THE STOCKY MAN who was in fact a muscular thin man puffed up the ramp into the shuttle.

The embarking officer glanced at the checker, who batted her eyelashes and turned to address the boarding passenger.

“Ser Blanko…so glad you enjoyed your stay on Accord.”

“Who said I enjoyed it? Business is business is business. That’s my motto.” He swung his case around.

“If you wouldn’t mind, Ser Blanko…”

“Mind what?” grumbled the stocky man with a touch of a whine to his response.

“Just being careful with the case until you get home. That’s all. After your partner, we wouldn’t want you to have any problems…”

Barely an instant’s stiffness froze the man. “You got the wrong person, officer. Never had a partner, never will. Business is business, like I say. No time to educate someone else. Just enough time to get the sale made.”

“So sorry, Ser Blanko. We hope you have a pleasant trip back to Alphane.”

The man did not correct the embarking officer.

Although his destination was Alphane, his card indicated Frostbreak.