B: References


I have had an eclectic range of influences and cannot remember, let alone list, all the sources that have stimulated my thinking on consulting. Many ideas have come from working with other consultants, and where the source is a document it has often been an article.

The references I list in this appendix are all useful. They are of one of two types: those that have had a major influence on my approach to consulting or way I think about consulting; and those which include interesting views on and tools for consulting, some of which I personally use. I have also included one of my other books, which may help some readers who want to explore further the critical topics in Chapter 8.

Alexander, Christopher (1964) Notes on the Synthesis of Form, Harvard University Press.

Block, Peter (1999) Flawless Consulting: A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used, 2nd edn, Jossey Bass.

Buzan, Tony (2002) How to Mind Map: The Ultimate Thinking Tool That Will Change Your Life, Thorsons.

Chappell, Timothy (2008) ‘Moral Perception’, Philosophy, 83 (326), pp. 421–437.

Cope, Mick (2003) The Seven Cs of Consulting: The Definitive Guide to the Consulting Process, 2nd edn, Financial Times/Prentice Hall.

Fisher, Roger, Ury, William and Patton, Bruce (2003) Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, 2nd edn, Random House.

Freed, Richard and Romano, Joe (2003) Writing Winning Business Proposals: Your Guide to Landing the Client, Making the Sale and Persuading the Boss, 2nd edn, McGraw-Hill Professional.

Hargie, Owen (2006) The Handbook of Communication Skills, 3rd edn, Routledge.

Hume, David (1999) An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, Oxford University Press.

Kotler, Philip and Keller, Kevin (2008) Marketing Management, 13th edn, Pearson Education.

Minto, Barbara (2008) The Pyramid Principle: Logic in Writing and Thinking, 3rd edn, Financial Times/Prentice Hall.

Newton, Richard (2007) Managing Change Step by Step, Prentice Hall.

Rankin, Elizabeth (2001) The Work of Writing, Jossey Bass.

Senge, Peter (1993) The Fifth Discipline: Art and Practice of the Learning Organization, Random House Business Books.

Schein, Edgar H (1987) Process Consultation: Lessons for Managers and Consultants: Volume 2, Addison-Wesley.

Schein, Edgar H (1988) Process Consultation: Its Role in Organization Development: Volume 1, 2nd edn, Prentice Hall.