- air travel 64–5
- Ajax 85
- Alain 57
- Alexandria 23
- Alps 28
- Alvarez, Balthazar, Tratado de la oración de silencio 42
- Angelico, Fra 74
- animals 14, 82
- Annunciation 75
- Antonioni, Michelangelo, Blow-up 82
- Apocalypse 45, 108
- apostolate, practice of the 49
- Aristotle 85
- armistice 63
- army 55, 57, 95
- Ars, curé of 92
- ars meditandi 41–2
- Artaud, Antonin 68
- asceticism 51
- Auburn penal system 59
- Austen, Jane 33
- Bachelard, Gaston 21, 80
- Baecque, Antoine de 89
- Baläy, Olivier 61
- Balzac, Honoré de
- Béatrix 36–7
- La Comédie humaine 37
- Barbey d’Aurevilly, Jules 5, 34–5, 37–8
- Le Chevalier des Touches 38
- ‘The Crimson Curtain’ 9, 103
- Un Prêtre marié (A Married Priest) 5, 35
- Barbizon School 79
- Barbusse, Henri, Le Feu (Under Gunfire) 63–4
- barking dogs 62
- Barthélemy, Guy 24–5, 26
- battlefields 63–4
- Baudelaire, Charles 6–7, 52, 116
- bedrooms 1, 6–7, 8–13, 101
- bells 10, 37, 56, 57, 61–2
- Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament 56
- Bernanos, Georges, Monsieur Ouine 10–12, 103–4, 117
- Bernard, St 46
- Biasi, Pierre-Marc de 27
- Blanchot, Maurice 79–80
- Böcklin, Arnold, Isle of the Dead 77
- Bonnard, Pierre, L’Homme et la femme 77
- Bonnefoy, Yves 75, 114
- Borromeo, Charles 42
- Bossuet, Jacques-Bénigne 45–6, 66–7
- ‘Meditation on Silence’ 46
- ‘Second Panegyric upon St Benedict’ 46
- Bouguereau, William-Adolphe, The Birth of Venus 77
- Breschand, Jean 20
- Broch, Hermann, Der Tod des Virgil (The Death of Virgil) 117–18
- Brontë sisters 33
- Bruges 5, 21, 35
- Byron, Lord 116
- Camus, Albert
- ‘La mer au plus près’ (‘The Sea Close By’) 31
- The Outsider 16, 102, 118
- cars 62
- Carthusian rule 44–5
- Castiglione, Baldesar, Book of the Courtier 85–6, 98–9
- catastrophe 116
- cathedrals and churches 14–15, 55
- cats 14, 82
- Celan, Paul 114
- Cézanne, Paul 79
- Chaix, Gérald 44–5
- Champaigne, Philippe de 76
- Chaplin, Charlie 81
- Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Siméon 79
- Chartres 15
- Chateaubriand, François René de 20–1, 23–4, 32, 38, 39, 48
- Genius of Christianity 21, 30, 38, 56
- Chavaud, Frédéric, Histoire de la haine (History of Hate) 105–6
- children 14, 55, 58, 116
- cinema 14, 20, 49, 65, 81–3, 106–7
- Claudel, Paul 76
- Conversations dans le Loir-et-Cher 73
- L’Oeil écoute (The Eye Listens) 6, 72–3
- Colin, Auguste 25
- communautés taisibles 93
- Compline 56
- connectivity, permanent 3
- Conrad, Joseph, The Shadow Line 30–1
- Constant, Benjamin
- Constantinople 23
- contagiousness of silence 57
- contemplation 1, 5, 44, 66, 67
- contemplative ideal 49
- convents 15–16
- Corpus Christi 56
- Coulange, Pierre 69–70, 109, 110
- Counter Reformation 45
- countryside 1, 19, 33–5, 92–5, 116
- courtiers 85–7, 99
- courtly love 98
- Creation 69–70, 79, 108
- Crebouw, Yvonne 93–4
- crowing cocks 62
- cry of pain 64
- cry of pleasure 64
- Dalí, Salvador 78
- At the Seaside 78
- Enigma 78
- David, Félicien, ‘Le Désert’ 25
- death 2, 11–12, 48, 77, 116–21
- decor 12–13
- Degas, Edgar, L’Absinthe 77, Plate 5
- Deguy, Michel 114
- Delacomptée, Jean-Michel vi
- Delacroix, Eugène 72, 73, 90–1
- Delvau, Alfred, Dictionnaire érotique moderne 103
- Dennis, Maurice 78
- desacralizing silence 57
- Desert Fathers 22, 51
- deserts 1, 22–7, 46, 50
- Deslandes, Léopold 102
- Dictionnaire de théologie morale 84–5
- Dido 85
- Dinouart, Abbé, L’Art de se taire 88–90
- Dionysius Cato 85
- Dreyer, Jeanne de 81
- du Bos, Charles 68
- Dufresny, Charles 88
- Earth, destruction of 120–1
- education and discipline of silence 54–65
- Elias, Norbert 58, 85
- Eliot, George 33
- Emanuel, Pierre, La Révolution parallèle (The Parallel Revolution) 69
- eroticism 9, 102
- Escorial 39
- etiquette manuals 58
- fear of silence 115–16
- Fénélon, François, Télémaque 89
- First World War 63–4
- flâneur 63
- Flaubert, Gustave 23, 27
- Madame Bovary 91
- Voyage en Égypte 27
- forests and woods 31–3, 52
- Foucauld, Charles de 49–50, 67
- Foucault, Michel 57
- Franciscans 49
- Friedrich, Caspar David 77
- The Wanderer above the Sea of Fog 76–7
- Fromentin, Eugène 23, 25–7, 34
- Un Été dans le Sahara (A Summer in the Sahara) 26–7
- Fumaroli, Marc 42, 73, 74, 75, 87
- Futurists 62
- Gabin, Jean 107
- García Lorca, Federico 78
- Garrel, Philippe 14
- Gasnier, Thierry, ‘Le silence des organes’ (‘The silence of the organs’) 58
- Gastyne, Marco de, L’Angoisse du Poilu (The Anguish of the Poilu) 63
- Gélard, Marie-Luce 59
- Genette, Gérard 91
- Gethsemane 110, 111
- God
- Gogh, Vincent van 79
- Goncourt, Edmond de 16
- good government 89
- Gracián, Baltasar, Oráculo Manual y Arte de Prudencia (The Courtier’s Oracle or The Art of Worldly Wisdom) 85, 86–7
- Gracq, Julien 92, 116
- Granada, Luis de 42
- Grand Dictionnaire universel Larousse du XIXe siècle 55
- Granier-Deferre, Pierre, The Cat 106–7
- ‘green sickness’ 58–9
- Guerande 36–7
- Guérin, Maurice de 18, 20
- Harpocrates 10, 54
- hate-filled silence 105–7
- historians 60
- Hopper, Edward 5, 78–9, 106
- hospitals 64
- houses 1, 4, 5–13
- Hughes, Arthur, The Long Engagement Plate 4
- Hugo, Victor 9–10, 111–12, 119
- Contemplations 21, 34, 70–1, 100–1, 119
- ‘Les Mages’ 112
- Les Rayons et les Ombres 9–10, 119–20
- Les Voix intérieures (Inner Voices) 32, 34, 39–40
- Sous les arbres (Beneath the Trees) 101
- hunting 95
- Huysmans, Joris-Karl 7, 14–16, 52, 94–5, 114–15
- hyper-mediatization 3
- Ignatius Loyola, St 42–3, 84
- injunctions to be silent 54, 55, 57, 64–5
- interiority 2, 5, 41, 66, 112, 115
- internal gustatory sensations 58–9
- intimacy of places 1, 4–17
- invalids 2, 117
- Ionescu, Eugène, Fragments of a Journal 68
- Isaiah 110
- Jacottet, Philippe 22, 114
- James, St 45
- Jerome, St 76
- Jerusalem 23
- Jesus 46, 47, 49, 50, 66, 67, 84, 108, 110, 111, 112, 113
- Job 109
- John of the Cross, St 43–4, 70, 109
- Joseph of Nazareth 66, 67
- Joubert, Joseph 20
- Judea 23
- Kafka, Franz 7
- Khnopff, Fernand, Silence 77, Plate 1
- Kierkegaard, Søren 69
- Klotz, Nicolas 20
- Kupka, Frantisek, The Voice of Silence 78
- La Bruyère, Jean de 7, 88
- ‘la petite mort’ 103
- La Rochefoucauld, François de 87–8
- La Tour, Georges de, Saint Joseph the Carpenter 75–6, Plate 3
- Lamartine, Alphonse de 23, 24
- Lamentations 110
- Lande de Lessay 34
- Laroche, Michel 51
- Laude, Patrick 81
- Laurent, Thierry 52
- ‘law of silence’ 58
- Le Clézio, Jean-Marie, L’Extase matérielle (The Material Ecstasy) 69
- Leconte de Lisle, Charles Marie René 18
- Léonard, Jacques 61
- Leonardo da Vinci, Virgin of the Rocks 75
- Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim 72
- libraries 16
- liturgy 16
- Lourdes 15
- lovers 1–2, 9, 96–107
- Luc, Jean-Noël 57
- Lucretius, De rerum natura 20
- Lyon 61
- Maeterlinck, Maurice 52, 54–5, 68, 71, 96–7, 115, 118
- Magritte, René, Empire of Light 78, Plate 7
- Malherbe, François de 118
- Mallarmé, Stéphane 18, 118
- Marcel, Gabriel 68
- Marcus Aurelius 42
- Marin, Louis 76
- Martha and Mary 49
- Mary Magdalene 76
- Masson, Bernard 91
- Mastrangelo, Giulia Latini 78
- masturbation 102
- Mauriac, François 80
- meditation 1, 5, 41, 43, 48, 74, 84
- Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 71
- Michaud, Stéphane 114
- Michelet, Jules 30
- Millet, Jean-Francois, Angelus 77
- Milton, John 99, 115
- ‘minute’s silence’ 57
- Modiano, Patrick 52
- Molière 58, 90
- monastic tradition 41–2, 44–5, 46, 47–8, 49, 51
- Moncade, M. de 88
- Mons, Alain 82
- Montauban 62
- Montesquieu 87
- moon 21, 22
- moors 34–5
- moral philosophy 42
- Moreau, Gustave, Orpheus at the Tomb of Eurydice 77–8
- Morisot, Berthe, The Cradle 77
- Moulin, Émile 32, 89, 90
- mountains 1, 27–9, 30
- Mozet, Nicole 37
- Muir, John 29, 33
- mysticism 43–4, 51
- Nadar 61–2
- nature 18–40
- Nazareth 49–50, 66–7
- Nazarova, Nina 81
- Neri, Philip 42
- Nerval, Gérard de 23
- ‘Le Christ aux Oliviers’ 112–13
- Nietzsche, Friedrich, On the Genealogy of Morality 52
- night 20–2, 28, 32
- Nivernais 34
- noise
- city noise 2–3, 60–1
- lower-class associations 61
- tolerance of 2, 60, 61–2
- objects that speak to the soul 12–13
- oceans and seas 1, 30–1
- O’Dwyer, Michael 80
- orgasm 102, 103
- Orient 23
- Orthodox theology 51, 108–9
- paintings 1, 71–9
- Dutch paintings 72
- muta eloquentia 72, 73
- school of silence 73
- vanitas paintings 48, 76
- Palmyra 38
- Paris 38, 39–40, 60–1, 63
- Parry, Margaret 51
- Pascal, Blaise 73, 99, 109, 115
- Passion of Jesus 110, 111
- peasants 92–5
- Péguy, Charles 98, 118
- Pennsylvania penal system 59
- Perpetual Adoration 55–6
- Perrot, Michelle 6
- Picard, Max 4, 12, 14, 19–20, 31, 38–9, 68–9, 72, 98, 108, 117
- Piero della Francesca
- The Madonna of the Parturition Plate 6
- Resurrection 75
- Plato, Euthydemus 30
- Poirier, Léon, L’Appel du silence 49
- Ponge, Francis 52
- Port-Royal 39
- Poussin, Nicolas 72, 73
- power of silence 60, 68, 71, 74, 115
- prayer 1, 5, 41, 92
- interior 41, 42, 43, 73
- silence as precondition for 48
- primordial silence 69–70
- prisons 16, 59
- private sphere 60
- Proust, Marcel 7, 21–2, 52, 104
- In Search of Lost Time 8–9, 101
- Proverbs 85, 110
- prudence in conversation 46, 47, 87, 88, 89
- Prudhomme, Sully, Les Solitudes 32
- Psalms 70, 109–10
- Publilius Syrus 85
- Quignard, Pascal 69, 102
- Tch’eng Lien’s Last Music Lesson 71
- Tous les matins du monde (All the World’s Mornings) 71–2
- Racine, Jean, Esther 90
- Radcliffe, Ann, The Mysteries of Udolpho 33
- Rancé, abbot of 45, 47–8
- Raphael, Silence of the Virgin 75
- Redon, Odilon, Closed Eyes Plate 2
- Reformation 45
- Relais di silence 53
- religious establishments 41–2, 44–5, 46, 47–8, 56–7
- religious services 55–6
- Rembrandt van Rijn 72–3, 76
- The Night Watch 73
- Stormy Landscape 73
- reverie 1
- rhetoric of the body 89, 99
- Richter, Johann Paul Friedrich 97
- Rilke, Rainer Maria 8
- Rodenbach, Georges 5, 12–13, 21, 29, 35–6, 97–8, 116–17
- ‘Les malades aux fenêtres’ (‘The sick at the windows’) 117
- Roubaud, Félix 102
- Rousseau, Théodore 79
- ruins 38–40
- Russolo, Luigi 62
- Sablé, Madame de 88
- Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de 27, 102, 116
- Saint-Simon, Henri de 60
- Samain, Albert 80–1
- Sansot, Pierre 38
- Saussure, Horace-Bénédict de, Voyages dans les Alpes (Travels in the Alps) 28
- schools 57
- search for silence 41–53
- seasons 20
- secret societies 58
- Senancour, Étienne Pivert de, Obermann 16, 28–9, 51–2, 90, 100, 115–16
- Seneca 42, 85, 86
- sensuality of silence 102–4
- seraglio 23
- serpent 115
- servants 58, 93
- Shasta, Mount 29
- Shroud of Turin 73
- Signoret, Simone 107
- Silentiarios 55
- Simmel, Georg 59, 63
- Simon, Claude 108
- snow 29–30
- social relations 84–95
- Soligny 39, 46
- Solomon 85
- sound landscape, transformation of 61–3
- sovereigns 89
- Sparta 23
- speech of silence 68–83
- Staffe, Baronne 58
- stoical silence 116
- Stoics 85
- street cries 61, 63
- street music 61
- sublime, cult of the 1, 24, 27–8
- Surrealist painters 78
- symbolist painters 77–8
- taciturnity 90, 92, 94, 95
- Tacitus 86
- tactics of silence 84–95
- talking 54–5
- art of suspending thought 54
- knowing when, and when not to 59, 60
- malfunction of the natural order 57
- risks of speech 85–8
- Tapié, Alain 48
- Teresa, Mother (St Teresa of Calcutta) 110
- thaumaturgy of silence 117
- Theresa of Avila, St 44, 110
- Theresa of the Infant Jesus, St 110
- Thoreau, Henry David 18–19, 32, 69, 95
- Thuillier, Guy 34
- the tomb 2, 119
- Tours 37
- towns and cities 35, 116
- city noise 2–3, 60–1, 63
- episcopal cities 37
- provincial towns 10, 36–8
- tragedy of silence 108–21
- trains and trams 63, 64
- transcendence 52, 69, 109
- types of silence 88–9, 90, 94
- Urfé, Honoré d’, L’Astrée 99
- Valéry, Paul 4, 22, 91–2
- vanitas paintings 48, 76
- Vasak, Anouchka 76
- Vecchiali, Paul 82
- Venayre, Sylvain 95
- Vercors, The Silence of the Sea 6
- Vermeer, Johannes 72
- Verne, Jules, A Fantasy of Dr Ox 10
- Vespers 56
- Vigny, Alfred de 100, 102, 114, 116, 120
- ‘Dolorida’ 105
- ‘Le Mont des Oliviers’ 110–11
- virtue, silence as a 84, 85
- Walden 19
- Walser, Robert 33
- warfare 63–4
- Whitman, Walt 7–8, 21
- William of Orange (the Silent) 90
- Wittgenstein, Ludwig 69
- workers 58, 93
- Wray, Fay 82
- writing 79–80
- Zola, Émile
- A Love Affair 29–30
- The Dream 10
- The Earth 92