking its way out. What we think we set in motion through the power of our prana. We shift our thoughts with our prana because our thoughts are actually energetic wave forms. It is our prana that strengthens, energizes, heals, expands, and purifies the electromagnetic field, bringing brilliance and power to it.


When you understand who and what you are, your radiance projects into the universal radiance, and everything around you becomes creative and full of opportunity.


The following four qualities of prana provide a framework for working with kundalini energy.


We all have a calling that is compelling us to move forward on our life journey. That calling is built into prana, encouraging us to evolve. The universe wants us to awaken, and it will work with us in infinite detail toward becoming the most healthy, radiant beings that we can be. In fact, all sorts of circumstances and synchronicities transpire to assist in our awakening once we set prana in motion.

At a soul level we feel the calling and trust this support; however, we often hold ourselves back. We subconsciously fear we will re-create mistakes from our past or might not be accepted by others, so we freeze where we are and create an energetic block to our activation. Those energetic blocks become habitual, and seem daunting. But they can be dissolved by shifting the flow and vibration of our prana. Once the inner blocks are gone, the light of our true selves can shine out from the center of our being, into our body, and into the world around us. This is your personal glow that prana has the potential to activate. It is felt as our drive for self-actualization, as our soul yearns to fulfill its purpose.


Everything vibrates at a subtle frequency. The higher your frequency is, the higher your magnetism will be. The frequency of our prana is the key to our health, awareness, and attraction force. Within each of us is an energy mix of happiness and sorrows, joys and struggles, wishes and desires; we are a vibrating, three-dimensional mandala of our unique self. We are broadcasting our energy out to the world all the time.

Our mood is how we experience the vibration of our prana. Our prana always conveys a character portrait, and we can learn to shift its frequency to one of health and attraction. The seemingly magical vibration that opens our consciousness, activates our health, and awakens our potential is love. It opens shutters that otherwise remain closed, so that the light of our soul can illuminate the brilliant diamond of our being. Shifting our frequency is not always easy. We get stuck in habitual mood patterns. But through kundalini yoga practices, we can change the vibrational frequency of our energy back to its source—back to love. A cascade of remarkable benefits—emotional, physical, and spiritual—then flows forth.


The scientific phenomenon of sympathetic resonance is a powerful secret to opening up a life that is aligned with your true self. Simply put, our inner frequency projects beyond our physical body into the electromagnetic field around us. Our resonance amplifies and harmonizes with similar frequencies in the world. If your electromagnetic field is vibrating with the energy of gratitude, for example, that vibration will resonate with similar frequencies in every place that is affected by your electromagnetic field, whether inside your body or in the physical environment around you. This is how our thoughts create the reality of our lives. Our thoughts create a vibration that resonates with and activates the same character it is giving out. That is why the work of shifting out of habitual unhealthy thought patterns is so essential. That work is one of the strengths of kundalini yoga.

Your own true shine and your own inspirations can serve you amazingly well if they are directed, as they attract more of the same frequency into your life. Like attracts like.


Radiance is our sparkle and shine. It is the illumination emitted by our energy frequencies and is powered by prana. Our radiance vibrates through the aura and connects us to the infinite. When our radiance is healthy, we become magnetic beings who draw opportunities and success with synchronicity rather than with effort. The energy of our radiant body starts with the spin of atoms within our cells and echoes into the ends of the universe. By aligning that atomic spin with our soul’s purpose, and at the same time removing the blocks and fears that restrict our energy flow, we can connect with the highest potential of our life and attract love, harmony, and grace. All of our energy has the potential for radiance.



Golden Light Breath connects us with the dynamic and magnetic flow of life energy. In the instructions below, we suggest lying on your back, but you can tune in to your prana with this breathing technique almost anywhere—while sitting at your desk, as you are walking, or when sitting still in meditation. This is a wonderful practice to do while lying down in bed before falling asleep.



1      Lie on your back and place your hands on your lower belly. As you inhale and exhale, visualize your breath as a golden light rather than invisible air.

2      Inhale and let your abdomen expand like a balloon. Slow your breath down, breathing as deeply and slowly as possible while observing the expansion of your belly. Feel that your breath is made of golden light. Fully fill every portion of your lungs on the inhale.

3      Hold your breath and let the golden light circulate through your entire body and into the field beyond your skin, around your body.

4      As you exhale, allow your belly to deflate all the way down so your belly button draws in toward your spine. Feel the golden light extending past your skin and into the space around your body and blending with all the light of the universe.

5      Hold your breath out for a few moments before slowly and consciously inhaling again. Continue inhaling and exhaling deeply and slowly with a gentle hold of the breath at each end, visualizing the breath as golden light.

6      Feel the light entering into your being from a vast universal pool of love, flowing through your nostrils, filling your lungs, and circulating throughout your body, loving you and nourishing your cells.

7      Breathe as slowly and deeply as you can, holding your breath after each inhale and exhale, for three to eleven more minutes. Feel this light and wisdom pressing into you with every inhalation and vibrating throughout your aura as you hold your breath, loving you, nourishing you, and washing away tension. As you exhale, visualize yourself letting go of anything that is holding you back from activating your radiance.

8      To finish, observe and allow your feelings. You may have a profound positive experience after you practice this breath, or you may feel resistance and frustration. Whatever you are feeling is valuable; don’t try to change it. Simply allow the sensations to arise and depart.


Love is not a projection. Love is an attraction.


More than we are a physical body, we are our energy. When our energy vibrates at the frequency of love—the energy state we are at our core—our being fills up with the most joyous, healthy vitality that we ever imagined, and our entire physiology moves into an optimized state. In the bioenvironment of love, our DNA expresses optimally in ways we never even knew could be possible. We discover new awareness and new intuition. We connect more deeply with others because we recognize that the same love that resonates in their soul resonates within ours. We find we can release an incredible amount of vibrant energy into our body and into our life. We fall in love with life, and life falls in love with us. This is the miracle.

When we vibrate at a frequency of love, our external environment shifts as well, and we become like magnets for activating our potential. When the attractive power of love fills our body and projects into our aura, it’s as though what we truly desire—our true potential—seeks us out as well. This is why we coined the term Love Frequency Phenomenon .

Love is a human experience of the most powerful physical force of the universe. When we feel love, we are experiencing the attractive force that holds atoms together. This energetic force also brings humans together. It activates our physical body, making our cells healthy, and shines through our soul. Rather than finding it outside, we find it most accessible right inside of us. Kundalini yoga can help us tap into the love frequency phenomenon by dissolving the barriers that block our gifts from shining into the world. Love is the vibration with the power to make the impossible possible.



When the heart gets into prayer, every beat of the heart creates a miracle.


Shrinking back from who we are does not serve anyone. We may buy into the false belief that keeping our light off will allow more love to enter our lives or will somehow serve those around us. We hide so we can give others permission to shine, and then we feel hurt and disappointed when they do not give us the love we seek. We give away our light in order to please others and accept that as part of life.

There is a soul destination that cannot be put off. Sometimes it starts as an inner tickle, the soul inside teasing us to be noticed. We try to hold on to a state of numbness, but before long we find our soul asking more and more to be acknowledged, encouraged, and released.

If you have picked up this book, chances are you have felt that tickle. We have a remarkable potential to shine. The world needs each of our lights. We know it. Now is the time to start to step into our radiance.

When the light of your own soul’s magnificence expands outward, resistances melt away and life begins to flow. Synchronicities happen. A wisdom is waiting to unfold that will not hurt anyone. This is your natural and most powerful state of being. Hiding your light is not.