“Everybody on?” Todd asked.
“I count six,” the pilot said.
“Six it is. We’re ready.”
The propeller started with a whoosh, and Piper sat back for the helicopter ride. Her heart burning in her chest, she longed for Landon to say something . . . anything to break this silence between them. She’d asked him to leave last night because she couldn’t take him reasoning their kiss away so quickly. The taste of him had still lingered on her lips while he tried to convince her it wasn’t real, that their feelings were due to circumstances. While their close quarters amplified things, the feelings had been simmering beneath the surface since last summer. They’d finally broken through, and circumstances or not, they’d need to face them.
“We’re close,” the pilot said.
“Go ahead and gear up,” Todd instructed.
Piper stomped into her bindings and locked them.
“It’s blustery out there today,” Todd said. “Make sure you cover up.”
She zipped her jacket over her fleece and yanked on her gloves, praying the excursion would provide a much-needed adrenaline release.
Todd bent over, resting a hand on her shoulder. “You ready for the ride of your life?”
She looked at Landon, finally catching his gaze. Their eyes held, and she couldn’t help but wonder if they were on the precipice of something great or about to take a terrible fall.
“Two minutes,” Todd said. “We’ll do two teams out there. Piper, your friend, and me, drop one. Kurt”—he lifted his chin toward the other instructor—“you and your party take drop two. We’ll rendezvous at base one for lunch at eleven hundred hours.”
Kurt nodded, and they all prepared for the copter door to open.
“Ready to roll,” the pilot said.
“All right.” Kurt rubbed his hands. “Fresh powder just waiting for us. Doesn’t get much better than this.”
“Remember, be kind to the mountain, and hopefully she’ll be kind to you.” Todd signaled for Landon to jump first. He moved into place and the bitter winter wind swirled in as the door opened to the elements. “You’re clear.”
Landon glanced back once at her and jumped.
Todd signaled her to move into place. “We give him thirty for clearance and you’re up.”
Adrenaline coursed through her as she stared out over the vast snow-covered wilderness. Pristine canvas waiting to be carved. Kurt was right. It didn’t get much better than this. She needed this distraction, this release.
“You’re clear,” Todd said.
With a grin, she jumped. Joy surged as she plunged toward the virgin snow. The tension melted from her body, replaced by the addictive rush of adventure.
She hit; the powder, thick and fresh, cushioned her impact. She glided over the pristine snow and a few yards ahead spotted Landon waiting for her. As she approached, she pulled a one-eighty across his path.
“Show off.” He laughed, the heavy weight of seriousness appearing to ease some.
He pulled in front of her, bending his knees as he swooshed around the natural moguls, kicking a spray of powder up in his wake.
“Not bad, old man.” She grinned, speeding past.
“Who are you calling old?” He shot past her again and flew off the precipice. He tucked effortlessly into a flip, his skis perfectly crossed.
Her breath hitched until he landed, smoothly pulling out and swishing to a stop.
She hovered at the edge. “Impressive.”
“Let’s see what you got.”
“You might want to move back. I go big.”
He smiled, and she turned to make her run. Taking a deep breath, she cleared her mind and focused only on the jump ahead. With a push, she dropped into it and pulled a three-sixty as she soared over the cliff.
She righted and landed, boarding to Landon’s side.
He clapped. “Not bad for a rookie.”
“Rookie? Ha! I just schooled you.”
“Not bad, you two,” Todd called down from the overhang. “I can see we’re going to have some fun today.”
It’d be a lot more fun if it were just her and Landon.
“So you’re a friend of Karli’s?” Todd asked, squatting beside Piper as they broke for lunch. They all sat on the canvas chairs the support crew had brought along with their lunch to the appointed rendezvous spot.
Landon gave her space to converse with Todd but was keeping a close eye on them from his vantage point by a copse of snow-covered trees.
She wiped peanut butter from her lip. “Yep. I’m a friend of Karli’s.” She was growing more attached to the deceased woman with each passing day, feeling deeply for the loss of life and for the struggles Karli had endured—many self-inflicted, it seemed.
Todd retrieved his sack lunch from the cooler and settled into the chair beside her. “So how’d you know Karli?”
“We met about a year back.”
“Where at?” Todd popped his soda open.
“On the slopes.”
“You two hang out a lot?” He bit into his sandwich.
“I wouldn’t say a lot, but we had some mutual friends.”
“Like who?”
“Megan Whitaker and Tess Girard.”
“Tess is a cool chick. How about you?” He fingered her hair, which had to be flat and snow-flaked. “Piper, isn’t it?”
Okay, maybe Landon was right and Todd was a player. While she normally wouldn’t give a player the time of day, she needed whatever information she could get. For Reef. “That’s right.” She smiled up at him.
“Are you a cool chick?” he asked, his voice deepening.
She fought the urge to hurl. “I like to think so.”
“Cool like Karli?” He winked.
She forced herself to maintain her smile. “I think we all fall short of Karli’s level of coolness.”
He chuckled. “So we’re having a party tonight at my place. Just the crew and a few guests of our choosing.”
“Sounds like fun.”
“So you’ll come?”
“Sure. What time?”
“Ten. Just leave your friend behind.”
“My friend?”
“The guy you came with. I’m assuming you two aren’t an item?”
“No.” How could they be if Landon wouldn’t open up to her?
“Cool. So leave him behind.”
Landon would never go for it. “How come?”
“Guy-to-chick ratio. Need to keep it even. That’s not a problem, is it? Because if you’d rather hang with him . . .”
“No, it’s not that. He’s just protective.”
Todd wrapped his heavy arm around her shoulder. “Tell him not to worry. I’ll take good care of you.”
Yeah, that’ll help.
“No way!” Landon roared.
She hadn’t expected anything less. “But it may be our only chance to get information.”
“We’ll find another way.” He paced the length of his room, his shoulders rigid.
“Come on . . .” she said, remaining on the couch, refusing to give in to his hurried stride. “You know this will give you the perfect opportunity to get in to the staff storage area. Todd said nearly all the staff is coming, plus a lot of the guests. Besides, they’ll be drinking.”
He halted briefly at the mention of alcohol. “Yet another reason I don’t want you going in there alone.”
“I understand, but the employees are way more likely to talk freely with a few drinks in them.”
“They are way more likely to do a lot of things with alcohol in them—none of which I’m okay with. You don’t know these people.”
“I’ll take my phone and text you at the first sign of any trouble.”
“Cell service is sketchy at best up here.”
“Todd’s cabin is less than a hundred feet from the lodge. I can come back if anything feels wrong.”
“That’s not good enough.”
“Well, it’s going to have to be.” She was going. It would give Landon time to find Karli’s locker and could be what they finally needed to break the case open. She got to her feet and headed for the door, praying she’d reach it before he could stop her. “We have to do whatever it takes to help Reef.”
He clasped hold of her arm. “Not whatever.”
She ignored the intensity in his eyes. “You know what I mean.”
“But those guys don’t.”
“I can handle them, and you know we need this.”
“No lead is worth risking your safety.”
“It’s just a party, Landon. There will be tons of people. I’ll be okay, I promise.” She wasn’t giving him a choice, and the resignation in his gaze said he knew it.