Chapter 32
Levi and Harrison’s conversation was interrupted by the sound of large wings flapping in the air behind them. Both men turned to find Shallek’s warriors gracefully landing on their feet, wings instantly concealed behind them. Levi’s eyes widened when he noticed the group of warriors following in from behind Shallek’s men. Men with harsh expressions on their faces were being carried on the backs of large creatures that resembled lions. The animals were fierce, with horns pointing out of each side of their massive heads. Their bodies were enormous, making these creatures an amazing, yet dangerous sight to behold. Another group of warriors were also amongst them, although they were not as tall or threatening in their appearance. They flew in on birds of prey. Once landed, the black and fearsome birds stood taller than the large, mystical lions.
“What in hell…” Harrison trailed off in disbelief. “They look like mutant lions and hawks!”
“It seems quite obvious that this is their desired method of transportation,” Levi responded with the same astonishment as Harrison.
From out of nowhere, hundreds of people in this land came out of the buildings and down from the trees and walked toward the approaching group of warriors.
“Well, I certainly do not remember this part in the legend of Robin Hood,” Harrison said in amazement.
“Emperor! Commander!” shouted Shallek. “Come! Come!” He waved his hand out at them, gesturing for them to join him amongst the warriors that had arrived.
Levi and Harrison walked toward the group. “There has to be over four thousand warriors amongst them,” Levi said under his breath. “Where will they come up with enough food to feed everyone?”
As soon as he questioned it, he saw enormous wagons filled with food and other supplies.
“And I thought the celebrations at Pasidian were too large,” Harrison added in humor.
The large group stopped before Shallek. For the first time since seeing him in the forest, Levi was face-to-face with Shallek’s warrior that he saw after they were ambushed. The leaders of the new factions stood on either side of him. The man that dismounted the lion resembled an average human man from Earth. He had blonde hair that fell to his shoulders. He wore only dark pants with braided leather crisscrossing the muscles of his bare chest, with a deep red sash tied around his waist. A crescent shaped sword hung on one side, and a double-bladed axe on the other.
The man who flew in on the large bird was quite the opposite. The warrior’s skin was a deep green color, with hair that looked like strands of tiny black ropes, which sat in a knot on the top of his head. His eyes were yellow, and he wore a feathered-like suit with large spikes on his shoulders pointing toward the sky. After Levi familiarized himself with the images of the warriors and their loyal beasts behind them, he was curious as to how they were to communicate.
Shallek proceeded to speak in an odd language, and Levi tried to comprehend the meaning of the words he was speaking. Shallek stepped back and looked at Levi. “Give us a moment.” Levi nodded and watched as Shallek and all of the warriors closed their eyes simultaneously.
The leader of Shallek’s army approached Levi and extended his hand. “You and your men all seem to be recovering well,” he said.
Levi accepted his hand, shook it, and looked at him with confusion. “So you do speak?”
The man smiled. “Of course. I simply needed to learn how your people communicate.”
Levi looked over at Harrison, and then back at the man. “I am curious, I was told that my wife was the one to teach your people how we communicate.” He cleared his throat. “I know she is a talented woman, but how was that possible? How could you all learn so quickly?”
“When Ionis read into her thoughts, she went into your wife’s memories to when your wife first learned how to communicate with those in her world. Ionis assimilated your language rapidly, and we learned from her soon after.” He looked back at the men behind him. “That is what is happening now.” He brought his attention back to Levi. “Shallek is transferring your method of communication into Rei and Oble’s minds. Once they have fully comprehended your way communication, they will help the rest of their people to learn in the same manner as we did.”
“That is intriguing, and quite convenient as well,” Harrison said. “So it appears that the people in this galaxy are highly intelligent and have the ability to mentally communicate?”
“Not all, but most.” The man smiled. “Please allow me to introduce myself; I am Diexz. I command our armies.”
“Diexz, it is an honor for both of us to make your acquaintance. This is Harrison, the Commander of the Guardian warriors, and I am Levi, Emperor of Pemdas. We are exceedingly thankful for you and your men in helping us today.”
“We were happy to be of service to such courageous people. I look forward to serving with you and your men to restore peace to our world.” He looked out to where the Guardians were training and remained silent as he studied the men continuously running drills with their bows, shields, and swords.
He grinned when he looked back at Levi and Harrison. “Your people are extremely talented in their fighting skills. They use the bow as we do. That intrigues me.”
“The Guardian warriors have been raised to fight in any manner we require of them,” Levi answered.
The man nodded. “This shall be an interesting journey to the fortress. To align such talented warriors will make for an enjoyable attack.”
Levi was unable to respond as Shallek turned back to him. “Emperor, please.” He extended his arm out as an invitation to Levi.
Levi stepped forward and became slightly uncomfortable when Shallek brought his arm around his shoulder. Shallek proceeded to make the introductions between the warrior leaders and Levi. Oble, the warrior with the feathered attire, seemed fierce, but accepting of Levi, the Guardians, and their cause. Rei, the man with the human appearance, wasn’t so accepting. Levi could sense the tension and reservation within the man, and Harrison’s current disposition proved he felt the same as Levi.
“It is a great honor to meet you both,” Levi started. “Please accept my and my men’s humble gratitude for your willingness to join us to battle Mordegrin and the dark females. To be willing to help in our cause, words of gratitude are not enough.”
Rei’s black eyes bore into Levi’s. He was close to the same height as Levi and Harrison, with a very muscular build. “Do not be misled, Emperor of Pemdas. My people have not come to help you or any cause of yours,” the man answered gruffly.
Levi’s now fierce gaze did not falter against the man’s rigid expression. “Forgive me for suggesting the motives of your people being here to meet with us. I will—”
“What brings you and your people into a foreign galaxy?” the man interrupted Levi. “How did your kind manage such a thing?”
Levi’s jaw muscle tightened, and he clenched his fists tightly in response to the man’s rude interruption. “Our people are here to retrieve what was taken from us, and that is our emperor. We are here to recover him, destroy the new threat to our world, and return to our home. We are here for nothing more,” Levi returned in a grave tone. “As to how we entered your galaxy,” Levi spoke deeply, “that is an explanation I do not owe you.”
“Oh, but you do owe me the explanation. Do not forget that you are in my world and you require my army’s assistance. Tell me now, how did you enter our galaxy?”
“Rei!” Shallek said, cutting through the tension. “It would be best to respect the men who have the ability to liberate us from the curse that has been upon our world for thousands of years. You would be wise to find your alliance with them, and soon,” he firmly scolded the man.
Levi was somewhat shocked that Shallek could be so commanding with his words. With all of his outgoing, friendly behavior, Levi was beginning to question whether he carried any fierceness within him or not.
Rei looked at Levi, and his eyes narrowed. “I want to meet the female that carries the Olteniaus blood within her veins this instant,” he demanded.
Levi was at his personal limits, and any pleasant words he may have had for the man earlier had vanished. “The woman you are referring to is my wife, and I will allow no one to demand anything of her.” He stared intensely into the man’s eyes. “You will do best, sir, to heed Shallek’s words. Your conduct has me concerned about whether I want my men fighting alongside of you or any of your warriors on this mission. It was not my decision to request your help.”
The man continued to stare intimidatingly into Levi’s eyes. “Do not threaten me, Emperor,” he mocked.
“My words were not intended to be taken as a threat, but you can take them any way you like,” Levi answered in a deep tone.
Shallek put his hand gently on Levi’s arm, and Levi instinctively jerked away from him. He glared at Shallek hostilely, and Shallek nodded in understanding of Levi’s agitation.
Shallek looked at Rei. “Tell us, Rei, why have you decided to join us? To cause problems? If so, you and your people may leave at once. It appears that your potential freedoms are not that important to you.”
“It is not that at all,” Rei answered him.
“Then why do you appear to have taken issue with people that are here to help? They bring no trouble to us,” Shallek asked.
Rei looked at Harrison, and then back at Levi. “Because they are not here to help us, Shallek! They are here for themselves.”
“We are here to recover Emperor Navarre, yes,” Levi returned. “But also to destroy the ones that have taken him, desolated your entire galaxy, and protect ours. If you see that as we being here for ourselves, then so be it. Our warriors are prepared to die for this cause, if yours are not, leave,” Levi finished in a low voice.
The man studied Levi for a moment before speaking. “I believe it is best if you allow me time to think. We will remain here and join the celebrations,” Rei answered him. “But know this, I am unsettled by you and your men. I believe I will feel better once your wife has proven herself to be no danger to me and my people.”
“The empress will be at the festivities later. Once I am assured that your temperament has changed, I will decide whether or not if I will introduce her to you. She owes you nothing.”
Rei gave Levi a firm nod in response and spun around toward his men.
After the confrontation, Shallek apologized profusely to Levi and informed him that Rei was a man who did not trust easily, but they needed him and his men. In their own way, his men were much like the Guardians in the way they protected Earth.
Levi and the Guardians remained out and away from the large mass of people who showed for the festivities. Their overjoyed moods were somewhat annoying to the Guardians, and as the hours passed by they were becoming more agitated. Harrison and Levi tried to reach out to Diexz, but it appeared that he was more concerned with the celebrations of the land. Diexz explained to them that it was their tradition to celebrate before a dangerous mission. The people believed it brought them good fortune to prepare in such a way.
As the daylight began to fade into darkness, Levi returned for Reece. He walked into the room and found her sitting at the table, devouring some fruit.
“Did you rest well?” he said as he approached where she sat.
She smiled. “I did, and I’m feeling much better.
“That is refreshing to hear.”
Levi informed Reece of the new warrior that came into the land. He told her of the confrontation with Rei and of his demand to meet her, and Reece reassured him that she would be able to hold her own if he became confrontational.
Before they left, Normila returned with Levi and Reece’s Guardian attire. They looked at each other in surprise as they noticed how flawlessly the garments were mended.
“It is odd...” Levi said as he tucked his black shirt into his pants.
“What’s that?” Reece said as she approached him.
“These people—where do they all hide? How do you repair close to one hundred outfits in such a short amount of time? Where are the people who do this? It is like the people of this land mysteriously appear and disappear from out of nowhere.”
Reece laughed. She opted to continue to wear the dress they provided her, given it was lighter in material and more relaxing to be in as opposed to the heavy leather and armor of the Guardian uniform. “I wondered the same thing myself. This place is something else.”
“Indeed,” Levi answered as he concealed his dagger at his side. “One minute we are conversing with Shallek, and the next minute he leaves to handle a matter and simply vanishes. I believe if I went searching for him, I should never find him.” He laughed in disbelief.
Reece ran her hands over the steel pads now covering Levi’s shoulders. “I’m pretty sure we’re about to meet all of the people that have been hiding amongst these giant trees soon enough,” she finished as she brushed along his long black cape.
Levi sighed, noticing it had darkened more outside. “You are most likely correct.” He lowered his head to quickly kiss her and rose up. “Let us get this over with, shall we?”
They met the rest of the Guardians in the open area. All of the men had changed back into their Guardian attire, and strangely enough, it brought a sense of relief and reassurance to Levi. Something about seeing his men in their formal uniform gave him the feeling that things were finally starting to move forward.
They walked down toward the large tree they had met Shallek in earlier that day. He and his family patiently waited for Levi, Reece, and his men to arrive, and then they led the way. They walked deeper into the forest to where everyone attending the festivities was already celebrating. Torches lit the pathway to the location, and a large fire in the distance gave Levi the impression that they were close. He could hear the muffled sounds of musical instruments being played, and the squeals and laughter from all of the people present.
“Levi—” Reece quietly called out to him while trying to remove her hand from his grip. “You’re going to break every bone in my hand if you don’t relax.”
Levi instantly loosened his grip on her. “Forgive me! I had no—”
“Don’t worry about it, I’m fine. But you need to calm down a bit. This will be over sooner than you think.”
When they walked into the large clearing, torches were scattered everywhere, casting an amber glow over the area. People were scattered everywhere. Some were walking in front of the long tables, filling their wooden plates with the variety of food. Others were filling their plates from the animals being cooked over the numerous fire pits that were next to the tables. The loud music came from across the large fire that was in the center of this location, where women dressed in long white dresses danced joyfully around the fire, obviously the entertainment for the evening. Levi looked out past this, and for as far as he could see, there were thousands of people sitting throughout the torch-lit woods, laughing and indulging themselves in the lively entertainment. So odd, Levi thought.
Levi sat with Reece, Harrison, and King Hamilton next to Shallek and his family. Oble came over and introduced the family that accompanied him, while Rei sat across the fire from them, in the company of many women. Everything about the man aggravated Levi, and watching him grope the very scantily clad women that surrounded him repulsed Levi even more.
Once they finished their meals, Levi remained quiet. He glanced over to see a brilliant smile on Reece’s face as she watched the women in white dance joyfully around the fire. She gave him an encouraging grin, and he forced a smile, feigning his enjoyment in return. When he looked at Harrison and King Hamilton, both men offered Levi expressions of sympathy. It was obvious that they were counting the minutes until the celebration was over as well.
When Levi brought his attention back to the large fire before them, he was stunned to see a woman dancing seductively in front of them. Shallek loudly laughed as he sat on the ground next to Levi. “She dances on our peoples’ behalf to celebrate your people and the liberation you will all soon give us.”
Levi tilted his head uncomfortably. “Shallek, there is no need for such recognition. There is nothing to be celebrated until we have actually been successful.”
Shallek stood up and looked down at Levi. “You are a strange one, my new friend,” he said with a laugh before he turned and left.
I am the strange one? Levi thought as he looked back at Reece, who was restraining herself from laughter. During the next hour, they were greeted by many different people, and Levi found himself enjoying the festivities more and more. Rei eventually came over and introduced himself and the ten women who were with him. Levi was a bit surprised when the man introduced the women as his wives. He managed to keep his composure when Rei respectfully greeted Reece. The interaction was short, and in Levi’s opinion it was more than enough for the man to decide upon whether or not he trusted the Guardians enough to ally with them.
“I’m starving again,” Reece said as she looked at Levi with a pitiful expression on her face as they stood in conversation with a few of Shallek’s warriors and other Guardians who made their way over to where Levi remained for the evening.
“Allow me to get you a plate. Is there anything that tasted particularly good to you? I noticed you seem to be fond of the cheeses they have available.”
“Stay here with the men. I can get it myself.” She winked.
Levi’s eyes narrowed, and then he scanned the area. “I shall go with you.”
Reece chuckled. “No, you won’t. Stop worrying about me.” With that, she turned and walked over to the tables of food.
As she filled her plate, Levi’s hand reflexively clenched into a fist as Rei approached her. He studied them both carefully as Rei spoke to her, and then watched as Reece’s eyes grew fierce.
“Emperor, your men—”
“Excuse me,” Levi interrupted the man he was pretending to listen to.
Before Levi could take three steps toward where Reece stood in conversation with Rei, the man had clenched his hand around her throat.
“Persuade me, Olteniaus witch! Persuade me not to crush your neck.” He spat in Reece’s face.
At that moment, the music halted and everyone stood paralyzed at the scene before them. Levi halted his approach when the man spun Reece around and held the sharp blade of his dagger to her neck. “Come any closer, and I will destroy this creature,” he growled to Levi.
Levi said nothing as multiple options to attack the man flashed through his mind. He stood calculating as he watched the panicked expression on Reece’s face spread. Rei had Reece in too vulnerable of a position. “Take your hands off the woman now, and I will not kill you where you stand,” Levi warned him.
Shallek approached. “Rei! Release the woman this moment!”
“This creature is not a woman!” Rei growled. “It is Olteniaus and should be burned in that fire. This creature deserves to burn, and all of the dark powers within it!”
“Commander, I need a distraction at once,” Levi mentally called out to Harrison. Reece is too panicked to get herself out of this position with her abilities.
Suddenly, Harrison approached Rei from his other side. The closer he got, the closer Rei held the knife to Reece’s throat. She gasped in pain as the knife pierced into her throat, causing her to bleed. This was Levi’s only opportunity to react, and in that moment he took it.
Levi lunged toward them before Rei could bring his gaze back from Harrison. He brought his hand to Rei’s wrist which held the blade and pivoted himself around him, giving him more of an advantage. Shocked by the attack, Rei loosened his hold on Reece and absently pulled the blade away from her neck in an attempt to swipe it at his attacker. Levi promptly gripped Reece and spun her away from the man’s strong hold on her. As he did, he pried the blade out of Rei’s frozen grip. Levi moved so swiftly that Rei didn’t have time to react. He tried to jab at Levi when he got his bearings and swung around, but Levi countered him effortlessly and twisted the arm Rei held out to him high behind his back, sending him directly to the ground. He spun him over on the ground and brought a crushing knee hard into the man’s sturdy chest as he knelt down holding the tip of the sharp blade to the man’s throat.
“Tell me now why I should spare your life?” he growled viciously through his teeth.
The man stared up at Levi, eyes wide. “I was only trying to see if she truly was Olteniaus. Death should not befall me over my curiosity.”
“Do not speak fallacies to me!” Levi ordered him.
“Emperor Levi, I beg of you to spare his life!” Shallek called out. “If you kill this man, his people will exact their vengeance upon all of us.”
Cowards! Levi inwardly thought. He studied Rei’s eyes. “My wife is a human being from Earth. She is not Olteniaus, she possesses no dark powers, and she poses no threat to anyone in any land.” He stabbed the dagger into the hard ground so powerfully that it buried the blade up to the handle. “You are the most fortunate being in this galaxy, because I will allow you to live after what you have done to my wife. You and your people should leave this domain this instant, or I will hunt you down and finish this properly where we have no audience.”
With that, Levi gripped the man’s neck and arm tightly, jerking him up to stand on his feet. He looked over at Shallek. “My men will escort him out and stand guard at any entrance you have into this land.” Shallek somberly nodded. Levi continued to grip Rei by his throat, keeping him paralyzed and silent from where they stood. He looked at Harrison. “Remove him and his people, now,” he ordered sternly.
The Guardians dominated the entire area now, swords drawn and ready for any order of attack Levi, should give them. Harrison immediately stepped forward and took Rei into his possession.
“Fools! You all are insane to believe they did not bring the Olteniaus female here to destroy your lands!” Rei shouted, and Harrison brought his hand from the man’s arm and up to tightly grip the man’s neck to quiet him.
Levi’s gaze fell on Reece, who stood in shock. She was clinging onto King Hamilton, who had her in his secure embrace. Shallek approached Levi. “Please forgive us, we had no idea he would behave in such a way.”
Levi exhaled; the words he wanted to say to the Shallek at this moment were not kind. He needed to gather his thoughts and ensure that Reece was okay before anything else. “Give me a moment,” he said in return before he walked over to Reece.
Reece released her tight hold on Hamilton, and with tears streaming down her pale face, she tightly embraced Levi. He closed his eyes, distraught that she was put in such imminent danger in an instant. He stepped back and looked down into her troubled eyes.
He cupped her chin with his hand. “Everything is going to be okay. Please, let me see your neck,” he said, lifting her chin and examining the small wound. He ran his finger along the line of blood that was bleeding mildly. The cut was small, but he was still concerned for her. “You will be fine. Are you experiencing any pain?” he asked, trying to contain the rage that was reigniting with in him.
“It burns, but it’s not painful,” she said meekly.
Normila rushed to their sides and rubbed the white medicinal paste to Reece’s neck. “It is a small wound, and it should heal within minutes,” she reassured them.
Shallek approached with Diexz. “Emperor,” Shallek said, “Diexz has informed me that we must plan our strategy tonight if we want to successfully defeat the Olteniaus now.”
It only took my wife nearly being slaughtered for these people to finally understand the importance of our situation? Levi thought in annoyance.
“Rei will form armies against all of us and our cause now. I believe he will not rest until he has destroyed your people and your wife. We must take the next few hours to plan our mission, we will rest, and then before the sun rises we will leave.”
“I will inform my commander of your intentions. I will not be attending the meetings, as I will not allow my wife to be left alone after what occurred tonight.”
“I understand your reservations, Emperor, but please know we will not allow anyone to harm her,” Shallek said.
“Please do not take offense to my words, because I mean no disrespect by them; but I can entrust none other than myself or my men with her safety any longer.”
Levi took Reece’s hand. “My men and their commander will await your warriors out in the location they have remained during our visit.” He looked at Shallek. “If I do not see you again before we depart, I wish you well; and once again, I am grateful for the help you and your people have offered us.”
“We were honored to help you, Emperor Levi.” He looked at Reece. “And you as well, Empress Reece.”
Reece said nothing in return, but Levi saw her offer the man a subtle smile in response instead. It was obvious she was in shock, and Levi needed to get her alone to check on her condition. He walked briskly out of the area with King Hamilton at his side.
“Your Majesty,” Levi said to King Hamilton. “Inform Harrison that I will not be in attendance as they plan our attack for tomorrow. I will need him to open his thoughts to me and allow me to listen and offer my input in that manner instead. I will not leave Reece,” Levi instructed. “And see if any of these people can send some more food for her as well.”
Hamilton nodded. “I will see to everything.”
“Thank you.”
Levi led Reece back to their room, saying nothing along the way. He was reeling with anger, and her current disposition had him greatly concerned. What did he say to you? Levi thought. Usually she would have engaged Levi in conversation by now, but she wasn’t speaking a word. Something more than the attack was upsetting her, and he needed to find out what it was. After all they had been through so far, he couldn’t lose Reece now.