“I can’t just hack into the school security database, Emmie,” Rob said, looking shocked that I’d even ask. “And why won’t you tell me who it is that you want ‘intel’ on?” He did air quotes the same way Danny the criminal in question had done earlier in the day. What is it with guys and air quotes, anyway?
I sighed. “Fine, it’s not a student. He’s a guy who did some work on campus. I just need to find out his last name.” I had hoped Rob would be able to find out more about Danny from the security guys, but when he got all paranoid and touchy about me asking him to get information, I backed off, figuring if I at least had a last name, I could do some of my own Googling. If the guy had killed someone, there had to be a record of it somewhere.
Rob looked at me sideways. “Did some contractor do something wrong? And what are you doing hanging around them, anyway? You shouldn’t be hanging around with contractors.”
“I’m hanging around with you,” I said. “You’re staff.”
“That’s different,” he said, narrowing his eyes, actually looking angry.
“Well if the guy was cleared by security, what’s the issue? Everyone gets cleared, right?”
He didn’t answer, but leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. “Why don’t you tell me who you’re talking about and I’ll find out what I can?”
“The guy who was fixing the dean’s window today. Daniel or something from A1 Windows.”
“What did he do?” Rob asked, trying to look casual, but I could see he was clenching his jaw. Was that jealousy? Or just good old caveman protectiveness? Whatever it was, my insides liked it, fluttering around in response.
I shook my head. “Nothing. He didn’t do anything.” Other than try to scare me. “He’s just...” I felt my face heat and cursed my stupid fair complexion. I jumped up out of my chair and turned toward the cooler to pour a glass of water.
“What is it?” Rob asked.
I drank half the glass of cold water, stalling. Then I filled it up again and returned to the table. “He had a prison tattoo.”
Rob frowned, but leaned back in the chair, balancing it on the back legs and swinging back and forth in a way that made me nervous he was going to fall over. “What do you mean?”
I pointed at my eye. “He had a teardrop tattoo under his eye. I looked it up. It said it means he killed someone.”
He sat up straight across from me, the front legs of the chair banging down on the tile. His brow furrowed, making him look nothing like the pretty boy I was used to. “And he was here on campus? Today?” he asked, looking almost menacing. Whoa.
I nodded, but suddenly felt like I needed to diffuse the situation. “Fixing the dean’s window. But the security guys knew him and seemed okay with it. I just thought maybe we should check him out, just in case.” As soon as it was out of my mouth, I felt bad, like I was betraying the window guy somehow. But, I told myself, it was more important that the students at Rosewood were safe. Right? It was for the greater good, even if I was suddenly feeling really bad about it.
Rob stood up. “I’ll look into it.”
I nodded and got up, too. “Thanks.”
“Oh, I almost forgot; Brooklyn got a phone,” he said.
“Finally,” I said, pulling mine out of my pocket. I walked toward him and tried not to notice his deliciously masculine scent as he held his phone out in front of me so I could copy the number. “How’s your dad doing?” I asked, because I had to say something or I was going to grab him and mash my face into his neck.
He shrugged. “Same.”
I didn’t push it, figuring I’d get the full story from his sister. Who I was very excited to talk to. Once I was done inputting her number, I slipped the phone back into my pocket and forced myself not to step away from Rob, even though we were still standing really close. Too close. Like, sharing the same bubble close.
I looked up at him, having to lean my head back a little. “So,” I said, giving him what I hoped was a sexy smirk. “One for the road?”
His eyes slid from mine down to my lips and I knew without a doubt he was considering it. Very seriously. Which was (almost) reward enough, so I thought WWCD (What would Chelly do?) and realized I’d put out the bait and now it was time to yank it back. The game was on.
“Never mind,” I said before he had a chance to (reluctantly, I was sure) refuse me. “I know we can’t. I was just joking. Mostly.” I accompanied that last word with a Chelly-esque wink and then swept past him and out of the lounge, resisting the urge to do a fist-pump until I was sure I was well out of sight.
Good thing, because, “Emmie wait,” he said, jogging to catch up with me. I stopped and faced him.
Please grab me and kiss me senseless, I thought. Though I was disappointed when I quickly realized he just wanted to talk. About his sister.
“You said Brooklyn was dating some guy?”
Some guy. Ha. “Yeah, why?”
“Who is he?”
It was my turn to cross my arms. “Why are you asking?”
He shrugged. “An older brother’s concern.”
“Are you going to check him out while you’re doing your digging?”
The corner of his mouth turned up adorably. “You do know me, Ms. Somerville.”
I rolled my eyes. “You don’t have anything to worry about. He’s criminal-record free and comes from a good family. He goes to Westwood, which should be pedigree enough.”
“Nonetheless. His name, please?”
“Fine,” I said, rolling my eyes. “Dave.”
His eyebrows lifted. “Does this Dave have a last name? Dave...” He made a gimmie gesture with his hand.
I shook my head. “Sorry, I always forget. He goes by Dave, but it’s Willmont Davidson.” I didn’t figure he needed middle names, since I’d never heard of any other guys named Willmont.
“Thanks.” He tapped into his phone. Then he froze and looked up at me. “Wait. That’s the guy I drove home back to Westwood from the hospital after he had that allergic reaction.”
Crap. I’d forgotten about that. Again. “Yeah,” I said, thinking Dave hadn’t told Rob how he’d ended up with that allergic reaction. I sure wasn’t going to be the one to connect the dots for him.
“He seemed like a nice guy,” he said, confirming he obviously didn’t know they’d been making out at the Thanksgiving food drive.
“He is a nice guy,” I said, because it was the truth. Although my voice sounded a bit strangled as I said it.
“You okay?” Rob asked with a concerned frown.
“Yeah,” I said. “Just fine. You won’t find anything interesting on him,” I said. “But if you do, text me.”
“Sure,” he said.
“So, any chance she’ll be back before Christmas?”
For half a second he seemed surprised by my question, but then the expression was gone, replaced by something else, though not his normal smirk. “I’m thinking probably not, but you can ask her. Don’t forget about the time difference; she may not always respond right away.”
I rolled my eyes again. “Uh, I’m familiar with the time difference. I spent the summer in Europe.” It was out of my mouth before I realized how incredibly entitled it sounded. “Ugh, sorry. I’m normally not such a spoiled brat.”
He smiled and leaned in to tap the tip of my nose with his finger, making me hold my breath as I waited for him to kiss me. But he didn’t.
“I know,” he said, that disarming smile making my heart stutter in my chest. “But you’re still a very cute spoiled brat. Now go on while I go look up this contractor. I’m sure all is fine, but I’ll let you know what I dig up.”
I nodded and thanked him before I started up the stairs.
~ ♥ ~
I got up to my room and closed the door and had my phone out of my pocket before it occurred to me to glance at the clock. I did the quick math and realized it was too late to text Brooklyn. I cursed as I stared at her number on my screen for a long moment before I sat on my bed and opened up a new text window.
Hey, Brooklyn. I hope your dad is ok. Rob gave me your #. I know it’s late—don’t respond now (srry if I woke u!), but know I’m thinking about you. Hugs - E
I waited for a few minutes, but she didn’t respond so I opened up a new text and sent Dave her new number. If I’d been less exhausted, it probably would have occurred to me that I should have asked her first, but I was sure she’d want to hear from him. Plus, I’d promised him, so by sending him her number, I was fulfilling that promise and removing myself as their middleman before it got weird(er).
With a sigh, and not waiting for a response from Dave, I put the phone down and got up to start to get ready for bed. After the day I’d had, it was amazing I was even able to remember my own name, let alone perform an evening routine, but I guess my autopilot was turned on and working.
After I brushed my teeth and slipped into my pajamas, worried that I was doing it for nothing since I probably wouldn’t sleep anyway, I noticed the light flashing on my cell.
I held my breath, not really wanting to talk to Dave. But although the text was from him, all he’d sent was a one word answer: Thanks.
As I deleted that message, another came in. It wasn’t Brooklyn, as I’d thought, but her brother.
Checked out guy. All ok.
What does that mean?
I sent back a question mark.
Complicated. Need sleep. More tmrrow. K?
Ok, I sent back.
Sleep tight, M.
I ignored the sleep tight part, since there was little chance of that happening, and smiled at the phone, loving that he shortened my name to just M. U 2.