Catalog of Yoga Poses

This section offers descriptions and pictures of twenty-three poses designed to support your exploration of the ten steps. The description for each pose highlights the ten-step approach for mastering yoga poses. The following information is intended to guide you in applying the information from the book into your yoga pose practice. You may also visit to view online video instructions of the twenty-three poses. One or two poses are highlighted from these basic categories: balance, meditative, extremities, inversions, relaxation, and spinal stretches (upward, sideward, forward, backward, and twisting). You may already know other poses, or will learn more poses in the future. In those cases, you can apply the principles outlined in this book to any pose in your repertoire.

This text intentionally does not offer an entire yoga pose routine. The focus of this particular work is to illuminate the practices and concepts of a holistic yoga pose practice, not to outline pose routines. Learning from a teacher is of foremost priority. The information here may enrich your practice and your understanding of yoga poses, but it cannot substitute for a class. Finally, individual needs vary and there are no one-size-fits-all yoga programs.

The Sun and Moon Salutations are not outlined here because this approach studies poses from the psychological aspect requiring holding the pose for a longer duration. Once you begin to understand your poses in a deeper manner, you will be able to automatically apply your knowledge to any Sun or Moon Salutation series.

Please note that the instructions beside each pose are suggestions only. Ultimately, the process is subjective. Focus on using the guidelines to create your own approach. In time, this will change. Some periods of life will demand a more introverted approach, and at other times energy will flow freely. The instructions listed are purposefully brief to inspire you to develop your own approach to the poses. For yoga teachers, I recommend acting as a mentor to your students by helping them to enjoy their own personal discovery in yoga pose practice.

There is more than one possibility for each pose. Most poses have multiple areas where the mind may focus. If you do not connect with the suggestions, then just follow what you are experiencing.

May these ideas deepen your existing practice and honor your existing student-teacher relationship as well as your existing yoga tradition. Yoga offers a lifetime of self-exploration, growth, and transcendence. As you get in touch with your creative, loving, and unchanging Self, your life will become richer and more fulfilling. Savor the journey and remember, have fun!

Categories of Poses

These categories describe the effect the poses have on different areas of the body. A balanced yoga routine covers each of these categories, so you may use them as another tool to gauge and design your yoga practice.











These categories are mainly based on the way in which the pose stretches the spine: upward, sideward, forward, backward, and twist. The movement of the spine directly impacts the nervous system that is the bridge in the mind-body connection. Balancing poses cultivate coordination and concentration. Poses for the extremities open the shoulders, hips, arms, and legs. Inversion poses are superior for overall health. Relaxation and meditation poses cover internal experiences. This is one rough practice guideline to memorize and apply to your practice to ensure that you have a well-balanced routine:

  • The directions of the spine (upward, sideward, forward, backward, and twist)
  • Balance
  • Extremities
  • Inversion
  • Relaxation and meditation

To simplify our discussions in this book, I highlighted only twenty-three of the hundreds of popular yoga poses. From these basic poses, you can detect similarities and further classify and organize some of your daily yoga poses. The complexity of a pose changes based on the many variations available. For example, simply positioning the hands in an upward versus downward position slightly alters the experience of that pose. One book may never be able to conclusively cover every yoga pose, so I encourage you to see the universality of the poses and apply the principles of this book to your practice.

In addition, for intermediate to advanced students, below is a list of additional poses that are not included in this book. Please apply the ten steps of this book to these poses as well:

  • Balance: Eagle Pose, Toe to Finger Pose, Warrior III or Line Pose
  • Upward: Stick Pose, Mountain Pose
  • Forward: Arm-leg Pose, Head to Knee, Three Limbs Pose, Symbol of Yoga Pose, Standing Forward Bend, Throat Lock, Yoga Mudra, Maha Mudra
  • Backward: Fish, Bridge, Upward Dog, Peacock Pose, Camel, Reclining Goddess, Reclining Hero, Locust, Cricket
  • Sideward: Gate Pose, Half Moon Pose, Angle, Straddle, Sideward Bend
  • Twist: Torso Twist, Windmill Pose
  • Extremities: Warrior II, Warrior III or Line Pose, Bound Ankle Pose, Cow Pose, Chair Pose, Cow Face, Fish, Cradle, Crow Pose, Root Lock or Squat, Simple Throne, Seated Straddle Forward Bend, Spiraled Head-to-Knee Pose, Quadriceps Pose, Plank, Side Plank, Lion, Cradle, Lunge, Frog, Reverse Prayer Pose, Goddess Pose
  • Inversion: Dead Bug, Ball, Half Plough, Half Fish, Arch Pose, Legs on Wall Pose, Happy Baby Pose, Headstand (not recommended), Handstand
  • Relaxation: Crocodile
  • Meditative: Lotus, Adamant Pose, Open Pose, Perfect Pose, Auspicious Pose, Bull Pose, Standing Prayer Pose, Womb Pose

One final explanation. You may also debate my category choices, as certain poses have multiple effects on the body. For example, a pose like the Downward Dog stretches and strengthens the extremities, inverts the head below the heart, and offers a mild backward bend! I chose inversion as a category rather than extremities, but both are valid.

The twenty-three poses are categorized as follows:


1. Tree Pose

2. Dancer Pose

3. Boat Pose


4. Palm Tree Pose


5. Wheel Pose

6. Seated Forward Bend

7. Child’s Pose


8. Cat Stretch

9. Cobra

10. Bow Pose


11. Triangle Pose

12. Extended Side Angle


13. Partial Seated Twist

14. Supine Twist


15. Butterfly Pose

16. Pigeon Pose

17. Warrior I


18. Downward Dog

19. Shoulder Stand

20. Plough Pose


21. Corpse Pose


22. Easy Pose

23. Half Lotus Pose

Visit for free video instructions of these poses.

1. Tree pose






1. Intention

  • Personal intention based on individual growth

2. Attitude

  • Giving
  • The abundance of a tree

3. Archetype

  • Deeply rooted while reaching for the sky

4. Posture Alignment

  • Rest foot on ankle, calf, or inner thigh
  • Lifted knee turns out to the side
  • Press foot into leg and leg into foot
  • Lengthen spine upward, relax shoulders
  • Upper arms close to ears

5. Breathing

  • Natural deep breathing

6. Mental Focus

  • Root—one foot beneath the floor
  • Heart—feeling the giving nature of tree

7. Energy Center

  • Root chakra (1st)
  • Heart chakra (4th)

8. Locks and Seals

  • Prayer mudra, hands above head or hands at heart
  • Root Lock

9. Psychological Block

  • Challenges attachment to balance
  • Aversion to imbalance
  • Fear of falling

10. Emotional Transformation

  • Worry vs. Faith

2. Dancer pose




1. Intention

  • Openness

2. Attitude

  • Grace of the dancer
  • Confidence and self-esteem

3. Archetype

  • Transformation
  • Connection in the dance of life
  • Balance and completion

4. Posture Alignment

  • Hold inside of the foot with same-side hand, press the foot into the hand to extend the arm
  • Lean slightly forward from the hips
  • Opposite arm curves upward and creates circular energy up the hand
  • Reach up and back with the opposite extended arm, toward the lifted foot
  • Visualize the foot touching the head

5. Breathing

  • Natural deep breathing

6. Mental Focus

  • Navel or top of head

7. Energy Center

  • Sacral chakra (2nd)

8. Locks and Seals

  • Fix eyes on one stable point
  • Visualize foot touching head to seal energy loop

9. Psychological Block

  • Ignorance of the “dance” of life
  • Not flowing in life, like a dam in a river

10. Emotional Transformation

  • Seek a balanced expression of emotions
  • Learning from effort

3. Boat pose




1. Intention

  • Strength

2. Attitude

  • Faith

3. Archetype

  • A boat navigating the currents of life

4. Posture Alignment

  • Balance body on buttocks and keep spine straight
  • Extend legs forward in a bent or elongated position
  • Engage abdominal muscles to sustain the posture
  • Bring lower back to floor or hold the back of the legs for modified boat

5. Breathing

  • Inhale first, raise body
  • Suspend breath in pose
  • Continue natural deep breathing if holding pose

6. Mental Focus

  • Center of body, just above the navel

7. Energy Center

  • Solar plexus chakra (3rd)

8. Locks and Seals

  • Root Lock

9. Psychological Block

  • Aversion to difficulty, challenge, struggle, or change

10. Emotional Transformation

  • Looking forward
  • Facing the “waves” of life with courage

4. Palm Tree pose

Talasana III



1. Intention

  • Gaining higher awareness through dedication
  • Reaching for your higher Self

2. Attitude

  • Faith

3. Archetype

  • The palm tree has a strong trunk that reaches for the sun
  • The palm tree bears one of earth’s most nutritious fruits

4. Posture Alignment

  • Raise arms over head, palms facing each other (touching or not), keep shoulders relaxed
  • Lift up onto toes (for modification, keep feet flat on the floor)
  • Reach the spine upward and then release arms to starting point
  • Keep head straight, gaze at an object eye level (do not look up or arch the back)
  • Tuck hips to flatten lower spine and touch chin to the chest to flatten neck curvature, creating a straight spine to feel energy movement up and down the body
  • As the arms rise up and down, bring shoulder blades together so that the heart is open and the upper arms rise up to the side of the ears

5. Breathing

  • Inhale while raising the arms
  • Retain breath while holding the pose
  • Exhale when lowering arms

6. Mental Focus

  • Top of head
  • Advanced—top of head and twelve inches below the ground (simultaneously)

7. Energy Center

  • Crown chakra (7th)

8. Locks and Seals

  • Root Lock
  • Abdominal Lock
  • Chin Lock
  • Great Lock (all of the above in tandem)

9. Psychological Block

  • Examine the ego in relation to striving
  • Balance excess or deficiency

10. Emotional Transformation

  • Reach your highest
  • Face life with open arms

5. Wheel Pose








1. Intention

  • Surrender of emotional issues

2. Attitude

  • Letting go, detaching

3. Archetype

  • Circle of life
  • The essence of the wheel
  • The power of motion

4. Posture Alignment

  • With feet shoulder-width apart, raise arms up over the head
  • Extend up and out of the lower back
  • Do not strain the head or hips backward
  • Exhale and bend forward from the hips, extend out through fingertips as you fold forward
  • Circle arms like a wheel and clasp them behind the back in the forward fold
  • Extend arms toward the ceiling (to modify, let them rest on the lower back)

5. Breathing

  • Inhale as you stretch upward, exhale as you bend forward
  • Equal breath while holding pose
  • Exhale relaxing arms
  • Inhale while rising back to standing

6. Mental Focus

  • Center of the body, just above the navel

7. Energy Center

  • Solar plexus chakra (3rd)
  • Opens the back side (moon side) of all chakras

8. Locks and Seals

  • Abdominal Lock

9. Psychological Block

  • Ego domination
  • Identifying with difficulty and strife

10. Emotional Transformation

  • Let go of impediments
  • Surrendering and releasing the past

6. Seated Forward Bend






1. Intention

  • Surrender personal limitations

2. Attitude

  • Non-attachment to dreams

3. Archetype

  • Introspection

4. Posture Alignment

  • From seated position with legs outstretched and arms raised, bend forward from the hips
  • Keep back straight as far forward as you can and then surrender head, spine, and hands to rest on legs or feet
  • Relax head and tuck the chin

5. Breathing

  • Exhale as you bend forward
  • Intermediate students may suspend breath while in the pose, then breathe normally if held longer
  • Inhale rising back up

6. Mental Focus

  • Base of spine
  • Back of throat

7. Energy Center

  • Third eye chakra (6th)

8. Locks and Seals

  • Root Lock
  • Abdominal Lock
  • Chin Lock
  • Great Lock (all of the above in tandem)

9. Psychological Block

  • Surrendering egoistic ideas and future fantasies

10. Emotional Transformation

  • Find stillness within

7. Child’s pose






1. Intention

  • Openness
  • Connection to the infinite
  • Receiving

2. Attitude

  • Humility by consciously receiving

3. Archetype

  • Return to the womb

4. Posture Alignment

  • On all fours, sit back onto (or toward) the heels, bending forward. If the buttocks do not touch the heels, tuck a blanket in between for support.
  • Touch forehead to floor if possible with arms resting at sides (modification is to rest the forehead on crossed arms or double-stacked fists)

5. Breathing

  • Breathe into the diaphragm area to loosen the lower torso

6. Mental Focus

  • Arms and legs touching the earth
  • The point between kidneys on the back of the body

7. Energy Center

  • Sacral chakra (2nd)

8. Locks and Seals

  • The pose itself is a seal
  • Throat Lock

9. Psychological Block

  • Avoiding life

10. Emotional Transformation

  • Feel the freedom of infant who is cared for by the larger universe without worry

8. Cat Stretch






1. Intention

  • Honesty

2. Attitude

  • Self-inquiry in terms of the higher Self

3. Archetype

  • Curious cat exploring reality

4. Posture Alignment

  • Start on all fours, with hands and knees shoulder-width apart
  • Hands under the shoulders and knees under the hips
  • Notice weight distributed equally through all four limbs
  • Arch into backbend-like stretch, tipping the tailbone up, dropping the belly and stretch the throat by reaching the chin out first and looking up (do not overly compress the neck) (Cow position)
  • Follow by rounding the back, dropping the tailbone and tucking the chin toward the chest, and pull the belly in toward the spine (Cat position)

5. Breathing

  • Inhale as you stretch up and back
  • Exhale as you round
  • Intermediate students may hold breath while arching and suspend breath while rounding

6. Mental Focus

  • Crown while arching
  • Center of back opposite solar plexus when rounding

7. Energy Center

  • Crown chakra (7th) when arching
  • Solar plexus chakra (3rd) when rounding
  • Notice which chakra your attention is drawn to, as this pose activates all of the chakras

8. Locks and Seals

  • Abdominal Lock after breath suspension while rounding
  • Throat Lock while

9. Psychological Block

  • Ignorance
  • Rigid view of life
  • Narrow-mindedness

10. Emotional Transformation

  • Courage to seek the truth
  • Faith and hope
  • Overcoming fear

9. Cobra pose




1. Intention

  • Transcendence

2. Attitude

  • Achievement

3. Archetype

  • Snake shedding its skin is symbolic of transformation
  • Release old patterns and allow new energy to flow

4. Posture Alignment

  • Lying on your belly, rest your forehead, arms, and the tops of your feet on the ground
  • Lift up the chest (while resting the arms on the floor) as far as is comfortable (modify by supporting the upper body with forearms and palms on the floor)
  • Relax the arms, buttocks, and leg muscles
  • Head follows the spine (one long line of energy)

5. Breathing

  • Inhale as you lift the spine
  • For intermediate students, retain breath while holding the pose
  • Exhale as you lower the spine

6. Mental Focus

  • Top of the head

7. Energy Center

  • Crown chakra (7th)

8. Locks and Seals

  • Root Lock
  • Tongue Seal

9. Psychological Block

  • Ignorance of the changing nature of life

10. Emotional Transformation

  • Recognizing comfort in the growth process

10. Bow pose






1. Intention

  • Focus

2. Attitude

  • Fortitude
  • Discipline

3. Archetype

  • Honing the strength and skill to aim the bow

4. Posture Alignment

  • While lying on the stomach, reach back for toes or ankles
  • Lift chest off of the floor as the hands and feet lift toward the sky
  • Modification is to reach arms back toward toes (by the side of the body) and lift upper body and legs simultaneously

5. Breathing

  • Inhale while moving into pose
  • Intermediate, retain breath while in the pose
  • Exhale while returning

6. Mental Focus

  • Heart or throat

7. Energy Center

  • Third eye chakra (6th)

8. Locks and Seals

  • Eye Seal with eyes focused inward toward third eye

9. Psychological Block

  • Attachment to perfection

10. Emotional Transformation

  • Concentrate and remain committed to practice

11. Triangle pose




1. Intention

  • Harmony

2. Attitude

  • Honesty

3. Archetype

  • The triangle has powerful historical meaning in different cultures—the triad, the trinity, the pyramid

4. Posture Alignment

  • Stand with legs spread apart, back foot is at a
    45-degree angle, toes of the front foot point forward. Both the front and back legs are extended. Line up the front foot with the arch of the back foot and open the hips to the side of the room
  • Raise arms to shoulder height. Reach from the waist, out through the fingertips as far as you can. Keeping hips and lower body steady, extend front arm to reach down toward the thigh, shin, or foot. If you feel the back hip coming forward, ease up on the stretch. Reach up through the fingertips of the back hand as it extends toward the ceiling. If the neck is flexible, turn to look up at the ceiling
  • Keep hips open; lower arm hangs with gravity and the core muscles engage to hold the posture (or the lowered arm can be used for support by holding onto the shin or thigh)

5. Breathing

  • Diaphragmatic breathing

6. Mental Focus

  • Sacrum

7. Energy Center

  • Sacral chakra (2nd)
  • Heart chakra (4th)

8. Locks and Seals

  • Root Lock

9. Psychological Block

  • Categorize qualities of reality as pure, energetic, or dull
  • Egoism and attachment tend to be of an energetic nature
  • Aversion and fear fall under the dull category

10. Emotional Transformation

  • Notice the poles of the triangle each have tendencies and each support the other; negative qualities have positive counterbalances and both are connected to a pure outcome
  • Cultivating a pure state in all aspects of our lives helps us to rise above ignorance

12. Extended Side Angle

Stthita Parsvakonasana



1. Intention

  • Trust

2. Attitude

  • Flexibility

3. Archetype

  • Rootedness

4. Posture Alignment

  • Similar to triangle pose, stand with legs spread apart, back foot at a
    45-degree angle, toes of the front foot pointed forward. The back leg is extended and the front leg bends so that the knee is over the ankle
  • Raise arms to shoulder height. Reach from the waist, out through the fingertips
  • Keeping hips and lower body steady, let the elbow of the front arm come down and rest on the thigh
  • Keep hips open as the back arm comes to reach up and over the head, feel the pose as one long line of the energy, from the fingertips of the extended arm all the way through the hip and into the leg and foot of the extended leg

5. Breathing

  • Diaphragmatic breathing

6. Mental Focus

  • Sacrum

7. Energy Center

  • Root chakra (1st)

8. Locks and Seals

  • Root Lock

9. Psychological Block

  • Aversion to change

10. Emotional Transformation

  • A strong base supports transformation. Challenge yourself while recognizing limits for stretching in yoga poses, and in life

13. partial Seated Twist

Ardha Matsyendrasana





1. Intention

  • Joy

2. Attitude

  • Peacefulness

3. Archetype

  • Fire; purification

4. Posture Alignment

  • Choose from the different modifications pictured
  • Twist from core muscles, not shoulders
  • Keep spine erect
  • Relax forehead

5. Breathing

  • Exhale while entering the twist
  • Intermediate students, suspend breath
  • Diaphragmatic breathing to hold pose longer

6. Mental Focus

  • Third eye

7. Energy Center

  • Solar plexus chakra (3rd)
  • Third eye chakra (6th)

8. Locks and Seals

  • Abdominal Lock

9. Psychological Block

  • Fear manifested as worry

10. Emotional Transformation

  • Release doubt and worry to allow the body’s energy to flow
  • Cultivate joy in the body, mind, and spirit

14. Supine Twist

Supta Matsyendrasana



1. Intention

  • Release of past
  • Forgiveness

2. Attitude

  • Effort
  • Objectivity

3. Archetype

  • Yogi or spiritual master. Supine twist is named after the famed tenth-century yogi Matsyendra
  • Purification

4. Posture Alignment

  • Lie on the back and lift the knees to the chest
  • Start on the right side by lowering the knees to the floor. Keep the knees in line with the hips
  • Place your arms to your sides straight out from the shoulders
  • Turn your head away from the knees to twist the neck

5. Breathing

  • Release into twist with the exhale

6. Mental Focus

  • Sacrum
  • Point between the kidneys

7. Energy Center

  • Sacral chakra (2nd)

8. Locks and Seals

  • Abdominal Lock

9. Psychological Block

  • Ego; are you able to see another perspective, or are you attached to your own view? Can you release the past?

10. Emotional Transformation

  • Recognize that past issues can be released and healed

15. Butterfly pose

Poorna Titali Asana





1. Intention

  • Freedom through transformation

2. Attitude

  • Openness

3. Archetype

  • Butterfly (metamorphosis)
  • Freedom from suffering
  • Transformation through spiritual cocoon

4. Posture Alignment

  • Draw the soles of the feet together from seated position and hold on to the toes, ankles, or shins
  • Sit up straight
  • Slowly butterfly the knees up and down

5. Breathing

  • Inhale as you lift the knees, exhale as you lower

6. Mental Focus

  • Root
  • Base of spine
  • Sacrum

7. Energy Center

  • Root chakra (1st)
  • Sacral chakra (2nd)

8. Locks and Seals

  • Root Lock
  • Horse Seal

9. Psychological Block

  • Fear of change
  • Attachment to life

10. Emotional Transformation

  • Like the caterpillar’s transformation into the butterfly, our negative emotions can be transformed in order to serve our highest potential and the greater good

16. Pigeon Pose

Eka Pada Kapotasana









1. Intention

  • Communication within one’s self (inner dialogue)

2. Attitude

  • Self-awareness and self-

3. Archetype

  • Relationship to ego, pride, gifts and talents, power (puffing out of the chest like a pigeon)

4. Posture Alignment

  • While seated, bring the leg in front of the body, the knee at a 90-degree angle (if this is not possible or comfortable, draw the foot closer to the groin)
  • The back leg is bent behind in a comfortable way
  • If able to straighten the back leg, do so as long as the corresponding sit bone doesn’t pop up
  • Begin with a backward bend, shoulders rounded back, heart and throat open
  • Bend forward, using arms out in front to lower body and the forehead to the floor (modify by slightly bending the elbows and using the hands to hold you up, or resting on the forearms or double-stacked fists)

5. Breathing

  • Inhale into the backward opening stretch
  • Intermediate students may retain breath while arched upward
  • Exhale in forward bending and release into pose
  • Intermediate students may suspend breath while forward

6. Mental Focus

  • Throat while arching back
  • Back of neck while in forward bending

7. Energy Center

  • Throat chakra (5th)

8. Locks and Seals

  • Chin Lock in forward bend

9. Psychological Block

  • Ego
  • Ignorance about the true Self

10. Emotional Transformation

  • Notice the balance between effort (upward stretch) and detachment (forward bend) in terms of personal growth
  • Surrender the mind to the heart

17. Warrior I

Virabhadrasana I



1. Intention

  • Power
  • Courage

2. Attitude

  • Self-esteem
  • Perseverance

3. Archetype

  • Spiritual warrior
  • The strength to face blocks and transform

4. Posture Alignment

  • From standing position, step one foot back three to four feet and turn the foot outward 45 to 90 degrees
  • Lunge with front knee until it is over the ankle, square hips to the front
  • Raise arms up above head, palms together
  • Back is slightly arched from the stomach, eyes gaze forward

5. Breathing

  • Equal diaphragmatic breathing for prolonged practice
  • Breath retention for shorter durations

6. Mental Focus

  • Solar plexus

7. Energy Center

  • Solar plexus chakra (3rd)

8. Locks and Seals

  • Root Lock
  • Abdominal Lock

9. Psychological Block

  • Fear
  • Aversion to emotional

10. Emotional Transformation

  • With effort, positive emotions are cultivated
  • As a spiritual warrior, act with confidence and an open heart

18. Downward Dog

Adho Mukha Svanasana



1. Intention

  • Joy

2. Attitude

  • Optimism

3. Archetype

  • Relax, stretch, and feel the joy of your own body
  • Playfulness

4. Posture Alignment

  • From all fours, open up the fingers to create a stable base, tuck your toes under to put weight on the balls of your feet, and send the hips back as you lift your knees off the floor
  • Relax the head and neck as you send the chest toward the legs
  • Stretch the spine as you lengthen and extend the arms and guide the tailbone backward and upward
  • Heels toward the floor (they may or may not touch the floor)

5. Breathing

  • Diaphragmatic breath, bring stomach muscles back toward spine for complete exhalation

6. Mental Focus

  • Heart
  • Throat

7. Energy Center

  • Heart chakra (4th)

8. Locks and Seals

  • Root Lock
  • Abdominal Lock

9. Psychological Block

  • Attachment, possessiveness

10. Emotional Transformation

  • A symbol of unconditional love, man’s best friend teaches us how to transform our emotions with loyalty and devotion to the human race

19. Shoulder Stand






1. Intention

  • Introspection

2. Attitude

  • Wisdom

3. Archetype

  • Turning upside down, viewing reality from a new perspective

4. Posture Alignment

  • While on your back, rock your knees and lift the hips, supporting them with your hands
  • Tuck your chin and be mindful of the pressure your spine
  • Half Shoulder Stand keeps the legs angled at 45
  • Full Shoulder Stand extends the legs toward the ceiling
  • For modification, keep the low back on floor and hold behind knees, feet up in the air

5. Breathing

  • Normal deep breathing

6. Mental Focus

  • Crown

7. Energy Center

  • Crown chakra (7th)

8. Locks and Seals

  • Chin Lock

9. Psychological Block

  • Ego, fear of change

10. Emotional Transformation

  • Recognizing the limited nature of perspective
  • Sensing the distinction between selfishness and selflessness
  • Seeing things from a new perspective

20. Plough pose






1. Intention

  • Silence

2. Attitude

  • Humility

3. Archetype

  • Furrowing, reaping bounty
  • Pushing new boundaries
  • Planting seeds for new growth

4. Posture Alignment

  • On back, lift legs up over head and down toward the floor behind head
  • To activate the legs, extend through the toes as they lower to the floor
  • Be careful of spinal compression by supporting torso with the hands on the floor or back, or above the head
  • Modify by pressing the feet into a wall behind you

5. Breathing

  • Inhale while on back
  • Exhale bringing legs
  • Intermediates may suspend breath in the pose

6. Mental Focus

  • Throat

7. Energy Center

  • Throat chakra (5th)

8. Locks and Seals

  • Chin Lock
  • Tongue Seal

9. Psychological Block

  • Fear

10. Emotional Transformation

  • Willingness to be quiet and reflective
  • Overcoming the need of external justification

21. Corpse pose




1. Intention

  • Faith

2. Attitude

  • Acceptance
  • Letting go
  • Release

3. Archetype

  • Rebirth
  • Rest or rejuvenation

4. Posture Alignment

  • Lay on your back with feet a foot and a half apart, arms at your side, or any comfortable pose for relaxing the body
  • To modify for low back pain, place a rolled blanket beneath the thighs or knees

5. Breathing

  • Natural breathing, notice the diaphragm activate in this position

6. Mental Focus

  • The sixteen concentration points help release tension in the nearby areas of the body:
    1. Tips of toes
    2. Ankles
    3. Back of knees
    4. Thighs
    5. Anus
    6. Reproductive organs
    7. Navel
    8. Stomach
    9. Heart
    10. Throat
    11. Lips
    12. Tip of the nose
    13. Eyes
    14. Third eye (space
    between eyebrows)
    15. Forehead
    16. Top of the head

7. Energy Center

  • The activated chakra relates to the area(s) of release, may be one individual chakra or multiple chakras. Follow your intuition

8. Locks and Seals

  • The pose itself is a seal, as the supine position symbolically seals you from activity

9. Psychological Block

  • Fear of death and change
  • Attachments

10. Emotional Transformation

  • Surrendering ego-consciousness in preparation for returning to original form.
  • Self-realization; who are we beyond body and mind?

22. Easy Pose



23. Half Lotus Pose

Ardha Padmasana





1. Intention

  • Clarity

2. Attitude

  • Reaching for true Self, grounded in the earth while reaching for the sky

3. Archetype

  • Lotus flower seed contains a perfect flower within, the inherent Divine nature
  • Beauty in turbid conditions

4. Posture Alignment

  • From sitting position, sit with erect spine and sacral mutation (lumbar curve)
  • Relaxed shoulders, arms, hands, face, smile
  • Half-lotus brings one foot up onto thigh
  • Use wall, pillow, or chair for support or comfort
  • Bottom half of the body feels heavy, rooted
  • Upper half of the body feels light and airy

5. Breathing

  • Natural breath (in meditation)
  • Many different breathing exercises can be performed in this position

6. Mental Focus

  • Common areas are root, solar plexus, heart, third eye, and crown

7. Energy Center

  • Third eye chakra (6th) for concentration of mind
  • Chakras related to specific meditation exercise

8. Locks and Seals

  • Cross-legged position acts as a seal symbolizing a still body and mind
  • Knowledge Seal
  • Consciousness Seal
  • Locks as they relate to
    specific exercises

9. Psychological Block

  • Ignorance

10. Emotional Transformation

  • If experiencing negative emotion, meditate upon the opposite
  • Meditative poses create space to discern the real from the unreal
