Abbate v. United States
Abu Ghraib prison/torture
Actus reus (prohibited act)
Ad-Dawr, Iraq
Bin Laden/Al Qaeda and
nations joining in fight
Against All Enemies: Inside America’s War on Terror
“Aiding and abetting,” 88-89
Al Qaeda
Afghanistan and
Kenya/Tanzania embassy bombings
“no attacks since 9/11” comments
summer (2001) threats
USS Cole and
See also 9/11 attacks; 9/11 attacks and Al Qaeda-Hussein link; Bin Laden, Osama
Al Qaeda in Iraq
Alabama, Conrad v.
Albright, Madeleine
Aldrich v. People
Allen, Mike
Alter, Jonathan
Ambling into History: George Bush (Bruni)
Ani, Ahmad Khalil Ibrahim al-
Annan, Kofi
Armey, Dick
Armor. See Equipment needs
Armstrong, Katherine
Army Times, The
Ashcroft, Evan
Ashcroft, John
At the Center of the Storm (Tenet)
Atta, Mohammed
Avineri, Shlomo
Aziz, Tarik
Bailey, State v.
Baker, James
Baker, Ross
Baker, Russell
Bamford, James
Bandar, Awad al-
Bartkus v. Illinois
Basler, Roy
Bay of Pigs invasion
Beirut/U.S. soldier compound bombing
Ben-Veniste, Richard
Benitez, United States v.
Bergen, Peter
Berger, Sandy
Berry, Dennis G.
Beschloss, Michael
Beyer, Marina
Bin Laden, Osama
9/11 reasons
Afghan-Soviet War and
Afghanistan and
Bush not pursuing
Clinton and
Hussein and
Pakistan and
plans on killing
Tora Bora and
See also 9/11 attacks; Al Qaeda
Bissell, Richard
Blackstone, Sir William
Blair, Tony
Blix, Hans
Bolton, Joshua
Boutros-Ghali, Boutros
Brooks, Rosa
Brown, Michael
Brownstein, Ronald
Bruni, Frank
Brzezinski, Zbigniew
Buffum, People v.
Bumiller, Elisabeth
Bundrant, State v.
Bundy, William P.
Burchinal, David A.
Bush, Barbara
Bush, George H.W.
assassination attempt
Gulf War/Hussein and
invasion of Panama
as war hero
Bush, George W.
9/11 insensitivities
Crawford time plan
cronyism of
executions/Texas governor
on God/decisions
hatred of
international summit, Russia (2006)
Iraq provocation
knowledge/curiosity and
love/respect of country and
loyalty and
picture of
reports from aides
soldier pay cut proposal and
at Texas memorial service
on U.S. health care
Vietnam War and
as wanting to go to war
See also Iraq war/Bush’s reasons; Prosecution of Bush for murder
Bush, George W./during war
“bring ’em on” statement
Brooke Army Medical Center visit
Crawford ranch vacation time
deaths/suffering insensitivities
in Fahrenheit 9/11 as happy
“hard work” comment
Kennebunkport, Maine vacation time
lack of doubt
Radio and Television Correspondents Association dinner
Republican fund-raisers
Saudi Arabia trip
speeches on U.S. deaths
“stay the course” and
Tbilisi trip
vacation time
Bush, United States of America v.
Bush v. Gore
Bush’s Brain: How Karl Rove Made George Bush Presidential (Moore)
Cabell, Charles
Cannistraro, Vincent
Card Jr., Andrew
Carlson, Tucker
Carville, James
Chalabi, Ahmed
Chambers, Oswald
Chapman, Nathan Ross
Cheney, Dick
9/11 and
9/11 Commission
attacks on Clarke
as coconspirator
Halliburton and
Iraq war/WMD threat
as “real” president
Vietnam War and
Cheney, Mrs.
Chiles, John H.
Chirac, Jacques
Chouet, Alain
Christian Science Monitor
Churchill, Winston
Circumstantial evidence
Clark, Marcia
Clark, Wesley K.
Clarke, Richard
9/11 Commission apology/testimony
Bush administration/Al Qaeda
Bush administration attacks on
Bush and Hussein-9/11 link
Clinton administration/Al Qaeda
evidence supporting
warnings to Rice
Cleland, Max
Clifton v. Superior Court
Clinton, Bill
impeachment/Lewinsky and
Iraq/Hussein and
Iraq/Iraq war and
Kosovo and
Paula Jones lawsuit
war on terrorism/Bin Laden and
warning Bush on Al Qaeda
Clinton, Chelsea
Cohen, Stu
Com. v. Merriwether
Commonwealth of Virginia, Gallimore v.
Commonwealth v. Thomas
Conners, Jimmy
Conrad v. Alabama
Coolidge, People v.
Corn, David
Corporate crime/greed
Corpus delicti
Criminal intent (mens rea)
Cuban Missile Crisis
Curtiss-Wright Export Corp., United States
“Curveball,” 121-123
Curveball: Spies, Lies and the Con Man Who Caused a War (Drogin)
Daily, Strassheim v.
Daily Mirror
Daniels, Sandra Kay
Daschle, Tom
Davis, United States v.
De Luna, United States v.
Dearlove, Sir Richard
Deaths in Iraq war
headlines on
Deaths (U.S.) in Iraq war
antiwar activism and
equipment needs and
headlines on
IED caused deaths
purpose and
soldier obituaries
by states/territories
statistics on
surviving loved ones and
by year
places without
Democracy in Iraq
problems with
war reasons and
Dershowitz, Alan
Dodd, Christopher J.
Dostoevsky novel
“Downing Street Memo,” 120
Downing v. United States
Drogin, Bob
Drumheller, Tyler
Duelfer, Charles A.
Dujail, Iraq
Dulles, Allen
Dunford, David J.
Dunlop, Kevin
Edwards, John
Eisenhower, Dwight
ElBaradei, Mohamed
Equipment needs
administration delay/neglect and
body armor
current needs for
deaths and
Humvee armor/armoring company
IEDs and
M1117 armored vehicles
soldiers scavenging for
statistics on
Evans, Michael
Express malice
Face the Nation
Fahrenheit 9/11 (Moore)
Fallouja battle/mob killings
Federalist Papers, The
Feehery, John
Feith, Douglas J.
Feldman, Linda
Felony-murder rule
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
Fitzgerald, Ella
Fitzgerald, People v.
Fleischer, Ari
Florida, Skiriotes v.
Foley, Alan
Folger, Abigail
Ford, Gerald
Ford v. United States
Foreign Affairs
Fox, Vicente
Afghanistan/Al Qaeda and
Iraq war and
Niger uranium story and
Franken, Al
Franks, Tommy
Fried, Dan
Frykowski, Voytek
Fulbright, J. William
Gallimore v. Commonwealth of Virginia
Geneva Convention
George magazine
Gergen, David
Gerson, Michael
Get Out, You Damned One (Hussein)
Gibson, People v.
Giuliani, Ruddy
Goldsmith, Lord
Goldwater, Barry
Good Morning America
Goodman, Melvin
Gore, Al
Gore, Bush v.
Gormley, People v.
Graham, Billy
Graham, Bob
Bin Laden “pursuit” and
NIE report (10/1/2002)
Tenet’s letter
Graves, Kevin
Gulf of Tonkin incident
Hadley, Stephen
Hagel, Charles
Hagenbeck, Frank L.
Hamdani, General
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamilton, Lee H.
Hanning, August
Hanyok, Robert J.
Harrington, State v.
Hart, Gary
Hartings, Jennifer/Jay
Hastert, J. Dennis
Health care
Heilbrunn, Jacob
Herbert, Bob
Herrick, John J.
Hitchens, Christopher
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Holtzman, Elizabeth
Holyfield, Evander
Homeland security plans/creation
Houdek, Robert G.
Houston Post
Hu Jintao
Hubris (Isikoff and Corn)
Hurricane Katrina/victims
Hussein, Saddam
assassination attempt
Bin Laden and
Bush’s demand to leave Iraq
deaths responsible for
no-fly zones
as not U.S. enemy
UN inspectors and
WMD bluff/Iran
See also 9/11 attacks and Al Qaeda-Hussein link; WMD threat
Hyde v. United States
IED caused deaths
Illinois, Bartkus v.
Impeachment of president
The Federalist Papers and
U.S. Constitution and
Implied malice
Bush prosecution and
Incisco, United States v.
“Innocent agents” in criminal law
International Criminal Court (ICC)
Iraq Body Count
Iraq election
Iraq war
beginning of
Bush statement at beginning
collapse of Hussein regime
consequences overview
effects on Iraq
financial costs
midterm elections and
nations participation/opposition
soldiers enjoying killing
“success” and
terrorism increase with
UN and
views of U.S. and
See also Deaths in Iraq war; Deaths (U.S.) in Iraq war
Iraq war/Bush’s reasons
democracy in Iraq and
Israel and
reelection and
secrecy and
speculations on
statements by Bush
See also 9/11 attacks and Al Qaeda-Hussein link; WMD threat
Isikoff, Michael
Israel, Jerold H.
Jack, State v.
Jackson, Justice
Jackson, United States v.
Jacobson, Gary
Jay, John
John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Johnson, Larry
Johnson, Lyndon Baines
Kennedy’s assassination investigations
Vietnam War/Gulf of Tonkin and
war on poverty
Jones, Paula law suit
Joseph, Robert G.
Journal of the American Medical Association
Kaminsky, James
Kay, David
Kean, Thomas H.
Keller, Bill
Keller, People v.
Kelly, Sean
Kennedy, Edward
Kennedy, J.F.K.
Bay of Pigs/responsibility and
brother Robert and
poverty and
Vietnam and
as war hero
Kennedy, Robert F.
Kenofskey, United States v.
Kerr, Richard
Kerrick, Don
Kerry, John
Khalis, Maulvi Yunus
King, Nancy J.
Kinsley, Michael
Knoller, Mark
Koppel, Ted
Krauthammer, Charles
Kristof, Nicholas D.
Krugman, Paul
Kull, Stephen
La Bianca, Leno
La Bianca, Rosemary
La Fave, Wayne R.
Lane, Mills
Lane v. State of Florida
Lanzit, People v.
Larry King Live
Law of nations
Leggett, United States v.
Legislation on future presidents
Lendl, Ivan
Leno, Jay
Leonard, Elmore
Letterman, David
Levine, United States v.
Lewinsky, Monica
Libby, Lewis “Scooter,” 85n
Libi, Shaykh al
Lieberman, Joseph
Lies/false pretenses, legal definition
Lies on Iraq war
American beliefs on
consequences and
See also 9/11 attacks and Al Qaeda-Hussein link; Prosecution of Bush for murder; WMD threat
Limbaugh, Rush
Lincoln, Abraham
Los Angeles Times 2004 presidential election Bugliosi
Bush and 9/11
Bush in Saudi Arabia
Bush lies/consequences
Bush’s war on terrorism
“Curveball’s” information
Iraq war/effects
Mills Lane
Niger uranium story
Outrage/O.J. Simpson trial
Paula Jones lawsuit
poll on poverty
soldier obituaries
Lucas, Henry
Luntz, Frank
Mace, People v.
Madison, James
Malice aforethought
contract killings and
criminal intent (mens rea) and
express malice
implied malice
Man Who Kept the Secrets, The: Richard Helms and the CIA (Powers)
Manning, David
Manson, Charles/prosecution
Marin v. United States
Marshall, John
Martinez, Robert A.
Mashal, Lutfullah
Mauro, Tony
McCain, John
McClelland, Scott
McKinnon, Mark
McLaughlin, John
McNamara, Robert
Meet the Press
Menchaca, Khristian
Mens rea (criminal intent)
Merriwether, Com. v.
Miers, Harriet
Miller, Dennis
Miller, Judith
Moise, Clay
Moise, Edwin E.
Mondale, Fritz
Moore, James C.
Moore, James L.
Moore, Michael
Morgan, J.P.
Morgenthau, Robert
Morissette v. United States
Morrell, Geoff
Motive vs. criminal intent (mens rea)
MRAPS (mine-resistant, ambush-protected vehicles)
circumstantial evidence and
definition/elements of
felony-murder rule
first degree murder
malice aforethought and
reasonable fear and
second degree murder
Tate-La Bianca murders
See also Malice aforethought; Prosecution of Bush for murder
Musawi, Jabbar al-
Musharraf, Pervez
My Utmost to the Highest (Chambers)
Nader, Ralph
Nasiriya battle
National Intelligence Estimate (10/1/2002). See NIE report (10/1/2002)
National Law Journal
Neuharth, Al
New York Daily News
New York Times
9/11-Hussein link
Afghanistan fighting
Bush and 9/11
Bush’s plan on Crawford
Bush’s reaction to war/deaths
Bush’s war on terrorism
Cuban Missile Crisis
“Curveball’s” information
education in U.S.
Iraq before war
Iraq war/reasons
Lewinsky affair
Niger uranium story
Outrage/O.J. Simpson trial
Paula Jones lawsuit
Vietnam War
New York Times-CBS nationwide poll
New Yorker
Newbold, Gregory
Nidal, Abu
NIE report (9/26/2006)
NIE report (10/1/2002)
agencies involved
authorization of war and
classified version
conclusions in
Congress being mislead on
distortions of
media and
Niger uranium story
Rice and
Senate Intelligence Committee report on
Tenet and
unclassified (“White Paper”) version
Niger uranium story
9/11 attacks
Bin Laden’s reasons for
Bush approval ratings and
Bush immediately following attack
Bush insensitivities to
Bush reelection/campaign and
Bush statements after
Bush statements on reasons
criticism of Democrats and
Giuliani and
media and
shoot-down order following
See also 9/11 failures
9/11 attacks and Al Qaeda-Hussein link
American beliefs on
Bush stating no link
lies on
“Mission Accomplished” speech
not pursuing Bin Laden/Al Qaeda and
pressure on intelligence analysts
questionable evidence use
turning Hussein over to Iraq and
See also 9/11 failures
9/11 Commission
Al Qaeda summer 2001 activity
Bin Laden and
Bush testimony
Bush trying to block/obstruct
Cheney and
Clarke testimony/apology
Powell testimony
Rice and
shoot-down order following 9/11 attacks
Tenet testimony
widows of 9/11 and
9/11 failures
August 6 memo/ignoring
Bush on vacation (summer 2001) and
Bush’s responsibility/watch and
counterterrorism budget
Rice and
summer (2001) terrorist activity warnings and
Taliban and
warnings from Clarke
warnings from Clinton administration
See also 9/11 attacks and Al Qaeda-Hussein link
Nixon, Richard
No Island of Sanity (Bugliosi)
Northern Alliance
Obama, Barack
O’Connor, Sandra Day
O’Neill, Paul
Orlando Sentinel
Otis, People v.
Outrage (Bugliosi)
Parade magazine
Parent, Steven
Paterno, Joe
Pearl Harbor
People, Aldrich v.
People v. Buffum
People v. Coolidge
People v. Fitzgerald
People v. Gibson
People v. Gormley
People v. Keller
People v. Lanzit
People v. Mace
People v. Otis
People v. Unger
People v. Wells
People v. Whitmer
People’s Daily
Perle, Richard
Persian Gulf War
Bush and
Constitution war power and
military power/WMD and
UN and
Pillar, Paul
Pinochet, Augusto
Pizzarusso, United States v.
Pollack, Kenneth
Poverty issues
Powell, Colin
9/11 Al Qaeda-Hussein link
9/11 Commission testimony
Powell, Colin (continued)
Al Qaeda warnings
Iraq/Iraq war and
Kosovo and
Powell, Jonathan
Powers, Thomas
Preemption, A Knife That Cuts Both Ways (Dershowitz)
Pretext for War, A (Bamford)
Prize Cases, The
Prohibited act (actus reus)
Prosecution of Bush for murder
aiding and abetting
burden of proof
circumstantial evidence and
congressional authorization and
conspiracy to commit murder
courts creating new law and
cross-examination on 9/11-Iraq connection
cross-examination on “imminent threat,” 160-166
cross-examination on provoking a war
express malice and
felony-murder rule and
first degree murder and
“first impression” case
implied malice and
importance of
malice aforethought
military tribunal and
“overt act” and
plea bargaining and
prohibited act/criminality
recruitment of soldiers and
second degree murder and
state prosecution/punishment
statue of limitations and
statutory authority for
system of democracy and
timing of
U.S. soldier deaths vs. Iraqi deaths
vicarious liability rule of conspiracy
See also 9/11 attacks and Al Qaeda-Hussein link; WMD threat
Prosecution of Bush for murder/defense
“character defense,” 152-153
implied vs. express malice
necessity defense
self-defense argument and
war power of president and
Prosecution of Bush for war crimes
Prosecution of president
The Federalist Papers
United States Constitution
Protective Principle
Pryor, Richard
Putin, Vladimir
Raphel, Robin
Rather, Dan
Reagan Ronald
Redford, Robert
Reid, Harry
Reno, Janet
Rice, Condoleezza
9/11 Al Qaeda-Hussein link
9/11 attacks/failures and
9/11 Commission and
on Bush
Bush-Blair meeting (1/31/2003)
as coconspirator
NIE report (10/1/2002)
Niger uranium story
Riggs, Bobby
Rivard v. United States
Robertson, Pat
Robinson, Paul H.
Rocha v. United States
Rockefeller, John D. IV
Rogers, Will
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rose, Charlie
Rove, Karl
picture of
political exploitation of war
Vietnam War and
Rudman, Warren
Rumsfeld, Donald
Bin Laden and
budget report/combat pay
Iraq war and
Reagan and
soldiers scavenging for armor and
student deferment of
Runners World
Rush, Dean
Russell, Richard
Russert, Tim
Rycroft, Matthew
Salinger, Pierre
Sawyer, Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. v.
Scheer, Robert
Schneider, Peter
Scowcroft, Brent
SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization)
Sebring, Jay
Segura, Pancho
Sekzer, Wilson/Jason
Senate Intelligence Committee/ Select Committee on Intelligence
9/11 and Al Qaeda-Hussein link
Senate Intelligence Committee/ Select Committee on Intelligence (continued)
pressure on intelligence analysts
WMD and
Shapiro, Walter
Sharp, Ulysses S.
Shaw, United States v.
Sheehan, Cindy/Casey
Shelton, Henry H.
Simpson, O.J./trial
Sistani, Ali al-
Skiriotes v. Florida
Smith v. State
Snider v. Wimberly
Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act (1940)
Soldiers (U.S.)
background description
Canadian soldiers pay vs.
condition fighting in
Iraqi views on
military pay incentive and
pay/pay cuts and
torture of
See also Deaths (U.S.) in Iraq war; Equipment needs
Speller, Jarred
Spitzer, Eliot
Sports Illustrated
St. Petersburg Times
Stalin’s rule analogy
Starr, Ken
State of Florida, Lane v.
State v. Bailey
State v. Bundrant
State v. Harrington
State v. Jack
State v. Willoughby
States, Smith v.
Steinbeck, John
Stephanopoulos, George
Stewart, Jon
Stone, Oliver
Story, Supreme Court Justice
Strassheim v. Daily
Sunnis-Shiites relationship
Superior Court, Clifton v.
Suskind, Ron
Sylves, Richard
Taking Charge (Beschloss) Taliban
Bin Laden/Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and
Tannen, Deborah
Tate, Sharon
Tate-La Bianca murders
Tax cuts for wealthy
Tenet, George
9/11 and
9/11 Commission and
Bin Laden and
as Bush friend
“Curveball’s” information and
NIE report (10/1/2002)
Niger uranium story
warnings to Bush summer 2001
Beirut/U.S. soldier compound bombing
British foiling attempt (2006)
increase with Iraq war
Yousef bombings
See also 9/11 attacks; Al Qaeda; Bin Laden, Osama; War on terrorism
Thomas, Commonwealth v.
Thomas, Helen
Thompson, Mike
Thoreau, Henry David
Time magazine
Today Show
Toobin, Jeffrey
Tora Bora
Abu Ghraib prison
of U.S. soldiers
war crimes prosecution and
Toynbee, Arnold
Transfer case
Tribe, Laurence
Truman, Harry
Tuck. Chong, United States v.
Tucker, Thomas
Tyson, Mike
Unger, Craig
Unger, People v.
United Nations
Bush/administration statements to
inspectors/containment and, WMD threat/evidence against
Iraq war
Persian Gulf War
WMD threat/evidence against
United States
becoming respected again
as civil society
cultural changes
as free
justice in
patriotism in
poll on “pride” of American
religiosity in
stupidity and
as superpower
United States, Abbate v.
United States, Downing v.
United States, Ford v.
United States, Hyde v.
United States, Marin v.
United States, Morissette v.
United States, Rivard v.
United States, Rocha v.
United States Constitution
prosecution of president
war power
United States of America v. Bush
United States v. Benitez
United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp.
United States v. Davis
United States v. De Luna
United States v. Incisco
United States v. Jackson
United States v. Kenofskey
United States v. Leggett
United States v. Levine
United States v. Pizzarusso
United States v. Shaw
United States v. Tuck. Chong
United States v. Young
Uoc, Nguyen Dinh
Uranium from Niger story
USA Today
Bush and 9/11
health insurance
Iraq war/Bush
Mills Lane
No Island of Sanity
Paula Jones lawsuit
USS Cole
USS Maddox
USS Ticonderoga
Valenti, Jack
Valliere, Greg
Vanity Fair
Vasquez, Maria Guadalupe
Vicarious liability rule
Bush prosecution and
“cause” meaning
Vietnam War
Gulf of Tonkin incident
reasons for
See also specific individuals
Villepin, Dominique de
Vo Nguyen Giap
Walter Reed Hospital scandal
War crimes/War Crimes Act
War on terrorism
Bush’s reelection/campaign and
not pursuing Bin Laden/Al Qaeda
positive rating of Bush
rise in terrorism and
See also 9/11 attacks; 9/11 attacks and Al Qaeda-Hussein link; 9/11 failures
War power of president
Warfield, Nelson
Washington Post
Bin Laden “pursuit” and
Bush before 9/11 attacks
Bush reaction to war/deaths
Paula Jones lawsuit
Watergate scandal
Watersby, Kendall/family
Weapons of mass destruction threat. See WMD threat
Wells, People v.
Whitewater investigation
Whitmer, People v.
Wilkerson, Larry
Will, Sabin
Willoughby, State v.
Wills, Gary
Wilson, Charles
Wilson, Joseph C. IV
Wilson, Thomas
Wimberly, Snider v.
WMD threat
acceptance of
Bush/administration scares on
Bush joking about
Bush’s speech 10/7/2002, Cincinnati
lies/mistakes on
See also NIE report (10/1/2002)
WMD threat/evidence against
Bush demand that Hussein leave
cherry-picking information
“Curveball’s” information/lies and
“Downing Street Memo,” 120
Hussein wanting to live
“imminent” term and
Iraq military weakness
mobile labs and
Niger uranium story
Tenet’s letter (10/7/2002)
UN inspectors/containment and
U.S. resources in Afghanistan vs. Iraq
See also NIE report (10/1/2002)
Wolfowitz, Paul
Woodward, Bob
World Health Organization
World Opinion poll (2006)
World Transformed, A (Bush and Scowcroft)
Wurmser, David
Young, United States v.
Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. v. Sawyer
Yousef, Ramzi
Zaman, Haji Mohammed
Zarqawi, Abu Musab al-
Zinni, Anthony