Honorable Mentions

A trail once ran over Anacortes Crossing to access the mine claims in Hells Basin. It has long since been abandoned to the brush.

The Frosty Creek Trail has been rebuilt over Frosty Pass. It is used mostly by horse riders and is quite muddy in the Frosty Creek bottoms.

A spur trail to The Parks climbs from Frosty Creek into vast meadows. It receives only sporadic maintenance, and its junction is unmarked.

The Chuchuwanteen Creek Trail, maintained sporadically, climbs vigorously from the mouth of Frosty Creek to Monument 83 on the Canadian border.

The Rock Creek Trail is maintained fairly regularly but is prone to washouts in its upper reaches, as well as deadfalls and avalanche debris.

A long, muddy trail runs down the West Fork of the Pasayten River. It is the preferred route of horse parties bound for Holman Pass.

A cutoff trail descends from the Buckskin Ridge trail to the Middle Fork of the Pasayten. It is well maintained though less scenic than alternate routes.

The Point Defiance Trail receives occasional maintenance from the Shellrock Pass Trail junction to Pleasant Valley. Beyond this point, it has been abandoned and is littered with deadfalls.

The Tatoosh Buttes Trail is an old sheep driveway. The grade to the top is steep, but the alpine country is quite scenic. It is maintained regularly.

The trail from the Canadian Border to Hidden Lakes is very popular with horse riders, and the remote lakes are paradoxically one of the few crowded destinations in the Pasayten Wilderness.

A path runs over Butte Pass from the Monument trail to Hidden Lakes, but it receives minimal maintenance and is littered with blow-downs.

The trail that once followed Eureka Creek has been abandoned for so long that it is difficult to find even a trace of it.