Chapter 20
It had been two weeks since Levi informed Reece about everything that must be done to recover his father and to protect Earth. It was obvious to Harrison that Levi remained skeptical of her involvement, but Harrison was relieved when Levi shared that he would not let his wariness of the situation influence her decision negatively.
At Levi’s command, Harrison was instructed to visit Casititor every day and learn more about this galaxy, the dangers they would be facing, and about how Reece was to destroy these beings. Harrison was relieved to see Levi more relaxed in his protectiveness of Reece, and he was thrilled to know that he would be the one training her once Galleta had finished heightening Reece’s abilities.
From what Harrison was learning, the Arsediean galaxy was similar to theirs. It had planets, which were the same shapes and sizes of those surrounding Earth, except each one of these planets had the capability of sustaining living beings. The galaxy had a sun and a moon, oxygen, plant life, animals, and they all seemed extraordinarily similar to Earth. It seemed as though the Olteniaus females had control over all of these planets, and it was the reason they achieved their advanced abilities and supernatural powers.
The greatest problem for their entering this galaxy was that it was under a very dark and oppressive curse. When Mordegrin mentally showed Harrison the current state of this galaxy, it was dark and mostly uncivilized. He saw small villages with huts and barbaric beings in battle with each other. This world was in constant warfare because as people died and oppression flourished, the Olteniaus females gleaned from that to keep their energy levels strong. To say the very least, it was bizarre, horrific, and unimaginable all at the same time to Harrison, yet he was anxious to undertake the new challenges that awaited them.
He looked forward to entering this world to conquer these entities and return this planet back to its previous state. Developing the strategy of doing so seemed rather simple. They couldn’t bring their cars into this world due to the primitive way of life that was there now. Even though there was a time that different parts of this world used vehicles, that would have been many years before they were overtaken and cursed. If there were vehicles then, Harrison knew there would be no traces of them now. Anything of a technical nature would simply have deteriorated and turned to dust.
It seemed more prudent in Harrison’s mind to bring their war horses than their vehicles anyway. Because the horses’ instincts were so intuitive, they were essential when the Guardians went into potentially dangerous situations, especially when battle was most likely to ensue.
Once back at Pasidian Palace, Harrison guided Saracen over to the stables before he dismounted and turned the horse over to Javian. It was late afternoon, and he’d been gathering information from Mordegrin nearly all day. Knowing that Levi had already returned to the palace, he was eager to meet with him in order to form a battle plan with the new information he had been given.
“Good afternoon, Harry,” Angeline called out.
Just when my thoughts were finally no longer consumed by you, Angeline, Harrison thought as he forced a smile on his face. The thought of her beautiful bronze eyes haunted him by day and had begun to invade his sleep. Now, once again, they bore into his, igniting every nerve in his body. Her lips were inviting, her olive-toned skin was tempting, and her daring neckline was not helping him to overcome any feelings of attraction for her. It was highly irritating trying to fight these emotions, but he would not fall for Angeline Hamilton, if it was the last thing he did. His frustration of being in her presence started to grow by the second.
“Good afternoon, Angeline.” He wanted to so desperately give her a short nod and walk past her, but he was battling the desire to stay and continue absorbing the beauty of this woman. She softly laughed, and she was exquisite.
“Am I not Angie to you anymore?” she pleasantly responded.
Harrison sighed. Over the past few weeks, he tried his hardest to maintain the friendly relationship he and Angeline had before he destroyed her opinion of him by the overwhelming kiss that he still could not remove from his mind. He tried to maintain his friendship with her, but he couldn’t. In some strange way, she was so appealing to him, and being in her presence made him want more. Why you? he thought in annoyance. How do I overcome this vixen’s hold over me?
“Harrison?” Angeline softly asked. “Is everything okay?”
He furrowed his brow in question. “Everything is fine. Forgive me; there is a lot on my mind these days.”
“Is everything going well with the plans to recover Emperor Navarre?”
“As well as can be expected.” He looked past her.
“Harry, please forgive me if I am out of line here, but things seem to have changed with you—with us.” Her eyes displayed her remorse. “Did you not vow that things would remain the same? Are you angry with me for some reason?”
Harrison cleared his throat. “Angeline, a lot has taken place since the mistake we made by engaging in a kiss. You must understand that I have been so busy attending to Guardian affairs that I must have completely forgotten the promise I made you, as I seem to have forgotten anything had taken place between the two of us at all until this conversation.”
It wasn’t true, and he knew it, but right now he did not have the courage to tell her why he had changed toward her. He watched as she swallowed hard in response to his lie
“Really?” she said as her expression became severe. She arched her eyebrow at him and folded her arms. “Well, I suppose I know now why it is no secret that most of the young women in my father’s kingdom despise you. I am only sorry that I have fallen victim to you as well.”
“Victim?” he said in disbelief. “Ms. Hamilton, it was a kiss, nothing more. I would have imagined you would have forgotten such a minute thing.”
“What?” she spoke out angrily.
Harrison knew the expression on her face very well, as it was the same look he had received time and again before he was slapped by all of the other women. Maybe that’s what he needed, Angeline to slap some sense back into him so he could think straight again.
Her expression quickly changed, and she smiled at him. Her hand came up to his face, but not to slap it. Her eyes roamed over his features, and Harrison was paralyzed by her tender touch. He hadn’t remembered what he had just said, thought, or done, and now he had no idea why he was so fortunate this moment was happening to him.
“I pity you,” she said in concern. “You are a good man, Harrison Oxley. Yet you are so prideful and arrogant that you will never see that. You will never find love, and you will probably never desire it.” Tears filled her eyes. “I will never forget that kiss, our kiss. Not only was it a dreamlike experience for me, but it also saved me the heartache of ever making the mistake of falling in love with you.” She withdrew her hand. “Fortunately, I still admire you, Harry. I delight in your company, and for that reason I will forgive the harsh words you have spoken to me.” She gave him a small curtsy. “Good day, sir.”
Harrison stared intently at Angeline as she gathered her long yellow dress and briskly strode back up to the palace, not looking back at him once. You’re the biggest idiot in the universe! he thought. He shook his head with regret that he would say something so callous and so contrary to his truth.
He walked into Levi’s office and found his cousin staring intently at the paperwork on his desk.
“So when does the lovely wife return to Pasidian?” he said as he sat in an empty chair across from Levi.
Levi glanced up and grinned. “She should be arriving within the hour.” He stood. “Cousin, you look like you have just returned from battle.” He laughed. “Join me on the sofa; it looks like we could both use a drink.”
Harrison gladly accepted the offer and sat on the sofa, waiting for Levi to bring him his glass. After Levi handed Harrison his glass, he took a seat next to him and relaxed into the sofa.
“I must say, you are doing better than I expected since your new bride has been away from you for over a week.” Harrison looked over at Levi and grinned.
“Indeed, I have. I believe it is the business I have been handling and our strategizing about how we will travel into this other world that has kept my mind otherwise engaged. I fear if Reece were here, she would be extremely neglected by me as of late anyway.”
“Have you heard if she is making any more progress with the queen?”
Levi nodded. “Queen Galleta seems to be extremely impressed with how she is coming along. We will know the final results when she returns.”
“Can I ask you something completely off the subject?” Harrison asked without thinking.
“Of course you can. What is on your mind?”
“Well, I do not really know how to approach this,” Harrison thought aloud.
“Approach what?”
He looked over at Levi and sighed. “If you do not mind my intruding on your personal affairs, I was wondering about something. When you first kissed Reece—” He stopped himself. This is definitely not the conversation to be having with Levi, or with any man for that matter. He thought as he exhaled.
Levi softly chuckled. “Go on.”
“I do not know why I am asking this.” He looked over at Levi again, only to find his eyes alit in humor. I can only imagine how long he has been waiting for this day to come. “When you first kissed Reece, did it upset her at all? I mean, did you kiss her in such a way that it would insult her?”
Levi laughed aloud but abruptly stopped himself and cleared his throat. “Harrison, I am not concerned over the fact that you are inquiring about mine and Reece’s first kiss, what I am concerned about are your reasons for asking about it.”
“Forget it.”
“No, you will tell me. Who has finally gotten through to that stubborn heart of yours? I would like to know who this woman is that has finally made you feel guilty about your heartless advances toward women in general.”
“I know you find this humorous, Levi, as well as you should, but I will not mention any names. Will you just answer my question?”
“Fine. When I first kissed Reece, it did not upset her; however, I did not dare to do such a thing until after I confessed that I had feelings for her and she told me her feelings were mutual.”
Harrison sat back on the sofa and took a sip of his drink. “I must say, I envy the gentleman in you.”
Levi laughed again. “Since when does the great Harrison Oxley care that I am a noble gentleman? I am sure you have been possessed, my friend, because I have no idea who the man is that is speaking to me now.”
Harrison leaned forward, resting both elbows on his knees and gazing intently into the fireplace. “You are probably correct. I am possessed, bewitched, or something of that nature.”
“Who is she?” Levi asked in amusement.
Harrison shook his head. “It does not matter. Let us talk about something else.”
Levi sat up some. “Very well, then. What else have you learned from Mordegrin about this other world?”
“It appears that our journey will take us through some very harsh terrain. The horses will be challenged, as it will be nearly a five-day journey to the fortress where the emperor and these dark beings are.”
“Do we need to have Javian and the Guardian horse trainers start conditioning the horses for such travel?”
Harrison grinned. “I believe we shall all need to be conditioning ourselves for this journey.”
“Is there an alternate, less rigorous route that we could take instead?”
“From the map that Mordegrin has shown me in his mind, it appears this is the safest way of travel to avoid confrontation with any other dark forces.”
Just then, the door opened to the room. “Emperor Levi, the empress’ carriage is entering the village below.”
Levi stood. “Allow me a moment to greet Reece, and then I will return.”
“Take your time,” Harrison said as he stood. “I believe I will take my lunch in the command center for now.”
“Very well, then. Maybe a nice lunch will help you clear your thoughts?” Levi finished with a laugh.
Harrison sighed. “My thoughts are perfectly fine,” he said as he followed Levi out of his office.
Fortunately, Vincent had much to report to Harrison once he reached the command center. Vincent had been doing an excellent job standing in for Harrison while he was occupied with Levi and Mordegrin.
After finishing his business in the command center, Harrison noted the time had not passed as quickly as he imagined. He felt it best to return to his chambers and freshen up.
After a brief shower and a quick change of clothes, Harrison sat on his sofa and gazed out of his windows which over looked the palace’s front lawns. With nothing to distract him, he finally felt some peace.
Just as he thought he would be able to enjoy this newfound peace, a knock on his door interrupted it. He had already excused his butler for the evening, so he pulled himself reluctantly up from the couch and went to open his door.
“Harrison,” Angeline said with a warm smile. “May I enter?”
Harrison absently stepped back and motioned for her to enter his rooms. “Is there something I can do for you, Angeline?” He watched her saunter past him, and he could not peel his eyes away from her tempting physique.
He walked down to where she stood pouring herself a glass of wine and refilling his. That’s a bit out of the ordinary, he thought as she grinned and handed him his chalice. “Angeline, you must know, it is highly improper for you to be in my rooms without company.”
Angeline giggled as she sipped her wine, never taking her eyes off his. “When has anything improper ever disturbed you, Harry?”
Is this really happening? he thought as he took a sip of his wine. “Angeline—”
“Please stop referring to me as Angeline.” She walked over to him and ran her fingers along his face. “When can I be Angie to you again?”
Harrison saw the sultry expression in her eyes, the desire they held for him, and he was finding it highly irresistible to refuse her at this moment.
“As you wish, Angie.”
She brought her hands to his knotted cravat and easily removed it. Harrison inhaled deeply and caught her hand. “Angie, no.”
She arched a brow at him. “I know that you have feelings for me.” She started to remove his waistcoat and proceeded to unbutton his shirt. He stood paralyzed, watching Angeline fulfill what he’d been longing for.
“Do not make me beg for you, Harrison,” she said as she stepped back and uncovered one of her shoulders. “I know you want this as much as I do.”
All sensibility had left him. He walked toward her and took her slender frame into his arms. His lips were on her shoulder, tasting the sweetness of her fragrance that consumed him every time he was around her. Her silky soft skin was highly irresistible, and her pleas for him made this moment highly intoxicating.
He stepped back, and her eyes reopened. “I cannot do this.” He sighed. “Not with you, Angie.”
She stepped toward him and removed his undershirt, caressing his sides and leaving him breathless. “Yes, Harrison, you can. I want you to.”
Her lips found his in a crushing kiss, and he could not help but to return her advances. “I love you,” he said absently as he cradled in her arms. “After this night, you will know that I am not that man that other women speak of.”
She ran her hands through his hair as he walked briskly into his bed chambers. “It doesn’t matter to me, I want you either way.”
Harrison laid her gently on the bed and brought his eyes to meet hers. “If we do this, I vow to make an honest woman of you.”
Angeline didn’t respond with words. She pressed her hands firmly down his back and brought her lips to his throat.
Five hard knocks to his door startled Harrison awake. Not again! He flung the throw pillow he had been resting on across the sofa and abruptly stood. This woman will be the death of me. “I love you?” he grumbled. “Love? Give me a break.” Yes, I am bewitched by Angeline Hamilton. These dreams must stop.
Two more knocks on his door, and he walked briskly to it. He opened his door with force to find Levi standing there, staring at him in shock. “Taking a nap? What has gotten into you?”
Nothing you are going to find out anytime soon, Harrison thought as he ignored his cousin’s question. Instead, he turned and walked down to pour a drink. He gulped it down like water and turned back to find Levi watching him with a questioning expression.
He refilled his glass to another large drink and narrowed his eyes at Levi. “What?”
Levi nodded toward the empty glass. “It appears that something has you quite distressed? Care to tell me about it?”
Harrison straightened his waistcoat. “There has just been quite a lot to deal with these days.” He clapped Levi on his shoulder. “I am amazed at how well you are coping.”
Levi studied his cousin and grinned. “Fortunately, my wife is an excellent support.”
“Quit prying. My current disposition has not been brought about by a woman.”
Levi’s lips tightened. “I wasn’t implying that a woman would be the cause of your distress.”
“There is no other reason you would have that ridiculous grin on your face.” Harrison sighed and stretched his arm toward the exit of his room. “Let us go. I am confident you have searched me out for dinner, and I am in no mood to continue this conversation.”
“I have had the servants send our dinner to the command center. King Hamilton and your father will be joining us as well. We would like to go over the details of the map Mordegrin showed you, and go into further detail about what you learned from him today.”
Thank goodness. The last person I need to see right now is Princess Bronze Eyes, he thought. He grinned at Levi and thought, Sounds like an excellent idea to me.
Once the men finished their meals, Harrison called for the lights to dim in the command center, and he brought up the holographic image of the destination they were to journey to. Harrison pointed toward the far left of the map, where the atmosphere was red and lingered over rugged, snow-capped mountains.
“The machine has enhanced the map I saw in Mordegrin’s mind; however, I believe you can easily see the ruggedness of this terrain where the portal must be opened. It is essential that we travel through these icy, treacherous mountains when we enter this galaxy.” He turned back to the men.
Levi studied the map for a moment. “You are positive there are no other locations from which we can enter this domain?”
“We need to be as discreet as possible once the portal has been opened. So discreet, in fact, that we must not stop for anything for at least a few hours in order to take us away from the portal as swiftly as possible. We cannot allow anyone in this galaxy to know the location of the opening into Earth’s galaxy.”
“How many Guardians do you believe we will need to assist on this journey?” Nathaniel asked.
“We will have close to three thousand men with us; however, we will not all travel through at the same time. My thoughts are that close to one hundred men will travel with Levi, Reece, and myself. The other men that come through the portal behind us will come through one hundred at a time. I will go over the details with them about where we will all join together after they enter.” Harrison pointed at the map again. “They will be out in these areas traveling alongside us.”
“We all are very aware that King Nathaniel must remain as reigning emperor while Levi is away,” King Hamilton spoke up. “Now the question is, which group of men shall I lead into this galaxy?”
“Your Majesty,” Levi responded, “you should not burden yourself with this. The Guardians are expertly trained to handle this without risking the life of one of our greatest Pemdai kings.”
King Hamilton twisted in his seat and grinned at Levi, “With all due respect, Emperor Levi, your father and I were not only the best of friends, but also great warriors in our day as well. I will join our men on this mission and help to lead them.”
Levi sat back, crossed his arms, and grinned, “I believe you and my wife are the only two who have challenged my concern over their well-being on this mission.”
The group laughed in unison.
“Very well, King Hamilton shall lead an army of warriors in; which one do you believe it best for him to lead?” Levi asked Harrison.
Harrison stared at the king, wishing he would change his mind.
“Harry?” King Hamilton spoke out.
“I believe the fourth group in should suffice,” Harrison answered.
King Hamilton sat back in his chair. “That will do.”
“Emperor Levi, when are you going to send for all of the kings and personally inform them of this news?” Nathaniel asked.
“I have notified them all about the news that Emperor Navarre is alive; however, until we have made all of our preparations, I will not have them at the palace for meetings at this time.”
“Is there a particular reason for that?” King Hamilton asked.
Levi took a sip of wine. “I do not desire to hear their doubts, nor their opinions.”
King Hamilton laughed aloud, and Harrison’s attention was brought back to him while the men remained in conversation. Why must he insist on joining us? Harrison thought in concern. His thoughts returned to Angeline and how she would manage another death in her family if her father did not survive this mission. With concern for Angeline, his thoughts became consumed with her again. He couldn’t remove the images and feelings he had for her in the most recent dream he had and how he wished with all he was that it was reality.
“Would you not agree, Harrison?” Levi asked in amusement.
Oh great! Now I am tuning everyone out while I obsess over her? Harrison shook his head, inwardly begging himself to concentrate on the men staring at him with humored expressions.
“Forgive me, agree with what?” He cleared his throat.
Levi’s features lightened. “No apologies needed. I can see a lot is going on in your mind. I was only speaking in jest about the fact that King Hamilton will most certainly end up begging you to lead the second troop in on this journey instead of the fourth.”
Harrison faintly smiled. “Indeed.” He glanced over at King Hamilton. “I mean no disrespect, Your Majesty, but your family has already grieved the honorable death of Julian, and it is my wish to keep you as safe as possible. Journeying into this galaxy with the fourth regiment of troops assures me of your safety.
Hamilton laughed aloud. “Boy, I do not know what has come over you, but I will do as requested by our commander.”
Harrison had completely given himself away, and he knew it. Levi knew exactly who the young woman was that he was obsessing over, and he only hoped that his generous cousin would not question him about her.
After their meeting, Levi and Harrison joined the young women in the sitting room. Being in Angeline’s presence again had Harrison reeling with frustration. He inwardly wished he would have joined his father and King Hamilton in the parlor with their wives and his aunt.
Angeline sat next to Reece as Mozart hummed to her. Everyone was in excellent spirits, and Harrison tried with all of his power to join in. Unfortunately, his usual good humor was replaced with sharp, sarcastic, and snippy remarks to the entire group, and especially toward Angeline.
“We should have all known there was something special about you, Reece. Not only because you are from Earth, but with the way the animals admire you as they do.” Angeline laughed as she touched Mozart’s nose. “I must say, all of it is all so astounding.”
“Astounding, is it?” Harrison snapped.
Angeline’s bright expression faded when she looked over at Harrison. She had been doing very well with all of his harsh remarks toward her; however, it appeared she was reaching her limit with Harrison’s attitude.
Her eyebrow shot up sharply. “That is exactly what I said.”
“Well then, it appears that everyone except for you has gotten over their amazement by Reece’s ability to be the animal whisperer of Pemdas.”
The comment he made was not only rude toward Angeline, but degrading toward Reece as well. In truth, he agreed with Angeline, and he was probably more astounded by Reece’s abilities than she was. Fortunately, when he went to apologize to Reece for his rude remark, he found her and Levi stifling a laugh. Great, they both know. Why is this happening to me? He had to leave the room. What he really needed was some fresh air in order to get his mind straight again.
“Well, maybe it is no longer amazing to you, Harry, and that is most likely due to your arrogant attitude about everything.” Angeline smiled wryly at him. “I, on the other hand, will always find it amazing.”
“You are absurd,” Harrison said with utter disgust in his tone. “Arrogant? You have yet to encounter me utilizing my arrogance to its full advantage.”
Angeline shot him a knowing, fiery gaze. “I believe you are very much mistaken in that regard.”
Harrison couldn’t ignore the reactions of those who just witnessed him make an absolute fool of himself. Levi was using his fist to conceal a smile while he fixed his eyes on the table before him. Reece and Elizabeth remained silent, seemingly in shock while Angeline continued to gaze up at him severely. He studied Angeline’s expression, knowing she was waiting for his response. For the first time in his life he had no response to someone challenging him. Instead, his eyes became spellbound by hers, and he was helpless against her beauty once again.
“Harrison, what has gotten into you?” Elizabeth asked uncertainly.
Levi coughed, most likely preventing himself from bursting into laughter, and Harrison didn’t fail to notice Reece place a hand over Levi’s in understanding. He glared over at their amused expressions. Looks like I just elected myself as the source of their pillow talk tonight, he thought in anger.
He abruptly stood. “Forgive me, but I believe I have grown weary of trying to keep company with anyone today,” he said, looking directly at Angeline. “I will leave you all to enjoy your evening, as I am finding myself rather annoyed by having to sit in this room any longer.”
He forced his eyes from Angeline’s and briskly left the room. He approached the front doors of the palace and strode out to the front gardens, desperately seeking fresh air and a change of environment. He wasn’t far from the steps when Angeline called out to him.
Will this never end?
“Harrison Oxley!” Angeline sternly called out to him again.
He turned to find Angeline’s expression fierce. “What?” he retorted. “Am I not Harry to you anymore?” he said, mocking her words from earlier.
Her eyes narrowed. “After what has transpired between the two of us in that sitting room, and the scene you caused, I am afraid not.” She approached him and crossed her arms. “First you embarrass me in front of everyone, and then you mock my desire for friendship with you? What is wrong with you? Why do you despise me so greatly?”
Harrison firmly ran both hands through his hair. He had to think straight. He tilted his head to the side, entrapped by her again. Just say it, you idiot! He couldn’t bear hurting her anymore.
“Angeline, I do not despise you in the least,” he said softly.
“Then why are you treating me like this? It makes absolutely no sense to me.”
“I know. And what you have done to me makes no sense to me either.” He softly laughed.
“What I have done to you?” she asked in disbelief. “Please, enlighten me. All I have asked of you is for your friendship.”
“Angie, please understand that what I am about to tell you goes against everything that I am. To feel this way about any woman—it is unlike me. I fear I have been quite angry with myself for feeling these emotions. I never wanted this. I never believed I would ever desire a woman’s love so much, but apparently I do; and believe me when I say that I have gone through great efforts to fight the feelings that I have been having about you. I do not know how to deal with any of this, even now.”
He stepped closer to her and brought his hand to her face, letting the softness of her skin soothe him. Her expression never changed, she only stood there staring intently at him. What was she thinking? “Angeline, I must have you know that against all of my power, I believe I may have somehow fallen in love with you.”
Angeline stepped back out of Harrison’s reach. “In love with me?” she returned, shaking her head incredulously. “Wow. I must say that after such a flattering declaration of love, I suppose I should be thrilled?”
“As I said, this is all so difficult for me to accept. If it came out wrong, I am sorry. You must believe me; I truly believe I am in love—”
“Harrison, stop,” she interrupted him in a dismissive tone. “Allow me to educate you on something. In order to love someone, you must enjoy being in their company. You would smile at them instead of glaring at them all of the time. You would not tell that person that you loved them against everything that was in your power. And you most certainly would not cast the blame on them for the feelings you wish you never had. You are pathetic.” She turned to leave.
He gently reached for her arm, halting her. “Angie, please do not leave me like this. This is all coming out wrong.”
“It is making perfect sense to me.” She jerked her arm free from his gentle grip. “You are a narcissistic, selfish man, and I hold absolutely no attraction toward a man such as you. My father informed me that he wishes to remain at the palace, and I had planned to do the same. However, after tonight, I believe I would have better company at my family’s estate. It would seem that both of us could use some time away from each other. Perhaps when we meet again, you will revert back to your normal self.”
“You are correct, Princess Hamilton.” He stared intently into her eyes. “Time away from you is exactly what I need. Forgive me for wasting your time this evening. I do hope you have a safe journey home.”
She shook her head. “You are unbelievable.”
With that, she turned and marched into the palace. Harrison watched her leave him in shock. As he stood there trying to breathe, it had felt as though a knife had been stuck into his cold heart. He numbly walked down the path, unable to comprehend what he had done. He came up on an isolated stone bench, sat down, and dropped his face into his hands.
“You are a complete wreck,” Reece said in laughter.
He never lifted his head to acknowledge her, yet he felt her sit next to him while bringing her arm around his back.
“Reece, please, leave me be. What are you doing out here anyway?”
“Well, after your display in the sitting room this evening, Levi was on his way out to find you; however, given his current lack of sympathy for your situation, I felt it would be best if I gave you some support instead.”
He sat up and stared at her in disillusionment. “Reece, none of this is what you or Levi might think it to be.”
“It’s no secret now that something is going on between you and Angie.”
Harrison sighed. “I am in no mood to talk about it.”
“I know. That’s why I convinced Levi to let me come out and talk to you alone.”
“Levi has indeed waited for the day when a woman would have some kind of a power over me like this.”
He felt Reece softly laugh again. “I see nothing wrong with that. Angeline is beautiful, talented, and has an excellent personality. To be honest, I believe you both suit each other very well. Why would you be so upset about being attracted to her?”
“I do not know. I cannot even think in her presence. Since the day I kissed—” He stopped himself. “Never mind. Please, I merely need some time alone and to get my thoughts straight. There are bigger issues for me to be dealing with right now that have nothing to do with women.”
Reece stood up. “Good luck with that,” she said with a laugh.
“What?” he said, looking up at her.
“It’s completely obvious that you’ve fallen in love with her. If you actually admitted that to yourself, I think you could tell her about your true feelings a lot more easily.” She smiled. “I’ve seen the way she looks at you; I think she would probably be overjoyed to know you feel this way about her.”
He softly laughed. “I did tell her.”
Reece stared at him expectantly. “And?”
“And now I am the last person in Pemdas she ever desires to be in the company of.”
Reece’s expression lightened with humor. “What did you say to her?”
“I told her that I did love her, and it was against everything that was within me—”
“Harrison! Are you out of your mind?”
“I really believe that I am.”
“Well, you have successfully ruined that declaration of love.”
“Do not remind me.”
“You need to accept it, get over yourself, and stop being such a jackass.”
Harrison looked up at Reece, and for the first time since he returned to the palace he smiled. “Aren’t you just the helpful therapist?”
“You want a helpful therapist?” she started. “Let Angeline calm down for the evening, and while she is doing so, I believe you should take some lessons from Levi in the ‘declarations of love’ department.” She laughed. “I can tell you that as a female, she will eventually get over this, but it will not happen unless you apologize to her first.”
Harrison stood. “I will try to find a way to apologize.”
For the rest of the evening, Harrison returned to his duties at the command center, knowing it would be an excellent distraction. Who knew what the days ahead of him would bring, but struggling with the fact that the one woman he loved vowed to never return his feelings seemed to be troubling him more than anything.
After a restless night, Harrison found himself tormented knowing that he may never see Angeline again. Even if he did, she would always despise him for the way he treated her. He had to make it right with her somehow. Reece was correct, he had to apologize, and hopefully she would offer him another chance and remain at the palace.
Just as the sun was rising, Harrison gathered information from the servants that Angeline was prepared to leave before breakfast. He sought her out, only to find Elizabeth returning from the front lawns of the palace.
“Has Angie left already?” he asked in concern.
Elizabeth stared up at him. “Yes. Cousin, what did you say to her? She will not confide in me about it, but I cannot understand why she would change her plans so abruptly and leave first thing. Forgive me for being so bold, but I believe it was your irrational behavior toward her last night.”
Harrison sighed. “You are correct, Lizzy. I must apologize to her at once. How long ago did she leave?”
Elizabeth smiled up at him in relief. “Only a few moments ago.”
Harrison impulsively brought Elizabeth into an embrace. “I will make things right again, sweet one. I am sorry I insulted your dearest friend.”
With that, he jogged down toward the stables. He called for Saracen and walked into the tack room, grabbing his horse’s reigns.
“Master Harrison, I can have him saddled for—”
“There is no time for that, but thank you,” Harrison interrupted Javian.
He spun around and walked out to the stable yard. Saracen was not in sight, and he urgently called out to him again. After a few moments, he heard Saracen’s hooves echoing in the distance before he appeared from over the mountainside, racing aggressively toward Harrison.
Harrison abruptly hopped the fence, and as soon as Saracen approached him, Harrison pulled the reins up onto his head. Once buckled and secured, Harrison quickly hoisted himself up onto his stallion’s back and led him at full charge over the fence and off toward the location where Angeline’s carriage would be.
The carriage was out in the countryside when he finally approached the convoy. King Hamilton’s guards abruptly halted their travel when they saw Harrison rapidly approaching them.
“Your Grace, is there news of which we should be made aware?” the guard on the lead horse questioned, most likely wondering if Harrison was informing them of a dangerous situation ahead.
“Have no fear; I do not bring you urgent news of any sort. However, I must speak with Princess Angeline for a moment.”
The man nodded, and Harrison was off Saracen before the footman could open the carriage door. Harrison dismissed him, and when he opened her door he found her staring at him in utter amazement.
“Harrison, what are you doing?”
“I must speak with you. Please allow me a few moments of your time,” he asked.
She smiled. “Harrison, it is fine. Please—”
“It is far from being fine. Now, if you will join me on a short walk?”
“Very well.”
She placed her hand into his and allowed him to help her from the carriage. The guards and the coach pulled further off the road, allowing others to pass while they waited. Harrison drew Angeline’s arm up into his and led her out and away from the carriage and guards.
“Angeline, I desperately owe you an apology for my uncouth behavior over these past few weeks. I really do not know where to begin.”
Angeline smiled sympathetically. “Are we going to have this conversation again?”
Harrison stopped and turned to face her. “When I told you that I had forgotten our kiss, it was indeed a lie.”
He cheeks colored lightly, and she diverted her eyes from him.
“Angie, please look at me,” he softly pled. “I have not been able to concentrate on anything while in your presence since that day. I understand my manners have been entirely rude and harsh toward you as a result of that. I could not understand why I would obsess over such a thing. I did not know why I was unable to concentrate in your presence, and it was highly frustrating for me. Instead of accepting the truth of what was happening to me, I fought it greatly.”
“Harrison, you really do not have to do this.”
“Yes, I do. Angie, everything I spoke to you last evening was in truth. Falling in love was never something I wanted, with you or with anyone. Unfortunately, my pride stood in the way of telling you what I understand now.”
She looked at him with trepidation. “And what is that?” she said with irritation hinting in her voice.
“Angeline, I am deeply in love with you. You are an astonishing young woman, and you have captured my heart. I would give anything to feel my lips on yours again, to hold you in my arms, to take peaceful walks alone with you. To hear you say that you love me in return.” He tilted his head to the side. “However, I have brutally destroyed any good opinion you may have ever held for me, and I believe that love is probably the last emotion you could ever feel toward me now.”
“Harrison,” she smiled, “you will always have a special place in my heart; however, I truly do not believe—”
He took her hand. “Give me another chance, I beg of you. I can be that man whom you desire to love one day, allow me to prove this to you. Angie, I can be him. I have never desired a woman’s presence in all my life, such as I desire yours.”
Tears filled her eyes. “Harrison, please.”
“For the next few weeks, I will be extremely distracted by my duties at the palace working to recover the emperor, and I believe I will not have the time to prove it to you. But I will, Angeline. For now, will you at least accept my apology for my detestable behavior toward you?”
“I do forgive you, Harrison.” She smiled guardedly.
“Will you consider returning to the palace?”
Angeline looked past him. “I believe it is best if I do not.”
He brought her hand to his mouth and gently kissed it. “There is no woman I have ever loved but you, Angeline Hamilton. Please do not leave.”
She studied his eyes for a moment. “I really must be going. Please reassure Lizzy that everything is fine with me. She seemed quite distraught by my abrupt change of plans.”
“I will,” he answered, knowing he could beg her no longer. He had lost the only woman he ever imagined he could love, all due to his arrogance and pride.
“If I do not see you again before you all leave to rescue Emperor Navarre, I do hope you all remain safe.” Her eyes pleaded with him. “And please, if you truly love me as you have said, then you will do this one thing for me.”
“Ensure that my father is safe on this journey.” Her eyes filled with tears. “I cannot bear to lose another whom I love so greatly.”
“You have my word.” He offered his arm. “Allow me to escort you back to your carriage.”
His heart felt broken, and he began to feel a strange emptiness form inside of him. If she couldn’t trust his love for her, then he must accept it. He only wanted her to find happiness, whether or not he was the man she sought it from.