
The Missing Manual series is a joint venture between the dream team introduced on these pages and O’Reilly Media. I’m grateful to all of them, and also to a few people who did massive favors for this book. They include Microsoft’s Greg Chiemingo, who patiently helped dig up answers to the tweakiest Windows 8 questions; HP and Toshiba for lending me multitouch PCs to test; O’Reilly’s Brian Sawyer, who accommodated my nightmarish schedule like a gentleman; and proofreaders Kellee Katagi, Nancy Young, and Judy Le.

In previous editions of this book, I relied on the talents of several guest authors and editors; some of their prose and expertise lives on in this edition. They include Brian Jepson, Joli Ballew, C.A. Callahan, Preston Gralla, John Pierce, and Adam Ornstein.

Finally, a special nod of thanks to my squadron of meticulous, expert volunteer beta readers who responded to my invitation via Twitter: Shalom Rubdi, Douglas Barry, Robert Stelling, Derek Gibbs, Michael Parente, Adam Sena, Ruben Orozco, Arthur Talansky, Todd E. Murphy, Karl Nicholson, Skip Rynearson, Carter Dudley, John Nicholson, Peter Roehrich, Allen Brandt, Peter Setlak, Niels Siskens, Bonita Smith, Kyle Hartsock, Robindar Nath Batra, James Feighny, Brian N. Bowes, Frank Kachurak, John Greek, Thomas D. Green, Ydder Htnawsaj, Thomas Kerber, Rushir Parikh, Raffi Patatian, Mattia Bellamoli, Eric James, Matt Gibstein, and Ray Richman. They’re the superstars of crowdsourcing.

Thanks to David Rogelberg for believing in the idea. Thanks, above all, to Nicki, my muse and my love, and the three Poguelets: Kelly, Tia, and Jeffrey. They make these books—and everything else—possible.

—David Pogue