The places described in the story do exist and are well worth a visit, but Birling Gap is now run by the National Trust. The awful pub has closed, and there is a café with cakes instead. The lighthouse at Belle Tout is portrayed here as semi-derelict, as it used to be, before it was moved safely back from the edge. The current owners, David and Barbara Shaw, have renovated the place beautifully. Go there for bed and breakfast; it is very comfortable and the views are stunning.
As for the people, nobody in the story is based on a living person. Any resemblance is a coincidence. There are volunteers who patrol the cliff edge in real life, but the Beachy Head chaplains are not the Guardians. The chaplains are skilled, dedicated, courageous people who save lives every day and deserve your support and your prayers, if you are the praying kind.
Thank you to Rachel Moreton, Elizabeth Sheinkman and Alison Barr for believing in and helping to nurture The Light Keeper.
Finally, if any of this has brought up issues and you need to talk to someone, the Samaritans are ready to listen on 116 123. Please call them. It is always better to talk. Thanks for reading. Do get in touch and let me know what you think, via <>.