I watched the Trouble Dog and the two civilian vessels wink out of the universe, and felt something ease in my gut. Whatever happened over the next few minutes, Addison and Lucy were safe. My strange little family would live to fight another day.
I, on the other hand…
The tactical screens were filled with threats. I saw the Manticore sliced in half by an energy beam—although, miraculously, the front half continued to fire on the encroaching white ships.
The Penitence shuddered as its defensive batteries kept up a constant barrage, sweeping away incoming missiles. But there could be no defence against that energy beam.
“Mr Schultz?”
“Yes, ship?”
“The others are safe.”
“I know.”
“Our work here is almost done. But I’m afraid we can’t retreat. To turn our backs now would only hasten our destruction.”
I gripped the edge of the captain’s chair. Although I’d been prepared to die to ensure the safety of my girls, it wasn’t a pleasant experience to hear we had no other choice.
A torpedo went off at extreme range. We were close enough to avoid the nuclear fireball, but the blast wave shook the ship and set off the radiation alarms.
I tried to swallow but my throat was dry.
“Okay,” I said, trying to keep my voice level. “Let’s take as many of the bastards with us as we can.”
The Penitence’s avatar smiled, revealing shining white vampire teeth. “Oh,” he said, “I intend to.”
Without warning, the thrust kicked in and we surged forward, directly at the enemy. I guess it must have been the last thing they were expecting, because all their first shots went wide. Penitence responded by launching all his remaining stock of torpedoes. He was giving it everything, even switching his cannons from defensive to offensive targeting. But we both knew we weren’t going to last much longer.
“Mr Schultz?”
“Yes, ship?”
The avatar had changed out of his usual robes and was now wearing a black shirt under a silk waistcoat and dress jacket. “I’ve done a lot of things in my life,” he said, “some I’m no longer proud of.”
I remembered all the scams and hustles I’d pulled, the people I’d screwed over to become “Lucky” Johnny Schultz. “I think we can all say that.”
Fresh explosions blossomed. Half the cameras on our port side died.
“But this thing we’re doing now,” the ship said, and he seemed to stand a little straighter. “I think this is the best thing I’ve ever done.”
My eyes pricked with tears. “I think that goes for both of us.”
The avatar stood to attention and gave a crisp salute. “It’s been an honour serving with you.”
I touched a finger to my forehead in response. I could feel the sobs coming now. I swallowed again, trying to force them back down into my chest. I fought to keep my voice from cracking.
“And y—”