

The next day, Billie has breakfast with Jack’s family. But she doesn’t feel very hungry.

Just then there is a knock on the door. It’s Billie’s dad! ‘Billie!’ he says excitedly. ‘Guess what? You have a baby brother!’

‘A brother?’ Billie says, frowning. ‘But I wanted a sister! Who will wear all my baby dresses now?’

‘Oh, Billie,’ says her dad, giving her a cuddle.

‘You should see him. He’s beautiful! And I’m sure he’ll look lovely in your pretty pink dresses.’

Billie giggles. ‘Where’s Mum?’ she asks. ‘Is she coming home now?’

‘Not yet,’ her dad says. ‘Mum has to rest. She will be at the hospital for a few days. But we can go and see her.’

‘A few days!’ Billie says crossly. ‘But I want Mum to come home now.’ She stamps her foot.

Billie’s dad sighs.


He thanks Jack’s parents for looking after Billie. Billie and her dad go back home for Billie to get dressed.

Billie feels all jumbled up inside. She is excited to see her new baby brother. But she also feels a teensy bit cross that he is a boy, not a girl.

She is excited to see her mum, but she is also cross that her mum is not coming home yet. All these feelings bubble up inside Billie’s tummy like a milkshake.


Then she remembers.

‘Mr Fred!’ she says. ‘I have to f ind Mr Fred to give to the new baby!’

‘OK,’ says her dad. ‘But quickly. Mum is waiting for us.’

Billie looks everywhere for Mr Fred. She looks under her bed. No Mr Fred. Then she checks her toy box. Not there either!

She checks all the places Mr Fred could be. But he is nowhere to be found.


‘We have to go now,’ Billie’s dad says. ‘We can give Mr Fred to the baby next time.’

‘No!’ says Billie. ‘I want Mr Fred!’ She stamps her feet.

‘Billie!’ says her dad. He is looking very tired. ‘Come on.You have to be a big girl now.’

‘But I don’t want to be a big girl!’ Billie cries. ‘I want to be a baby too!’ Billie’s dad bends down and gives her a big hug.


‘It’s OK,’ he says gently. ‘You will always be my baby girl, Billie. Now how about we go see Mum?

We can look for Mr Fred again when we get home.’ Billie stops crying and gives her dad a big cuddle.
