Chapter 18
Levi sat on the sofa in his office, sipping tea and staring into the roaring flames in his fireplace. To say he was conflicted by recent events would be the biggest understatement of his life. He sat in solitude, his mind consumed by thoughts of his wife.
On this particular morning, he remained in bed with Reece until she woke, even though he had already been conscious for hours. He didn’t move a muscle; instead, he held her tight and brought his face into the softness of her hair, absorbing her intoxicating fragrance. He could not accept that Reece was the only answer to recovering his father. Descendant of Paul Xylander or not, his wife should not have to be subjected to these sorts of things. It was the Guardians’ duty to protect her journeys, not the other way around.
As if trying to figure out a way to keep her out of that danger wasn’t enough, Levi was burdened with the task of telling her that she wasn’t entirely human. How many times can I turn this innocent woman’s life upside down? he worried as he held her tighter. He wasn’t sure what the most distressing information might be, the fact that she descended from an alien bloodline, or that it was the same bloodline that tortured her for months, nearly driving her insane.
When Reece awoke, she twisted in his arms and gazed adoringly into Levi’s eyes. He wished they could stay in that moment forever. Instead, everything was about to change, and Levi knew it. When Reece told Levi of her premonition before arriving at the palace, he tried not to show his shock. Her omens seemed to validate Mordegrin’s statements, and it took a great deal of restraint for him not to tell Reece that her true lineage was most likely the reason for the emergence of this ability.
Now, as he sat in his office and watched the flames consume the wood, he felt more and more conflicted about telling Reece who she really was. If her visions are truly premonitions, would it not frighten her to have no knowledge of why or when these events were to take place? He looked up at her portrait, letting the beauty of it calm his frazzled nerves.
The door to his office opened, and a servant admitted his mother, Harrison, King Nathaniel, and Queen Galleta. It was after noon, and Galleta had returned with information from her interview with Mordegrin.
Levi stood and turned to greet them. Lady Allestaine was the first to approach him. “Levi, darling, how are you feeling?” she asked as she placed a quick kiss to his cheek.
“I believe I will feel much better once I know how to retrieve my father. It is my hope that Galleta will have that answer for us now,” he offered with a faint smile.
Everyone took seats around Levi’s desk. “Queen Galleta, please tell me we have better answers from Mordegrin today? Did he figure a way to accede to my demand that Reece not be a party to opening the portal?”
“Emperor—” Galleta started with an expression that was not comforting.
“Yes?” Levi prompted.
She sighed. “I have had quite an interesting conversation with Mordegrin. First of all, he is correct; a portal must be opened to retrieve your father. It is beyond Mordegrin—or me, for that matter—to fully understand how your father was successfully transported in the manner that he was. However, the Olteniaus females were able to collectively form a powerful barrier around his nearly lifeless body to achieve that task.”
“Why did they take him?” Levi asked.
“They believed he was you. The Olteniaus females recreated themselves in our galaxy in search of the stone. They chose Armedias because that land had the weakest-minded ruler. They had been here for quite some time, seeking out who The Key was in order to take the information from her mind and locate the stone. It wasn’t until Reece was presented to the Council of Worlds that they learned exactly who The Key was. After Reece was brought back to Pemdas for protection, they knew they had to find a way to draw her out. Once they collectively learned that you knew where the stone’s location was, they derived a plan to draw Reece out of Pemdas in order for Armedias to provoke a war with our men. This war was their only means of bringing you near death in order to take you into their galaxy. They mentally persuaded Lucas to take issue with the Pemdai, and of course Simone and Michael were more than happy to accommodate their plans.”
“Why would these beings have any desire to locate the stone?” Levi wondered. “And how was that female we held captive not able to see the location in my mind? She obviously saw that I knew where the stone was.”
“The map must be extracted from your mind in order to see its location. The Olteniaus need you to be in their galaxy and among their true forms in order to accomplish this. It is the only way they can physically extract the information from your mind. They cannot do it with their created forms, as their mental powers are not strong enough to reach past the barriers that protect the map within your mind. Again, this is why they provoked war in order to bring you near death and transport you into their galaxy. Their plans failed when they learned it was your father and not you they had transported into their presence.”
“It still makes no sense as to why they have taken an interest in our galaxy and the stone that protects it,” Levi stated.
“They do so for the same reasons that the Ciatron have a great desire to take possession of the stone. According to Mordegrin, the Olteniaus females’ motivations are much stronger. They have taken over an entire galaxy with their powers. They have imprisoned the inhabitants of the galaxy they are currently in. They use life forms to obtain power, and the powers they currently have will be multiplied greatly if they can use the powers within all of Earth and within all the dimensions of the planet,” the queen explained.
“Does this creature Mordegrin have any clue as to how they plan to do this? How will the stone help them if they cannot make use of it?” Levi asked. “It seems clear that if we choose to open a portal, they will be physically destroyed if they try entering through it.”
“Emperor, if they obtain the map to the stone, they will create their presence on Earth once again and go to the location. Once at the stone’s location, they will mentally draw from the power it has to open a portal into our galaxy. When this takes place, they will physically enter our galaxy and take the energy of the life forms in all of the realms of Earth. After they accomplish this, they will personally take the stone into their possession and use it to open gateways to other galaxies.”
Levi rubbed his chin, trying to control his rage. “These entities appear to pose a very grave danger. Who would ever have known a threat of this nature could exist?” He stared at the walls and past the people sitting in front of him. “However, if these beings are as intelligent as Mordegrin portrays them to be, how is it that they mistook my father for me?”
“It was a mistake on Michael Visor’s part. Michael must have believed your father to be you on the battlefield. It was not until Emperor Navarre was successfully transported and recovered in the Arsediean galaxy that they realized Michael had delivered to them the wrong man.”
“Michael knew about these entities being in another galaxy?” Levi asked in disbelief.
“No, he only made an agreement with them. The Olteniaus females mentally impressed upon him a vision that he would rule over Armedias and Pemdas. In order to achieve this, he was instructed to give you a fatal wound; however, it was to be a particular wound that you would not die instantly from. They gave Michael no further information after that. We do know from Mordegrin that they needed your father nearly dead so they could use the energy of the vortex and their own power at the exact moment the horse passed through to replace your father with an exact replica of the individual on the horse.”
Levi gazed at everyone in front of him. “Has Mordegrin given you any information on how we will retrieve my father and end this new threat to our world? These beings must be obliterated!” Levi leaned over his desk. “Even if we open this portal and enter it, do we have any clue as to how we destroy these dark beings?”
The expression on the queen’s face gave Levi the answer he dreaded. Reece, he thought as he stood abruptly and turned his back to everyone in the room.
“Emperor,” the queen softly spoke, “Reece is the answer to all of those questions. Reece is the only being that can destroy them, as they can only be—”
“Enough,” Levi nearly spat in frustration with what Queen Galleta declared.
“Son,” Lady Allestaine gently cautioned.
Levi held up a hand, as if to stop anyone’s approach. “No,” he ordered.
He walked over to the windows behind his desk and shoved both hands into his pockets as he stared at the gardens below. Levi could hear his heart pounding in his chest. Why? He looked up toward the sapphire skies, watching the birds fly peacefully across. Why is Reece the only answer? His mind recalled the night before Harrison arrived with all of this outlandish information. Reece was in his arms, looking up at him and telling him that if it weren’t for the Ciatron, they would not be there together and married on that night.
He placed a hand on his hip, and his other covered his mouth. He closed his eyes and softly chuckled. Well, if it weren’t for the Ciatron, my love, I believe your love for me would not be coming at a price for you now. His father awaited him and the Guardians’ rescue, yet he had a sick feeling within him that this would involve a dangerous act for Reece. Even if opening the portal was no risk to her life, she would have to travel amongst them into an entirely new galaxy, risk the dangers of the absolute unknown that awaited them—and now she was the only one who could destroy the Olteniaus? She was the only one that could protect their galaxy? How am I to place such a burden solely on my wife?
His thoughts were interrupted when he felt his mother’s hands around his waist. He reflexively brought his arm around her shoulder while he studied the serenity of the gardens outside his window in great turmoil. If he were to say no to Reece helping them into this galaxy, he would be choosing his wife over his own father. He knew he wouldn’t be able to face his mother again once she understood that he had chosen to protect the only woman he could ever love and ignore the hope of Lady Allestaine’s husband’s return.
“Darling,” she said, “I know the torment you are suffering. I know you are struggling with one of the hardest decisions you will most likely ever make in your entire life. No one deserves such a dilemma.”
“Let me finish, son,” she kindly interrupted. “The last thing your father or I would ever request of you is to feel as though you had to choose between him and Reece. I know that is what you are struggling with as you stand here. I speak on behalf of myself and your father when I say that you should not forget your father gave his life so that you could recover Reece and keep her safe.”
Levi’s chest heaved as he struggled to fight back tears.
“Levi, have you no clue as to how strong the woman you married is? I know you do not wish to frighten her by her lineage, but I am certain that Reece would get a good laugh out of it.”
Levi nodded, realizing his mother was most likely correct about that. “If I told her, she would feel obligated to help us. In doing so, I place an enormous, very dangerous burden on her, which is not hers to bear.”
“I ask of you to recall the day that Samuel informed us that Reece was free to return to Earth, and we were all misled to believe the Ciatron had lost interest in Reece being The Key.”
“How does that have anything to do with this?”
“After you and Harrison left to retrieve Reece’s clone, Simone threatened Reece’s life if she were to tell any of us what she and Michael had done. Reece could have kept Simone’s secret for fear of her own life, except she chose not to. She immediately informed your father in the hope that it was not too late to stop you and Harrison from being placed in danger upon your return to Earth. Reece told your father, knowing it could have led to her death. She is very courageous and wise, Levi.”
“I know, Mother.”
“Then you must trust her. She has shown her bravery time and again. You feel as though you must choose for her, and in doing so, you are not allowing her to make her own decisions. You are smothering her with worry in not telling her about her true ancestry and what is really happening. Let her be your wife, your equal. You and she must determine together if she should be a part of the plan to recover your father or not.”
Levi stared down at his mother. “And if she says she will?”
“I am confident that she will be trained properly and protected well by our fierce warriors.”
Levi sighed, bent over, and softly kissed his mother on the top of her head. “I will do my best to bring him back to you. I simply must have more time to make a decision, and I must be assured Reece will be safe if she chooses to help us recover Navarre.”
“I agree completely. Now, let us hear more answers from Galleta, and then you and Reece should spend the evening in the home you bought for her. You can explain all of this to her then.”
After he gathered himself, Levi turned to sit again. “Forgive me; I needed a moment to think,” he said.
“It is understandable,” the queen affirmed.
Harrison and King Nathaniel’s expressions were both sympathetic and grave, all in the same. His mother returned to her chair, sat straight up, and waited for Levi to continue questioning the queen.
“So tell me, why can this man not achieve what I demanded him to do? What are his excuses? Why is Reece the only answer?” Levi asked directly.
“Without being in his natural form on Earth, he does not carry the ability to open a portal. He also advises that no one is to alter the stone. The stone was not created to respond to anyone except a being with Olteniaus blood within them.”
Levi’s lips tightened. “You are telling me that it won’t even respond safely to a Guardian warrior? What was Xylander thinking when he took this power from us?”
“He definitely has proven his point, that he trusted no being with such great power other than his own kind—not even after the alliance he made with the Guardians in the ancient times.”
“If only he had known that his own kind could lead to the absolute destruction of our entire galaxy.” Levi exhaled and looked over at Harrison.
Harrison had closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, obviously enduring the same absolute frustration Levi was experiencing. He looked over at Levi with an icy stare. “I am glad we are learning all of this now,” he said dryly.
“It appears there is no other way out of this.” Levi shook his head in discouragement. “Well, what are Mordegrin’s suggestions, then? How does Reece accomplish this? What is she required to do?” he inquired sternly.
“You must take Reece to the location of the stone. When you have reached it, it will illuminate and respond to her presence. She need only touch it, and a surge of energy will transfer into her. Slowly, her Olteniaus genes will begin to awaken and take over.” The queen folded her hands in her lap. “Mordegrin also said that she carries the ability to use some of these talents now, though she may not have control over them. If they manifested themselves, they would be involuntary. The stone will help her gain control over these abilities.”
Levi’s breathing halted, and he turned to look up at her portrait. That is what was happening on our wedding night when her thoughts and emotions projected into my mind. And now the visions? The premonitions?
He exhaled deeply. “I believe she is already experiencing these abilities. But why now? Why so suddenly?”
“When did she notice anything different?” Queen Galleta asked.
“After our wedding, she was able to project her thoughts and emotions into my mind. More recently, she told me of a vision she had, and shortly thereafter this vision came to pass. Are these the special talents she carries?”
“Yes,” answered the queen, “and she may have even more abilities. Until she visits the stone, we will never know how strong these abilities are. Do not forget that she is mostly human; the stone is what will change all of that for her. Her mind will have the capability to use all of its mental powers. Along with that, she also has the means to alter other minds and manipulate them. But Mordegrin does not believe these powers will work in their entirety because of her human descent. I might tend to believe there is some possibility, however, since somehow she has influenced your mind, as you stated.”
“She never manipulated it. I only felt her emotions and saw her thoughts at random moments.”
“Then that may be how that particular talent will work with her,” the queen answered. “All of her senses will be heightened. She will be able to judge people and become extremely intuitive, as if she were reading their minds. The premonitions she appears to be having could have something to do with her senses already becoming attuned to that.”
“How will all of this help her to open the portal?” Nathaniel asked.
“With the power of the stone, she will know. She must have the stone with her as well,” the queen answered.
“Remove the stone from Earth and break all of the treaties with the other worlds?” Harrison challenged with a laugh.
“They need not find out about it,” Queen Galleta answered with a subtle grin. “No one knows its location except for you, Levi; and Earth will not be altered any time soon. Do not forget how long it took the Ciatron to create their domain on Earth in an attempt to alter it.”
She is right. Earth will not be in danger. “The stone is not in an easily accessed location, Queen Galleta. It will be an extremely dangerous venture to bring her to its location. Is Mordegrin certain Reece will know how to remove it without altering Earth?”
“She will know,” the queen answered.
Levi sat back in his chair and stared intently at the queen. “Is there any way you can help her with these talents before we visit the stone? I will feel more confident bringing her to this location if she is able to defend herself mentally as we are able to. Her abilities must be more heightened than they are currently. She will not survive the journey to the stone in her present state.”
“As long as her powers are awakened, I will help her to heighten them to the best of her ability without the stone’s force.”
Levi stood. “Very well. I will discuss all of this with Reece tonight. For now, I have no more questions until she gives me her answer about whether or not she is willing to do this at all.”
Harrison walked over to Levi and clapped him on the shoulder. “Levi, you will not be dealing with this alone. You have all of us. We will help you and work to help Reece as well. I know you fear of telling her this news, but Reece has proven her resilience. You know that she will be accepting of this and stand at your side to help you through the difficult decisions that must be made. Allow her the right to know more about who she is, and give her the freedom to decide of her own will.”
“You are correct. I believe in the end she will prove I was the one who overreacted.” Levi crossed his arms. “Once I find Reece, I will bring her to our estate for the evening. Tomorrow, we will reconvene our meetings with Reece’s answers.”
“Until then,” Harrison replied, and with that everyone left the room.
Levi immediately sought out Reece’s whereabouts. A servant informed him that she was at the stables with Elizabeth and Angeline. As he walked down toward the large buildings, he saw Reece riding Arrow out in the fields. He went over to the split-rail fence and stepped a foot on the bottom rail while resting his elbows over the top. He leaned over, clasped his hands together, and watched Reece nonchalantly riding the high-spirited Guardian horse.
The horse responded joyfully to her every command, and anyone watching would believe she had been raised to ride horses. Levi studied her, and Arrow’s response to her. A large tree was on its side, and Levi tensed as Reece directed Arrow in its direction in order to jump it. He remained silent, watching and knowing that if Arrow believed she could be injured with the jump, he would change the course she had him on. Arrow was more than loyal to Reece; he was extremely protective of her. The horse gathered himself and gracefully cleared the obstacle.
Levi shook his head as Reece screamed in delight. She patted Arrow on his shoulder, and then turned him back to jump the fallen tree again. Indeed, there was something captivating about her. Arrow sensed it, and he was drawn to her the moment he first encountered her. The Guardian horse knew of her importance long before anyone else did. He knew she had abilities, and Levi understood now why the horse was enthralled with her.
Areion came out of the forest and trotted over to where Levi stood watching Reece. The moment Reece noticed Areion, she smiled brightly at Levi. She called out and raced Arrow toward Levi’s location. Levi pushed off the fence as Reece approached. Just as Arrow stopped, she swung a leg over the saddle and prepared to leap from the horse and over the fence.
Before he could discourage the action, Reece’s feet were on the top rail, and then she was in his arms. She giggled as Levi securely embraced her. He gently put her feet on the ground, and she gazed up into his eyes. “Did you see that? Did you see what Arrow did?” she asked in excitement.
Levi said nothing; instead, he brought one hand to cradle her neck and the other encircled her waist to pull her in closer to him. He was rewarded with a passionate kiss. He forgot about all of his surroundings and let this kiss consume him. Too quickly, he felt Reece trying to push him away.
“Levi,” she mumbled, her lips still captured by his.
He finally let her go and smiled. She stared up at him with bewildered eyes. “My loving husband, what has gotten into you? Angie and your sister are just over there!” She laughed in shock.
“Then they can look in another direction.” He smiled as he cajoled her in to resume their fervent kiss.
After a few more moments of indulging in her tasteful kiss, he slowly withdrew. “My love, Jasmeen is preparing your things. We are returning to our estate for the evening. Does that agree with you?”
She stared at him quizzically. “You’re acting odd, what’s going on?” she asked with a nervous laugh. “Do you have good news about your father?”
“I will inform you of everything over a quiet dinner tonight. For now, I will have Javian saddle Areion, and you and I will have an enjoyable ride together to our home before we retire for the evening.”
“That sounds wonderful, but are you sure you want to leave with everything that is going on?” she asked.
“At the current time, yes,” he grinned and went on, “and of course Lady Allestaine insisted.”
“Then we’ll go and have some time alone. Let me make sure Elizabeth is okay with taking Mozart, then.” She smiled up at him.
“I am surprised you would even need to ask,” he laughed.