


The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

Academy of Military Science (AMS)

access: naval warfare to secure. See also sea denial/anti-access

Acheson, Dean

active defense

Aden, Gulf of

Aegis ships: Australian air warfare destroyers; China antiship capabilities against; Japan use of; PLAN destroyers; South Korea use of; U.S. Navy destroyers

air forces: establishment of; maritime strategy as grand strategy and use of; PLA joint operations with; PLAN modernization and expansion of; three-dimensional aspect of naval warfare

aircraft: dispersed sea denial with stealth aircraft; sea denial and range of

aircraft carriers: China carrier and naval aviation ambitions; commissioning of first and construction of more; naval power balance and; PLAN development of; Soviet-built carrier

Aleutian islands

amphibious assault ships

annihilation, battle of

anti-access. See sea denial/anti-access

antifragile and resilient organizations

antiship ballistic missiles (ASBMs): Aegis ships as target of; defensive/offensive use of; development of; dispersed sea denial with; land-based sea power use of; range of

antiship missiles: active-defense campaign with; active-defense technologies to defeat; anti-access strategy role of; antiship cruise missiles (ASCMs); Chinese advantage in anti-access defenses; concepts and doctrines development; defensive/offensive use of; deterrence role of; distributed lethality; doctrine to shoot archer before arrow release; historical perspective on use of; hypersonic missiles; Israeli operations and tactics; lethality of; long-range antiship strikes; PLAN inventory of; post–Cold War developments and applications; range of; saturation attack with; sea power role of; U.S. inventory of

antisubmarine warfare (ASW)


armed suasion (naval suasion)

Art of War (Sun Tzu)

Asia-Pacific region: balance of naval power in; China rise to regain rightful place in; impact and complication factor of China sea power in; maritime rise of nations in and Europe maritime fall; opposing trajectories and assumptions about force design and missions in; pivot/rebalance to; predictions of naval war in; strategic competition and rivalry in maritime Asia; U.S. bases and forward presence in; U.S. Navy missions in; U.S. role in security in; U.S.-led alliance system in

Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)


blue belt of defense

Bohai Bay Economic Rim

Bohai Sea

Boyd, John

cabbage strategy

calligraphic inscriptions

Caribbean Sea operations

Carter administration and Jimmy Carter

Central Military Commission

century of humiliation

Chiang Kai-shek

China: benefits of U.S.-led liberal order to; century of humiliation; competitor status of; comprehensive national power of; confidence and self-assurance of; containment and deterrence of ambitions of; continental power and oceanic power of; continental power of China and the Japanese invasion of China; continental worldview of; defense budget of; energy security concerns of; Japanese invasion of; literature sources for information about; maritime history of; martial script of people’s war; national core interests and maritime commerce; national fleet of; nautical sources of wealth and power in; opening to the world under Deng; peaceful development but defense of sovereignty and national honor of; perceptions and peacetime deterrence and coercion; psychology of insecurity in; renewal and regaining of historically rightful place of; restoration of prosperity and influence of; security of with peace to the north; socioeconomic transformation in and reorientation toward the seas

China Central Television

China National Infrastructure Knowledge database

China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation

China’s Military Strategy

China’s National Defense in 2004

China’s National Defense in 2006

China’s National Defense in 2008

China’s National Defense in 2010

Chinese Communist Party (CCP): campaigns to raise awareness and support for seaborne endeavors; Congress of the PLA Navy, 8th; Congress of the PLA Navy, 10th; Congress of the PLA Navy, 12th; navy and air force to defend China, support for by; Party Congress, 14th; Party Congress, 18th; Party Congress, 19th; PLA role in survival and authority of; vision for China of

Chinese Dream: ambition and vision of; cultural and historical component of; economic component of; foreign-policy component of; great rejuvenation vision for China; maritime strategy to achieve; martial component of; news and updates about; renewal and regaining of historically rightful place of China; sea power role in; timetable for national rejuvenation

choke points

Civil War, Chinese

Clausewitz, Carl von: foreign policy and grand strategy importance in international interactions; logic, common sense, and ideas of; logic and grammar of maritime strategy; magnitude of effort for political object; negative aim and positive aim campaigns; no fighting needed and strategic and political benefit of maneuvering forces; On War; war as continuation of political intercourse; war as expression of political activity; war as reciprocal clash of wills

Clinton, Bill

Coast Guard, China: defense role of; maritime strategy as grand strategy and use of; national fleet role of; small-stick diplomacy with; types of ships in

Coast Guard, U.S.

coastal-defense units

Cold War: containment strategy; island-chain concept origin during; new Cold War, prospect of; U.S. maritime strategy for; U.S.-led alliance system as artifact of

Cole, Bernard

combined-arms attacks/joint operations

command of the sea: China challenge to U.S. sea command; concept of and goal of; fleet design and sizing for; naval power for; near seas events and China pursuit of; struggle for, seizure of, and Chinese strategic thought; supremacy of U.S. maritime forces

commerce and trade: commerce, political willpower, and military force as logic of sea power; export-oriented manufacturing; geography, reliable access to waterways, and; geography, trade, and sea power; global economic order and marine commerce; global markets and global supply chain; grand strategy to support; island chains and; island chains straits, commerce through; logic of maritime strategy and grammar of maritime operations to secure; national core interests and maritime commerce; peacetime commerce, prosperity, and greatness; resources from and resources for naval power; sea power and; socioeconomic transformation and reorientation toward the seas; top trading partners of China; U.S.-China trade routes through island chains. See also ports and port system

containment strategy

contested zone

“Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower” (2007)

“Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower” (2015)

Corbett, Julian

corvettes: naval buildup with new classes of; naval power balance and new classes of; Type 056 Jiangdao

creative ages

cult of offense

Cultural Revolution

culture, Chinese Dream component

defense: active-defense concept; blue belt of defense; employment of assets under defensive strategy; nonmilitary dimension of; offensive/defensive tactics; passive defense; tactical defense; true defense

Deng Xiaoping: China opening to the world under; economic zones authorization by; hegemony, not seeking under; naval development and sea-power strategy under; navy reform under; peace and development grand strategy of; sea power and naval power support from; socioeconomic transformation under

“Design for Maintaining Maritime Superiority”

destroyers: Aegis destroyers; helicopter destroyers; naval buildup with new classes of; naval power balance and new classes of; radar-equipped destroyers; Type 052D Luyang III DDG; Type 055 DDG

deterrence: antiship missile role in; containment and deterrence of China’s ambitions; perceptions and peacetime deterrence and coercion; tripwire forces; Type 055 DDG

diplomacy: Chinese Dream and revision of international order; coercive diplomacy; containment and deterrence of China’s ambitions; as continuation of war by other means; great power diplomacy with Chinese characteristics; island chains and; military access and diplomatic access; perceptions and peacetime deterrence and coercion; sea power quest and; small-stick diplomacy; soft power of maritime strategy and; Xi diplomatic achievements

dispersed attack

Diversified Employment of China’s Armed Forces, The

Djibouti naval base

East China Sea

economics and economic policy: Bohai Bay Economic Rim; Chinese Dream component; economic development and security; GDP of China; geography, trade, and sea power; global economic order and marine commerce; island chains and; Pearl River Delta Economic Zone; sea power quest and; socioeconomic transformation and reorientation toward the seas; soft power of maritime strategy and; U.S.-led global system and economic rise of China; Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone


Eilat (Israel)

electromagnetic emissions control (EMCON)


exclusive economic zones (EEZs)

Exocet missiles

Falklands War

far-seas support

first salvo concept

fishing fleet: cabbage strategy; defense role of; national fleet role of; sabotage warfare role of; small-stick diplomacy with

Fleet Tactics (Hughes)

Fleet Tactics and Coastal Combat (Hughes)

Fleet Tactics and Naval Operations (Hughes)

fleets: construction of; of continental powers; cost of operating and maintaining; design for command of the sea; design of and ship types; expansion in response to fleet-building by opponent; modernization and expansion of; opposing trajectories and assumptions about force design and missions; size and capabilities as material dimension of maritime strategy; size and quality of; size of PLAN; surface fleet as big stick. See also ships

foreign policy: Chinese Dream component; containment and deterrence of China’s ambitions; grand strategy, military strategy, and; one-on-one negotiations; war as continuation of political intercourse

Fortress China (land-based sea power resources)

fortress-fleet strategy

“Forward … from the Sea” strategy

frigates: naval buildup with new classes of; naval power balance and new classes of; Type 054A Jiangkai II

“… From the Sea” strategy

Gao Lan

geography and geopolitics: coastal security, economic health, and great-power status; continental perspectives of maritime theaters by fixed geographic boundaries; continental power, sea power quest, and maritime geography; economic geography of China and sea power; geographic scope of inland military operations; grand strategy, military strategy, and; neutrality of geography; reliable access to waterways for commerce and trade; sea denial and; sea power and island chains geostrategy; sea power quest and. See also island chains

Germany: continental power and sea power quest by; fleet construction and naval capabilities of; Royal Navy fleet expansion in response to fleet-building by; trade with China by

Global Maritime Partnership

Golden Rule of coalition building

Gordon, Andrew

grand strategy: anti-access as; better peace as aim of; commerce and; concept and function of; Deng maritime strategy as grand strategy; foreign policy, military strategy, and; geography, military strategy, and; island chains and; Mahan formula for; maritime strategy as

gray-zone operations and strategies

Great Britain/United Kingdom: defense budget of; Falklands War; fleet expansion in response to German fleet-building; fleet size of Royal Navy; German fleet construction to counter Royal Navy threat; imperial decline and withdrawal from Asia region; maritime security role of; sea power of

Great Power Diplomacy television series

great powers: China pursuit of and ascent to; China status as great power; coastal security, economic health, and great-power status; great maritime power status; great power diplomacy with Chinese characteristics; maritime conduct of China and success as great maritime power; U.S. and Japan as barriers to China’s ambitions


Gulf and Inland Waters, The (Mahan)

Hainan Island

hard power

Harpoon missiles

Hayward, Thomas

helicopter destroyers (DDHs) and carriers

high seas, operating environment tactics

Holloway, James

Hong Kong

horizontal escalation of conflicts

Hu Bo

Hu Jintao: powerful armed forces and international standing of China; sea power and naval power support from

Hu Yanlin

Huang Jiang

Hughes, Wayne: arbiters of naval combat; Fleet Tactics; Fleet Tactics and Coastal Combat; Fleet Tactics and Naval Operations; naval engagement scenarios; scouting effectiveness and tactical success; tactical scenarios for PLAN; tactics to preserve or restore advantage over adversaries; wartime contingency categories

hypersonic missiles


Indian Ocean: counterpiracy operations in; maritime history of; U.S. Navy operations in

India-Pakistan war

Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660–1783, The (Mahan)

informatized conditions, winning local maritime wars under

inland waterways and ports


island chains: barricade and blockade behavior of; commerce and; commerce and trade through straits; control of; diplomacy and; economic development and security and; first island chain; geographic construct of; geographic scope of China’s naval operations; geography, strategy, and sea power; grand strategy and; imprisonment of China by; map of first and second island chains; military strategy and; national security and; near-seas concept inclusion of; origins of island-chain thinking; Pacific Ocean access through; second island chain; straits and channels through; strategic significance of; Taiwan unification and U.S. retreat to second island chain; third island chain; U.S. defense perimeter and U.S.-led alliance system along; usage of term


Japan: defense white papers and policy of; first island chain geographic construct; fleet construction and sea power of IJN; fleet modernization and expansion in; force strength of armed forces in; geographic advantages during Russo-Japanese War; geographic advantages of; invasion of China by; Russo-Japanese War; Senkaku Islands purchase by; strategic and military value of; Taiwan unification and U.S. withdrawal from; trade with China by; U.S. defense perimeter of the Pacific through; U.S. naval bases in; U.S.-Japan alliance, security from and military power of; U.S.–Japan–South Korea alliance operations

Japan, Sea of

jeune école (new school) of naval warfare

Jiang Zemin

joint operations

Kennedy, Paul

Korea Strait

Korean Peninsula. See also South Korea

Korean War

land-based sea power resources (Fortress China)

law enforcement. See maritime law enforcement fleet

Lehman, John

Li Xiuying

Liaoning aircraft carrier (China)


Liddell Hart, B. H.

Lin Hongyu

literature sources and methods

Liu Huaqing: appointment of; article about PLAN by; “metal chain” island chain speech of; modernization of PLAN under; navy command by; near-seas defense under

Liu Yijian

long calm lee of victory

Luttwak, Edward

Luzon Strait

MacArthur, Douglas

Mahan, Alfred Thayer: character of government, popular will, and pursuit of sea power; conscious, political choice of sea power; consequences of geography for sea power; danger of obfuscation about maritime strategy; fortress-fleet opposition by; Gulf and Inland Waters, The; Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660–1783, The; interior maritime geography importance; logic, common sense, and ideas of; popularity of

Mahanian theory: alternatives to; analysis and understanding of Chinese maritime strategy through; combat as chief purpose of navy; evaluation of maritime strategy through; fleet sizing for combat; grammar of sea combat; local command of important waters by lesser navies; logic and grammar of maritime strategy; logic of maritime strategy and philosophy of sea power; maritime strategy as grand strategy; offensive strategy with capital ships; post-Mahanian maritime strategy; production, shipping, colonies, and markets as sea power; sea power concepts and Chinese strategy

Malacca, Strait of

Mao Zedong: active-defense concept; battle of annihilation; continental power of China and Japanese invasion of China; isolation under; martial script of people’s war; naval development and sea-power strategy under; sea power and naval power support from; strategic value of the navy, appreciation for

Marine Corps, U.S.

maritime consciousness

maritime law enforcement fleet: cabbage strategy; fishing fleet auxiliary role for; maritime strategy as grand strategy and use of; national fleet role of; naval power balance and; small-stick diplomacy with

maritime strategy: command of the sea, Chinese strategic thought on; danger of obfuscation about; as grand strategy; human dimension of; logic of; logic of maritime strategy and grammar of maritime operations; Mahanian theory for evaluation of; material dimension of; opposing trajectories and assumptions and force design; post-Mahanian perspective on; strategic competition and rivalry in maritime Asia; threat as basis for effective strategy

maritime strategy, Chinese: analysis and understanding of; cabbage strategy; Chinese Dream and; defense white papers and policy; defensive reaction to U.S.-led alliances; Deng maritime strategy as grand strategy; as grand strategy; great maritime power status; hard power of; human dimension of; Liu report as basis for naval strategy; logic of maritime strategy and grammar of maritime operations; naval leaders influence on development of; soft power of. See also tactics/fleet tactics

“Maritime Strategy, The”

maritime strategy, U.S.: analysis of evolution of; anti-access response; for combat with peer challengers; condescension/hubris toward capabilities of competitors; for constabulary missions; focus changes from Mahanian to post-Mahanian; full-bore Mahanian strategy; human dimension of; no clear enemy, strategy design for; pivot/rebalance to Asia; public-private ventures in; recommendations for; reconfiguration to meet China and Russia challenges; reconfiguration to meet China challenge; Soviet Navy expansion and; transoceanic strategy. See also specific strategies

massed attack

Mexico, Gulf of

military strategy/military power: China pursuit of and ascent to first ranks of military power; commerce, political willpower, and military force as logic of sea power; concept and function of; grand strategy, foreign policy, and; grand strategy, military strategy, and geography; island chains and; martial component of Chinese Dream; modernization and reform of military; peacetime military operations; perceptions and peacetime deterrence and coercion; powerful armed forces and international standing of China; variations in

militia, maritime

missile defense systems/ballistic missile defense (BMD) systems: hypersonic-missile technology against; number of missiles needed to defeat; shooting archer before letting arrow fly; U.S. Navy shipboard defenses. See also Aegis ships

missiles: anti-access strategy role of; offense-defense balance at sea and; preemptive doctrine for; range of; role in U.S.-China rivalry; saturation attack with; tactical and operational consequences of modern missile age; technical and tactical development of; threat of violent and lethal naval combat campaigns. See also antiship missiles

Miyako Strait

National Defense University (NDU)

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

naval culture: renovation of; restless and enterprising culture

naval power: ability to mass superior combat power as gauge of; balance of

naval power in Asia; command of the sea through; control of the sea and winning wars; fleet design and ship types for; Mao support for development of; PLAN challenge to U.S. Navy; PLAN missions; resources for; sea power, maritime strategy, and; strategic value of the navy

naval rivalry

naval suasion (armed suasion)

Navy, U.S.: ability to mass superior combat power as gauge of; bases and forward presence in Asia-Pacific region; capabilities against integrated attacks at sea; combat-logistics vessels of; fleet construction and sea power of; fleet expansion of; fleet tactics against; force strength of; Great White Fleet; guardian of freedom of the sea function of; missions of; national fleet role of; naval power challenge from PLAN; naval supremacy of; PLAN strength compared to; reconfiguration to meet China challenge; reconnaissance and surveillance missions and close-quarters encounters with PLA; reconnaissance and surveillance missions of; standard for excellence and competitor status of; submarine fleet and capabilities; three-to-one ratio for ships on foreign station; unified maritime strategy for

near seas: active defense of; boundaries and definition of; China control of; command of the sea and events in; defense of and economic security; economic security and control of island chains; fleet capabilities for defense of; near-seas defense concept and strategy; operating environment tactics; security of as core interests; tactical and operational improvements for defense of

negative aim and positive aim campaigns

new school (jeune école) of naval warfare

Nixon administration and Richard Nixon

Obama administration and Barack Obama

offense: big-gun battleships doctrine; cult of offense; employment of assets under offensive strategy; offensive/defensive tactics

offshore defense. See also near seas


On War (Clausewitz)

One Belt, One Road initiative

open sea protection

Open Source Enterprise (Open Source Center)

Osumi Strait

peacetime deterrence and coercion

peacetime military operations

Pearl River Delta (PRD) Economic Zone

People’s Liberation Army (PLA)

People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force

People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Rocket Force

People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN): anniversary of founding of; area of operations of; articles about PLAN modernization and endeavors; capabilities of, hubris about or overrating of; close-quarters encounters with U.S. Navy; cost of operating and maintaining fleet; defense role of; Deng modernization of; doctrine based on Soviet Navy; encyclopedia on navy equipment; first commander of; fleet expansion in response to U.S. fleet-building; founding father of modern navy; Hu modernization of; island chains and operation of; Jiang modernization of; Mao and CCP support for; missions of; modernization and blue-water navy capabilities of; modernization of and response to U.S. operations; modernization of surface fleet; national fleet role of; naval power challenge to U.S. Navy; perceptions and peacetime deterrence and coercion; reform of after Cultural Revolution; strategic value of; strength of compared to U.S. Navy; tactical and operational improvements to; transformation, modernization, and expansion under Wu; U.S. Navy as standard for excellence and competitor for; Xi modernization of

Philippine Islands: disaster-relief operations in; first island chain geographic construct; Luzon Strait; naval power of; Scarborough Shoal standoff; Second Thomas Shoal dispute; South China Sea sovereignty claims of; Taiwan unification and U.S. withdrawal from; U.S. defense perimeter of the Pacific through

piracy and counterpiracy operations: fleet for; Gulf of Aden and Red Sea operations; Indian Ocean operations; PLAN patrols; U.S. Navy operations

politics: character of government, popular will, and pursuit of sea power; commerce, political willpower, and military force as logic of sea power; hegemony, not seeking under Deng; logic of maritime strategy; sea power quest and; strategic will and political resolve for pursuit of sea power; war as expression of political activity

Port Economic Rim initiative

ports and port system: Bohai Bay Economic Rim; development of for global supply chain; economic vitality and sea power role of; inland waterways and ports; Pearl River Delta region; production and consumption stimulation by; sea power and; volume and patterns of trade through; Yangtze River Delta region

positive aim and negative aim campaigns

preemptive doctrine

Reagan administration and Ronald Reagan

resilient and antifragile organizations

Richardson, John

Rim of the Pacific exercises

Roosevelt, Theodore

Russia/Soviet Union: antiship missiles development by; battle of the first salvo concept; blue belt of defense; competitor status of; fleet construction and sea power of; fleet size of navy in; PLAN doctrine based on Soviet Navy; Soviet Navy appearance and strength of; Soviet Navy expansion and naval doctrine; submarine force

Russo-Japanese War

Ryukyu Islands: first island chain geographic construct; missile campaign against; PLAN transit through; strategic and military value of; surface action group operations near; U.S. arming of

sabotage warfare at sea

Sanya naval base

saturation attack

Scarborough Shoal

scouting effectiveness

sea denial/anti-access: Chinese advantage in anti-access defenses; dispersed sea denial; failure of strategy, fallback for; fleet design and ship types for; geography and; as grand strategy; massed attack for; offensive/defensive combat style of sea denial; sea denial traditions; sequential attack for; strategy and tactics for; U.S. maritime strategy to respond to; U.S. Navy capabilities against integrated attacks for

sea lines of communication (SLOCs): Atlantic SLOCs; command of the sea and control of; elastic cohesion and protection of; free passage through and energy security concerns of China; guardian of freedom of the sea function of U.S.; protection of security of; proximity to and sea power; sea power and control of

sea power: Asia maritime rise and Europe maritime fall; character of government, popular will, and pursuit of; commerce, political willpower, and military force as logic of; conscious political choice of; control of the sea and winning wars; geoeconomics and; logic, common sense, and ideas about; Mahan concepts of; modern, neo-Mahanian perspective on; pillars of; postmodern, post-Mahanian perspective on; production, shipping, colonies, and markets as; strategic will and political resolve for pursuit of; Wegener formula for resources and culture of a society to successfully strive for sea power

sea power, Chinese: campaigns to raise awareness and support for; Chinese Dream realization role of; Chinese leaders advocacy of naval development and; commerce, national will, military prowess, and; defense white papers and policy; diplomatic logic of; disparagement of quest for; economic logic of; expansion of and regional impact of expansion; geographic logic of; geostrategy and; Mahan sea power concepts and Chinese strategy; nationalism and quest for; naval power, maritime strategy, and; nonmilitary dimension of; pacific image of; political logic of; priorities and self-discipline for development of; resolve and resourcefulness in quest for; resources for; sources and implications of; strategic imperatives of; strategic will and political resolve for pursuit of

Senkaku Islands

sequential attack


Sheffield (Great Britain)

Shen Jinlong


Shi Chunlin

ships: field trials for ship designs; fleet design and ship types; naval power balance and new classes of; publications about; three-dimensional aspect of naval warfare. See also specific kinds


small-stick diplomacy

soft power

South China Sea: cabbage strategy in; China control of; China military presence in; confrontations between U.S. and China in; contingencies and challenges of future conflict in; island construction in; likely theater for combined-arms attacks; Luzon Strait passageway to and from; near-seas concept inclusion of; nine-dashed line and China claims to; sea cutter patrols in; Second Thomas Shoal dispute; small-stick diplomacy in; sovereignty and jurisdiction claims in; strategic, economic, and military value of; territorial disputes in

South Korea: fleet modernization and expansion in; Taiwan unification and U.S. withdrawal from; trade with China by; U.S. naval bases in; U.S.–Japan–South Korea alliance operations

Soviet Union. See Russia/Soviet Union

Spratly Islands

Standard Missile air-defense missiles: SM-2; SM-3; SM-6


stealth aircraft

strategy/strategic thought: publications about; terrestrial defense concepts

Styx missiles

submarines: anti-access strategy role of; Australia fleet modernization and expansion; diesel submarines; dispersed sea denial with undersea warfare; German use of; Japan fleet modernization and expansion; Luzon Strait access to Pacific Ocean from; naval power balance and new classes of; PLAN fleet modernization and expansion; South China Sea operations; Soviet force; three-dimensional aspect of naval warfare; undersea nuclear deterrent force; U.S. Navy fleet and capabilities

Sun Tzu: Art of War; know the enemy and know yourself; moral influence as factor in war; win without fighting concept

Sunda, Strait of

tactical defense

tactics/fleet tactics: adaptation based on scouting, ideas, and hardware; day-after-Taiwan capabilities; dispersed attack; implementation of maritime strategy with; massed attack; multiple axes of attack with multiple weapons types; offensive/defensive tactics; operating environments near shore and on high seas; proof of correctness of tactical theory; publications about; saturation attack; scouting effectiveness and tactical success; sequential attack; tactical and operational improvements of PLAN

Taiwan: blocking of China seizure of; China control of as breach in island chain; DDG use against; diplomatic and economic repercussions of conflict over; first island chain geographic construct; independence of; Nationalists retreat to; near-seas concept inclusion of; South China Sea sovereignty claims of; sovereignty dispute over and return to mainland rule of; strategic and military value of; trade with China by; unification with China, navy capabilities for; U.S. defense perimeter of the Pacific through

Taiwan Strait

Taiwan Strait crisis

terrestrial defense concepts

Till, Geoffrey

Tirpitz, Alfred von

Trafalgar, Battle of

tripwire forces

United States (U.S.): alliance system in Asia led by; guardian of freedom of the sea function of; malign intent toward China; national fleet of; naval culture in; security role in Asia-Pacific region; trade with China by; understanding competitors without projecting own assumptions; U.S.–Japan–South Korea alliance operations; will to fight of

vertical escalation of conflicts

Vietnam: South China Sea sovereignty claims of; South Vietnamese Navy battle over Paracel Islands; trade with China by

Vietnam War

war/naval warfare: alternatives to Mahan; China resources, geography, and culture for; control of the sea and winning wars; diplomacy as continuation of war by other means; escalation of limited naval conflict and geographic scope of inland military operations; as expression of political activity; grammar of; grammar of sea combat and logic of maritime strategy; informatized condition, winning local maritime wars under; jeune école of naval warfare; know the enemy and know yourself; logic, common sense, and ideas about; long calm lee of victory; naval engagement scenarios; peacetime deterrence and coercion; predictions of naval war in Asia; preemptive doctrine; as reciprocal clash of wills; sabotage warfare at sea; terrestrial defense concepts; three-dimensional aspect of naval warfare; violence and lethality of; waging war with postwar peace in mind; wartime contingency categories; win without fighting through peacetime deterrence and coercion

Watkins, James

weapons: development of core weapons systems; firing range of artillery; high-technology weapons support from Jiang; integrated weapons systems for attacks; publications about

Wegener, Wolfgang

white papers

Wu Shengli

Xi Jinping: diplomatic achievements of; foreign policy relationship to Chinese Dream under; great rejuvenation vision for China; great-power status of China under; naval development and sea-power strategy under; peaceful development but defense of sovereignty and national honor under; progress report speech at Party Congress; sea power support from and maritime ambitions of; timetable for national rejuvenation; vision for China of

Xiao Jinguang

Yang Huaiqing

Yangtze River

Yangtze River Delta (YRD) Economic Zone

Yellow Sea

Zhang Zhaozhong

Zheng He

Zumwalt, Elmo