The border of the Intrusion surged outwards, engulfing the nearest half-dozen knife ships, all of which disintegrated at its touch, crumbling away like mounds of dry sand caught in a strong wind.
On the screen Ona Sudak cursed.
Beside me, Sofia opened her eyes. She looked somehow smaller, as if the expense of the effort had literally drained away some of her life.
“When the Hearthers fled,” she said, “they left the Intrusion defended. With your engines disabled by the Druff, you make easy targets. Now the Plates are out of the way, I can trigger a reality quake that will shatter every ship in your armada.”
Sudak’s eyes narrowed. “You’re bluffing. That’s impossible.”
Sofia gave a dry laugh. “I’m a two-hundred-year-old woman with glowing hands, and I just destroyed six of your ships by thinking really hard. Right here and now, there’s little distinction between what’s possible or not.”
Sudak glared.
“You have to stand down,” I told her. “We don’t need a dictatorship, however benevolent you think it might be. So, unless you relinquish control of the armada and turn yourself over to us, I’ll let Sofia destroy you. But I’d prefer not to be forced into that position. We need your ships. There are people out there suffering and starving and dying, and they all need help. Just stand aside, and there doesn’t have to be any more fighting.”
I watched her think about it for an entire minute, and honestly couldn’t guess whether she’d surrender or try to keep struggling. Finally, the big, bearlike creature shambled up behind her and she flinched as it placed a gigantic paw on her shoulder, its claw tips making dents in the fabric of her uniform.
We stand down, the beast said into the camera, saving her from having to make a decision. Although its voice was a series of snuffles and growls, the meaning of the words appeared in my head without first passing through my ears.
We are sorry.
We have fought the ancient enemy.
We have completed our purpose.
We no longer have use for this human.
Our mission henceforth will be one of mercy.
We are ready to serve.