How much easier it is to deal with hunger and thirst when one feels surrounded by a group of like-minded people, be they family, friends or colleagues. For this book, many have provided me with food and drink, literally on the plate and in the glass, and in the form of helpful guidance and information. Very special mentions are due to Stefan Abtmeyer, Keith Arbour, Hans Bergemann, Frank Ebbinghaus, Jutta and Wolfram Eberhard, Elisabeth Luard, William Rubel, Sabrina Small, Melitta Weiss-Adamson and Barbara Ketcham Wheaton. They all supported me in the most generous way after Michael Leaman of Reaktion Books trusted me with this task. My grandparents and my parents provided me with the cultural and social background without which this book would have been impossible to write, and Stuart Pigott convinced me I could do it. Danke.