
Chapter Twenty-Two





Shay lifted his coat from my shoulders, refolded the blanket, then pulled me up. I watched him loosen his tie and slowly unbutton his shirt, but I tried hard to keep looking at his face instead of letting my eyes wander down his body. His grin was wicked as he finally tossed his shirt to the side of the blanket—he knew what he did to me. His wings emerged with a snap, the white and silver feathers practically glowed. They were so beautiful. He was so beautiful.

I bet I know what color my wings will be.

I reached out my hand and ran my fingers through the feathers. “What does this feel like?” I whispered.

He closed his eyes, enjoying my touch. “It’s like when you just barely brush someone’s skin. It’s ... so intimate, it makes me shiver.”

Wrapping his wings inward, he plucked a feather and held it out for me to inspect. I ran my fingertip across it, and he lifted my hand so he could run the tip of the feather down the inside of my wrist, lightly touching my skin. I closed my eyes to let the sensation surround me, and my whole body trembled. Goosebumps rose on my arms.

I opened my eyes and looked at him in wonder. If one feather’s touch could do that to me, I could only imagine what my caressing his entire wing was doing for him.

“I love it when you run your fingers through them,” Shay whispered. “It’s like you are touching my soul.”

He pulled me against his bare chest, and I wrapped my arms around his waist, settling my face under his chin. White Angel Light radiated from him, and the fast, steady rhythm of his heart beat against my head. In a sudden movement, his hands settled me and wrapped his wings around us, blocking out the world. Just us.

“Are you ready?” he asked after a moment.

Without a word, I turned so my back was against him, placed my bare feet on his shoes, and I hung onto the arm he’d wrapped tightly around my waist. His wings extended and curled slightly, then launched us into the cool night sky. He held me close to his body and to his heart, and when I shivered, it had nothing to do with being cold.

The chill of the night didn’t seem to bother Shay, which I assumed was one more super power he’d forgotten to mention, but once we were in the air, my body felt the cold. I didn’t want to turn back so soon, but my frozen limbs gave me away. I started shaking and I couldn’t stop my teeth from chattering. Shay had no choice but to return to our picnic.

Once we were on the ground, he draped his coat back around my shoulders and wrapped me in the extra blanket, then he knelt next to me while I tried to get warm. He swathed his wings around us to conserve heat, but I missed his body’s warmth now that two layers separated us. I wiggled out of the blanket and let the coat drop off my shoulders, and leaned against him. Moving his legs into a seated position, he coaxed me into sitting in front of him and then brought his knees up to the sides of my body.

“I’m sorry.” He put his lips to my ear. “I should have realized you’d be freezing.”

“Don’t be sorry. I love flying with you. And besides, if I hadn’t gotten cold, we wouldn’t be able to sit like this.”

We sat for a moment, soaking in each other’s closeness. I couldn’t tell the time, but I knew the evening would have to end soon. Shay felt my restlessness, and now that my shivers had died down, his wings withdrew into his back. He packed up the basket and put his shirt back on, then he picked up the feather he’d plucked from his wing earlier and slowly moved it toward me. I held out my hand, but he didn’t let go. Instead, he looked me in the eyes.

“By giving this to you freely and willingly,” he said somberly, “I am giving you a part of me. A part of my soul.”

That is deep. I stared at him, trying to think of words that might explain how much his gift meant to me, and he let go of the feather.

“Thank you,” I whispered.

He just smiled then led me back toward the car.

“What about the tiki lights?” I asked. “Should we blow them out?”

He shook his head, and I soon realized why. As we passed by each flame, it dimmed and then extinguished so by the time we arrived at the car, all the torches had disappeared.

As Shay pulled up outside my house, Stella’s bedroom curtain moved. She must be waiting for me. Shay spotted her smiling face peering out and he waved. She waved back and closed the curtain.

I elbowed his side. “I think you have an admirer.”

He chuckled then ran his hand down his body. “That may be true, but I don’t think she could handle all things Shay.”

I had to laugh at that. “And you think I can?”

“Oh, I know you can. I’m just waiting for you to prove me wrong, and that may take years to accomplish. I’ll have to find a way to bear it.”

I lingered outside the door, took my time digging out my house key. “Who’s watching me tonight?” I asked.

“Why?” He raised a single brow.

“Just curious. I was kind of hoping it was you, but since you took first watch and Sidelle had last night, it’s probably Kieran’s turn,” I said, unable to keep the disappointment from my voice.

He winked. “You’re in luck. I’ll see you in a little bit. I just have to take my car to Kieran’s.”

With that he drew me close, and his lips molded to mine like they were made to fit. I tilted my head, welcoming him, and we deepened the kiss. His hands pressed against my back, and his tongue swiped across my lower lip. I think I made a small moaning sound, because he smiled against my lips. When at last we pulled apart, we were both breathing hard, and Shay stared deep into my eyes.

“I love you,” he whispered.

I gazed at him, dazzled and having no idea how to speak. I had never said those words to anyone except my family, but as soon as I heard them from Shay, I knew he meant them. “I—”

“You don’t have to say it back,” he said quickly, his smile warm and teasing. “I already know you do.”

In my heart I knew he was right. I loved him. When he said those words out loud, it was like something clicked. Two puzzle pieces found each other from across the board. He would never leave my side, and between the two of us, we would find a way to defeat Sam and his demons. Together, we would save the world.

“Hurry back,” I mouthed, then closed the door behind me.

My parents were already in bed, so I sprinted to my bedroom as quietly as I could, knowing Shay would be back any moment. After I turned off the lights, I left my window open then tucked Shay’s feather under my pillow and waited for his return.

His boots arrived on my sill five minutes later. His wings made no sound as they disappeared under a new black T-shirt.

“Welcome back,” I said. “I missed you.”

“Me, too.”

It was after eleven, but I was wide awake. I sat on my bed, not knowing what to do. Then I shocked myself by saying, “I recall that when you invited me out tonight, you mentioned something about dinner and a lot more kissing ...?”

That was all it took. Shay leaned me back into the bed, kissing me until I could hardly breathe. Everything in my world disappeared but him and the electrical storm raging between us, and I never wanted it to stop. When he eventually moved away, my lips tingled, and I felt momentarily lightheaded.

He lay with his body propped up on an elbow and pressed against my side. Our legs were entwined. He looked down, the love in his eyes obvious and overwhelming. For the first time, I noticed silver flecks sparkling in his aqua eyes. I reached behind his head and drew his mouth back to mine, then I encouraged him to roll onto his back so I had a better view.

“You are so handsome,” I told him. Very gently, I moved a stray piece of hair out of his eyes. “I bet you put all of God’s angels to shame.”

I reached for the hem of his shirt and gently tugged, but he caught my hand with a shake of his head.

“I just ... I just want to see you.” I battled the wave of rejection that briefly washed over me. “I’m not ready to go any farther. When I am, I don’t want to be in my parent’s house, afraid to be caught the whole time. I want it to be perfect.”

His concern eased, and he pulled off his shirt. I gazed down, then lowered my head and kissed his forehead. His hands brushed my waist, and I lowered the rest of my body flat against his. His heat and heartbeat pulsed against me.

“I love you,” I whispered, feeling my own body warm to a fiery hot level.

He pulled me tight against his chest. My eyes closed as I soaked in the beautiful sensations.

“Zoe,” he whispered. “Open your eyes.”

At first I wondered how he’d turned on the bedside light while his hands had been on my back, but then he looked straight at me, his eyes and mouth open wide.

“Zoe, you’re ... radiant.”


“No. Look.”

I stared, confused, at my hands and arms, glowing softly in the dark room. I panicked, rolling out of bed so I could see the rest of my body. The same light rose from everywhere that wasn’t covered by clothes, raising shadows all over the room.

What’s happening to me?

I stared at Shay, way past uneasy now. He looked as confused as I felt—except he was smiling.