


1 A Victim, ‘Letter to the Editor’, DTC (20 August 1898).

2 ‘Our Note Book’, Sporting Times (20 August 1898) & ‘Racing Notes’, The Sketch (21 September 1898).

3 C., Letter to the Editor, DTC (18 August 1898) & Noel Fairfax-Blakeborough (ed.) ‘J.F.B.’ The Memoirs of Jack-Fairfax-Blakeborough, OBE MC (London, 1978) p.87.

4 ‘Roughs on the Turf ’, DTC (13 August 1898).

5 Cited in J. Fairfax-Blakeborough, ‘The Ring in the Merry Past’, Banyan (December 1948) & p.19 Ron Whytock, Southern Bookmakers’ Protection Association, History File (n.d.) p.4.

6 ‘Scene at Hamilton’, DET (10 September 1904).

7 J. Fairfax-Blakeborough, ‘Secrets of the Old Tyneside Race Gang’, Sunday Sun [Newcastle] (20 January 1935) & Fairfax-Blakeborough (ed.), p.87.

8 ‘Roughs on the Turf ’, DTC (13 August 1898).

9 Geoffrey Pearson, Hooligan. A History of Respectable Fears (London, 1983) p.74 & Heather Shore, London’s Criminal Underworlds c. 1720 – c. 1930. A Social and Cultural History (London, 2015), pp.144–165.

Chapter One

10 ‘The Epsom Road Ambush’, TEN (London) (4 June 1921).

11 ‘Twenty-Eight Men Charged at the Police Court’, TG (4 June 1921).

12 ‘Story of the Epsom Ambush’, BDG (4 June 1921).

13 ‘The Epsom Road Ambush’, TEN (London) (4 June 1921).

14 ‘Identity of the Twenty-Eight’, BDG (21 July 1921).

15 ‘The Epsom Road Ambush’, TEN (4 June 1921).

16 ‘Denials of Epsom Prisoners’, BDG (22 July 1921).

17 ‘Acts of Violence’, BDG (29 December 1903).

18 ‘Sequel to the Nottingham Jewellery Robbery’, NEP (22 April 1904).

19 ‘Charge of Housebreaking’, NEP (16 June 1904).

20 ‘The End of the Peaky Blinders’, SI (28 June 1923).

21 See Carl Chinn, Peaky Blinders. The Real Story. The true history of Birmingham’s most notorious gangs, pp.173–189.

22 ‘The Dartmouth Street Vendetta’, BDG (3 May 1909).

23 ‘A Birmingham Vendetta’, BDG (26 August 1910).

24 ‘Edward Pankhurst’, Midlands, England, Electoral Registers, 1832–1955 (Deritend 1922).

25 ‘Men of Means in Epsom Ambush’, BDG (11 June 1921) & ‘The Epsom Road “Battle”’, BDG (27 June 1921).

26 Anonymous, BLA.

27 ‘Quarrel Over Football’, BDG (6 April 1909).

28 ‘Birmingham Gambling Raid’, BDG (10 May 1910).

29 After the Epsom Races’, WSG (28 July 1921).

30 ‘Assaulting Jews’, BDP (9 February 1892) & Chinn, pp.30–1.

31 Chinn, pp.223–4.

32 ‘A Judenhetze at Birmingham’ Bristol Mercury (9 February 1892).

33 ‘Assaulting Jews’, BDP (9 February 1892).

34 ‘Lady to a Policeman’s Rescue’, Central Somerset Gazette (4 September 1897).

35 MEPO 3/346, Birmingham Chief Constable’s Office, Report (10 June 1921).

36 ‘Gaming at Gosforth Park’, Newcastle Daily Chronicle (28 June 1919).

37 ‘Lichfield City Police’, Lichfield Mercury (18 August 1905).

38 ‘After the Epsom Races’, WSG (28 July 1921).

39 ‘An Expert Scamp’, Liverpool Echo (28 May 1914).

40 ‘Racecourse Gang’, TS (5 July 1926).

41 ‘Pocket-Picking in Newcastle’, Newcastle Evening Chronicle (3 July 1919).

42 ‘Aston Police Court’, BM (12 August & 27 March 1887).

43 ‘Assault’ BDP (4 September 1894).

44 ‘An Alibi that Failed’, BDP (10 October 1914).

45 ‘A Soldier’s Return’, BM (11 February 1918); and PWC.

46 Lesley & Robert Staight, Email (18 April 2015).

47 ‘Assaulting the Police’, BDP (26 May 1893).

48 ‘Burglary at Yardley’, BDP (11 December 1895).

49 ‘Drinks in the Tap Room’, BDG (23 February 1907).

50 ‘Lincoln Racecourse Cases’, NEP (22 March. 1911) & PWC.

51 ‘Street Tragedy’, BDG (7 March & 14 March 1912).

52 ‘City Assizes’, BDG (21 March 1912).

53 MEPO 3/346, Infantry Record Office, Letter (8 July 1921), Sergeant G. Rawle, Birmingham Police (6 July 1921).

54 ‘Result of a Holiday’, BM (8 July 1901).

55 See Chinn, pp.173–189.

56 ‘Fierce Police Court Struggle’, BDG (2 September 1903).

57 ‘Quarter Sessions’, BDG (1 July 1908).

58 ‘After the Jewels’, Surrey Advertiser (2 July 1917).

59 ‘After the Epsom Races’, WSG (28 July 1921).

60 Bedfordshire Mercury (12 March 1909).

61 ‘Robbery with Violence’, BDG (10 March 1909).

62 Andrew Davies, ‘Histories of Hooliganism’, in Dick Hobbs (ed.) Mischief, Morality and Mobs: Essays in Honour of Geoffrey Pearson (New York and London, 2017) p. 89.

63 ‘Other Trials’, BDG (6 March 1914).

64 ‘Assaulting the Police’, BDP (24 August 1916).

65 ‘Shopbreakers Sentenced’, BDP (1 October 1918).

66 ‘Working the Queues’, BDG (9 August 1919).

67 Mr and Mrs Gilliver, Interview, BLA (6 January 1989).

68 ‘Warwick Borough’, Leamington Spa Courier (19 September 1919).

69 TNA WO 97, Royal Hospital Chelsea: Soldiers Service Documents, Box 6013, Record 85, Attestation Service Number 10601 (31 July 1907).

70 ‘“A Dangerous Thief”’ Sentenced’, ED (13 February 1914).

71 TNA WO 86: Judge Advocate General’s Office: District Courts Martial Registers, Home and Abroad: Piece 071 (1916–1917) WO 86/71 (21 September 1916); ‘Dangerous Thief ’ ED (13 February. 1914); ‘Alleged Shopbreaking and Assault’, BM (28 September 1917); & MEPO 3/346, Infantry Record Office, Letter (8 July 1921).

72 ‘Trading on Army Service’, BDG (29 January 1920).

73 MEPO 3/346, Infantry Record Office, Letter (8 July 1921).

74 WO 364 – First World War Pension Claims, William O’Brien, Service Number 19769.

75 ‘Suspicious City Loiterers’, Manchester Evening News (23 July 1918).

76 ‘Alleged Notorious Pickpockets at Blackpool’ & ‘Jostled Blackpool Crowd’, Lancashire Evening Post (2 & 3 August 1918).

77 ‘Suspect Sentenced for Loitering’, BDP (31 December 1918).

78 The National Roll of the Great War, 19141918. Section VI, Birmingham (London, 1920) p.419.

79 Western Front Association, WWI pension ledgers and index cards, 6 MV 1 498959 & WO329; Ref: 615.

80 MEPO 3/346, Chief Constable, Report (10 June 1921) & ‘After the Epsom Races’, WSG (28 July 1921).

81 Eric Rickman, On and Off the Racecourse (London, 1937) p.256.

Chapter Two

82 ‘Racing Rogues Held Off By Armed Man’, TEN (London) (24 March 1921).

83 For a full discussion of Kimber’s early life see Chinn, pp.191–208.

84 ‘Thomas Templar’, IPN (20 February 1913).

85 Moss Deyong, ‘Everybody Boo . . .’ (London, 1951), p.53.

86 Thomas Dey, Leaves from a Bookmaker’s Book (London, 1931) pp.208–10.

87 ‘Englishmen Charged in Dublin’, Dublin Daily Express (11 May 1917).

88 Tommy Garnham, Interview (July 2013).

89 ‘A Charge of Stabbing’, IPN (20 February 1913).

90 ‘Alleged Wounding’, East London Observer (15 March 1913).

91 Brian McDonald, Gangs of London. 100 Years of Mob Warfare (Wrea Green, 2010) p.188.

92 Raphael Samuel, East End Underworld. Chapters in the Life of Arthur Harding (London, 1981) p.182.

93 Wray Vamplew, A Social and Economic History of Horse Racing (London, 1976), pp.62–7.

94 Chinn, pp.200–2.

95 Rickman, p.252.

96 ‘Easter Racing Features’, LM (19 April 1919).

97 Rickman, pp.252–5.

98 Tom Divall, Scoundrels and Scallywags (And Some Honest Men) (London, 1929) p.208.

99 ‘Detectives v Crooks’, Sunderland Daily Echo and Shipping Gazette (15 September 1919).

100 ‘Station Disturbance’, SDT (8 October 1919).

101 ‘Racecourse Pests’, DM (9 July 1920).

102 ‘Rogues of the Racecourse’, TT (17 July 1920).

103 ‘Racecourse Roughs’, Ibid. (23 August 1920).

104 McDonald, p.139.

105 ‘Racecourse Roughs’, IPN (12 August 1920).

106 McDonald, pp.139–40.

107 Ali Harris, Interview, CCBA. (3 July 1987).

108 McDonald, p.152.

109 ‘Applauds His Sentence’, Globe (15 June 1920).

110 ‘Blackmail Charge’, Glasgow Herald (11 September 1922).

111 Sam Dell, Interview, CCBA. (1987).

112 HO 144/10430, CID, Report (1 December 1922).

113 ‘Sabini’s Admissions in Bankruptcy Court’, DET (29 June 1926).

114 Dell, Interview.

115 Dell, Interview.

116 Charlie Maskey, Interview, CCBA (18 April 1988).

117 Jim Cooper, Interview, CCBA (4 April 1988).

118 Simeon Solomon, Interview, CCBA (3 July 1987) & Dave Langham, Interview, CCBA (1987).

119 Dell, Interview & ‘Bookmakers’ Accessories’, SL (17 January 1939); & Lou Prince, Interview, CCBA (1987).

120 Garnham, Interview.

121 Prince, Interview.

122 Divall, p.199.

123 ‘Racecourse Bullies’, TT (12 April 1921).

124 For a full discussion of Solomon’s early life see Chinn, pp.208–11.

125 Deyong, p.55.

126 ‘Fatal Blow at the Races’, DH (2 August 1921).

127 ‘Sandown Park Riot Sequel’, PMG (3 August 1921).

128 ‘Racing Men’s Feud’, BDG (18 August 1921) & ‘Racecourse Fight’, Derby Daily Telegraph (10 September 1921).

129 ‘Pleaded Guilty’, BDG (17 December 1889).

130 TNA WO 9602, Militia Service Records 1806–191, Box 94, Record Number 233 (2 February 1891).

131 ‘Racing Man’s Death’, BDG (3 August 1921).

132 Solomon, Interview.

133 Alan Harris, Interview.

134 Dell, Interview.

135 Prince, Interview.

136 Samuel, Interview.

137 Ralph L. Finn, Grief Forgotten (1st published 1968, 1985 edn. London) pp.23–5.

138 Dell, Interview.

139 ‘The Story of the Rival Gangs’, BDG (4 June 1921).

140 Prince, Interview, & Divall, p.199.

141 Solomon, Interview.

142 HO 45/23691, Ottavio Sabini, Statement (3 December 1940).

143 See Chinn, pp.216–20.

144 For the Italians of Saffron Hill see David R. Green, ‘Little Italy in Victorian London. Holborn’s Italian Community’, Camden History Review, vol.15 (1988) pp.2–6.

145 Shore, pp.186–7 and p.178.

146 McDonald, photograph p.2.

147 ‘Free Fights at a Trotting Match’, PMG (24 March 1921).

148 ‘Racecourse Pests’, WG (31 March 1921).

149 McDonald, p.156 & Samuel, pp.204–5.

150 ‘Blackmail Gangs on Racecourses’, PMG (31 March 1921).

151 HO 144/10430, CID, Report (1 December 1922).

152 McDonald, pp.125, 139–40 & 158.

153 Edward T. Hart, Britain’s Godfather (London, 1993), p.56.

154 Shore, p.11.

155 Hart, pp.56–60.

156 Edward Greeno, War on the Underworld (London, c. 1960), p.17.

157 ‘Hit First, Then Shot’, BDG (20 April 1921).

158 ‘A Shadow and a Revolver’, WG (19 April 1921).

159 ‘Shot after Orgy’, BDG (6 April 1921).

160 ‘King’s Cross Mystery’, Nottingham Journal (29 March 1921).

161 ‘Hit First Then Shot’, BDG (20 April 1921).

162 ‘A Gang of Terrors’, Nottingham Journal (28 April 1921).

163 Garnham, Interview.

164 ‘Shot after Orgy’, BDG (6 April 1921).

165 Greeno, p.18.

166 Deyong, p.54.

167 Prince, Interview.

168 ‘Racecourse Gangs’, DM (5 July 1921) & Greeno, p.18.

169 ‘Racecourse Fracas’, DH (5 April 1921).

170 ‘Racecourse Scenes’, WG (4 July 1921) & ‘Fracas at Races’, DH (5 July 1921).

171 ‘Rival Race Gangs’, BDG (5 July 1921).

172 Joe Martin, Interview, BLA (1987) p.23.

173 ‘Shooting on a Racecourse’, MG (5 April 1921).

174 Martin, Interview.

175 ‘German Bomb Handed to Policeman’, DET (21 April 1921) & ‘Shooting Affray’, DH (22 April 1921).

176 Greeno, p.18.

177 MEPO 3/346, Chief Constable, Report (10 June 1921).

Chapter Three

178 ‘Racecourses Infested with Ruffianly Gangs’, DET (13 April 1921); Black Mail Gangs on Racecourses’, PMG (31 March 1921); ‘Racing Roughs Riot at Alexandra Park’, IPN (7 April 1921); ‘Race-Course Riot’ & ‘Ruffianism at the Races’, TT (4 April & 2 August 1921); ‘Racecourse Gangs in Conflict’, DET (21 April 1921); ‘Rival Race Gangs’, BDG (5 July 1921); ‘Racecourse Fracas’, MG (5 July 1921).

179 ‘Racing Roughs Riot at Alexandra Park’, IPN (7 April 1921).

180 ‘Racecourse Riot,’ & ‘Meeting at Alexandra Park’, TT (4 April 1921).

181 ‘More Ruffianism’, Sporting Times (9 April 1921).

182 ‘Midland Men Resent Blackmail Charges’, BDG (6 June 1921).

183 Hilda Burnett, Letter, BLA (1995).

184 ‘Mr Bigland’s Trial’, SP (19 February 1922).

185 Richard Lane, ‘The Battle of Kingston Hill’ (May 1951). This was published in a magazine, but it has not been possible to find out which one.

186 Steve Nicholls, Interview, BLA (30 March 1989).

187 ‘A Battle after the Races’, Gloucester Citizen (4 June 1921).

188 The ‘Hold-Up’ at Epsom, LM (17 June 1921).

189 ‘Epsom Race Riot’, BDG (17 June 1921).

190 ‘Police Find at Inn’, BDG (25 June 1921).

191 ‘The Epsom Road Battle’, YPLI (17 June 1921).

192 Hart, pp.47–9.

193 ‘Leader of the S– Gang’, EN (6 August 1922).

194 ‘The Epsom Ambush’, Western Mail (20 July 1921).

195 ‘After the Epsom Races’, WSG (28 July 1921).

196 MEPO 3/346, Charles Schwartz, Statement (2 June 1921).

197 ‘Epsom Road Battle’, TT (4 June 1921).

198 Chief Inspector James Berrett, When I was at Scotland Yard (London, 1932), pp.116–9.

199 MEPO 3/346, Divisional Detective Inspector James Berrett, Report (28 July 1921).

200 ‘Epsom Road Prisoners Sentenced’, TT (25 July 1921).

201 MEPO 3/346, Assistant Commissioner, Report (21 July 1921).

202 ‘Epsom Road Prisoners Sentenced’, TT (25 July 1921).

203 MEPO 3/346, Berrett, Report (28 July 1921) & Assistant Commissioner, Report (21 July 1921).

204 ‘“Birmingham Boys”’, TEN [London] (4 June 1921).

205 ‘A Brutal Assault’, BM (27 June 1883).

206 ‘Quarter Sessions’, BDG (31 October 1907).

207 See Chinn, pp.164–89.

208 ‘Blackmailed “Bookies”’, BDG (4 June 1921).

209 HO 144/10430, CID, Report (1 December 1922).

210 The ‘Hold-Up’ at Epsom, LM (17 June. 1921).

211 Dell, Interview & ‘Race day Feud’, NEP (19 July 1921).

212 McDonald, p.162 & Fairfax-Blakeborough (ed.) p.99.

213 Brian McDonald, Elephant Boys. Tales of London and Los Angeles Underworlds (Edinburgh and London, 2005).

214 MEPO 3/346, Superintendent W. May, CID, Birmingham Chief Constable’s Office, Report (28 June 1921).

215 Ibid., Sergeant Hall, Staffordshire Constabulary, Report (8 July 1921).

216 ‘Matrimonial’ & ‘A Bookmaker’s Clerk and His Matrimonial Affairs’, Smethwick Telephone (21 January & 29 January 1921).

217 Horace Bottrell, Interview, CCBA (1987).

218 This assessment is based on unrecorded conversations with people who knew Cunnington.

219 ‘Calendar of Prisoners, 1870–1935. Birmingham Quarter Sessions, 1839–1971’, QS/B/20/81 (27 January 1909).

220 Ibid., QS/B/20/111 (1 March 1913).

221 ‘Birmingham Police Court’, BDP (20 May 1918).

222 MEPO 3/346, Ernest Seigenberg, Statement (2 June 1921).

223 ‘Attack on Lady Cashier’, BDG (14 November 1907); ‘Suspects at Snow Hill Station’, BDG (16 December 1908); ‘Christmas Day Scene in Hurst Street’, BM (27 December 1911); & ‘Persons in Criminal Custody’, PG (10 April 1917).

224 ‘Moat Thieves Sentenced’, Irish Independent (12 December 1917).

225 Berrett, p.120.

226 ‘Violent Gangs at Salisbury’, Western Gazette (8 July 1921).

227 McDonald, Gangs of London, p.163.

228 ‘Violent Gangs at Salisbury’, Western Gazette (8 July 1921) & ‘After the Races’, Western Times (20 July 1921).

229 Rickman, p.262.

230 ‘Wild Scenes at Bath Meeting’, YPLI (18 August 1921).

231 ‘Sensational Scenes in Bath’ BCWG (20 August 1921).

232 ‘Murderous Race Gangs’, IPN (25 August 1921).

233 ‘Sensational Scenes in Bath’, BCWG (20 August 1921).

234 ‘Rival Bookies’ Vendetta’, SP (21 August 1921).

235 ‘Sensational Scenes in Bath’ BCWG (20 August 1921).

236 Divall, pp.200–1.

237 ‘Ugly Racecourse Scenes’, Courier [Dundee] (18 August 1921).

238 ‘Racecourse Feuds’, Observer (21 August 1921).

239 ‘Rival Bookies’ Vendetta. Sequel to Wild Scenes at Racecourse’, SP (21 August 1921).

240 ‘Suspicious Persons at the Races’, Cheltenham Chronicle (25 May 1907).

241 Bottrell, Interview.

242 ‘Mounted Police Clear Racecourse’, DC (20 August 1921).

243 ‘Racecourse Feuds’, TT (23 August 1921).

244 ‘“Your Time Draws Near”’, NEP (30 August 1921).

245 ‘Racecourse Ruffianism’, YPLI (24 August 1921).

246 ‘Always First to Start Betting’, DH (7 September 1931).

247 ‘Heavy Penalties’, London Daily News (22 May 1902).

248 ‘North London’, London Evening Standard (24 December 1904).

249 ‘The East End Gambling Raid’, East London Observer (10 February 1912).

250 ‘London Gambling Den’, NEP (17 September 1917).

251 ‘£300 Fine for Gaming’, Daily Mirror (18 September 1917).

252 Prince, Interview.

253 ‘Denied he was the King of the Sabini Gang’, SP (4 July 1926).

254 Netley Lucas, London and Its Criminals (London, 1926), p.76.

255 ‘Ruffianism on the Racecourse’, DH (30 August 1921).

256 Bookmakers’ and Backers’ Racecourse Protection Association, General Committee, Minutes (12 September 1921).

257 ‘Race Gang at the Old Bailey’, WG (16 January 1923) & ‘Frightened Witnesses in Race Feud Trial’, YPLI (25 October 1922).

258 HO 144/10430, CO, Letter (1 December 1922).

259 Ron Whytock, Southern Bookmakers Association: History File (n.d.).

260 ‘Racecourse Rowdies’, TT (30 August 1921) & ‘The Bookmakers’ and Backers’ Racecourse Protection Association, What it has done and what it can do with YOUR help’ (1921) [henceforth BBRPA 1921] p.14–15.

261 ‘Hurst Park Free Fight’, TT (26 July 1921).

262 Divall, pp.201–5.

263 BBRPA 1921, pp.6–7.

264 Ibid., p.3 & ‘Battle of the Race Gangs’, EN (20 August 1922).

265 ‘Racing Gangs Feud’, BG (21 August 1922).

266 Greeno, p.12.

267 ‘Sporting Items’, NEP (20 September 1921).

268 ‘The Bubbly Armistice in the Great Turf War’, Sporting Times (1 October 1921).

269 ‘Bath Race Day Scene’, BCWG (8 October 1921).

270 Brian McDonald, Email (10 October 2013).

271 ‘Bath Race Day Scene’, BCWG (8 October 1921).

272 ‘Neglecting Children’, BM (5 March 1891).

273 ‘A Stabbing Affray’, BDP (3 April 1895).

274 ‘The Boys’ Early Start’, BDG (20 March 1907).

275 ‘Under the Seats’, BDG (28 October 1907).

276 ‘£25 Compensation for a Referee’, PMG (21 February 1919).

277 Racecourse Feud’, MG (5 October 1921).

278 BBRPA 1921, pp.6–8, 2 & 10.

Chapter Four

279 Finn, p.26.

280 Bryan Magee, Clouds of Glory. A Hoxton Childhood (London, 2004 edn.) pp.150–3.

281 ‘Turf Gangs’ New Move’, DM (28 August 1922).

282 HO 144/10430, CID, Report (1 December 1922).

283 ‘Extraordinary Burglary at Ponders End’, Middlesex Gazette (7 November 1896).

284 Old Bailey Proceedings Online (, version 8.0, 22 March 2020) November 1896, trial of GEORGE SAGE (20) WILLIAM LOADER (20) BEN COOPER (19) (t18961116-18).

285 LMA, Church of England Parish Registers, St James, St Pancras, Camden (22 April 1900) & ‘Miscellaneous Charges’, Islington Gazette (11 July 1899).

286 ‘Walter Butler’s Assault at Arms’, ‘Wonderland Tonight’, ‘Tom Loates Beat “Brummy” & Contests at Finsbury Park Hall’SL (9 February 1898, 6 September 1898, 4 November 1905 & 24 October 1905).

287 ‘Counterfeit Coins’, DTC (20 January 1910).

288 LMA, St Mark, Battersea Rise, ‘Irene Sophia Sage’ (22 October 1911).

289 McDonald, Gangs of London, pp.111–2.

290 ‘Thomas Templer’ & ‘A Charge of Stabbing’, IPN (20 February 1913).

291 WO 364, ‘Soldiers’ Documents from Pension Claims, First World War’, Piece 2489.

292 ‘Englishmen Charged in Dublin’, Dublin Daily Express (11 May 1917).

293 Divall, pp.205–7.

294 McDonald, Gangs of London, p.218.

295 TBL England & Wales, Electoral Registers 1920–1932, Ref. SPR.Mic.P.316/BL.F.1 & SPR. Mic.P.316/BL.F.1 (1923 & 1927).

296 LMA, ‘Parish Registers Hoxton St Mary’, Reference Number: p91/mry2/005 (2 April 1893).

297 LMA, ‘Poor Law Hospital Registers’, Roll Number CBG/346/001 (2 November & 26 September 1899). Proof of John Gilbert’s relationship to Fred Gilbert is in MEPO 3/336, Goodwillie, Report (15 October 1922).

298 ‘Boxing Notes’, SL (10 March 1910); ‘Matinee Boxing’, DH (7 Feb. 1913); ‘National Sporting Club’, The Referee (14 April 1912); ‘Six Rounds Contests’, ‘&’ Six Rounds Contests’, SL (18 December 1911, 5 August 1912 & 16 April 1912).

299 ‘West London Stadium’, TP (28 March 1915) & ‘Fifteen Rounds Contests’, The Sportsman (20 April 1917).

300 ‘Battle of the Race Gangs’, EN (20 August 1921).

301 ‘New Charge against Racing Men’, DC (7 September 1922) & ‘Alleged Paddington “Hold Up”’, Kensington Post (8 September 1922).

302 Our Commissioner, ‘Battle of the Race Gangs’, EN (20 August 1921).

303 ‘Rooting Out the Razor Rogues’, TP (30 August 1925).

304 Maskey, Interview.

305 ‘Three Sabinis and Their Rivals’, EN (10 September 1922).

306 Our Commissioner, ‘Battle of the Race Gangs’, EN (20 August 1921).

307 ‘Bookmakers Unafraid’, BCWG (26 August 1922).

308 Samuel, p.146

309 Sidney Theodore Felstead, The Underworld of London (London, 1923), p.40.

310 ‘Founder of the Flying Squad’, TP (24 May 1925) & ‘“Titanic” Gang’, PMG (10 September 1921).

311 ‘Leader of the S– Gang’, EN (6 August 1922).

312 ‘The Titanic Gang’, DH (15 February 1921); ‘The Titanic Gang’, Ealing Gazette and West Middlesex Observer (19 March 1921); ‘Pickpocket Gang on Underground’, WG (23 August 1924); & ‘Titanic Gang’, PMG (10 September 1921).

313 Felstead, pp.41–5.

314 ‘Leader of the S– Gang’, EN (6 August 1922).

315 ‘Battle of the Race Gangs’, EN (20 August 1921).

316 Bryan Magee, pp.76 & 81.

317 Magee, p.81.

318 ‘Nile Street Battle’, Shoreditch Observer (18 January 1908).

319 George H. Duckworth’s Notebook: Police District 5 [Old Street, Finsbury and Shoreditch], District 6 [Hoxton and Haggerston], District 9 [Bethnal Green, North and South] (1898), LSE Library’s Charles Booth archive, BOOTH/B/352, p.155.

320 Maskey, Interview.

321 ‘Greenford Revolver Shots’, Middlesex County Times (2 April 1921).

322 ‘I Carry That’, WG (21 April 1913) & ‘Theft in Tube Lift’, Globe (10 March 1909).

323 Maskey, Interview.

324 ‘Faro Till Serve in the Morning’, Yorkshire Evening Post (13 February 1925) & ‘Mr William Chandler’, DC (26 March 1946).

325 ‘Chief of “Sabini Gang”’, EN (3 September 1922).

326 ‘Blackmail Gangs at the Races’ & ‘Hunt for Turf Pests’, DM (25 August & 26 August 1921).

327 ‘Gangs Who Make Thousands of Pounds’, SP (27 August 1922).

328 ‘Blackmail Gangs at the Races’ & ‘Hunt for Turf Pests’, DM (25 & 26 August 1921).

329 ‘Gangs Who Make Thousands of Pounds’, SP (27 August 1922).

330 U.S. Department of Labor, ‘Earnings and Hours of Labor of Workers in Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 1924’, Monthly Labor Review, vol. 25, no. 3 (1927).

331 Greeno, p.18.

332 ‘Battle of Three Race Gangs’, EN (20 August 1921).

333 ‘Hooligan Gangs in London’, Shoreditch Observer (18 January 1908).

334 ‘Battle of Three Race Gangs’, EN (20 August 1921).

335 Maskey, Interview.

336 ‘Battle of Three Race Gangs’, EN (20 August 1921).

337 ‘Alleged Strand Pickpockets’, DTC (23 May 1908) & ‘Violent Gangsters Sentenced’, IPN (30 October 1930). See also McDonald, Gangs of London, pp.104–5.

338 ‘Alleged Racing Ruffianism. Strange Story at Brighton Police’, WSG (31 August 1922).

339 ‘Racing Men Charged at Brighton’, YPLI (12 September 1922).

340 ‘Brighton Racing Feud Charges’, Gloucester Citizen (12 September 1922).

341 ‘Three Sabinis and Their Rivals’ & ‘Man in Fear of His Life’, EN (10 September 1922 & 27 August 1922).

342 ‘Judge on “Influence” in Brighton Case’, WG (12 December 1922).

343 HO 144/10430, CID, Report (1 December 1922).

344 MEPO 3/1579, Sir James Olive, Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis, Report (27 November 1922).

345 Ibid., George Langham, Statement (9 August 1922).

346 Ibid., Alfred White, Statement (6 August 1922).

347 Ibid., Olive, Report (27 November 1922) & Hill, Report (9 August 1922).

348 Ibid., Hill, Report (9 August & 22 September 1922).

349 Ibid., Goodwillie, Report (1 August 1922).

350 Ibid., Hill, Report (9 August 1922).

351 Ibid., Goodwillie, Report (24 August 1922) & Droy, Statement (21 August 1922).

352 ‘Revolver Fracas Echo’, BDG (23 August 1922).

353 MEPO 3/336, Goodwillie, Report (24 August 1922).

354 Ibid., Jack Delew, Statement (20 August 1922).

355 Ibid., Simeon Solomon, Statement (21 August 1922).

356 Ibid., Samuel Samuels, Statement (20 August 1921).

357 ‘Racecourse Feuds’, Daily Telegraph (31 August 1921).

358 ‘Racecpurse Feud Case’, PMG (30 August 1922).

359 ‘Titanic Versus “Sabini”’, DC (21 August 1922).

360 ‘Race Gang War’, WG (31 August 1922).

361 ‘Public Prosecutor on Racing Gangs’, DH (31 August 1922).

362 ‘Race Gang on Trial’, SDT (24 October 1922) & ‘Walking Stick Curio Half Revolver and Half Stiletto’, PMG (30 August 1922).

363 ‘The Jewish Invasion’, WSG (21 July 1921).

364 ‘London Shooting Affair’, TS (4 October 1922).

365 ‘Racing Men’s Feud’, YPLI (7 September 1922).

366 Greeno, p.19.

367 ‘Shooting Affray at Camden Town’, WG (23 August 1922) & ‘Racing Feud Trials’, MG (24 October 1922).

368 ‘Racing Gang Affray’, WG (5 October 1922).

369 ‘Racing Feud Sensation’, PMG (21 August 1922).

370 ‘Man in Fear of His Life’, EN (27 August 1922).

371 ‘The Racing Feud’, Western Mail (23 September 1922).

372 ‘Racecourse Feud’, PMG (26 August 1922).

373 ‘Sequel to Race-Train Scene’, WG (23 September 1922).

374 ‘Sabini’s Record’, Nottingham Journal (21 November 1922).

375 MEPO 3/1581, Hambrook, Report (4 November 1922).

376 ‘A Revolver-Stiletto Stick’, DH (31 August 1922).

377 MEPO 3/1581, Hambrook, Report (4 November 1922).

378 ‘More “Fear” at Old Bailey’, PMG (24 October 1922).

379 MEPO 3/1581, Hambrook, Report (4 November 1922).

380 ‘Shooting Affray after Hurst Park Races’, YPLI (31 August 1922) & ‘Racing Feud Case’, Western Morning News (25 October 1922).

381 ‘Witnesses’ fears’, SDT (27 October 1922).

382 MEPO 3/1581, Hambrook, Report (4 November 1922) & ‘Racing Gangs Feud’, TT (4 November 1922).

383 ‘Racing Feud Sentences’, DH (4 November 1922).

384 TBL, ‘England & Wales, Electoral Registers 1920–32’, Parliamentary Borough of Finsbury, Ref. SPR.Mic.P.316/BL.F.1 (1925)

385 ‘Three men remanded for Soho Affray’, IPN (8 October 1925) & ‘Lowfield Heath Charge’, Surrey Mirror and County Post (20 May 1927).

386 ‘Tattersall’s Scene’, WG (16 December 1925).

387 GRO, Volume 1b, p.515 &Vol.5c, p.948.

Chapter Five

388 ‘Leader of the S– Gang’, EN (6 August 1922).

389 MEPO 3/1581 ‘Shooting Affray’, Anonymous, Letter (23 August 1922).

390 HO 144/1043, Tommy Atkins, Letters (21 September & 5 October 1922).

391 ‘The Liability of Bedding to Seizure’, Tower Hamlets Independent and East End Local Advertiser (3 February 1900).

392 TBL, England & Wales, Electoral Registers 1920–1932, SPR. Mic.P.330/BL.H.11; ‘Special Six Rounds’, IPN (19 October 1901); & ‘Boxing at the Baths’ & West London Observer (10 March 1922).

393 See Chinn, Peaky Blinders. The Real Story, pp.211–5.

394 Heather Shore, ‘Criminality and Englishness in the Aftermath: The Racecourse Wars of the 1920s’, Twentieth Century British History, Vol. 22, No. 4, (201), p.497.

395 Frederick Porter Wensley, Forty Years of Scotland Yard. The Record of a Lifetime’s Service in the CID (1st published 1930, New York edn. 1968) pp.301–2.

396 ‘Alien Criminals’, PMG (21 September 1901).

397 Lucio Sponza, Italian Immigrants in Nineteenth Century Britain: Realities and Images (Leicester, 1988), pp.241–2.

398 George R. Sims, ‘Byways of Babylon, vii Naples in London’, Pearson’s Weekly (14 March 1907).

399 Sponza, pp.32–6.

400 Morton, Bert Battles Rossi. Britain’s Oldest Gangland Boss, p.3.

401 ‘Leader of the S– Gang’, EN (6 August 1922).

402 Thomas Burke, ‘The London I Know’, The Sphere (6 December 1924).

403 ‘Battle of Three Race Gangs’, EN (20 August 1921).

404 ‘Leader of the S– Gang’, EN (6 August 1922) & Morton, Bert Battles Rossi, p.5.

405 HO 45/23691, Octavious Sabini, Letter (n.d.).

406 ‘“Give Me That Tenner”’, DH (28 August 1922).

407 ‘Chief of “Sabini Gang”’, EN (7 September 1922).

408 HO 45/23691, Frederick Sabini, Letter (n.d.) & Ann Sabini, Letter (27 February 1941).

409 LMA, Ottavio Sabini; Reference Number: p76/phi/016 (21 December 1913); & LMA, Doris Annie Amelia Sabini, Church of England Parish Registers, 1754–1906; Reference Number: p90/jud/005 (25 January 1916).

410 ‘Chief of “Sabini Gang”’, EN (3 September 1922).

411 HO 45/25720, Detective Inspector Greeno, Report (27 July 1940).

412 ‘Chief of “Sabini Gang”’, EN (7 September 1922).

413 ‘Six Rounds Contest’, SL (4 October & 24 December 1912).

414 ‘Denied he was the King of the Sabini Gang’, SP (4 July 1926).

415 HO 45/23691, Chief Constable of Hove, Report (20 August 1940).

416 ‘Chief of “Sabini Gang”’, EN (3 September 1922).

417 CRIM 1/209, Charles Sabini, Cross Examined (5 December 1922) & Evidence (28 November & 5 December 1922).

418 Prince, Interview.

419 Divall, p.209.

420 Langham, Interview.

421 ‘Three Sabinis and Their Rivals’, EN (10 September 1922).

422 Samuel, Interview.

423 HO 45/25720, Harry Sabini, Statement.

424 Langham, Interview.

425 Dell, Interview.

426 ‘Terry Martin Wins by Narrow Margin’, DH (6 May 1919), ‘Boxing at the Baths’, Cheltenham Chronicle (18 January 1919), & ‘Starmer and Tully at N.S.C.’, DH (8 March 1920).

427 HO140 (3 March 1903 & 8 April 1913); TNA CRIM9, Piece 59, ‘Central Criminal Court: After Trial Calendars of Prisoners’ (22 April 1912); & ‘Gang of Separate Criminal’, Jarrow Express (11 April 1913).

428 Langham, Interview & ‘War Office Daily List No. 5632’ (31 July 1918).

429 ‘Ripe in Ringcraft’, BDG (9 November 1920) and ‘Was Betting the Cause?’, Star Green’un (13 November 1920).

430 Deyong, p.43.

431 MEPO 3/910, CID, Report, (5 July 1935).

432 McDonald, Gangs of London, p.100.

433 ‘A Border Farmer’, Shields Daily News (24 June 1913).

434 Bognor Regis Observer (4 August 1920).

435 McDonald, Gangs of London, pp.102 & 139–40.

436 ‘Betting in City Road’, Hackney and Kingsland Gazette (30 August 1907).

437 ‘Leader of the S– Gang’, EN (6 August 1922).

438 Ted McLean, ‘How We Outwitted a Rival Gang’, Topical Times (12 April 1924).

439 Morton, Bert Battles Rossi, p.4.

440 Prince, Interview.

441 ‘Football’, Athletic News (30 August 1926).

442 Southern BPA, Folio 47, 15 May 1933, ‘Printing of Lists’.

443 ‘Sabini Racing Gang Feud’, Nottingham Journal (16 January 1923).

444 BBRPA General Committee, Minutes, 15 May, 12 June and 4 September 1922.

445 ‘Amazing Scene on Sea Front’, Newcastle Daily Chronicle (24 August 1922).

446 BBRPA 1921, p.1.

447 ‘Hunt of Phantom Desperadoes’, DH (25 August 1922) & ‘Terrorism on the Racecourse’, DH (26 August 1922).

448 ‘Race Feud Revelations’, PMG (18 January 1923).

449 ‘Twelve Months’ War’ & ‘Dominic Marini’, London Daily News (9 & 26 September 1907).

450 Old Bailey Proceedings Online (, version 8.0, 5 April 2020) ‘GEORGE CORTESI, VINCENT SABINI. Breaking Peace: wounding.’ (11 January 1910).

451 ‘Italians Charged’, Islington Gazette (6 September 1909).

452 ‘Race Feud Revelations’, PMG (18 January 1923), ‘Foreigners at Strife’, Islington Gazette (27 March 1912) & TNA WO 372/5, ‘British Army Medal Index Cards, 1914–1920’, Service number 46270.

453 CRIM 1/209, Augustus Cortesi, ‘Certificate of Employment during the War’.

454 ‘Hunt for Turf Pests’, DM (26 August 1922).

455 Ted Mclean, ‘Confessions of a Turf Crook’, Topical Times (5 & 12 April 1924).

456 ‘Race Feud Revelations’, PMG (18 January 1923).

457 Lucas, p.74.

458 ‘Sabini Shooting Affair’, PMG (15 January 1923).

459 ‘Bottle Salutes’, PMG (17 January 1923).

460 CRIM 1/209, Firearm Certificate (10 January 1921).

461 Ibid., John Corsi, Evidence (28 November 1922).

462 Ibid., Louisa Doralli, Evidence (28 November 1922).

463 ‘Italian Club Affray’, LM (29 November 1922).

464 ‘Race Gangs Feud’, DM (21 November 1922).

465 CRIM 1/209, Detective Inspector Grosse, Evidence (21 November 1922).

466 ‘“A Sidelight of the Turf”’, PMG (21 December 1922).

467 CRIM 1/209, Charles Sabini, Evidence (28 November & 5 December 1922).

468 ‘Race Feud Shooting Affray’, WG (22 December 1922).

469 ‘What Is a Riot?’, PMG (16 January 1923).

470 ‘Used Pistol for a Zeppelin’, LM (17 January 1923).

471 ‘Sabini Shooting Affray’, ‘What Is a Riot?’ & ‘Race Feud Revelations’, PMG (15, 16 & 18 January 1923).

472 ‘Six and Half a Dozen’, WG (19 January 1923).

473 England & Wales Government Probate Death Index 1858–2019 (8 April 1968).

474 GRO, England & Wales Deaths 1837–2007, Vol., 5C, p.1340.

475 ‘Scene at Wembley’, Hendon & Finchley Times (19 June 1925).

476 GRO England & Wales Deaths 1837–2007, Vol. 5C, p.588.

477 HO 144/10430, Charles Haughton Rafter, Letter (17 February 1923 & 20 December 1922).

478 ‘Sequel to Sabini Case’, WG (27 February 1923).

479 MEPO 3/444, Matt. Freight, Letter (16 February 1923).

480 Ibid., E. Blackwell, Letter (19 February 1923).

481 Ibid., Chief Inspector Brown, Report (9 May 1923).

482 ‘Sabini Feud Echo’, PMG (30 July 1923).

483 ‘After a Betting Dispute’, PMG (28 May 1923) & ‘Magistrate on Cowardice’, LM (6 June 1923).

484 ‘He is what may be described as a racing desperado’, IPN (12 July 1923).

485 ‘Tancy Lee in Feud Drama’ & ‘Bookmaker in the Box’, PMG (28 May & 9 June 1923) & ‘Race Feuds Ended’, DH (7 July 1923).

486 ‘Sabinis at Epsom’, PMG (8 June 1923).

487 ‘Sabini Boys Freed’, DH (19 June 1923) & ‘Fracas at Epsom’, News of the World (24 June 1923).

488 HO 144/10430, Anonymous, Letter (11 June 1922).

489 Samuel, p.204.

490 ‘Leader of the S– Gang’, EN (6 August 1922).

491 HO 144/10430, Memorandum (8 December 1922).

492 ‘Blackmail by Police?’, WG (9 December 1922).

493 H. Daley, This Small Cloud. A Personal Memoir (London, 1985), p.95; & ‘Police Bribery Charges’, DM (3 February 1923).

494 ‘Who’s Who at a Night Club’, Dundee People’s Journal (25 October 1919).

495 ‘Blackmailers’ Haunts’, Globe (3 December 1920).

496 ‘Round the Nightclubs of London’, Sunday Post (19 March 1922).

497 ‘The Thugs’ Haunts’, HDM (19 January 1923).

498 ‘Death of Mrs Meyrick’, NEP (20 January 1933).

499 Mrs Kate Meyrick, ‘When Terror Reigns in Night-Clubland’, Sunday Sentinel (24 February 1929).

500 ‘Raid on Night Club Sequel’, IPN (31 January 1924).

501 ‘Eighteen Months for Goddard’, LM (30 January 1929).

502 ‘London Letters’, HDM (19 January 1923).

503 There were a series of articles on lesser nightclubs in DM in January 1923.

504 ‘The secrets behind the sets’, (accessed 12 April 2020).

505 Samuel, p.185.

506 MEPO 3/374, Chief Inspector Brown, Report (27 October 1924).

507 Ibid., Maurice Burn, Statement (2 October 1924).

508 Ibid., Brown, Report (27 October 1924).

509 Ibid., ‘Wanted for Crime’ (23 September 1924).

510 Ibid., Anonymous, Letter (26 September 1924).

511 Ibid., Brown, Report (27 October 1924).

512 ‘Street Stabbing Affray’, DET (24 September 1924).

513 ‘Manslaughter in Club Case’, The Morning Advertiser (19 November 1922) & ‘A Silent Quarrel’, Sheffield Daily Telegraph (10 October 1924).

514 ‘Joy of the Sabini Gang’, TP (23 November 1924).

515 ‘Racecourse Fiends’ & ‘Turf Gangs Break Truce’, HDM (30 August 1924).

516 ‘Attacked by Race Gang at Wye’, Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald (11 October 1924).

517 ‘Assault at Races’, WG (14 October 1924).

518 ‘Mancini Was Nearly Four Months Awaiting Death’, Manchester Evening News (31 October 1941).

519 ‘Joy of the Sabini Gang’, TP (23 November 1924).

520 For Glasgow see Davies, City of Gangs. There were also razor gangs in Sydney, Australia, see Larry Writer, Razor: A True Story of Slashers, Gangsters, Prostitutes and Sly Grog (Sydney, 2001).

Chapter Six

521 ‘New Phase in Feud of Race Gangs’, TP (28 December 1924).

522 Frank Harris, Interview, CCBA (26 April 1988).

523 ‘The Raid Upon the Cold Well Gambling School’, Nelson Leader (20 October 1922).

524 Carl Chinn, Better Betting with a Decent Feller. A Social History of Bookmaking (London, 2004), pp.87–8.

525 Arthur Hopcraft, The Great Apple Raid & Other Encounters of a Tin Chapel Tiro (London, 1970), pp.71–2.

526 Michael Doyle, Interview (1987).

527 Máirín Johnston, Around the Banks of Pimlico (Dublin, 1985), p.75.

528 ‘Dublin’s Animal Gang’, Belfast News-Letter (16 October 1934).

529 ‘The Bradley Gaming Case Re-Opened’, Yorkshire Evening Post (6 September 1928).

530 ‘To Supress Gangs’, SDT (12 January 1927) & A. W. Cockerill, Sir Percy Sillitoe: the biography of the former head of MI5 (London, 1975) p.91. This discussion on the Sheffield Gang wars benefitted from discussions with Alex Marshall, an undergraduate student at the University of Birmingham who graduated in 2015 and whose final-year dissertation on this subject I supervised.

531 ‘City Gambling Rings’, SI (18 March 1921).

532 ‘Smart Police Coup’, Ibid. (26 June 1917).

533 ‘On Sky Edge’, SDT (26 June 1917).

534 ‘“Under or Over”’, Yorkshire Telegraph and Star (1 April 1913).

535 ‘Mooney Gang’, Ibid. (28 November 1913).

536 TNA ‘A Calendar of Prisoners Tried at the Epiphany Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the Year 1903’, Piece 229 (7 June 1902) & Piece 309 (2 April 1913).

537 ‘Married at Sixteen Separated at Seventeen’, SDT (29 October 1907).

538 ‘Sheffield Gangs Who Invade Licensed Houses’, SDT (16 February 1911); & ‘Hard Labour for Sheffield Mooney-ites’, SDT (11 September 1913).

539 ‘Sharp Sentence’ SDT (24 February 1913).

540 ‘Mooney Convicted’, SDT 11 July 1914) & ‘Scene in a Bar’, SDT (15 January 1913).

541 ‘Bitten Ear’, SDT (6 May 1914) & ‘One of the Gang’, SI (11 July 1914).

542 ‘Mooney Again’, Sheffield Evening Telegraph (29 October 1914).

543 ‘George Mooney’, PG (12 July 1918) & ‘Theft on a Leeds Tramcar’, Yorkshire Evening Post (8 July 1918).

544 ‘Rowdyism in the Park District’, SDT (29 July 1921).

545 ‘Racecourse Melee’ & ‘Shots at Club’, SI (12 September 1921 & 13 April 1922).

546 ‘Notorious Sheffielder’, SI (11 September 1919) & ‘Notorious Gang of Thieves’, Lancashire Evening Post (21 July 1919).

547 ‘A Lame Excuse’, SI (1 October 1909).

548 West Glamorgan Archive Service, ‘Records of Glamorgan Calendar Prisoners 1877–1922’ (21 April 1915) & ‘Arrests at Gosforth Park’, Newcastle Evening Chronicle (24 June 1910).

549 ‘Terrorist Gang’, SDT (25 May 1911).

550 ‘Hooliganism’, SDT (29 June 1912).

551 ‘Foulkes’s New Role’, SDT (10 July 1915).

552 ‘Samuel Garvin’, PG (28 December 1917).

553 ‘Mooney Puts His Case’, SI (28 June 1923).

554 ‘A Charge against Samuel Garvin’, SDT (13 April 1920).

555 PCOM 8/58 & 59, ‘Chief Superintendent J. W. Hollis, “Activities of Rivals Gangs in Sheffield”’ (5 July 1923) & ‘Besieged House’, SDT (26 June 1923).

556 ‘Park Sensation’, SDT (28 May 1923).

557 PCOM 8/59, ‘Chief Superintendent Hollis, “Activities of Rivals Gangs in Sheffield”’ (5 July 1923).

558 ‘Midnight Shots at Mooney’s House’, & ‘Street Battles in Sheffield’, SI (23 & 26 June 1923).

559 ‘Sheffield Feud Scenes’, SI (26 June 1923).

560 Brian McDonald, Alice Diamond and the Forty Elephants (Wrea Green, 2015).

561 ‘The Passer-By’ & ‘Mooney Puts His Case’, SI (28 June 1923).

562 ‘Sheffield Crime”, SDT (7 May 1923).

563 PCOM 8/58 & 59, Hollis, ‘Activities’ (5 July 1923).

564 ‘When Friends’, SDT (3 July 1923) & ‘Sequel to a Gang Feud’, SI (19 October 1923).

565 ‘House Raided’, ‘Sheffield Feud’, SDT (27 December 1923 & 9 January 1924).

566 ‘Assistant Recorder on Gangs’, SDT (April 1925).

567 ‘Election Night Case Dismissed’, SDT (4 December 1924).

568 PCOM 8/58 & 8/59, ‘Chief Superintendent J. W. Hollis, ‘Activities’ (1 June 1923) & ‘Sheffield Affray’, SDT (10 December 1924).

569 ‘Recorder of Sheffield and Stories of the Gangs’, SDT (22 January 1925).

570 ‘A Fierce Struggle’, SDT (23 December 1924).

571 ‘“The G.O.C.”’, SDT (22 January 1925).

572 ‘Recorder of Sheffield and Stories of the Gangs’, SDT (22 January 1925); ‘A Fierce Struggle’, SDT (23 December 1924); ‘Gang Feud Ends’, SDT (8 January 1925); ‘Sheffield Gangs’, SDT (4 December 1924); & ‘Gangs’ Feud’, SDT (23 January 1925).

573 PCOM 8/58 & 59, ‘Chief Superintendent J. W. Hollis, “Activities of Rivals Gangs in Sheffield”’ (1 June 1925).

574 J. P. Bean, The Sheffield Gang Wars (Sheffield, 1981), pp.51–2 & ‘Gang Feud Ends’, SDT (8 January 1925).

575 ‘Sheffield Gangs’, YPLI (21 January 1925).

576 ‘“The G.O.C.”’, SDT (22 January 1925).

577 ‘Recorder of Sheffield and Stories of the Gangs’, SDT (22 January 1925); ‘Sheffield Outbreak’, SDT (23 January 1925); & ‘Sheffield Gang Talk’, SDT (5 February 1925).

578 ‘Gang Reference’, SDT (20 February 1925) & ‘Assistant Recorder on Gangs’, SDT (April 1925).

579 ‘Intolerable’, SDT (13 July 1925).

580 PCOM 8/58 & 59, Hollis, ‘Activities’ (1 June 1925).

581 Ibid. & ‘Copy of Mr Justice Finlay’s Notes’.

582 Ibid., Elizabeth Plommer, Thomas Plommer, William Hazelwood, William Holden, Albert Pollard, John Rigg, Percy John Playfield & James Ewart Scholefield, ‘Coroner’s Inquest Evidence’ (18 May 1928).

583 ‘Impressive Scenes at Home of Murdered Glasgow Man’, SP (3 May 1925).

584 ‘Threats to Witnesses’, DM (28 May 1925) & ‘Lurid Death Threats’, News of the World (23 August 1925).

585 ‘Brothers Sentenced to Death’, DM (1 August 1925).

586 PCOM 8/59, Wilfred Fowler, ‘Petition’ (24 August 1925).

587 ‘Fowler Brothers’ Last Bid’, SP (30 August 1925) & ‘Double Execution’, DM (4 September 1925).

588 ‘Plommer’s Death’, SDT (30 July 1925).

589 Keith Farnsworth, Sheffield’s East Enders. Life As It Was In the Lower Don Valley (Sheffield 1987) pp.93 & 95.

590 Harris, Interview.

591 ‘The Sheffield Murder’, YPLI (1 August 1925).

592 ‘Lawless Assaults’, SDT (27 August 1932) & ‘Sheffield Gang War Fear’, SI (17 May 1934).

593 Harris, Interview.

594 ‘King Garvin’, SDT (1 August 1925) & ‘Sheffield Murder Case’, TT (1 August 1925).

595 ‘Gang Chief’ Sentenced’, SDT (3 August 1925).

596 ‘Judge and Sheffield Gangs’, YPLI (3 August 1925).

597 ‘Mooney and Garvin on Lincoln Racecourse’, SDT (27 March 1925).

598 ‘Head of Sheffield Gang Sentenced’, YPLI (22 October 1925).

599 ‘Sheffield C.I.D. Officer to Retire. In Charge of First “Flying Squad”’, SI (16 January 1936).

600 ‘Solicitor Attacks Flying Squad’, SI (1 January 1926).

601 Sir Percy Sillitoe K. B. E., ‘Cloak without Dagger’ (London, 1955), p.64.

602 ‘Gangs Recalled’, SI (24 December 1937).

603 Sillitoe, p.64.

604 ‘Member of Police Flying Squad Retires’, SDT (27 April 1927).

605 Harris, Interview.

606 A. W. Cockrill, Sir Percy Sillitoe. The biography of the former head of MI5 (London, 1975), p.92–3.

607 Sillitoe, p.62.

608 ‘Gaol for Members of Mooney Gang’, SI (11 March 1927).

609 ‘Boy Attacked’, SDT (15 December 1928).

610 ‘Sheffield Street Affray’, SDT (22 December 1928) & ‘Promised to Be Good But’, SI (22 December 1928).

611 ‘Gangs Recalled’, SI (24 December 1937).

612 ‘Black Eyes Court’, SI (23 July 1929) & ‘Sheffield Man Sentenced’, SDT (18 February 1930).

613 GRO, Volume 2d, p.280.

614 Sillitoe, p.68.

615 ‘Six Months’ Sentence’, SDT (11 October 1930).

616 ‘City Men Sent to Prison’, SI (10 October 1931) & ‘Garvin’s “Vast Knowledge of Train Criminals”’ (19 April 1937).

617 GRO, Volume 2d, p.21.

Chapter Seven

618 ‘The New Terrorism’, Western Daily Press (28 August 1925).

619 ‘Race Gangs Get “Busy” Again’, SP (14 June 1925).

620 ‘Racing Gang Fracas’, Western Daily Press, ‘Race Gang Fight’, WG, & ‘Slashed with Razor’, Portsmouth Evening News (16 February 1925).

621 Greeno, pp.29–30.

622 Samuel, pp.133 & 215 & ‘Decision Applauded in Court’, DET (23 February 1925).

623 ‘Five Men Implicated in Razor Attack’, DET (17 February 1925) & ‘Bookmaker in Bandages’, DH (24 February 1925).

624 McDonald, Gangs of London, p.196.

625 Samuel, p.132–3

626 Greeno, p.24.

627 LMA, Ref. p72/jsg/015.

628 England & Wales Deaths 1837–2007, London, Bethnal Green, Vol. 1C, p.118 (1903).

629 ‘“Nightmare of the East End”’, Daily Herald (3 July 1926).

630 ‘Two Tempers’, IPN (10 June 1920).

631 ‘Happy Prisoner’, Globe (15 June 1920).

632 ‘Pat O’Keefe Prosecutes’, PMG (20 July 1923).

633 ‘Epsom’, Surrey Mirror (13 June 1924).

634 McDonald, Gangs of London, p.191.

635 ‘A Disorderly Scene in Leeds’, YPLI (17 January 1925).

636 ‘Gunmen in a Motor Car’, DM (22 May 1925).

637 ‘“More Behind This Case”’, DH (2 June 1925).

638 ‘Alleged Race Gang Raid’, BDG (2 June 1925).

639 Greeno, p.21.

640 McDonald, Gangs of London, p.200.

641 ‘Car Driver’s Thrilling Night Adventure’, IPN (28 May 1925).

642 ‘Maiden Lane Affair’, Lancashire Evening Post (25 May 1925).

643 ‘Victim Who Said He Was Italian’, WG (2 June 1925).

644 ‘Car Driver’s Thrilling Night Adventure’, IPN (28 May 1925).

645 ‘Derby Scenes’, TS (28 May 1925).

646 ‘Dangerous Gang’, BDG (4 June 1925).

647 Hart, p.140.

648 ‘Attacked in Public House’, BDG (15 June 1925).

649 West Midlands Police Museum, Birmingham City Police, Convicts on Licence, Thomas McDonald, no. 184.

650 ‘Today’s Cases’, Coventry Evening Telegraph (25 July 1895).

651 ‘Penal Servitude for a Birmingham Soldier’, BDP (3 July 1917).

652 ‘Birmingham Police Court’, Coventry Standard (15 April 1922).

653 ‘Bound Over’, Tamworth Herald (20 September & 27 December 1924).

654 ‘Englishmen Charged in Dublin’, Dublin Daily Express (11 May 1917).

655 ‘Racecourse Gang at Chester’, MG (9 May 1925).

656 ‘Slashed with a Razor’ & ‘Feud of Race Gang’ BDG (17 & 23 June 1925).

657 ‘“Birmingham Boys”’, HDM (7 August 1925).

658 ‘Blackpool Man Fined for Loitering’, Lancashire Evening Post (1 April 1930) & ‘Calendar of Prisoners, 1880–1891 and 1906–1913’, Birmingham Autumn Assizes (Nov.), QS/B/20/108.

659 ‘Race Gang at Nightclub’, BDG (7 August 1925), ‘Three Bookmakers Committed’, Worthing Herald (15 August 1925); & ‘Race-Gang Fight’, YEP (6 August 1925).

660 ‘Sequel to Race Gang Feud’, WSG (24 December 1925).

661 GRO, Volume 6d, p.227.

662 ‘Fifty Men Fight with Razors’, Daily Express (21 August 1921).

663 HO 144/10430, Superintendent Palmer, Report (24 August 1925) & Report to the Home Secretary (25 August 1925).

664 ‘War on Race Gangs’, SDT (24 August 1925).

665 ‘40 Men in Race Gang Fight’, DM (26 August 1925).

666 MEPO 3/352, ‘Race Gang Affray at Waterloo Road’, Detective Henry Corbett, Report (25 August 1925) & ‘Race Gangs Feuds’, Morning Post (2 September 1925).

667 ‘Three Men Remanded for the Soho Affray’, IPN (8 October 1925).

668 ‘Special Police to Break Race Gangs’, TEN (24 August 1925).

669 ‘Race-Gangs’, Daily Express (25 August 1925).

670 ‘Home Secretary and Gang Feuds’, TT (27 August 1925).

671 ‘Race Gangs’, Morning Post (25 August 1925).

672 Ex-Chief Inspector ‘Nutty’ Sharpe, ‘Fade out of the Race Gangs’, The Star (4 January 1938).

673 Dell, Interview.

674 Dick Kirby, The Guv’nors. Ten of Scotland Yard’s Greatest Detectives (Barnsley, 2010), pp.30–1.

675 ‘How Birmingham Ends Race Gang Wars’, Belfast Telegraph (11 May 1931).

676 Rickman, pp.263–4.

677 W. Bebbington, Rogues Go Racing (London, 1947), pp.15–20.

678 ‘Gang War in London’, DM (13 July 1931).

679 David Ashforth, ‘Darby Sabini Emperor of The Racetrack’, Racing Post (3 July 2006).

680 Greeno, p.22.

681 Ted McLean, Confessions of a Turf Crook’ & ‘How We Outwitted a Rival Gang’, Topical Times (5 & 12 April 1924).

682 ‘Prominent Cases in Coming Terms’, WG (3 October 1925).

683 Non-Appearance of a Plaintiff YPLI (16 December 1925).

684 ‘Sabini Bankruptcy’, DH (11 June 1926).

685 ‘Sabini’s Admissions in Bankruptcy Court’, DET (29 June 1926).

686 HO 45/2369, Ann Sabini, Letter (5 March 1921) & Frederick Sabini, Statement (n.d.).

687 Ibid. Ottavio Sabini, Statement (3 December 1940).

688 ‘A Mixed Career’, TS (30 June 1926).

689 ‘Sabini’s Admissions in Bankruptcy Court’, DET (29 June 1926).

690 Cooper, Interview.

691 ‘Bookmakers Protection Association’, BDG (18 March 1925).

692 Langham, Interview.

693 Northern BPA, Letter (28 August 1940) & NAB File, ‘Dots and Dashes’.

694 ‘Racing and Race Gangs’, SDT (22 March 1926).

695 ‘Farm-Boy as a Police Chief ’, The People (18 July 1926).

696 ‘Race Day Scene at Yarmouth’, Yarmouth Independent (5 June 1926).

697 ‘Stoning the Police’, Yorkshire Evening Post (7 November 1913).

698 ‘Witnesses Fear’, SDT (17 February 1925).

699 Bebbington, pp.96–7 & ‘Race Day Scene at Yarmouth’, Yarmouth Independent (5 June 1926).

700 ‘“Nightmare of the East End”’, DH (3 July 1926), & Samuel, p.132.

701 Reg and Ron Kray with Fred Dinenage, Our Story (London, 1988), p.11.

702 ‘Blackmailers Smartly Sentenced’, Diss Express (9 July 1926).

703 ‘Characters Told By Detective’, Norwood News (26 March 1927).

704 Bebbington, pp.98–9, ‘Beware of Pickpockets’, DET (4 September 1929).

705 ‘Race Day Charge’, Essex Newsman (30 November 1929).

706 What has the B.P.A. Done?’ (Southern File, ‘History’, 1939), p.1.

707 Ibid. & Meeting between the Stewards of the Jockey Club and the Representatives of the Three Branches of the BPA, Report (16 October 1929) and NAB File, ‘Pitches’.

708 ‘In Joseph Chamberlain’s City Today’, The Sphere (20 February 1932).

Chapter Eight

709 ‘I’m the Gangster Who Runs London’s Underworld’ & ‘One Night of Terror’, TP (5 & 19 September 1954).

710 HO 45/23691, Inspector Collyer, Brighton Police, Report (28 March 1941).

711 ‘As Others See Us’, West Sussex Gazette (21 November 1957).

712 Tom Tullett, ‘Sudden death again in Little Italy’, Daily Mirror (17 October 1962).

713 Norman Lucas, Britain’s Gangland (London, 1969), p.23.

714 ‘Ugly violent criminals of the past’, Telegraph (22 April 2005) & Catharine Arnold, Underworld London: Crime and Punishment in the Capital City (London, 2012), pp.284–6.

715 ‘Gunfight at Columbus Circle’, Reading Evening Post (13 December 1980).

716 Brian McDonald, Gangs of London, p.278.

717 Samuel, p.184 & ‘Boxing for Charity’, DH (9 June 1920).

718 ‘Public House Brawl in Soho’ & ‘Three Men Sentenced for Assault’, IPN (13 February & 3 April 1930).

719 ‘The Seamy Side’, DM (24 January 1931).

720 Hart, pp.1–5.

721 Kirby, pp.105–10.

722 TBL, England & Wales, Electoral Registers 1920–1932, Ref. SPR. Mic.P.243/BL.B.101.

723 Hart, p.194.

724 ‘Innocent Man’s Night in the Cells’, DET (6 July 1928).

725 ‘Everyone Goes in Fear of Him,’ EN (29 October 1929).

726 ‘Pulled Inspector’s Nose’, Belfast News-Letter (4 April 1931).

727 James Morton, Frankie Fraser as told to James Morton, Mad Frankie. Memoirs of a Life of Crime (London, 1995 edn.), pp.13–14.

728 Langham, Interview.

729 HO 45/23691, Hillier, Report (20 August 1940).

730 HO 45/23691, Collyer, Brighton Police, Report; Assistant Commissioner Norman Kendall, Report (2 January 1941); Sabini, Statement; & Minutes (12 January 1941).

731 ‘Heavy Sentence on Receivers’, Kent & Sussex Courier (25 June 1943).

732 ‘£50 Produced from Sock’, Mid Sussex Times (16 May 1945); Civil Registration Death Index, 1916–2007, Volume: 5h, p.351, Hove, Sussex, Ollavio Sabini (December 1950); & Hart, p.232.

733 Annie Emma Sabini, Probate Registry: Brighton (30 October 1978).

734 GRO, Volume 5b, p.290 & Principal Probate Registry, London (25 April 1974).

735 LMA Electoral Registers (1931).

736 Harry Sabini, Probate Registry: London (27 June 1978) & HO 45/23691, Detective Inspector Greeno, Report (21 June 1940).

737 ‘Alleged Riot at Club’ & ‘Scene at a Soho Club’, TT (21 & 27 May 1935.

738 James Morton, Gangland. Volume 2. The Underworld in Britain and Ireland (London, 1995 edn.), pp.7– 9.

739 ‘Harry Sabini Denies Perjury’, DH (8 July 1941).

740 Morton, Bert Battles Rossi, pp.49–50.

741 England & Wales, National Probate Calendar, London, (27 June 1978).

742 ‘Disgraceful Scenes in a Club’, West Sussex Gazette (29 January 1931); & ‘Pulled Inspector’s Nose’, Belfast News-Letter (4 April 1931).

743 GRO, England & Wales, Civil Registration Death Index, Vol. 3, p.948, Edmonton, Essex, Edward Emanuel (March 1943); & Elizabeth Mary Emanuel, England and Wales National Probate Calendar (3 February 1951).

744 Jackie Currigan, Interview, CBBA (1987).

745 ‘Goddard Trial Echo’, DH (22 February 1929); ‘Fascists in Skirmish’, Liverpool Echo (13 July 1934); ‘Bow Street’ & ‘Pickpockets Struggle with Detective He Robbed’ IPN (25 April & 26 December 1935); & ‘Flying Squad Officer’s Smart Capture’, Marylebone Mercury (30 September 1939).

746 ‘Show Ground Till’, Western Mail (6 January 1926); ‘Shadowed Bank Customers’, Belfast Telegraph (1 March 1926); & ‘Sequel to Racecourse Incident’, Staffordshire Advertiser (9 April 1932).

747 ‘What Police Saw at Back of Fruiterer’s Shop’, BDG (31 March 1936).

748 GRO, Volume 9c, p.209.

749 Juliet Banyard, Email (7 September 2013).

750 TBL England & Wales, Electoral Registers 1920–1932, Ref. SPR. Mic.P.226/BL.B.68 (1921).

751 GRO England and Wales Civil Registration Death Index, 1916–2007, Volume 6d, p.11 (1926) & Banyard, Email.

752 GRO England and Wales Civil Registration Indexes (1926) Volume 1b, p.1341 (19 July 1926).

753 TBL England & Wales, Electoral Registers 1920–1932, Ref. SPR.Mic.P.316/BL.F.1 & SPR. Mic.P.316/BL.F.1 (1923 & 1927).

754 ‘Angry Crowd’, Nottingham Journal (24 March 1925).

755 McDonald, Gangs of London, p.187–8 & 344.

756 Dey, p.210.

757 For example, Western Morning News (12 April 1938).

758 ‘Freehold’, The London Gazette (27 May 1932).

759 TNA Board of Trade: Commercial and Statistical Department and successors: Inwards Passenger Lists.; Class BT26, Piece 1160.

760 Banyard, Email.

761 ‘Late Mr Bradshaw Smith’, Devon and Exeter Gazette (25 October 1940).

762 ‘Personal and General’, Bedfordshire Times and Independent (5 December 1941).

763 ‘Mr W. Kimber’, Newspaper Cutting.

764 William Kimber, England & Wales, National Probate Calendar, Llandudno (20 October 1945).


765 ‘Eden Club Case Stabbing’, MG (19 November 1924).

766 Magee, p.152.

767 Bebbington, pp.100–4; McDonald, Gangs of London, p.255; ‘Story of Race-Gang’s Hatchets and Truncheons’, DH (10 June 1936); ‘No Mercy for Gang Violence’, DM (30 July 1936); & ‘Alleged Wounding on Racecourse’, DET (28 July 1936).

768 John Carey, ‘Book Review’, Independent (2 January 1993).

769 Norman Sherry, The Life of Graham Greene, vol. 1, 1904–1939 (London, 1989), pp.634–6.

770 Carey, ‘Book Review’.

771 Graham Greene, Letter to Carl Chinn (9 May 1988).

772 Graham Greene, Brighton Rock (1st published 1938, Middlesex edn. 1970), p.61.

773 ‘Alleged Wounding on Racecourse’, DET (28 July 1936).

774 Jake Arnott, ‘Mad, bad and dangerous to know’, TG (20 July 2002) & Greene, Letter.

775 MEPO 3/9190, Detective Inspector Burt, Report (2 May 1935).

776 ‘Brutal Attack on Police Officers’, IPN (12 May 1927).

777 MEPO 3/9190, Anonymous, Letter (May 1935).

778 Ibid., Chief Inspector Sharpe, Report (5 July 1935).

779 Morton, Gangland. London’s Underworld, pp.44–5.

780 ‘Bert Marsh of Clerkenwell’, SDT (10 July 1923) & ‘Premierland Boxing’, PMG (11 January 1922).

781 HO 45/23691, Ottavio Sabini, Statement (3 December 1940).

782 ‘Assault at Races’, WG (14 October 1924).

783 HO 45/23691, Detective Inspector Greens, Report.

784 Morton, Gangland, pp.27 & 70–3.

785 ‘Glinski on Trial for Perjury Charge’, Liverpool Echo (7 November 1955).