1. HQ

The future, or near future, of another time and place was a desolate one, ravaged by a war between man and machine. Humans from all corners of the world joined together to form the Resistance. The enemy was a supercomputer AI called Skynet.

The human race would come to be led by a man by the name of John Connor. He had covertly been killed, but that world was fortunate to, unknowingly by most, receive another John Connor from another reality.

Skynet created many ways to kill humans. One was the Terminator, a skeletal humanoid type of Hunter-Killer, or HK, designed to terminate other life forms. Their primary goal was to wipe out the remains of humans after Judgement Day, the day the machine set the world on fire with nukes. However, perhaps its greatest weapon was the time displacement equipment, TDE.

The TDE would be converted to an RDE, reality displacement equipment, by the Rev-9.i, a Terminator from an alternate reality.

A Resistance fighter and good friend of John, Quin Uno, had inadvertently merged with a Terminator. He only had a rough idea of how they merged, being completely human before trying to destroy a Terminator in the process of traveling via the RDE. Instead of destroying the cyborg, he found himself standing alone in the middle of nowhere with a grenade ready to go off. It only took him moments to dispose of the explosive and realize what he’d become.

For about a month, Quin, under the assumed identity of the Terminator he intended to stop, had to assist three Rev-9.is in a plan to construct another RDE. When the opportunity to get away came, he fled and tracked down another John Connor.

Together, they were able to destroy the Rev-9.is, secure the RDE and return to Quin’s reality. To convince John to come with him, he killed John’s wife, Kate, assuring John he could still be with her only if he came along.

Later, in the command center of the Resistance’s HQ, Quin looked over a map of the area displaying the location of friendly and enemy forces.

A female came over. “You can go now, Sir,” she said. “I’ve got this.”

Quin wasn’t tired at all. The Terminator part of him kept him going. He could stay at his post all day and all night without feeling the least bit of fatigue. Staying in wasn’t his style, but it was much safer for him. Avoiding the battlefield kept him out of any sniper’s sight who’d mistake him for a Terminator in their scope, and not having to pass through any checkpoint with a dog kept him under the radar of suspicion. It was with some reluctance, he was forced to take a desk job.

“Take a rest,” another man said. “You can’t do this all day.”

Quin shot the man a funny look and then nodded before walking away. As he moved through the corridors it always made him sad to see struggling families in the numerous cubbyholes hastily constructed or lined against the wall. Comparing these people with what he saw in the other reality was depressing.

There was very little privacy anywhere and the only form of entertainment anyone had was each other. There was no streaming anything, cellphones, or even going outside. It was difficult to walk down a corridor without stepping on someone trying to sleep., it could be done but one had to watch their step.

The facility had very few large, wide, open areas. These areas had all of the traders, plazas if you will for the people to gather and continue on with some way of life. Paper money was no longer good. You could still use metal coins but trade was preferable. Traders had the most respected dangerous job, besides the military. The only way back was through certain, backdoor, far-out checkpoints manned with a dog.

Skynet learned of the base long ago, though it never knew it was the HQ of the Resistance, as it was always known as just another base to infiltrate. It had other bases to attack, suspecting those to be the HQ for one reason or another.

Something even survivors didn’t know, was that it was only considered the Resistance’s HQ because John called it home. The facility was never officially labeled as HQ, which could technically be considered wherever Connor was staying.

The military could provide only the basics; rations, a cot or place on the floor to sleep, and some form of protection.

Quin entered what should have been exclusively his room, however, with civilization being what it currently was and the war raging, it looked like every other corridor. It was only for the sake of keeping the average person from being tortured into giving sensitive intel that certain places would be completely off-limits, otherwise, you could easily find people right outside the doorway.

The only thing Quin had was his wife Ryka and their room with a comfortable bed. Besides that, the only room where one had some form of privacy was the restroom/shower room. Everything else was considered owned by the community. With the floor covered by survivors, it only took him a glance to see Ryka wasn’t in bed. A shadow’s movement from a nearby hallway drew his attention.

Ryka emerged around the corner with two cups of water. She stood around five feet with straight brown hair and blue eyes. “I knew you’d be home soon,” she said, then taking a drink while handing Quin the other cup.

“Thanks,” Quin said, taking the cup and just looking at it. He didn’t feel thirsty or hungry, never did. Not since his return.

Ryka cocked an eyebrow as she looked at her husband. “You know,’ she said. “I can’t remember the last time I saw you eat or drink.”

Quin gave a warm smile. “I’m just not thirsty.” He replied.

Ryka shrugged as she walked back to the bed with Quin. Together, they climbed in, sitting indian style. Working directly for John Connor, the least that could be provided was a bed with some space. The room was small, but at least it was something.

“What’s wrong,” Ryka asked. “You haven’t been the same since you came back from wherever you went with John. It’s been months.”

“I told you,” Quin replied. “The TDE you guys secured sent us through time.”

“Yeah,” Ryka responded. “You said that. You always say that, but you’ve never explained when or what happened. It's been a few months already and you still don’t talk much, like at all.”

Quin took hold of Ryka’s hand. “We had to deal with some Terminators,” he said. “I saw things. A world I wish I could give you. I saw things you wouldn’t believe. If I talk about those things I’ll just feel bad about it.”

Ryka rubbed Quin’s arm. “I suppose I understand,” she said. “Want to come with me to Kate’s. She’s lonely right now, living the life of a single mom with John away.”

Quin climbed off the bed with Ryka. “Sure,” he said. “I don’t mind helping. Never realized how boring Shawn’s job was.”

Ryka held Quin by the hand and led the way. “So,” she began. “How was your day? Details.”

“Good, I guess,” Quin answered. “The relay system Shawn invented is helpful. I stay in contact with John and the other teams pretty well. I just sent out more supplies for the attack on Skynet.”

Ryka continued leading Quin by the hand and asked. “What’s the latest news?”

Quin chuckled. “C’mon,” he said. “You know I’m not supposed to talk about recent communique. You and Kate are on Tech-Com’s home team. What have you heard?”

Ryka turned around a corner. “Kate’s a medic,” she responded. “And I’m a data analyst. We don’t hear much from the front lines.”

Quin smiled.“I thought you were a hacker?” he asked.

Coming to a door guarded by two soldiers, Ryka knocked then snickered. “Call it what you want,” she said. “It’s pretty much the same. I crack a Terminator’s skull open and suck out the data. Metaphorically speaking.”

The soldiers guarding the door saluted Quin.

Quin returned the salute and stood directly behind Ryka, massaging her shoulders. “Well,” he said. “What did you hear?”

“John and the rest are at Skynet, about to smash it,” Ryka answered right as Kate Connor opened the door. “Kate! Hi.” She cried gleefully, moving in for a hug.

Kate put on a playful look of surprise as she raised a finger to her lips, indicating to be quiet.

Ryka immediately flinched and partially covered her mouth, giggling as she whispered. “Oh, sorry.”

Kate hugged Ryka as she spoke in a low voice. “It’s ok. Just talk softly. How are you two?”

Quin answered following the ladies inside. “We’re fine. It’s good to see you.”

Kate led them through the small apartment, to the bedroom, where a rather large crib was. The apartment was empty of other survivors, which seemed hypocritical, but it was all in the interest of safety. The last thing the Resistance wanted was for their leader, John Connor, to be assassinated in his sleep. Skynet was devious enough to use someone’s loved ones against them to do its bidding.

The three stood over the crib, staring at the twins.

“Here they are,” Kate said. “Janelle and Todd. They’ve been asleep for a few hours, so they should be up any minute.”

Ryka slid her head against Quin’s shoulder. “Look,” she whispered. “Babies.”

Janelle and Todd suddenly stirred as the adults gawked on.

Kate gently scooped up Janelle and handed her to Ryka. “Let’s go sit,” she suggested, then looking to Quin. “You got Todd?”

Quin nodded. “I got’em.” He said though he didn’t pick the baby up. He simply smiled and tickled Todd as the ladies went into the next room

The ladies sat, with Kate asking. “Anything new on your end? That Terminator I took apart was weird. Bloody. All I got out of it was the brain and nervous system.”

Ryka made sure Janelle was comfortable in her arms. “Looks like we got a new type on our hands,” she answered. “Not much more advanced, just different. Weird is right, code for something called traits and sparse info on something it refers to as an RDE and the location of something called a ‘Legion’..”

Kate scratched her head. “RDE,” she wondered. “Might have something to do with the TDE. Which reminds me. Quin,” she hollered. “I can make you guys a PBJ. Want one?”

Quin was suddenly hit with the memory of killing Kate in an alternate reality, his Terminator brain recalling every detail with perfect clarity.

“Quin?” Kate called.

Tears filled Quin’s eyes as his voice cracked. “No thanks.” He answered.

More survivors scrabbled to get inside the facility. Dogs began barking wildly as, without any warning, one ‘survivor’ who had previously been covered from head to toe and hunched over like an elder suddenly reared up to reveal a big, strong man welding an enormous phase plasma rifle

It was a Terminator. Those around him were immediately mowed down. Trying to stop a Terminator already inside a base was extremely difficult, its enhanced reflexes and vision made it able to take down anyone who set themselves up as a resistance easily. Even those who were already in place as a roadblock had to overcome the machine’s superior senses, which was near impossible in an enclosed environment, where the usual tactics were very limited.

The only thing working in favor of the Resistance was that the Terminator would have to traverse a tunnel before reaching the actual base.

Klaxons went off along with a woman’s computerized voice telling everyone that the facility had been infiltrated and to evacuate.

Quin immediately picked up Todd and followed the ladies out.

“Right this way, Sir!” cried a soldier standing guard right outside the door. “C’mon, move, move!” another yelled, whose job now was to help guide everyone to the exit.