CLAUDIA BARACCHI is professor of moral philosophy at the Università di Milano-Bicocca. Among her many publications are Aristotle’s Ethics as First Philosophy (2011), Of Myth, Life, and War in Plato’s Republic (IUP, 2002), and L’architettura dell’umano. Aristotele e l’etica come filosofia prima (2014).
JEREMY BELL is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry at Emory University. He specializes in ancient philosophy, with a focus on the relationship between practices of care and systems of governance. He is preparing a book manuscript entitled Plato’s Politics of Care, which examines the central role of care in Plato’s philosophical, ethical, and political thought.
SARA BRILL is associate professor of philosophy and director of the Classical Studies Program at Fairfield University in Fairfield, Connecticut. She is the author of Plato on the Limits of Human Life (IUP, 2013) as well as articles on tragedy and the Hippocratic corpus.
S. MONTGOMERY EWEGEN received his PhD in philosophy from Boston College in 2011. He is assistant professor of philosophy and classics at Trinity College and is the author of Plato’s Cratylus: The Comedy of Language (IUP, 2013).
FRANCISCO J. GONZALEZ is professor of philosophy at the University of Ottawa. His publications include Dialectic and Dialogue: Plato’s Practice of Philosophical Inquiry (1998) and Plato and Heidegger: A Question of Dialogue (2009).
DREW A. HYLAND is Charles A. Dana Professor of Philosophy Emeritus at Trinity College, where he has been on the faculty since 1967. He is the author of some ten books, most recently Plato and the Question of Beauty (IUP, 2008).
DAVID FARRELL KRELL is emeritus professor of philosophy at DePaul University and Brauer Distinguished Visiting Professor of German Studies at Brown University. He writes fiction and philosophy, often confusing the two. He is the author of Derrida and Our Animal Others: Derrida’s Final Seminar, the Beast and the Sovereign (IUP, 2013).
CHRISTOPHER P. LONG is associate dean for Graduate and Undergraduate Education and professor of philosophy and classics in the College of the Liberal Arts at the Pennsylvania State University. He is the author of an enhanced digital book, Socratic and Platonic Political Philosophy: Practicing a Politics of Reading (2014), and two other monographs, Aristotle on the Nature of Truth (2011) and The Ethics of Ontology: Rethinking an Aristotelian Legacy (2004). He is the host of the Digital Dialogue podcast (, blogs at, and can be reached on Twitter @cplong.
MARINA MCCOY is associate professor of philosophy at Boston College. She is the author of Plato on the Rhetoric of Philosophers and Sophists (2008) and Wounded Heroes: Vulnerability as a Virtue in Greek Tragedy and Philosophy (2013). Her work focuses on the relationship between rhetoric and philosophy in ancient Greek thought and on the relationship between philosophy and literature.
HOLLY MOORE is assistant professor of philosophy at Luther College. Her research focuses on the interaction between the philosophy and the methodology of Plato’s dialogues. She is currently working on a book project entitled Plato’s Mimetic Methodology, which examines the way that the methods employed throughout the dialogues reflect and respond to Plato’s intellectual inheritances.
MICHAEL NAAS is professor of philosophy at DePaul University. He works in the areas of ancient Greek philosophy and contemporary French philosophy. His most recent book is The End of the World and Other Teachable Moments: Jacques Derrida’s Final Seminar (2014).
HEIDI NORTHWOOD is dean of liberal arts and professor of philosophy at Wilfrid Laurier University in Brantford, Ontario, Canada. Her publications include articles on Aristotle’s embryology and Sophocles’s Ajax. She is currently working on Plato’s treatment of the arts (liberal and mechanical) in Republic, Philebus, and Gorgias.
H. PETER STEEVES is professor of philosophy and director of the Humanities Center at DePaul University, where he specializes in phenomenology, ethics, and philosophy of science. He is the author of several books, including: Founding Community: A Phenomenological-Ethical Inquiry (1998), Animal Others: On Ethics, Ontology, and Animal Life (1999), and The Things Themselves: Phenomenology and the Return to the Everyday (2006).
THOMAS THORP is professor of philosophy at Saint Xavier University in Chicago. He has published essays on Homer, Solon, and Plato, and is the author (with Brian Seitz) of The Iroquois and the Athenians: A Political Ontology (2013). Other bestial works include a recently published philosophical study of Yellowstone’s wolves (“Eating Wolves”). He is the founding director of Greater Yellowstone College.