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We make our way southbound along County Road Fifty, turn left onto Inter-state 135, and head into Wichita proper. The most logical place to stop and regroup is the Botanical Gardens on the west side of the city. It should be private enough from human eyes. Plus, the radio station we listened to on the way said that the city is in lockdown due to the excessive heat advisory.
As we pull into the parking lot of the gardens, Vash secures a map, and we head into the Shakespeare Garden. Teak benches surround a beautiful, two-tiered limestone fountain. Hawthorn trees line the perimeter. Wild flowers fill in between stone paths.
We pass under a large trellis on our way.
It’s magical, and I would hate to see this place burn.
The heat has risen, and the winds have picked up. It’s not raining here, but the char smell lingers in the air.
“How bad is Europe?” I peel off my black jacket and use the bottom of my T-shirt to wipe my face. “Vegas was really hot and thinking back on it, unnaturally so. I should have known something was wrong. But I was too anxious to get back to Minnesota.”
“It’s the same as here,” Sidelle says. “Strange weather. High temperatures, lots of rainfall.” She pinches one of the yellow daisies from its stem and plucks the pedals, watching them fall in the breeze. “Why did you go to Las Vegas, anyway?”
“I was looking for someone.”
“Did you find them?” Kieran asks.
“Yes, and some trouble along the way,” Vash confirms.
“I was looking for an old friend who owed me a favor. Oriana is a Knight who I’ve crossed paths with before, and I helped her out of a jam. She hears a lot of stories from the demons that pass through the city. When they relax or are drunk, they get loose lipped and they talk. So, I knew that she would probably know who and maybe even where Zoe is being held.”
“We found the demon at the Purple Zebra,” Vash says. “And convinced her to leave her gambling habit for a few minutes to talk with us outside. Some Knights found us in the alley and wanted to make a name for themselves by taking out an Alpha.”
“But we wiped the floor with them, eventually,” I say. “Oriana said that someone kidnapped a girl and is keeping her in a vocivus room.”
“Really?” Kieran asks. “She’s said vocivus?”
“Yes, why?”
“Because Michael said that only angels can create them.”
“What are they?” Sidelle asks.
“They’re special rooms placed within the Void.” Kieran paces to one of the benches and sits, shoulders slumped. “The space moves from Level to Level, so they are hard to track. Only the creator knows exactly where it is and can bring anything into the room or can exclude any item. Powerful Light can be used to bring items in, if it’s not already in the room. The only way out is if the creator lets them go.”
“Well, we know that Zoe is being kept in that type of room by Aiden,” I say. “Now, we have to find out where and if there’s a way of breaking her out.”
“Yes, and we need to continue helping the Ordinaries with this mess. The angels are doing all they can, but once a soul dies, they cannot bring them back. Massive amounts of souls are making their way into the Heavens lately.”
“What about my people?” Sidelle suggests. “If we can get my father to open a porta, Summer will help. I know they will. They can take care of the rains to dowse the fires, and maybe my father can stop the downpour that’s causing the flooding.”
“Let’s try it.” Kieran slaps his hands against the bench and stands. “It’s all we’ve got for now. Sidelle, go see your father and get as many fairies as he can spare. I know you probably don’t want to, but you may need to contact Finn, too, and get help from Winter.”
“I’ll go see my father first, and if I cross paths with Finn, I’ll update him. I haven’t seen him since the battle in Winter.” A green shimmer envelopes her body and she disappears.
“All right, what else do we have?” Kieran asks. “Shay, why don’t you get some rest? We’ll hang out here for a while and see if Sidelle comes back. You look horrible, and you’ll need your strength when we rescue Zoe.” He claps me on my back. “There’s going to be an upcoming battle if the weather keeps up like this. The next phase will probably see animals dying in mass numbers like on the beaches of Italy.”
“Yeah, okay. I’ll see if she’s sleeping and can Dream Walk to me.” I lie on one of the benches and close my eyes. My mind fights me, but eventually my body relaxes and I’m asleep.
I find myself standing on a beach, like the last time. No footprints mark the pristine sand. “Zoe?” I call out to her, in case she can hear me. The gentle waves lap against the shore as the bright sun warms my face. “I’m here, waiting for you.” It’s relaxing, and I wish I could stay here forever. I’m mentally and physically stretched to the limits. It’s been almost a month since I’ve held Zoe in my arms, and we’re no closer to finding her. She’s going to turn eighteen in a couple of weeks, and I won’t even be able to be with her on her special day. It’s not fair.
I’m pouting like a petulant child. I can be selfish for this minute. No one is around and seeing me fail. I can have this moment. My strength is waning.
God, I miss her.
“Zoe, I need to see you. Please come visit me in my dreams.”
Today, I have my wings out. They twitch as if someone is watching me. I turn around, but no one is there.
Millions of tiny sparkles light and merge together, forming an orb. As the circle solidifies, a shape appears. A girl with long, brown hair emerges. She’s wearing yoga pants and a purple T-shirt. Her smile breathes fire into my body. Her athletic build is running across the sand toward me. “Shay!” the person yells.
I know that voice instantly as her body solidifies. “Zoe!” I lift my body with my wings and gather her into my arms. “I’m so happy to see you.” My wings wrap around us like a protective bubble. I kiss her feverously, not allowing her to talk.
Finally, we break apart.
“Shay, I’ve missed you so much.” She places her head on my shoulder. “Tell me everything. But first, what day is it?”
“It’s Friday, June 7.”
“My birthday is in two weeks. My phone died probably four weeks ago. Tell me something good.” She leans up and gives me a soft kiss on my cheek.
“I love you.” My hand wraps about her waist and refuses to let go. I pull her down to the sand, never breaking contact. I proceed to tell her everything that is happening on earth. I describe the natural disasters, and what we’re doing about it. About all the souls that have died. And what Kieran thinks will still happen. I end the story with Sidelle’s trip back to Fairyland to enlist the help from Summer.
“Aiden lets me see where you guys are at and what you’re doing through a special mirror,” Zoe says. “There’s been sound on and off. My heart broke the day I saw all these colored orbs release into the Heavens, the day of the flooding. I guessed what they were, and now you’ve confirmed it.” Her eyes tear. “With everything that is going on, you guys haven’t had time to look for me.”
“No, we haven’t. Zoe, I’m sorry. We’re all doing what we can. When I was in Vegas, someone corroborated that you are being held in a vocivus room. And we think that Aiden created it especially for you. Only he can let you out, so it doesn’t matter if we know where you are, we can’t break you out of it.” I hang my head.
“It’s okay, Shay. I know that all of you guys are doing everything to find me and help the humans. They need it more than me. I’m not dying in that room.” Zoe bumps my shoulder. “Well, maybe a teensy tiny bit from boredom, but I’ll survive. There are people out there around the world who are not that lucky.”
“You’re amazing, you know that, right?” I kiss the top of her head.
“Have you guys figured out what Aiden is?”
“Kieran said that Michael confirmed that only angels can create vocivus rooms. But I tend to disagree with him. I know he was the one who tortured me, and the place had to be somewhere in Hell. So, unless there are angels in Hell ...”
“He’s a demon.”
“How do you know?”
“Because he told me. I guessed, and he didn’t deny it. He said he’s tortured beings for a very long time. Plus, he kidnapped me. No angel would do those things, right?”
“Not any that I know of. But the person I met in Vegas, she’s a Knight ... well, she isn’t all bad to the core. She’s helped me out of a few jams in my life.” I watch as Zoe’s lips flatten. She’s mad but won’t contradict me. “Look, whatever Aiden is, it’s up to you to get him to release you. You’re going to have to figure out his plan and get ahead of it.”
“I know. I’m realizing that, too.” She sighs. “He’s not all bad. I don’t think. If he was, why does he visit me? He asks me a lot of questions about me growing up, my future, and the way I see the world. If he wants to kill me, he would have done it already.”
“No, he wouldn’t. He needs you to be eighteen, so he can see your wings or your Heaven’s Mark. He won’t do anything until then.” We both contemplate that and look out toward the blue water. “We still have time. But Zoe, you need to get him talking. If he’s chatting you up, he’s doing it for a reason. You need do the same. Maybe he’ll slip, and you can get yourself out. You’ll be coming into your powers soon.” I squeeze her hand. “I wish I was there for you to help you. I know Kieran wishes that, too.”
“It’s enough that I know you both are thinking of me. But okay, I’ll get Aiden to open up to me. Somehow.”
“Good. Now, let me hold you until you have to go.”
Since it’s my dream, I think of the sun setting. Bright oranges, reds, blues, and purples canvas the sky. The full moon shines on the opposite side while the sun sets. Twinkling stars dot the horizon.
The waves lapping the shore are the only sound besides our breathing, which is in sync with each other. The sun finally sets, and the ocean stills, leaving only the beating of our hearts.