Thank you so much to my agent Valeria Huerta for always believing in me and encouraging me. I feel very blessed that we met and that I get to work with you.
Thank you to Fenella Bates at Penguin for trusting in my idea for this book and for all your kindness and positive energy. Huge thanks to everyone at Penguin for all their hard work on the book.
I am very grateful to Brigid Moss for editing the book, for her wisdom and patience and for working in between Christmas and New Year so that we could get it finished in time! I felt the book was in very safe hands with you.
Thank you so much to my mum and dad for being so loving, supportive and fun. For all your encouragement, acceptance and unconditional love. And for my sweetheart sisters Olivia and Charlotte for being so loving. Thanks in advance to my granny, also known as my PR woman, who I know will be encouraging everyone in her village to buy this book. And thank you, Granny, for giving me the best gift ever, Transcendental Meditation.
Thanks to Emily and Vicky for being there to help me sound out ideas and for being the first readers of the book. And to Bonnie and Bonnie for all the supportive chats!
I’m so grateful for Aidan, for being rock solid in his love and support, a constant source of inspiration and for putting up with me when I ignored him because I was writing this book. I’m a much braver person because you are in my life!
Thank you to the reader, it feels like a massive privilege to write a book – thank you for supporting me. You are brave, you are strong, and you’ve got this!