It’s really difficult to talk about procrastination without mentioning organization. They go hand in hand. If you want to stop procrastinating, organize your bedroom or dorm room, study area (if you have one), and even your school supplies. Organizing these zones will help you work more efficiently and stay focused, alleviate the overwhelming feeling of living in a messy environment and avoid the exhausting mantra of “I’m looking for the book I need to read for class, and I have no idea where it is!”
Don’t get nervous. I’m not going to unpack every organizing system imaginable. Since everyone learns differently, everyone organizes differently. I couldn’t possibly know what works best for you. Some of you might take a “clean off my desk” approach when it comes to working, while others find having all their books and papers spread out inspiring and creativity inducing. Some of you might like color to infuse energy into your work, while others need calm, soothing surroundings to be productive.
I’m just going to give you some general rules to follow to make your school supplies more streamlined, your room more manageable and, therefore, your environment more productive.
Play out this scenario. The adults in your life tell you to clean up your room. With all good intentions you walk into your room, survey the scene, pick up an item from your floor and realize you have no idea where to begin, what to do, or where to put things. So you close the door and hope they won’t notice. Until they do. And then the accusations start flying.
“You live like a slob!”
“We should hang a condemned sign on the door!”
“You never clean your room when I ask you!”
And the inevitable, “Just one time I would love for you to stop procrastinating and just do it without my having to ask you!”
How many times have you heard these kinds of phrases in your lifetime? About a million, I’m sure.
But here’s what I want YOU to know. The constant struggle between you and your parents about your room isn’t necessarily all your fault. But I’m thinking you feel it might be. When parents ask me how to get their kids to organize their rooms AND keep them that way, I lob a question right back at them.
I ask if your bedroom is set up to make it easy for you to create and maintain an organizing system. If they can’t answer that, I send them on a tour. Of your room. Using YOUR height as the guide. And answering the following questions from your perspective. Go ahead and do it too.
Can you open the closet door easily? Or is it partially blocked?
Can you reach the rod and shelves?
Are the things you need to access frequently or daily in your prime real estate?
Are the dresser drawers hard to open?
Is the dresser crammed full?
Do you have enough room to store all your clothes?
Do you have enough hangers? Hooks? Storage bins and boxes?
Do you have adequate shelf space for books, memorabilia, electronics, and so on?
Do you have a bulletin board or cork squares hanging on the wall?
Trash bin? Laundry basket?
A nightstand for a clock, extra alarm, lamp and water bottle?
Are there clothes or other items that don’t belong to you stored in your room?
Pretty eye-opening, huh?
But wait, I saved the best question for last.
Do you know where everything in your room goes?
The first rule when organizing is, everything needs a home. It’s really that simple. No matter what your organizing style, if you don’t know where something lives, you’re more apt to let it sit wherever it lands. That partially explains the land mine that is your floor!
I’m well aware that you can’t make all the changes on your own. I’m hoping you will show this section of the chapter to the grown-ups in your life and ask them to go on the tour of your room with you. Then perhaps you can all come up with solutions for the items on the list that need to be remedied.
But meanwhile, here are a few guidelines to help you get started on your own:
And a tip within a tip? Make it fun! Crank your favorite music and throw yourself a dance party. Set a timer and play Beat the Clock by seeing how much you can get done before it goes off! Grab your favorite snack and have a treat while you make it neat! Infusing energy and play into your organizing session is a great way to get moving!
Over the years, I’ve seen a staggering number of my high school students struggle with trying to manage folders, binders, spirals and more. It’s overwhelming. And according to their complaints it leads to major procrastinating if they have to wade through endless supplies to find what they need to do.
Therefore, the first order of business is to simplify supplies any way you can. Less stuff to manage = greater organization. Most of you need a simple, manageable solution to organize your school papers so you spend less time on the looking and more time on the doing! Here are a few of my recommendations:
These are dumping grounds where important assignments and papers go to die. I know a lot of experts don’t agree with me on this, but trust me when I say I’ve never met a homework folder that worked. Instead, group all materials by subject. Math homework goes in the math binder. Your science lab in the science folder.
I recommend two types of organizing systems.
One organizing system that works well for my students who like to keep each subject in its own individual binder is a combination binder/pocket folder system. Each binder combines a loose-leaf section for taking notes AND a folder/file system for housing homework, tests and other loose papers. Extra bonus? This takes three-hole punching out of the equation!
My second organizing system, for those of you who like to have everything in one place, is a master binder system. This all-in-one system houses all your subjects in tabbed sections in a zippered binder.
First, purchase a zippered binder that also contains an accordion folder. I prefer the ones that have two sets of rings, since the double rings allow you to customize the binder in a way that works for your schedule. Think “A/B” days, or morning/afternoon classes. The accordion folder is where you keep all papers, handouts, returned tests and related things. Label each section in the accordion by subject name (English, math, science and so on).
All papers will be filed BEHIND the corresponding subject tab and the most recent papers always go in the front. Schedule weekly clean-outs, as papers tend to build up quickly.
The three-ring section should be used for notes you take in class. Divide this section by subject by using two-sided translucent divider folders with tabs for each subject. Label the sides of each folder “Homework to-do” and “Homework done.” This takes the guesswork out of where homework will live each night!
The goals of a master system like this are to keep everything in one place and make finding what you need a breeze. This all-in-one system is easy to create and easy to manage.
If you use any of these systems, you will have to clean them out regularly to prevent them from becoming unwieldy. A good rule is to empty them after a unit or chapter test or when a project or paper is completed. But what to do with all that paper?
Figure out what you can toss and then find the best way to store what you need to hold on to. Don’t make it complicated. There are many creative and out-of-the-box ways to keep paper contained. Pretty bins, magazine files, binders, or even just a box will do just fine. The important thing is to make sure you maintain your system, so you don’t get buried under all that excess paper.
Do you have trouble keeping track of class assignments, your day-to-day gear and everything in between? You might want to try color-coding to make things a little easier and more streamlined. I’m a huge fan!
Color-code school supplies, designating a color for each class. Use that color for every binder, folder and notebook needed for that class. Follow the color scheme for storage bins and magazine files used for class-specific supplies. (For example, if math is red, then the calculator goes in the red bin.) To color-code your to-do list, use sticky notes in different colors to keep track of tasks like school assignments or chores. Or let the color of the sticky note convey how urgent an assignment or chore is.
Some of my students find it helpful to distinguish what they learned in class from what they learned reviewing at home. To differentiate easily, use color-coding to distinguish class notes from home-study notes—use a blue pen for class notes and a black one for home. This way, if a question comes up, at least you’ll know where it originated.
Color can help you coordinate your nonschool stuff too. Organize your activity equipment by color. Use large totes in different colors—red for dance, blue for tennis, green for club soccer and so on.
Multiple devices mean lots of chargers and cords. They were always disappearing at my house until we color-coded our devices by individual (with permanent marker or a strip of colored tape on the cable). No more getting away with stealing chargers!
Always looking internally for motivational inspiration to get something done is ineffective and exhausting! And generally leads us down the path of not getting anything accomplished. Setting up your environment so it communicates to you that it’s time to get moving removes the pressure of always relying on yourself.
Let me explain.
I believe that to get motivated, people need to create positive energy around their tasks. Your environment plays a huge role in encouraging you to initiate and complete your work. If you don’t like where you spend your time, you’re not going to get down to business, no matter what that business is.
Aim to create an environment that will make you happy and motivated so you can finish strong every time. Think of it like a caffeine boost.
I want you to open your bedroom door or head to your favorite study spot and have it send a message to you that it’s time to get work done. Right now. And here’s the good news: when it comes to setting up your environment so that it elicits a motivating response, YOU have a ton of control.
Color. Color is a great way to infuse energy and fun into your space. I’ve never met a student who likes staring at a sea of blank, boring walls every day. So if bare is blah, then it’s time to go to town and literally paint the town red. Or in your case, it might mean painting your bedroom walls orange, neon pink, striped or even zebra print. The only thing that matters is that you use your favorite color or pattern. (And that you get permission from whoever owns those walls!) If painting a room is not in the cards, then hang colorful tapestries, fabric or even removable wallpaper stickers to achieve the same effect.
And don’t forget that rugs, furniture, throws, pillows, room accessories, picture frames and even knickknacks can all add that burst of color you crave.
Light. Situate your desk or work area near a window. Research shows that natural light increases productivity, creates less stress and improves overall health. (I’m literally sitting outside as I write this!)
And here’s a fun fact. Studies also show that overhead cool-white fluorescent lighting (the kind you find in classrooms) ricochets off the surface of assignments into your eyes, a reflection that causes a type of unintended glare called veiling reflection, which interferes with your ability to read words on paper. Poor lighting reduces the effectiveness of the brain’s power to gather data. Imagine bringing that excuse to your teacher or professor!
Cool tools. Some of you love the beginning of a new school year for the sole fact that you get to buy new supplies. Oh, come on. I know you’re out there. If you have favorite pens, love pretty folders or even can’t get started on a paper or project unless you have neon sticky notes or index cards by your side, then use that to your advantage. If these kinds of tools make you happy, then you’ll be more productive.
Eye candy. Posters, artwork, old album covers, a collage of your hometown friends, your college banner, sports memorabilia, memorable sayings. The list goes on. Anything that promotes positive imagery and gets you to work in the space you create will do.
Noise. I know we discussed music in the homework chapter, but this is more about controlling or canceling the noise in your environment. Invest in a good pair of headphones or a white noise machine to drown out distractions. Or check out apps that give you different sounds to listen to. My favorite is rain forest sounds.
Scent. Don’t laugh. Many of my students swear by aromatherapy or even lighting candles to help them get their motivation mojo. And they’re on to something! Aromatherapy is an easy and effective way to soothe the brain, improve your mood and increase your energy levels, leading to greater productivity. Try scents such as peppermint, lemon, cinnamon, eucalyptus or lavender to calm and center you.
Food. Now I’m speaking your language! There is no greater magic elixir when it comes to getting moving than when food is involved. Can you think of a time when pizza helped you out of a massive procrastination fix? Or frozen yogurt? (That’s mine!) In the routines and rituals chapter we discussed which foods actually give your brain the much-needed energy boost it needs to get work done. But for now, I just want you to think about which foods I could bribe you with, so you get working.
I have a fun story to share with you about the power of popcorn. Yes, popcorn.