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Zach applauded with the audience as the cast of the program took their final bows on the stage. Amy signaled for the curtain. As soon as the panels met in the middle of the stage, he dashed across, threw his arms around her, and spun her around, planting a solid kiss on her lips.
The kids on stage cheered.
Wincing, he set her down. “Sorry.”
Cheeks aflame, Amy cleared her throat. “All right, everyone. Make sure you get your costumes hung up, nicely¸ in the green room and then go see your parents. Great job, all of you. And we’ll see you in January. Have a great winter break.”
That elicited another cheer and Zach grinned. He was as ready for a break as the kids were at this point. Though between Ben’s wedding and moving, he wasn’t sure how much break he was going to get. But at least he wouldn’t have classes on top of everything else for two weeks.
“You want me to stack all the backdrop pieces against the back wall so they don’t fall over?”
Amy laughed. “Why do you keep saying they’re going to fall over? But yes, if you don’t mind breaking them down and making a pile on the floor back there, that’s one less thing to worry about when we get back from break.”
“Are you free for dinner?”
She grinned. “I thought you’d never ask. Let’s get everyone sent home and then I’m at your disposal.”
Zach watched her leave the stage. Probably off to supervise the chaos in the green room. Whistling the final chorus the kids had performed, he started unbolting the backdrop flats and piling them at the back of the stage. He patted his pocket. Devon and Marisa had given him the key to his apartment when they saw him earlier this evening and he had a cooler full of side dishes Paige made plus two steaks and a tabletop grill. It wasn’t fancy, but it was something he could do.
Ben and Jackson had started teasing him about ring shopping. The thought had crossed his mind. He’d even done a little looking online, trying to get a feel for shapes and sizes and...general knowledge. After the conversation with Devon at the apartment, he felt he had their tacit approval. When he’d gotten the key, he’d been more specific. Marisa had teared up. Could he propose without a ring? Amy struck him as the kind of person who would want to be part of the ring process. She was so particular about what she wore and how she presented herself. There’d been a few gemstone rings that had caught his eye more than any of the diamonds...but didn’t women want diamonds? He blew out a breath and stacked the last flat on the pile. Was this a mistake?
“That was fast. I figured I could help with a few.” Amy crossed her arms and leaned against the rail of the stage stairs.
“They’re all cleared out? Already?”
She nodded. “Apparently, as it’s now officially winter break, everyone has places they want to be. And a couple of parents stopped me to let me know that next year they’d appreciate it if we did the holiday program at the start of December, so they could start their winter break plans sooner. So I guess we’re responsible for the record attendance this past week.”
Zach laughed. That made sense. He had wondered, briefly, why so few kids were taking off early. “I’d say that’s as good a case as any for keeping the date the same.”
“I guess we’ll see how many complaints make it to the main office. Now, dinner? I’m starved.”
He offered her his elbow, smiling as she slipped her arm through his. It was so right. So natural. Definitely not a mistake. “Let’s take a walk.”
“A walk?” Amy furrowed her brow.
Zach fought a grin. She was probably trying to figure out where he was taking her to eat. Mr. Sam’s had a deli, but that was about the only place within walking distance that would still be open and serving more than drinks and appetizers. “Yes. A walk. C’mon.”
“Zach, I’m hungry.”
“Oh, don’t whine. We’ll be eating soon.”
She frowned and trudged next to him in silence.
“Here we are.” Zach reached into his pocket and clicked the unlock button on his car’s key fob.
“Ah. We’re driving.” Amy reached for the passenger door handle then looked at him as he opened the trunk. “What are you doing?”
“Getting dinner. I thought you said you were hungry.” He stacked the small grill on top of the cooler and lifted both from the trunk. “Can you close that for me?”
“Look, Zach, it’s sweet. But this week has been so hectic, my place is a mess. I...you really should’ve asked before planning something like this.”
“Just close the trunk, please, Amy.”
“Fine.” She slammed the trunk and took a deep breath. “Look, can you give me five minutes to clean up? Just...wait there. Or in the hall. Okay?”
He bit back a smile as she rushed up the walk. He could give her five minutes. Working for balance, he clicked lock on the key fob. His car’s lights flashed and he followed in Amy’s wake. She’d already made it up the inside stairs and had thrown open the door to her apartment. He peeked in and saw her rushing around, stuffing books and papers into baskets. Shaking his head, he turned to his door and set down the cooler so he could unlock it.
God bless Devon and Marisa. A drop leaf table sat in the middle of the main room. It was set for two, with a tall candle spearing up from the center. He eyed the elaborate place settings...he never would have thought to have three forks. It was steak and some sides. Long forgotten etiquette lessons bubbled up from the back of his brain. He probably wouldn’t embarrass himself. Too badly.
Zach rapidly assembled the grill and got the coals heating. While he waited, he unpacked the sides into the serving dishes Marisa had left on the counter. Not eating out of takeout boxes was definitely a nice touch. It was good Amy’s parents were on his side. He checked the grill, slid on the steaks, then tiptoed to the hall. Amy’s grumbling and muttering spilled out of her apartment.
Everything else was ready. He flipped the steaks over and did one more visual check of the room before crossing the hall and knocking on her door.
“What took you so long? I’m just about cleaned...” She tilted her head to the side. “What do I smell?”
“Dinner.” Zach smiled and held out his hand. “Care to join me?”
She closed her eyes. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. It was a natural reaction. Come on, I don’t want the steaks to burn.”
Amy slipped her hand in his as they crossed the hallway. “I’m not always the world’s best housekeep...what is this, Zach?”
“I told you, dinner.” He searched her face. Should he not say anything? Just make it a romantic dinner for two and leave it at that? Maybe he’d just play it by ear. He pulled out her seat at the table. “Have a seat. I’ll go get the food.”