59 Beech Cliff Loop

Enjoy clifftop views of Echo Lake and beyond from this easy trail featuring a loop and out-and-back sections. You can see the fire tower on nearby Beech Mountain from a rocky knob. From spring to midsummer, peregrine falcons may be nesting in the cliffs below the trail.

Distance: 0.8-mile lollipop

Hiking time: About 30 minutes to 1 hour

Difficulty: Easy

Trail surface: Forest floor, graded gravel, rock ledges

Best season: Spring through fall, particularly early morning or late afternoon in summer to avoid the crowds

Other trail users: Hikers going to the Canada Cliff Trail or coming up a difficult ladder climb from Echo Lake

Canine compatibility: Leashed dogs permitted

Map: USGS Acadia National Park and Vicinity

Special considerations: No facilities

Finding the trailhead: Head south from Somesville on ME 102, and turn right (west) at the flashing yellow light toward Pretty Marsh. Take the second left onto Beech Hill Road at a sign pointing to Beech Mountain and Beech Cliff. Follow Beech Hill Road south for 3.2 miles to the parking lot at its end. The Beech Cliff Loop trailhead is across from the parking lot, on the left (east) side of the road. The Island Explorer bus does not stop here, although the Southwest Harbor line lets riders off at Echo Lake, which is a strenuous ladder climb away. The ladder route is not recommended for the out of shape or faint of heart and not allowed for dogs. GPS: N44 31.53' / W68 34.32'


The blackberry shrub flashes white petals.

The Hike

This is the easier of two ways to access Beech Cliff and its views, because the trailhead is basically at the same elevation as the cliff. (The other way is a difficult ladder climb up Beech Cliff from Echo Lake.)

From the parking lot the trail rises gradually through the woods to a junction with the Canada Cliff Trail at 0.2 mile. Bear left (northeast) to the Beech Cliff Loop, where you have a choice of taking the inland or the cliff side of the loop. Either way is relatively flat, with some granite steps to make the footing easier, but we prefer getting the views first: Bear right for the cliff side of the loop, reaching Beech Cliff at 0.3 mile. (If you bear left for the inland side of the loop first, it will be 0.5 mile from the trailhead before you get to the edge of the cliff.)

From Beech Cliff you can look down on Echo Lake Beach and the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) camp—but do not get too close to the edge.


Late afternoon sun places the rocks of Beech Cliff Loop in sharp relief.

Acadia and St. Sauveur Mountains are farther east. To the south are Somes Sound, the Gulf of Maine, and the Cranberry Isles; to the southwest is Beech Mountain, with its fire tower. You may also hear the traffic on ME 102, across the lake.

The trail continues along the cliff then circles inland, closing the loop at 0.6 mile. Bear right (southwest) to return to the parking lot at 0.8 mile.


Miles and Directions

0.0Start at the Beech Cliff Loop trailhead, across the road (east) from the parking lot.

0.2At the junction with Canada Cliffs Trail, bear left (northeast) to the Beech Cliff Loop, where you can take the cliff side of the loop first (right) or the inland side (left). Turn right and head toward the cliff.

0.3Reach Beech Cliff. (If you take the inland side of the loop first, you’ll reach Beech Cliff at 0.5 mile.)

0.6Circle back to close the loop at the junction with Canada Cliffs Trail, and bear right (southwest) back to the parking lot.

0.8Arrive back at the trailhead.