Chapter 4

The following day, Levi and Lady Allestaine left the palace before daybreak. Levi advised Reece they would be gone for close to a week as they made preparations for the ceremony and celebration party. As much as Reece didn’t want to be apart from Levi for that long, she knew she would need that amount of time in order to arrange the wedding gift she had planned for him. Once she was clad in the exquisite red dress that Levi had admired so greatly in Greece, she quickly left her bedchambers in search of Elizabeth.

“Are you ready?” Elizabeth asked in excitement as they met in the corridor.

Reece hooked her arm through her future sister-in-law’s slender one. “I am,” she responded gleefully.

“You look radiant, Reece. I am truly confident that this is going to turn out perfect,” Elizabeth said as they shuffled past the servants in the corridors.

“Whoa!” Harrison called out as he approached them in the grand foyer. He looked down at Reece’s shimmering red gown. “Is there an event I should be aware of? I believe this is the first time I have seen you wear a gown from Earth rather than a Pemdai-styled dress. I must admit, I admire your boldness, Miss Bryant. That is quite the fashion statement,” Harrison said with a wink.

Reece laughed. “Thank you. And yes, there is an event you should be aware of, because we might need your help.”

Harrison shoved both hands into his pockets and narrowed his eyes at Reece questioningly. “What exactly are you young ladies up to?”

Elizabeth’s cheeks colored lightly while Reece lifted her chin. “You’ll see. Now, we need to leave before all of the servants start wondering why their emperor’s future wife is dressed like this.”

Harrison sighed, spun on his heel, and followed Reece and Elizabeth as they walked swiftly out of the palace’s back doors.

As the three made their way down to the stables, Harrison noticed that Javian had Areion and Arrow harnessed, yet Areion was the only one saddled.

Javian looked at Reece somberly. “Miss Bryant, remember what we discussed. I am aware that Areion approves of you; however, Emperor Levi is away from the palace, and Areion has never allowed—”

“Wait just a minute, Javian,” Harrison said as he looked down at Reece. “What exactly are you planning to do with Areion?” His eyes locked sternly onto hers. “I am in no mood to go through this with you again.”

Reece tilted her head to the side and exhaled. “Harrison, please don’t start with me. I need to use Areion for the gift that I have planned for Levi. I know he will be—”

“Reece!” Harrison interrupted with a soft boom in his voice. He cleared his throat. “I was lucky that my cousin was deeply remorseful for his rude behavior toward me yesterday, which is the only reason I didn’t receive an hour-long lecture from him for allowing you to pull your little stunt with Arrow yesterday. Now he charges me to watch over the lady he loves while he is away, and you expect me to allow you to try to work your magic with Areion in some way? Absolutely not. You, my lady, have lost your mind.”

Reece laughed, “Harrison, please relax. I understand that Areion may not be as accepting as Arrow, but I have a feeling that he’ll let me do this.”

Harrison closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. When they reopened, he stared intently into her eyes. “Reece, this horse has accepted me as well as he has you, but he only did so in the company of Levi. Forgive me when I say that you do not fully understand the connection between a Guardian horse and his master, and especially the bond between Areion and Levi. I cannot and will not allow this.”

Reece looked past Harrison and softly sighed. When she looked back at his silvery-blue eyes, which were set with absolute purpose, she gazed at him in discomfiture. “I understand that this is putting everyone on edge again, but please let me have an opportunity to try.” She watched as Harrison’s stern expression toward her began to fade. “Please, Harrison, I really want to do this for Levi.”

Harrison looked over to where Areion and Arrow stood patiently waiting next to Javian. Reece let out a breath of relief when Harrison surprisingly grinned in response. “My cousin will definitely have his work cut out for him in marriage.” He turned toward Areion and gripped the horse’s reins under his chin. “Now, what exactly do you have planned for this beast?”

Harrison led Areion with a firm grip on his halter, and Arrow followed closely behind Reece as the entire group walked into the forest behind the palace. They soon ended their walk when they arrived at the same location where Levi first avowed his love for Reece. They positioned the horses in such a way that the palace was visible in the distance through the foliage behind them. Elizabeth had her painting supplies and a canvas set up, and she was prepared to paint an enormous portrait for Levi’s office. Now it was time to find out whether or not Areion would cooperate with Reece’s plans.

Harrison stood, holding onto Areion’s harness. Arrow watched Reece as she approached. As Reece advanced toward Areion, Arrow turned his attention to the massive horse. Javian stood at Areion’s hindquarters, and he and Harrison waited silently to take action if Areion reacted harshly. Areion seemed agitated, and Reece began to second-guess her idea.

She walked over and took the formidable stallion’s face in her hands. “Areion, we’re doing this for Levi. Now, if we don’t want to be in trouble when he returns, you need to cooperate. I’m not riding you; I’m only going to sit on your back for a while. Will you be okay with that?”

Areion’s golden eyes stared down at her solemnly. He stood perfectly still as he locked his gaze on Reece, forcing a shiver to run down her spine. This horse was definitely intimidating, but she had witnessed a different side to him as well. She couldn’t give up now.

Reece rubbed him on the nose. “Don’t forget that I’m the one who offers you treats, Areion,” she said to persuade him. “You will have to watch Arrow receive them from here on out if you’re going to be stubborn.”

Everyone quietly waited for the horse’s response. Areion glanced past Reece and looked at Arrow standing protectively behind her before he grunted and nuzzled Reece in her chest.

“That’s a good boy!” Reece said gleefully as she rubbed the silky coat of his face.

Harrison, still gripping Areion’s reins under his chin, stood in shock. “Are you kidding me? Treats, Areion? Really?” Harrison was in complete disbelief.

The horse brought his head back and bumped Harrison with his snout, as if to brush off the comment.

Harrison pushed Areion’s face away from him playfully. “Knock it off, boy, or I’ll tell Saracen about your weakness for women and treats. Unbelievable.”

Harrison walked toward Reece in order to help her onto the horse. He let out a sigh that was more resignation than resistance. “Now for the interesting part.”

“What’s that?” Reece queried with a confident smile.

“Getting you on this stallion without destroying your dress.”

Reece gripped Harrison’s shoulder. “I knew you had a little romance buried deep inside you.”

Harrison smirked. “Nothing romantic about it, my lady,” he said, gripping her waist and hoisting her up onto the horse. “My only wish is to ensure that this portrait will take my cousin’s mind off the fact that I, once again, was responsible for allowing his wife to test death.” He ran his hand along Areion’s muscular shoulder, studying his current response.

“Areion appears to have accepted Miss Bryant without any reservation,” Javian noted.

Harrison looked up at Reece. “Make sure you give him that treat you promised,” he said with a laugh as Elizabeth joined Harrison to arrange Reece’s crimson dress to cascade in an elegant fashion along Areion’s side.

Reece reached for an apple she had hidden in the saddlebag and chucked it directly at Harrison’s chest. “I’ll allow you to give him his first treat for being so cooperative and as an apology for insulting him,” she smiled, raising both her eyebrows.

They laughed in unison as Elizabeth sat down and began to sketch the large portrait she would paint for Levi.

All during the week, Reece and Elizabeth spent their time discreetly working on the portrait while Levi and Lady Allestaine were away from the palace. When the portrait was finished, Reece was awestricken by Elizabeth’s talents.

“This is absolutely amazing, Elizabeth,” she declared.

Both massive stallions stood magnificently with the glowing foliage of Pemdas surrounding them. Reece sat properly on Areion’s back while her long gown shimmered like diamonds as it cascaded down Areion’s side. Reece’s golden hair flowed neatly in large curls over her shoulder, and the vibrancy of her blue eyes added a flawless definition to her face. The details of color that Elizabeth brought to the portrait were breathtaking.

“Levi will love it, Reece.”

Reece’s eyes brightened. “Do you think we can have it hung in his office in the palace after we leave for our honeymoon? I want him to surprise him with it when we return.”

Elizabeth smiled. “Of course. It will allow me even more time to add appropriate enhancements to the scenery.”

Reece returned her attention to the massive portrait and shook her head. “Lizzy, there is nothing more to add. It’s perfect.”