We ate raspberry beignets drowned in a vanilla sauce sweet enough to set your teeth on edge. Aunt Odie poured us each two glasses of milk that were so cold I coughed.

Then the timer went off and Aunt Odie brought in plates piled high with . . .

“What is this?” I asked as she handed me a fork and my dish.

“I’m planning on expanding from dry ingredient products that might use eggs, butter, and water.” My aunt raised an eyebrow at me. “Thinking of expanding into the freezer section.”

I blinked. “You kidding me?”

Aunt Odie smiled. “Didn’t sleep so good last night,” she said. She settled in her chair.

A ghostly appearance of another recipe! Well, well, well.

“This one has chicken and veggies added. What do you two think?”

Buddy gave Aunt Odie a thumbs-up, and we ate till I thought I might pop. It was so tasty I almost forgot about kissing the cutest boy in the neighborhood. Maybe the cutest boy in the school.

I said I almost forgot.