Chapter 30

Levi’s body tingled with overwhelming delight. Is it really so? I am to be a father! he thought with joy as he slowly stood up. Reece’s eyes shimmered as they looked cheerfully into his. He swallowed hard, brought his hand to her face, and caressed her cheek with his thumb. Reece was carrying his child. An heir to Pemdas grew within her. Their sincere and intense love for one another was yielding them the most precious of gifts, worth more to Levi than any sacred treasure in existence.

“Levi—” she started with concern in her voice.

He silenced her by bringing his lips down onto hers. He loved this woman more than anything, and now she was carrying their child. After a few moments of losing himself in the overwhelming feeling of inexplicable joy, the reality of the world they were in forcefully slapped him out of the blissful moment. He was gripped with uncertainty about having his pregnant wife in this dangerous world. He slowly withdrew and brought his forehead to rest against hers.

His hand rested against her neck. “My love, there are no words to express how much I so desperately love you. You have given me so much already, and I am rendered speechless with the knowledge of this precious gift you carry for both of us within you.” He pulled his forehead back from hers. He smiled. “My heart and soul are exceedingly overwhelmed with unmatched happiness.” He took notice of how healthy she appeared and recalled how she was acting during the journey before they were ambushed. “This must have been why you were feeling so ill and unreasonably famished while we were traveling. You said you knew that you were with child. How long have you known?”

A bright smile stretched across her face. “I was given the news when Arrow brought me to this village. A woman named Ionis greeted us. She is the one who sent the warriors out to save all of you. She told me I was pregnant when she heard the heartbeat.” Reece watched him speculatively. “But you? How could you tell I was pregnant?”

“I heard the heartbeat as well.” He took her hand. “I was trying to focus on Harrison in order to communicate with him telepathically when I heard it. I had to put my ear to your stomach in order to be certain. Reece, you must know, this changes everything. I must keep you and our child safe. How are we to rescue my father and battle Mordegrin in your current condition?”

Reece’s expression was unyielding. “You will listen to me,” she started in a firm tone, “nothing changes. I will be fine. I was fine earlier, wasn’t I? I’ve been through the trauma of opening the portal, and nearly frozen to death. Even with the attack, Arrow brought me to safety. I will not allow you to let this stop us now!”

She didn’t understand the burden that weighed upon him. “Reece—”

“Levi, no.” She brought her arms around him. “We need to talk to these people first. They will give us the information we need, and then we can decide where we are going from here. You must know that I would never put our child in danger, so you must trust me.” She stepped back and stared purposefully into his eyes. “We will rescue your father, and in a about nine months he will be holding his grandchild in his arms, telling him or her what a brave man their father was for rescuing him.”

Levi grinned. He didn’t know how she did it, but she always found a way to win these arguments. She was a strong woman, like his mother, and he greatly admired her bravery.

Harrison’s arm moved, prompting Levi and Reece to turn around and see that he was waking up. Reece immediately turned. “I’ll be right back. I need to get him that drink that helped you sober up from the medicine.”

Levi nodded and turned to Harrison, whose eyes were now starting to open.


Harrison stared up at the ceiling, and then over at Levi. His eyes were glassy as he grinned at him. He sat up some, trying to come to. “Mmm—” he mumbled.

Levi laughed. “Harrison, do not speak. Trust me when I say that it is best if you remain silent for now. Reece is coming with something that will help you think clearly.”

Reece returned with the drink and handed it to Levi. “They gave him a stronger elixir to help him snap out of this daze quickly.”

Levi extended the cup toward Harrison. “Before you say or do anything, drink this. It will help you gather your thoughts and wake up out of the bizarre state you are in at the moment.”

Harrison laughed. “Oh?” he said before he slurred some words that made no sense.

Reece chuckled as Levi looked down at her, remembering the embarrassing scene he caused both of them earlier. Harrison gulped the drink and sat back. Relief washed through Levi as he saw his cousin alive and well again. He watched as Harrison slowly ran his hands over the spot where the wound that should have been fatal once was.

“You saved my life, Harrison,” he said.

Harrison looked at Levi purposefully. “That I did, my friend, and I would do it again!” His eyes roamed over the outfit Levi was wearing, prompting him to burst into laughter. He sat up some more, still laughing and pointing at his cousin.

Here we go! Levi thought.

Harrison cleared his throat. “So ‘Robin Hood of La-Oxley’, do tell me, how are the rest of the merry men?” he said between laughs.

Reece couldn’t restrain her laughter. “Nice to have you back, Harrison.”

Harrison looked over at her, the medicine still fading in his glassy eyes. “Well, if it isn’t the lovely Maid Marian as well? What a delight!”

King Hamilton laughed when he approached, and Harrison nearly went into hysterics seeing that he was wearing the same clothing as Reece and Levi.

“Friar Tuck!” he chortled loudly and cleared his throat. Harrison’s eyes were wide in humor as he studied the three standing around his bed.

King Hamilton laughed and reached down to the foot of the bed for the clothes Harrison was to wear. He tossed them into Harrison’s chest. “Keep laughing, my boy; you shall be just as fashionable as we are as soon as you are well.”

Harrison continued to laugh as he held up the shirt. “Ah-ha!” he proclaimed gleefully. “Does this mean I get to be Little John?”

Levi looked over at Reece. “I wonder if he needs another dose of that special remedy? The man is delusional.”

Reece’s cheeks were red with laughter, and she nodded in agreement.

Harrison frowned. “I am not delusional.” He waved his hand at them. “All of you look as though you fell out of Sherwood Forest.”

Levi laughed. “I believe your lifelong fascination with the legend of Robin Hood is starting to have an effect on your mind, as it did when you were a young boy.”

“You cannot deny that, Robin of Loxley—Levi Oxley…” Harrison’s eyes glittered as he laughed again. “It is pretty hilarious!”

Levi gazed down at his cousin, whose eyes were starting to focus now. Levi refrained from answering, knowing Harrison would snap out of his stupor at any moment and realize their current predicament.

A moment later, Harrison’s smile died. He looked over at Levi. “Did we lose any of our men?” He sat directly up in bed, as Levi had when he himself snapped out of the strange dream-like state he was in.

“No. Rest easy, cousin, our men are recovering well.” He turned to find Reece and King Hamilton holding up a blanket for Harrison. “Get dressed. I will go over what I know when you are ready. First, we must meet with the leaders of the village we are in.”

Levi turned away, giving Harrison his privacy. He glanced down at Reece, quietly studying the room. He inwardly laughed at her appearance. She did look like Maid Marian out of the book they read as children. Her hair cascaded down into beautiful waves, reaching the middle of her back. She had two slender strands of braids that started from just behind her ears and then came together in a particular weave and laid neatly with the rest of her hair flowing down her back. Small ivy vines were interweaved into the braids, and a leather band ran along her forehead and was weaved into the small braids of her hair.

“All right, I am okay,” Harrison said distractedly.

Levi turned to King Hamilton as Harrison pulled his shirt over his head. “Once Harrison is completely ready, we will take a quick opportunity to check on the men recovering in this room. After that, I am ready to learn more of these people and thank them personally for their help.”

Once Levi and Harrison were assured the men were recovering well, they left with King Hamilton and Reece to meet with the leaders of this tribe.

“You have to admit it,” Harrison started.

Levi looked over at him, only to find a large smile on Harrison’s face. “Admit what?”

Harrison tugged on Levi’s billowy sleeves. “You do resemble the ‘Prince of Thieves’ somewhat, do you not?”

Levi sighed. “Harrison, I do not understand how you are coming up with these absurd resemblances.”

“The picture books my father brought us from Earth as children, of course. They wore clothing very similar to what we are wearing now.”

“Indeed, but how is it you believe me to resemble Robin Hood?” Levi laughed aloud after he said it.

Reece and King Hamilton softly laughed, listening to both of the men in their exchange.

Harrison shrugged. “You know I have done extensive research on the legend of Robin Hood, which includes various books and cinematics from Earth. Given my expertise on the subject, I think you simply have that distinctive quality about you.”

Levi shook his head. “I fear that some of that medicine has not worn off in you yet. It would be best to let me do all of the talking with the leaders of this tribe for now. I am frightened to think of what might come out of your mouth when you see how they may be dressed,” Levi said, remembering how their warriors looked when they rescued them in the ambush earlier that day. “You should also be aware that their warriors have large, feathered wings. I am unsure if all residents in this village have the same or not, as their wings disappear once they have no use for them.”

“Warriors with wings? Now that is something I should like to see.”

They walked down a dirt road lined with small stone, hut-like buildings and gigantic trees. Levi glanced up at the enormously wide trees that had thousands of strings of ivy and moss cascading to the ground from their thick branches. He gazed up in wonder, noticing the same buildings built amongst their branches. It appeared as though an entire city existed in the trees alone. Drawstring bridges were used as walkways and strung throughout all of the trees for as far as he could see. Lanterns and torches illuminated everything around the small huts and walkways. The trees were surrounded by dark, lush green foliage that covered the ground beneath them. Taking the sight of this in, Levi couldn’t help but see the similarities from Harrison’s picture book. He was right about one thing, Levi thought as he let out a laugh.

Harrison leaned into him. “Sherwood Forest, am I right?”

Levi bit his lip and refrained himself from shoving Harrison with his arm, like a goofy boy would. People were bustling around the buildings and trees, and Levi could not risk losing his composure in front of them.

They walked toward an open area where a massive, wide-based tree sat, dominating the entire area. Levi looked at Reece. “Have you visited here already?”

“Yes. This is where they gave me some medicine for—” She stopped herself.

“For me and the baby. I won’t say it out loud, I’m not sure if we should let anyone know yet,” she told him telepathically, hoping he would be able to tune into her.

He smiled and nodded as a confirmation to what she communicated to him. “It is why you are feeling better?”

“It seems it is also why I have control over some of my abilities again. They don’t come and go anymore.”

He stopped and looked down at her. “Are your abilities as they were before you opened the portal?”

She shook her head. “They aren’t as powerful as they were when I had the stone’s powers. I have to use them like I did when I was training with Galleta.”

“That is relieving to hear.” He turned to continue their walk toward the massive tree, and they approached the double door entrance to the tree.

As they walked through the doors, the tree opened into a large meeting room. The only source of illumination came from candles that were placed on a long wooden table in the center of the room and on wooden shelves that lined the walls.

“Are we in the right place?” Levi said, looking around the empty room.

Levi’s question was answered when three large men and two women entered the room dressed in the same attire that Levi and the rest of the Pemdai had been given. They all wore pleasant expressions on their faces as they walked over to greet Levi.

Levi nodded and reached his hand out toward them, “My name is Levi Oxley, Emperor of Pemdas, a dimension in the galaxy known as the Milky Way.” Never had to introduce myself that way before, he thought before continuing. “Please accept my most humble gratitude to you and your people for all that you have done in rescuing and caring for my people.”

A man with dark skin and long, stringy silver hair accepted Levi’s hand. “You are most welcome, Emperor Levi Oxley. You may call me Shallek. I am the leader of this dimension that you have been brought into. We were more than happy to be of help to your kind.” The man turned to introduce the people at his side. He put his arm around an older woman with long, black shiny hair. “This is my mate, Ionis, our two sons, Reinza, Pilazee, and our daughter, Normila.”

Levi stepped forward to the woman that Reece told him had helped her. “Ionis, I will be forever grateful for you for helping my wife when she arrived, and for sending your warriors so hastily to save me and my men.”

Levi stepped back and gave each one of their children a pleasant smile. “It is an honor to meet you all.” He turned to Reece. “I believe you have made her acquaintance already, but this is my wife, Reece Oxley, the Empress of Pemdas.” He motioned to King Hamilton. “This is our dear friend, John Hamilton, King of Sandari in Pemdas.” He turned to Harrison. “This is the Commander of the Guardian warriors, Harrison Oxley, The Duke of Vinsmonth.”

Harrison grinned at Levi, and Levi knew exactly why. It was strange to introduce themselves by their formal titles to unknown people in another galaxy.

“I don’t truly believe they care about our titles, Emperor Levi Oxley of the Dimension of Pemdas, in the Milky Way galaxy, sister to Armedia—”

“I get it, Harrison. If you do not mind, I am trying to keep my thoughts straight,” Levi mentally returned to Harrison.

My apologies Your Imperial Royal Majesty, previously known as the His Royal Highness, the Prince of Pemdas, son of the great Emperor Navarre, and formerly the most eligible bachelor our realm has ever known, Harrison responded internally as he stood expressionless.

Levi managed to give Harrison a reproachful glare as Shallek walked over to the table and sat. “Now that the formal introductions are over, please be seated. I have many questions to ask of you, Emperor Levi. The bravery that your kind possesses has amazed me,” he said with a smile.

Levi pulled Reece’s chair out for her and waited for her to sit. Once seated, Shallek became more casual as he clasped his hands on the table and leaned forward. “If I may, what brings a tribe of people who are not native to this galaxy to travel through this isolated location?”

“We have come to recover my father, Emperor Navarre Oxley. We were informed by a man who goes by the name of Mordegrin that he is being held in a fortress close to a four-day journey from this location.”

The man’s eyebrows shot up. “The Olteniaus females and Mordegrin have your father imprisoned?” Then the man shook his head disappointedly. “I regret to inform you, but this journey will be futile for you and yours. No one in history has been able to battle such dark powers. Believe me, my people tried at one time, and we nearly lost our entire population as a result.”

Levi’s heart sank, and he felt Reece place her hand gently on his. “Levi, there is a way. Don’t let this deflate you.”

He looked over at Reece’s promising eyes, and then back to the man. “We believe we can recover him. My wife found a way to bring us into this galaxy, and she will help us find a way to defeat them as well.”

The man leaned back some and softly chuckled. “I strongly admire the boldness of your kind.”

“Thank you, sir,” Levi returned.

“Now,” he leaned forward inquisitively, “you have my attention. How is it that you found a way to travel into another galaxy?

He looked over at Reece. “My wife is from the planet Earth, in our galaxy. The people of Earth are known as humans. My people, the Pemdai, are known as The Guardians throughout all of the dimensions of Earth. We have sworn to protect this planet for all of our existence. We recently learned that many years ago, an Olteniaus female found a way to create her presence on Earth, and she found love with a human male. My wife’s ancestor was born as a result of that union.”

The man and his wife’s eyes widened simultaneously. “She has Olteniaus powers?” He looked at his wife, and then back to Levi. “Please, go on.”

Levi stared at him in speculation. “Her powers are minimal, but enough to help us recover my father and to create a way of travel for me and my men into your galaxy.”

“There may be a way to defeat these atrocious creatures after all,” Ionis said, smiling warmly at Reece. “Can you alter minds with the powers you possess?”

Reece looked at Levi, and then back to Ionis. “I was told I could possibly do that, yes.”

“Will you try with us?” Ionis requested politely.

Levi spoke up. “Forgive me, but—”

“Wait a minute, Levi.” Reece gave him a reassuring smile and looked back at the woman. “Who would you like me to try mental persuasion on?”

“There are many people outside walking around,” Ionis ruminated, “persuade one of them to bring us some water.”

Levi looked at Reece, and her eyes closed. After a few moments of silence, Reece opened her eyes and they all patiently waited. Levi looked back when the doors to the room opened and a young man entered holding a bucket of water.

He looked at everyone in the room meekly before bowing his head and staring at his feet. “I beg your pardon. I have no idea what came over me, but I felt compelled to bring water into this room.”

Shallek clapped his hands in joy while Ionis radiated with the same happiness. “Thank you, young man. Please leave the bucket at the door. You may leave now,” Shallek said as he looked to Levi. “There may be hope after all. You and your men will require our warriors’ assistance to travel to the fortress, and we will gladly offer you those services. However, we must form a plan, and we must prepare all of you and your men.”

Levi nodded as great relief washed over him.

“I had all but given up hope that this day would come, but your wife has given us all a hope that we never believed possible,” Shallek said gratefully. “We will start tomorrow, and we shall work hard and fast to get you to the fortress of Dresmenia, where you will recover your father, and we will recover our world.”

“The enemy that attacked us earlier,” Levi asked, “what were those barbaric creatures? Have you ever encountered them before?”

“They are part of the Olteniaus’ army of warriors; they are known as the Liesten. Mordegrin,” his eyes darkened as he mentioned the man’s name, “is referred to as the Shadowy One by our people.” His tone grew deeper. “He must want something from you and your people.” He scanned the group before him before he gazed fixedly at Reece.

Levi glanced at her and back to Shallek. “You believe he brought us here so that he might take my wife?” Levi asked in confusion.

Shallek nodded. “It is the only reason Mordegrin would send the fiercest ones in his armies after you and your men. You have something he wants. I believe that something is the one who carries the genetics and abilities of his kind. They are the only ones left of their kind. I would imagine he would stop at nothing to acquire her.”

Levi shook his head. “As I said before, she is entirely human; she only carries a few minor abilities of the Olteniaus within her being.”

Ionis smiled. “For her to be able to persuade a mind within our protected domain gives her a talent that Mordegrin and his females do not possess.”

Levi thought for a moment. They want to use Reece to take over this domain? He stared intensely at Ionis. “There is no way they will take her. We will defend her with our lives, as we have always done.” He looked at Shallek. “How were you able to destroy those creatures he sent to attack us? They do not bleed—they would not die.”

“That is because they do not live,” Reinza returned.

Harrison laughed. “How is that possible?”

“They are a dark creation of Mordegrin’s. You might refer to them as clones or something of that nature,” Normila answered Harrison.

“Is that why they turned to black smoke before our eyes?” Levi interjected.

“That is what the energy of our land does to the Shadowy One’s power,” Shallek said. “It incinerates it and reduces it to ashes. If the Liesten were to invade our domain, they would simply turn to ash the moment they came through our barriers. Our energy force is too strong for them to withstand it.”

“Then the flames that were on your arrows, it was not fire?” Levi asked.

“No. It was the energy within the rock that the tip of the arrow was fashioned from.”

Levi sat back. “That is intriguing.”

Shallek and his family chuckled heartily in unison. Shallek crossed his arms. “It is why my warriors will be of excellent assistance to you on this journey. We will sharpen your swords on the same rock, and if your people are comfortable battling with arrows, we will offer more supplies in that manner as well.”

“You mentioned that your people tried to destroy Mordegrin and these females before but were unsuccessful,” King Hamilton asked. “Why is that? You have the weapons, or so it would seem.”

“Their dark force is too great. As you have witnessed, our minds can easily be persuaded, and that is why our people have no chance to destroy these dark ones. We cannot take the risk of the Olteniaus manipulating our minds and persuading us to turn our weapons on each other—or your kind, for that matter.”

“Are you certain that you will be able to help us?” Harrison asked.

“We will assist you on your journey. The Liesten army will not be Mordegrin’s only attempt to take the Empress of Pemdas and destroy any and all attempts to recover your emperor. For your safety and for ours, we must remain a certain distance away from the fortress so they cannot manipulate our minds to battle your kind.”

“My I ask,” Ionis said, looking at Reece, “is she able to manipulate a Guardian’s mind?”

Levi hadn’t thought about that. She was able to impress her thoughts, but manipulate? Levi nodded at Reece when she looked at him in question.

Her eyes closed. Leave the room, Harrison.

Levi heard her thoughts. He turned to Harrison, who watched Reece with a grin. Reece’s eyes reopened, and she shrugged. “It looks like the Guardian mind is protected; were it not, my cousin would have stood up and rudely left the room.”

“Nice try, Reece,” Harrison returned.

Levi cleared his throat, trying to remain formal. “Your assistance traveling to the fortress will be greatly appreciated.”

“We must meet with your warriors. I want to know what else is out there that we may be up against as we continue on our journey. I must prepare my men,” Harrison told Shallek.

Shallek nodded. “I will gladly have you speak with them. But first,” he turned to his sons, “go and tell the men to fly to the villages of Grispan and Utan and inform them of our news. Tell them that we need them to gather their armies. Invite them and their families to our land tonight; for tonight we shall celebrate our unification, and we shall honor our new allies, the Guardians, from Earth’s galaxy.”

Harrison stood with the men. “I will go as well.”

“It is best if you remain, sir,” Normila said in response. “These villages are in other dimensions, and you may put yourself in danger once again.”

Levi looked up at Harrison, who stood with a grin playing in the corner of his mouth. “I thank you for your concern, my lady; however, after your warriors proved their ability to protect my kind today, I believe I will be perfectly safe amongst them.”

Shallek chuckled under his breath. “My daughter is correct, it is best if our men go alone. We need to be able to persuade these armies to join us. They are very fierce people, and very arrogant as well. They will not take kindly to strangers. Even now, I am unsure if they will unite with us.”

“If that is the case, then I will gladly remain here to greet them when and if they arrive,” Harrison conceded.

Shallek stood, prompting everyone at the table to follow. His sons left the room, and it was obvious this meeting was adjourning.

Ionis looked at her daughter. “Prepare rooms for our guests.” She looked back at Levi. “We do not have many places available, as your army is quite large.”

Levi nodded. “I am humbly grateful for your kind gesture of hospitality. As for the rest of our men, they have no need for such accommodations.”

“If you will excuse me, I must meet with the others to plan our celebrations this evening,” Ionis said before turning to leave.

Shallek led the way out of room. He clapped Levi on his shoulder, and Levi was mildly startled by the gesture. They were friendly and outgoing people for certain, but it was something Levi was not accustomed to when meeting with other rulers from other lands. He appreciated the man’s friendly nature, yet it was strange to him nonetheless.

“Normila will have your rooms ready soon, and she will return for you when she does,” he said with a smile. “For now, I believe you should most likely desire to advise your men of our new plans. And now, I must prepare for the arrival of the other warriors to our domain tonight. So we must part ways for now, and I shall see you when the festivities commence at dusk, my new friends.”

Levi nodded, and the man marched swiftly down the dirt road, humming some tune loudly and joyfully.

“I do not wish this to come out wrong, as I greatly appreciate their offer of help,” King Hamilton said, “but strange people, are they not?”

Reece laughed aloud, and Levi raised his eyebrows as he looked at King Hamilton in humor. “I could agree with that statement, my friend,” Levi answered, “but we must accept that they are from a different culture, far different than any we have ever encountered.”

“To be sure,” Harrison added with a laugh.

“They are definitely overly friendly, but I like it. I, for one, have never had the fortune of meeting an alien species that wasn’t trying to kill me, so I think we hit the jackpot with these natives!” Reece teased.

“Indeed, my love.” Levi kissed her head as Harrison and King Hamilton laughed.

The four headed to check on the Guardian warriors who were still recovering from their wounds. Nearly all were up and very well. The Guardians joined each other in a large open area of the forest, and Levi and Harrison began to tell them all about the meeting that had taken place.