Translation of address to the readers (facing page):
[Beneath portrait of Vredeman: Aetat. 77 = "At the age of 77."]
This is my visage. From youth’s earliest flower
Revering art, I strove that not one hour
Should idly pass. My eyes and mind took pride
In sacred Optics. T hereunto allied
Was fructifying labor] forty years
I plied this art devoutly. Here appears
A doctrine won by toil. T hat art is famed
For trustiness which trusty rules have framed:
And here most trusty methods shall explain
This art, which guides the eyes and soothes the brain
With images, but never cheats the sight
With lying views. For your more true delight
Exact engravings illustrate this book.
Here I may gain renown ... Let Belgium look
Toward her own name for learning, if she can.
Should this work please, a larger one I plan,
Fully adorned through many pages’ span.
J. V. D. V.