My mother had left a week earlier to stay with her sister in Manchester because my uncle was recovering from surgery and my aunt needed help with their three wild, young children.
My stepfather and I had begun to adapt to our time without her, trading off on cooking duties initially and then falling into a pattern of eating out or sending out for food. Neither of us was any good at cooking. My best effort was beans on toast, and then I burnt the toast.
As I stood scraping the blackened edges he said, “We’ll order pizza tomorrow.”
The laundry room was getting filled to overflowing, and we ended up making bets on stupid things like football games on television for which the loser would have to do the laundry.
We had a very close relationship. Since I was an only child I got a lot of his attention. This increased as I became an increasingly accomplished athlete when I entered adolescence. While he had never been as versatile as me in his youth he had always loved sports and admired athletes. He was in great shape and ran every day and worked out constantly. He came to all my football games and was my biggest fan. I loved his unabashed, sometimes publically embarrassing, support for me and my teams. He was Greek and very outgoing about his emotions.
When my mother was gone we would often sit in the living room at night in various states of undress, most often in our underwear and watch Sky sports on television.
We would yell and swear at the games, the players, the referees and generally have a great time. On a few occasions he would let me drink beer with him. After all I was eighteen,
One night we had polished off a couple of beers, eaten a large pizza and were a bit tipsy as the game ended. He said he was going to bed and headed off to the bathroom. I heard him taking a shower, and decided to watch the news so I could take a shower after him. I heard the water shut off, but stayed downstairs for ten more minutes watching the rest of the news and sports.
As I staggered upstairs, I decided to stop by my parent’s bedroom to gloat a bit with him about a score I had seen on the sports channel, a game we had bet on, I had won.
When I approached their bedroom I heard a moaning sound. I stopped for a moment in the hallway and then approached the slightly open door. Carefully I crept along the landing trying to avoid the squeaking floorboards.
What I saw shocked me!
My stepfather was lying on his back on the bed with his legs spread wide apart. One of his hands was pinching a nipple and the other was slowly massaging his fully erect cock. He was wanking himself off!
I was caught between embarrassment, and an unexpected fascination. My cock began to get hard as I watched him, and I reached into my shorts and began to stroke it. I was transfixed by the sight of his cock.
While I had seen it many times at the gym or sometimes in the bathroom as we passed going to the shower at home I had never seen it hard. My parents were very uninhibited about sexual matters, and while we never walked around the house naked, there was a sense of openness and direct communication about sex in my family as I was growing up.
But now I was staring at his cock, it was huge, at least nine inches, uncut and very thick. His thick fist was wrapped around it and he was moaning as his hairy naked body rocked and hunched back and forth.
I leaned closer towards the door to view the spectacle, all the time rubbing my own cock more quickly. Without realising it I leaned my shoulder against the door and it creaked and opened further.
He opened his eyes immediately and saw me!
He looked quickly at me, paused for a second, and then stared intently for what seemed like the longest few seconds of my life.
Then he said, “Are you going to just stand there and stare or come in and give me a hand?”
While we had a very close, almost brotherly relationship, he was still a very authoritarian man. His question had all the overtones of the type of command I was all too familiar with. I pushed the door open and walked into the room hesitantly.
He never stopped slowly stroking his cock. He looked at my crotch, then to the embarrassing look on my face, and said with a kidding half smile, Drop those pants and get over here.”
To this day I wonder if I would have done it if I hadn't had all that beer. But I had, and I did what he said.
He slid over to the far side of the bed, and I lay down beside him. Then he took his right hand off his prick and reached over and grabbed mine. It was very strange!
He began slowly jerking my cock which by now was very hard. He was leaning over me and I could feel the thick hair on his chest rubbing against my shoulder.
After a few moments, during which I was trying very hard not to come, he leaned back and said, “Now do me for a while.”
Initially I felt so awkward that I just lay on my back and reached down for his cock. I took it in my hand rather tentatively and began to stroke it. The feeling that shot through me was quite intense. It was hot and throbbed and pulsed in my cool hand. While I had jerked off with some of my friends when I was younger, my main sexual experience had been with girls, I had lost my virginity shortly after my sixteenth birthday, or wanking off by myself, which I did frequently.
I couldn't believe how thick and rock hard his cock was!
The awkward silence was broken when he said, with a hint of irritation in his voice, “Get up and do it right.”
I leaned up on one elbow as he had done and began to wank him. He put both hands behind his head, closed his eyes, spread his legs more and began to moan slightly. Then his hips began to buck upwards and he said through his clenched teeth, “Quicker, harder.”
By now I was transfixed at the sight of his cock and frantically began to jerk harder. Then he grunted as a spurt of cum shot into the air. Then his right hand moved quickly down from behind his head and he grabbed his cock from my hand, squeezed it hard and jerked it very fast. A huge stream of cum shot out and laced itself straight up his chest. Then a second and third long white rope followed, reaching up to his neck and laying across the thick dark hair on his chest and armpits. More cum was spraying itself around now as the spurts subsided and it was dribbling down over his fist. His strokes slowed, and he opened his eyes and turned towards me.
As his eyes came into focus he grinned at me, with a hint of embarrassment I thought at the time, and said, “Your turn.”
He quickly pushed me down on my back, got up and knelt between my spread legs and began to wank me off while leaning over me. He really was getting into it. By this point I was so dazed and overcome by what had just happened that I lasted about thirty seconds. He had my cock in his right hand, my balls in his left hand and was clearly enjoying giving me a hand job. I started to come. The first shot went straight up and he immediately tilted my cock toward me and the next few streaked up my chest. He kept going until I was done, then sat back on his heels and looked at me with a smirking grin and that characteristic twinkle in his eye.
I didn't know whether to be embarrassed or burst out laughing, so I just lay there catching my breath and thinking, what the fuck have I just done?
He rolled over on the bed and said, “We had better wash up, go ahead you can use the shower first.” I got up and went to the bathroom, my head still spinning. When I got out of the shower, I went quietly back to the bedroom to tell him I was done.
He was sound asleep, lying on his back with his big limp cock lying over those huge hairy balls. Asleep. How could he sleep?
I went down the hall to my room and after a few hours of tossing, and turning, and wanking off twice, fell into a fitful sleep. I dreaded the morning when I would face him. Mostly because I imagined he would be completely humiliated by his drunken behaviour, he hardly ever drank anything other than beer and even that was not too frequent, and what he would think of me.
Needless to say I was quite surprised the next morning, and in the intense weeks that followed before my mother returned.
Early the next morning I heard my stepfather get up and leave the house. I knew he was going running as he did almost every morning. I drifted back to sleep, and later heard the shower running, and then my stepfather return to the bedroom and finally walk downstairs.
A short time later I got out of bed and went downstairs to get something to eat before going to college. I had hoped my stepfather had left for work, but he hadn't. He was sitting at the kitchen table dressed very sharply in a white shirt and tie with his suit jacket on the sofa near the door. He stared up from the papers he was reading and smiled.
“Hi sport,” one of his nicknames for me and he said. “Sleep Okay?”
“Yeah, fine,” I answered trying to sound as off-hand as possible. I couldn't look into his dark eyes.
“I want to talk for a minute,” he said.
“Sure,” I replied as a wave of anxiety swept over me.
He waited as I took a carton of orange juice from the refrigerator and walked over to sit across the table from him. As usual he got directly to the point.
“Look, about last night ....” he started, looking directly into my eyes. “I really don't want to feel like I made you do something you didn't want to do. I guess I got a little carried away, I'm sorry, I'm sure you think what we did shouldn't happen between us.”
He was clearly uneasy, and was choosing his words carefully.
“No it’s okay,” I began, “I guess we were both a little drunk, no big deal.”
He looked at me with a shy, studied, half-grin on his handsome face, and paused a moment before he spoke. “Yeah, you know how horny guys get, and me, well your mother has been gone for a while and you and I are so close, and well you know how that happens, shit when I was young I wanked off with lots of my friends, just like you did.”
I was getting uneasy at this point. In the same sentence my father had referenced his sex life with my mother, his sex life as a youth with his young male friends, and my sexual experiments a few years before. How did he know about me and my friends? This was not the standard discussion one has with his stepfather at the age of eighteen.
But, at the same time, most eighteen year old boys don't wank off their fathers like I had last night. This was getting uncomfortable.
“Look Christos, it’s okay.” I said. “Just a little weird doing it with you, that’s all.”
At that point a short laugh burst from my lips as I realised just how funny in some ways last night was. He looked at me, his eyes lit up and he chuckled softly. He was thinking the same thing, and the uneasiness seemed to disappear.
“Well anyway, it felt pretty good for me,” he said still smiling. “Except that you were such an uncoordinated geek, and I had to finish it myself.”
I knew this tone of voice, this type of challenge. Now we were back to our familiar bantering and one-upmanship.
I answered quickly, “Good thing I did help you, you were so drunk you probably would have started using the vacuum cleaner for sex.”
He laughed out loud at this comeback. “Not bad kiddo you're getting quicker all the time, almost as quick as you came last night,” he teased.
We both laughed at this and he got up from the table, reaching for his jacket.
“Well, the way I figure it,” he said with a teasing smirk, “You still owe me one.”
He always tried to get the last word.
“In your dreams old man, in your dreams.” I responded quickly, somewhat taken back by the suggestion.
I certainly had thought this had been a once only event, an aberration that I was willing to forget. I wondered, however if my response sounded definitive enough, given that after I went to my room the previous night, and my frantic masturbating had been accompanied by intense thoughts of what had just happened. And even more so by fantasies of him and sex, which I had tried unsuccessfully to put out of my mind.
As he passed behind me, he reached around with one arm and hugged me roughly from behind as he often did. However, this time I froze. There was no mistaking the hardness in his crotch as he briefly brushed it against me.
Needless to say that day at school, and track practice afterwards was a bit of a blur. I struggled with trying to sort out what I felt about the prior night. I was struck, and largely pleased that my reaction seemed so benign. I wasn't freaked out, or shameful. Quite the opposite, when I thought about it, I found myself grinning and finding it almost humorous. However, I could not easily dismiss the sight of his cock and the feel of that thick, hard meat, that was not a laughing matter, and it was stirring up a lot within me.
He got home late from work that night. I had eaten, watched some television and was up in my room reading. He knocked lightly at my door and entered.
“Hey, what's up?” he said, sounding weary. “Not much, just getting ready to go to bed,” I replied.
“Me too,” he said, sitting on the edge of my bed and picking up one of my college books, “I'm exhausted.”
We talked about nothing in particular for a few minutes, and then he got up to leave. I was sitting at my desk with my back to him and he leaned forward and placed one of his hands on each of my shoulders and squeezed lightly.
He held this grip for a few seconds, then said, “Good night,” and left the room.
About a half hour later, when I was coming back down the hall, I tiptoed up to his closed bedroom door and listened. I could hear his soft moaning and the bed squeaking. I went quietly back to my bedroom, with my cock getting hard very quickly. I lay on my back and masturbated, thinking about what was happening in the room down the hall. As the jets of hot cum coated my chest, I reached down and pulled my fingers through the thick cream. Then I brought them to my mouth and slowly licked them, this was the first time I had ever done this. I fell asleep still rock hard.
The next few days were filled with tests at school, and preparation for a big track meet on Saturday, and we saw very little of each other. We would talk briefly at breakfast, and I would often be in bed before he got home. Things seemed fine.
After the track meeting, which we won, I went out with my girlfriend and a group of friends to a nightclub and danced for hours. My friends dropped us off at her house and as always, I was very horny and tried to get her to go out in her backyard with me on the patio set away from the house.
After a lot of intense kissing and me feeling her up she said she had to go in, she was having her period and didn't want to do anything else. Frustrated, and with a serious case of blue balls I walked the few streets to my house.
Christos was up watching television and greeted me with, “Hey sport, thought you would never get home. Have a good time?”
He seemed in his usual good spirits and I expected this mood was helped by his watching me win in the high hurdles and long jump at the track meeting. He was sitting on the sofa in only a pair of gym shorts, and his hair was damp. He had just come from the shower, after going for a late night run as I expected.
I glanced at the television and was surprised to see that he was watching one of those soft porn channels. There was a woman with large heavy exposed breasts leaning over a table talking to two men who looked like customers in a bar.
“Yeah, we had a great time,” I responded. Then added, “I see you're watching one of those high culture programs, what is this?”
I was in a feisty mood after the day's events, and certainly a bit combative after my failed efforts on the patio at Amy's house.
“Oh! Excuse me Mother Teresa,” he said in mock horror while laughing. “I didn't mean to offend your virginal sensibilities.”
I had been removing my shirt which was still wet from the sweat of dancing and trying to get in Amy's pants.
I got it off and threw it at him saying, “Screw you, do this laundry for me, it’s your turn.”
The shirt landed on his face and chest, and we both laughed as he tried to yank it off while it got caught around his neck.
“No way Jose,” he said. “You're on laundry for the rest of your life, you still owe me.”
I was too caught up in glancing at the television, and thinking of a quick retort to pick up on his reference. It hit me after a couple of seconds and I stopped short. I had almost put our sexual encounter out of my mind, except at night when I masturbated, over the past few busy days.
“Are you going to pay off or what?” he said in a challenging, half humorous tone.
I noticed that his hand had slipped to his crotch.
“Or better yet, I'll go double or nothing if you want to be such a wimp.”
He said this as he held his right arm up and flexed his hand. It was an obvious reference to our most recent, in an endless series of competitions, habit of challenging each other to arm wrestling contests to settle arguments.
“I owe you nothing,” I said as I flopped down on the sofa beside him and started to take off my shoes.
We were both chuckling, but I felt my crotch getting hot.
He got down on his knees and laid his elbow on the wooden coffee table, holding his forearm erect. I couldn't resist.
“I owe you nothing you ancient pervert,” I said as I knelt down across from him on the carpet. I put my elbow next to his, and reached for his hand. “I'll beat your sorry arse just to put you in the laundry room forever, or at least until Mum comes home,” I said in a feigned serious tone.
We locked hands and started to arm wrestle. I had beaten him at this before, on a few occasions though I had sometimes wondered if he had let me win to try to boost my confidence. This time, though it took almost a full minute, it wasn't even close. I expect I could have put up a better fight, except my concentration kept getting distracted by the intense look on his face, and the sight of his hairy chest starting to bead with sweat. He pinned my arm to the table and held it there.
“Ready to pay up? Now you owe me two things,” he said, staring into my eyes.
He still had the same kidding tone we always used when we were in our competitive mode, but there was an edge of seriousness in his voice, a challenge or a real level of question.
I knew I could call this whole thing off immediately by just making one of my typical snide remarks, by continuing our verbal jousting, by making a joke of the whole pretence under which we had competed. But I didn't.
And I'm still not sure why.
I was kneeling next to the table, sweating and exhausted from the intense physical effort. I relaxed, and he let go of my hand. I simply stared at him, took a deep breath, and sat back on my heels. He took this movement as acceptance on my part, perhaps more quickly than I meant it to be.
His eyes never left mine, and I could feel a serious but gentle power coming from him. He looked at me as he stood up and moved around the corner of the table. It was a look of appreciation, as if he was proud that I would now honour our bet. It was also had a hint of the victorious sexual predator. I would remember that look for a long time. But now I was too exhausted, too confused, and too turned on to do anything but kneel there and see what he would do.
He lightened the mood by grinning slightly and saying, “Pay-off time champ.”
He was standing directly in front of me with his crotch only inches from my face. I could see the bulge of that incredible cock through the thin fabric of his gym shorts, as I stared at the thick dark hair on his muscular runner's thighs.
He reached out and put his hand on the top of my head and tousled my hair lightly as if to say, “Go ahead do it, or you can stop if you want to.”
I was too caught up in the moment. The quick change from our smart-arse remarks which started when I had walked in, to the sexual references, to the arm wrestling, from the exhilaration of dancing for hours, to the sexual turn on by Amy, I simply stared up at him and raised my hand to touch his thigh.
Electricity ran through me as I kept going and reached up under his gym shorts to feel his cock.
He stared down at me directly into my eyes, and said, “Take them down.”
It was much more an order than a request. I reached up with both hands and pulled his shorts to the floor. The huge cock that I had been thinking about for so many days stood in front of me, thick, hard, and very hairy. I began to massage it.
By now my own cock was rock hard.
I reached down and began to rub it through my jeans. I looked up and saw that his eyes had closed and he was pinching his left nipple hard with his right hand. I rubbed his cock harder, and watched his large hairy balls move back and forth with every stroke. This kept on for a couple of minutes and he began to rock and moan with a deep guttural tone. I could smell his body, so close, and it was intoxicating.
Then he slowed his rocking motion and I looked up. He stared down at me with slightly glazed eyes and said, “You owe me two things and now I want the second.”
I stared up at him not knowing what he meant. Then he reached down with both hands, grabbed my head on either side and pulled it towards his cock. I couldn't believe it.
His cock touched my face, and I tried to pull back.
With one hand he took his cock and the other grabbed my lower jaw and squeezed it open. He forced the end of his cock into my mouth. I struggled briefly, but the feeling was too overwhelming and I gave in. I was sucking on his cock!
Once the head of his cock was in my mouth he pushed a couple more inches in. Then he took his hand off my jaw and the other off his cock and held the sides of my head firmly. Then he stopped, holding me in that position as he stared down at me. I had been so surprised by his initial assault on my mouth that I was frantically trying to adjust to breathing through my nose as his rock hard cock stretched my mouth.
My own cock had gone completely soft as my mood had changed to one of mild panic. Hunched down, sitting on my heels, I looked up at him with a startled, almost plaintive look in my eyes.
“Well ... ?” he said, staring at me.
It was that same tone of voice, challenging, somewhat questioning, yet expectant. He had taken me to the next step, but I sensed he was offering me one last chance to decline.
Yet he was clearly serious about this sex, and how far we had gone. I just stared at him, feeling somewhat foolish kneeling inert in front of him with his stiff cock in my mouth, but also somewhat compliant and stunned.
He took my silence for the confusion it represented, and responded by very slowly pushing his cock deeper into my mouth and pulling it back a few times, never taking his eyes off mine. Then he paused, again leaving the decision up to me.
By then, during his long slow thrusts, I had moved my hands up to grasp each of his wrists as he firmly held my head. I did this more as a weak attempt to control the depth of his thrusts than as a way to stop him.
Now, as I looked up at him, I could see the intensity in his eyes. I could see, and smell the fresh sweat shining on his chest and running down from his armpits. I slowly let my hands drop from his wrists, and placed them on my thighs. Then, after staring into his intense, questioning eyes for a moment, I closed my eyes and opened my mouth wider.
Some weeks later, he would describe this act as one of submission between two equal men, and something that turned him on more than anything he could remember.
That it turned him on was unquestionable. I felt him step a bit closer, and he slowly pulled his cock out of my mouth. Then he pushed his crotch against my face, I could feel his huge cock leaning against my nose and his balls touching my lips.
Use your tongue,” he said firmly.
I stuck out my tongue and felt his scrotum pressed close. I began to lick the hairy sack, and could feel his balls tighten. I licked his balls and around his hairy crotch and the base of his penis for a few moments while he groaned lightly and moved his hips. I could feel the electricity of his sexuality move through him.
“In your mouth,” he said cryptically as he began to breathe harder.
I tried to get his scrotum into my mouth but even in its contracted state it was too big.
I stretched my mouth wide and took his left testicle into it, and sucked gently, “Harder,” he said through shortening breaths.
Now I was working frantically, trying to keep up with his increasing passion, and, also realised that my own cock was beginning to harden again. He pulled back slightly and pushed the head of his cock against my lips. There was no resistance as he began to pump his cock into my mouth. I felt like a passive receptacle as I tried to match his thrusts and stretch my mouth without gagging.
He kept it up for almost a minute, grunting and moaning louder with each stroke. As I knelt in front of him with my eyes still closed I felt like my entire body was some sort of device attached to the end of his cock by my mouth.
Then a wave of panic swept over me as I realised what he was about to do. I opened my eyes and looked up over the huge hairy cock that was ramming my face. I caught his glazed eyes and began to shake my head from side to side staring pleadingly into his handsome face. I saw a look of anger pass quickly across his face as he frantically kept jerking his cock into my mouth.
Then he pulled his cock out of my mouth with his right hand, grabbed the top of my head with his left hand and began to come.
His teeth were clenched, and the cords in his neck strained as he let out a series of loud long moans.
I knelt in speechless awe as his cock shot stream after stream of hot cum on my chest and neck. I certainly had never seen, nor could I have imagined a man coming so much. I was drenched.
As the ropes of cum began to subside he pulled my face toward the end of his cock, “Taste it, damn it,” he said with only a slight hint of anger.
I stuck out my tongue and touched the head of his cock. Then he pushed it gently into my mouth and milked it a few times.
As his cum ran down my chest I could feel the last short spurts cover my tongue. I looked up at him and swallowed. The taste of it was strong, salty and it excited me. He watched me swallow it with a small smile on his face, and I lowered my head in embarrassment.
At this point I was hoping for at least a brief moment to gather my thoughts and decide how to handle whatever was going to happen next. However, this was decided for me. He reached down, grabbed me by the shoulder, and led me around the coffee table.
He gently pushed me to the floor on my back and pulled my jeans down to my ankles. I reflexively reached one of my hands down towards my stiff cock, but he grabbed it and put both my arms back over my head on the floor. Then he straddled me, stared down at me and leaned forward quickly and began to suck on one of my nipples while he roughly squeezed and twisted the other.
A shock ran through me at this intense treatment, and before I could respond, he had backed down a bit and was lowering his mouth to my cock.
By now I was in ecstasy and ready to burst. My mind was reeling with thoughts of our first sex a few nights before, my masturbating to fantasies of more sex with him, my girlfriend, the taste of his cum, and the unbelievable feeling of his large hairy body hunkering over me while he greedily sucked my cock.
As my hips began to buck, I could only moan and yell “Christos, I'm going to ..... ”
It didn't matter. I gushed my cum into his mouth, and he never missed a beat as he pumped his face into my crotch. He sucked every drop from me, and then kept my cock in his mouth for what seemed like ages.
When it began to soften temporarily, he sucked it further into his mouth and I could feel his rapid breathing as his nose crushed into my pubic hair. Then he let my cock out of his mouth, and leaned back momentarily while he stroked his cock.
He moved up over me straddling my chest on his knees, and then closer until he was kneeling over my face. He was massaging his cock faster now, and his balls slapped against my chin.
“Now are you ready to do it right?” he said in a half jesting, but serious tone.
I knew what he meant, but was too overcome and exhausted by what he had just done to me to respond. His message was clear. He had just sucked my cock and swallowed every drop. And this after I had backed off from the payoff I had owed him, he was playing the friendly competition routine to the hilt.
I could hardly see his face since his cock and balls were only inches in front of mine, so rather than say anything I just closed my eyes and took his balls into my mouth and began to suck.
“Good boy,” he said as he leaned closer and kept jerking his cock.
After a few minutes of licking the sweat from his balls and sucking on his scrotum, I started to reach around him to grab my own hard cock. He stopped my hand and moved it back over my head so I was spread eagled beneath him. He was going to do this his way.
He pushed his cock into my mouth and started pumping into my face. I tried to accommodate him but it was hard because he was getting rougher and he was leaning over me holding both my wrists to the floor. Then he stopped and reached behind my head and tilted it forward.
“Open your eyes,” he said.
I did.
“Now stick out your tongue.”
I opened my mouth wide and stuck out my tongue. By now he was taking short ragged breaths and his eyes were on fire as he lowered his cock to my mouth.
He wanted to see it happen, and he wanted me to see it.
Now I was as frantic and turned on as he was. I could feel my cock jerking involuntarily, and I just stared wide eyed as his cock descended. With a few final jerks he began to come. He held my head up, and then with the head of his cock an inch from my mouth, began pumping his hot sperm into my mouth and onto my tongue.
As consumed by passion as he was, he had a look of almost fierce concentration on his face. Not one drop even splattered on my face. He was shooting every bit into my mouth, and watching it with a look pure lust in his eyes.
I couldn't believe what was happening. I could see the hot ropes of cum as they left the end of his cock and felt them fill my mouth. I didn't swallow. I just let the hot juice build up and tried not to gag. The sight and smell of this act was overwhelming and I had never been so turned on.
When he finished with me, he stopped milking his cock and stared down at me expectantly. I just blinked once and swallowed, then swallowed again. It was thick and tasted strong but I got it down without gagging.
He watched carefully, and then smiled slightly and leaned back so he was sitting on my chest, as I tried to catch my breath.
After a few minutes he got off me and lay down on the floor with his head on my stomach. We were both drenched in sweat and while I could still taste the strong flavour of his cum in my mouth, I could also feel the sticky mess that clung to my chest from his first orgasm.
We lay, exhausted, for a few minutes. I was enjoying the silence as a respite to try and organise my thoughts. He had just taken me, and despite my very conflicted feelings about what had just happened, I had allowed it, and enjoyed it!
The silence didn't last long.
“Well, I guess we need another talk,” he said.
His tone was tentative, yet mildly sarcastic.
“Christos, it’s okay,” I muttered.
I was too exhausted to get into a deep discussion, and much too turned on to get into a detailed talk about what had just happened. But I knew he was concerned.
“Look,” he said as he drew a deep breath. “The other night was because we were both drunk and I pushed the issue, tonight was different, I wanted to do this, and you had every chance to stop, but you didn't, I think we need to talk.”
“There is nothing to talk about,” I said. “What happened, happened,” I continued with a resolved tone that even surprised me.
“That's not good enough,” he said. “Tonight I sucked your cock and made you suck mine, that's more than a couple of drunken friends jerking off together, a lot more.”
I was confused, but completely turned on. I was also aware that I had seen a whole new side of him, a very intimate, dominant side. He had drawn me in, even seduced me. But he had given me the opportunity to stop this, and I had not.
“Okay, enough!” I said. “I don't want to talk about it, I've had sex with you twice in the past week, and how do you think that makes me feel? This is too weird.”
“It's weird for me too,” he said hesitantly. “But I liked it and I think you did too, otherwise you would have stopped it.”
By now I was agitated and breathing faster. His head was lying on my stomach and he could feel this turmoil, not to mention the fact that my cock was rock hard and leaning against the side of his head even as he spoke.
“Christos, I don't know, maybe this is happening because mum is away, maybe it’s just a stupid experiment, I don't know, but I didn't start it, you did. I just felt like I had to go along, and then I liked it.”
I felt ashamed, but what I had said was true, and the emotion was beginning to overcome me. I didn't like admitting that he had this power, but I had been a willing participant.
He rolled over and put his head close to mine.
“I understand,” he said in a soft determined voice. “So how about this for a man to man deal, just here in the family, I still want it, I want more sex with you. If you want to stop, say so now and it’s all over. If not, I'm going to keep asking for it, you can say no anytime.”
He slowly reached down and wrapped his hand around my cock. Very slowly he wanked it, and stared at me.
I thought for a minute, the words, I don't want to do this anymore, sprang to mind, but what came out of my mouth was, “Okay.”
He moved his head down to my cock and took it deep into his mouth and sucked for a moment.
Then he got up from the floor and said, I'm going to bed,” and left the room.
I lay there in stunned silence trying to assess what I had just done. I knew what this meant. He would be approaching me for sex, probably often and forcefully in the next few weeks, but I could say no. I had put myself in a compliant role, yet I had the power to say no, how was I going to handle this?
As I lay there on the living room floor, the fantasies raced through my head. I began to masturbate and ended with a loud moan as my cum covered my chest. Once again I ran my fingers through the thick liquid and brought them to my lips to taste.