The subjunctive

Forming the present subjunctive of -er verbs

To form the stem of the present subjunctive you take the infinitive and chop off -er, just as for the present tense. Then you add the correct ending, depending on whether you are referring to je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils or elles.

For -er verbs the endings are the same as for the ordinary present tense, apart from the nous and vous forms, which have an extra i, as in the imperfect tense.

Pronoun Ending Add to stem,
e.g. donn-
je (j’) -e je donne I give
tu -es tu donnes you give
il -e il donne he/she/it/one gives
elle elle donne
on on donne
nous -ions nous donnions we give
vous -iez vous donniez you give
ils -ent ils donnent they give
elles elles donnent

Il faudrait que nous donnions des renseignements précis.
We must give precise information.
J’attends que tu changes la roue. I’m waiting for you to change the tyre.
J’aimerais que vous arrêtiez de faire du bruit.
I’d like you to stop making a noise.

Forming the present subjunctive of -ir verbs

To form the stem of the present subjunctive you take the infinitive and chop off -ir, just as for the present tense. Then you add the correct ending, depending on whether you are referring to to je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils or elles.

Pronoun Ending Add to stem,
e.g. fin-
je (j’) -isse je finisse I finish
tu -isses tu finisses you finish
il -isse il finisse he/she/it/one finishes
elle elle finisse
on on finisse
nous -issions nous finissions we finish
vous -issiez vous finissiez you finish
ils -issent ils finissent they finish
elles elles finissent

Ils refusent que vous finissiez plus tôt ce soir.
They refuse to let you finish earlier tonight.
Je voudrais qu’ils réfléchissent à ce problème.
I want them to give this problem some thought.
Nous voulons que tu choisisses ce qui te plaît.
We want you to choose what you like.

Forming the present subjunctive of -re verbs

To form the stem of the present subjunctive you take the infinitive and chop off -re, just as for the present tense. Then you add the correct ending, depending on whether you are referring to je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils or elles.

Pronoun Ending Add to stem,
e.g. attend-
je (j’) -e j’attende I wait
tu -es tu attendes you wait
il -e il attende he/she/it/one waits
elle elle attende
on on attende
nous -ions nous attendions we wait
vous -iez vous attendiez you wait
ils -ent ils attendent they wait
elles elles attendent

Je ne veux pas que tu m’attendes dans le froid.
I don’t want you to wait for me in the cold.
Il souhaite que nous vendions la maison.
He would like us to sell the house.
Il faut que nous descendions dans la cour pour les voir.
We have to go down to the playground to see them.