Chapter 35

Harrison had saddled Arrow and led him over to where Saracen waited alongside of the other Guardian horses. Once the horses were fully prepared to leave, he turned to go check on Reece’s current state. He knew that Levi would expect him to be a pillar of strength for Reece in this situation. It was heartbreaking to see her in such a condition—emotionless and obviously numb.

“Reece is prepared to leave when the rest of our men are,” Navarre said as he approached Harrison.

“Very well. How is she doing?” Harrison asked with concern.

Navarre shook his head. “She is a strong young woman, but I believe we need to get her back to the comforts of Pemdas. Allestaine will be an excellent comfort to her during this time.”

“Any changes in Levi?”

“None. I fear for his current condition, and I am uncertain of what trauma his mind has undergone. Our physicians know the Pemdai mind well, and they will know how to treat him.”

Harrison nodded. “I agree. I have already sent men ahead in order to prepare for our arrival. They have been dispatched on a quicker route to the portal, and they will have the proper transportation ready to bring the fallen warriors to Pasidian once we have crossed over the protective barriers into Pemdas. I also informed them to notify my father that Queen Galleta and the medical staff need to be onsite to retrieve Levi upon our arrival.”

Navarre nodded. “Let us return to our home. Is this shorter route to the portal safe for us to travel through?”

“Yes. Now that the threat has been removed, I have no doubt that we will be safe. It is the best means of travel in order to be out of this galaxy as soon as possible. Also, the men I sent ahead should be arriving in Pemdas at any moment because of it.”

“I agree,” Navarre answered. “Allow me to give my appreciation to Shallek and his people once more. Tell the men to prepare Levi; as Reece desires, he will continue to travel with me on my horse,” Navarre said.

“Very well,” Harrison answered. “And Emperor,” Harrison called out, forcing Navarre to turn around. “I wish it were under better circumstances, but I am indeed most grateful to see you alive again, and may I be the first to tell you that all of Pemdas eagerly awaits your arrival.”

Navarre nodded. “Nephew, I could not be more grateful for all of your bravery. I am overwhelmed with joy to return to Pemdas.” He became more serious as he glanced around at their surroundings. “However, I feel that this may come at a higher price than losing our men and nearly losing my son. Mordegrin is nowhere to be found, and if he finds his way to that portal, I fear we all may be doomed.”

Harrison returned Navarre’s grave expression. “We had reason to believe that he would try to cross through the portal, so we have Guardians standing watch; and the armies that assisted us in your recovery are already searching for him.”

Navarre’s somber expression never faded. “Let us hope he is found and destroyed. Until then, I will extend my gratitude to Shallek, and we shall be on our way.”

As Navarre brushed past him, Harrison turned and walked quickly toward the location where wounded Guardians had fully recovered and were exiting. They had lost close to eighty men in the attack, and as devastating as that was for Harrison and the surviving Guardians, if it weren’t for Reece, they all would have surely met their demise.

He walked into the isolated room where Levi remained and saw Reece silently crying while her head rested on Levi’s chest. For a man who was not very emotional, this sight made his heart wrench and tears well up in his eyes.

He slowly approached Reece and avoided looking at his cousin in such a helpless state. He softly brushed his hand along Reece’s arm. “We are prepared to leave,” he softly said.

Reece sat back, wiping the tears from her eyes. Harrison could feel the pain and suffering radiating from her. She stood up, and her lifeless expression was more troubling to him than he could imagine.

He pulled her into his embrace. “Reece, regardless of his current state, he will be okay. Try not to believe the worst.”

Reece softly moaned in agony. “I am trying to calm myself because he is alive, and I know he will be better off in Pemdas.” She pulled away from Harrison. “But there is an overwhelming feeling within me that makes me believe that I have lost him. I can’t explain why or how, it’s just how I feel.”

Harrison stepped back. “Reece, we all have been through a lot. You have been through a lot, and you have experienced far more than anyone should ever have to. Please trust that the trauma you have been through could be contributing to your distress.” He pulled her arm into his. “We must leave this place and return you home to Pemdas.”

She leaned into his arm as he led her out of the room, holding on to him for support. “Have you eaten anything since we arrived? Even though you are concerned over Levi, you must not forget about your child.”

“Yes. Ionis brought me some cheese, and I forced myself to eat it.” She sighed. “I can wait until we get home before I need to eat again.”

It was close to two hours after they left Shallek’s village that they entered the portal and were back into the outer boundaries of Pemdas. Even though the strange curse was lifted from the other galaxy and the appearance of everything was changed back into serene beauty, Harrison was never so relieved to be back in Pemdas once again. Once across the barriers, they halted the horses as Pasidian’s imperial guards met them to help with the escort of the fallen warriors. There were four flatbed wagons, each being pulled by six white horses. Harrison immediately dismounted to help with the proper care of his fallen men.

He smoothed his hand over the black, velvety blanket that covered the entirety of the flatbed wagons that the men were to be placed upon. With the help of the imperial guards and Guardians, the fallen warriors were removed from their horses, wrapped in a rich, burgundy material, and positioned honorably upon the wagons. Harrison and the imperial guards each took the folded burial blankets, which were black with a silver arrow embellished onto them, and carefully draped them over each of his fallen warriors’ bodies.

With a nod of acceptance from Navarre, Harrison turned and hoisted himself up on Saracen’s back. Navarre led the procession to the palace, with Areion to the right of him and Reece riding to his left. The riderless horses of the fallen soldiers were behind Navarre, following in excellent formation. As the commanding officer, Harrison rode behind the group of riderless horses and directly in front of the imperial guards transporting the fallen soldiers. The imperial guards notified Harrison that the families of the lost warriors were grouped alone and prepared for the honorable return of their brave family members. Lady Allestaine and King Nathaniel accompanied them, lending the grieving families support.

A medical staff was positioned to await Levi’s arrival to get his condition assessed immediately. As much as Harrison wished to ride his horse directly to where he knew Angeline was waiting alongside of the thousands of other Pemdai people, he had to wait. As the fallen men’s commanding officer, he had to give his condolences to each of the family members that were suffering such a profound loss before anything else.

It wasn’t long before Navarre reached the top of the hill that overlooked Pasidian Palace. Harrison had just begun to ascend the hill when we heard the cheering of the large crowd from over the mountainside. It was bittersweet; as overjoyed as the Pemdai people were to have their emperor safely returned by their brave and fearless warriors, it was also a time of mourning for those men who gave their lives to bring him home.

Harrison followed the riderless horses up and over the hillside, and the sight below was awe-inspiring. Even more of Pemdas’ citizens were there waiting to greet these brave men than the day they left to enter the new galaxy. The crowds grew silent as soon as the riderless horses came into view, along with the wagons carrying the fallen soldiers behind them.

Navarre led his horse directly to where Allestaine stood with Pasidian’s large medical staff. The riderless horses stopped along with the convoy and waited for the Guardian soldier that was assigned to take the horses of each fallen soldier to their respective family members. As this took place, Harrison rode Saracen up to where Navarre awaited him. Harrison and King Hamilton were there to help Levi down from the horse and hand him over to the medical staff.

Once Harrison had Levi in his grips, Allestaine walked out to meet them. She glanced up at Navarre with love and longing in her eyes; however, her son’s grave condition was first and foremost on her and husband’s mind. She brought both hands to Levi’s face and gently bent to kiss his forehead. “My valiant son,” was all she said before she looked at Harrison and nodded. “The staff is ready, and I will not risk another second not having him in their care.”

Harrison knew his aunt would not dare show her grief or distress when there were people around her who depended on her inner strength. Allestaine turned to where Reece stood at Harrison’s side and brought her into a tight embrace. “My darling daughter, I cannot put into words how relieved and happy I am to see that you have returned to us safely.” She stood back and placed her hand on Reece’s cheek. Her eyes were set with purpose as she gazed into Reece’s blank expression. “Do not fear for Levi. He is home, and he will recover. You must hold steadfast with that knowledge.”

“I understand, thank you,” Reece said distantly.

The medical staff brought out a board to transport Levi on into the medical center of the palace. King Hamilton and Harrison gently placed Levi on the board, and immediately after the medical staff was on their way to the palace while Reece traveled quickly alongside of them. The stress and trauma that Reece had endured over the past few days made Harrison increasingly concerned for her and the health of their child. Once he was finished consoling the families of the fallen soldiers, he would search her out to make certain she was mentally and physically stable.

He turned to find Navarre and Allestaine reunited in a strong embrace. They said nothing to each other; only held each other tightly as their separation was finally over.

Before Harrison could walk over and give his condolences to the grieving families, King Nathaniel was there extending his hand to him. Harrison shook his father’s hand with a somber nod, and King Nathaniel did the same in return.

“My son, I have never been as proud of you as I am today. Your courageous leadership has brought our emperor and our men home. Pemdas could ask for no better commander for our Guardians.”

Harrison sighed and stared into his father’s noble eyes. “Father, I appreciate your words; however, I was not entirely successful in leading them or protecting Levi. It grieves me greatly to return to Pemdas with fallen warriors and with Levi in his uncertain condition.”

King Nathaniel’s gaze became stern. “You know firsthand that as a Pemdai warrior, brave men will fall in battle. To believe you were unsuccessful in fulfilling your duties as their commander only brings our fallen men shame. You must rise above and know that those men gave their lives freely for the emperor’s rescue. I stand in awe that only eighty of our three thousand warriors were slain in this mission, as I was unsure that day you left us if any of you would return.” He studied Harrison for a moment. “This mission was unpredictable, and everyone knew that our Guardians were on a mission with no certain outcome.”

Harrison nodded. “Our fallen men fought courageously; indeed, they are our bravest.” Harrison looked past his father and up at the palace. “Levi was the bravest of us all, and if it was not for Reece, we would all surely have been killed.”

Nathaniel looked at Harrison with purpose. “That is how you shall console their families. Tell them of their sons’ bravery as they gave their lives to bring our emperor home and protect not one galaxy, but two.” King Nathaniel nodded. “Now, go. The families await your condolences.”

His father’s words were exactly what Harrison needed to hear. Being uncertain of Levi’s condition was a worrisome distraction, and now he had to engage in the hardest part of being the commanding officer to the Pemdai Guardians. With boldness, Harrison turned to leave his father and approach the families of the fallen.

As he gave his final condolences to the wife of a fallen warrior, he looked over to witness that Allestaine and Navarre were following behind him, offering their condolences to the grieving families as well. He walked back toward the palace after leaving his horse in Javian’s care. He scanned the large crowd, looking for Elizabeth and Angeline. As if given a breath of fresh air, his pain subsided when he spotted Angeline. She stood at Elizabeth’s side in the front of a large crowd, staring in his direction. They both wore somber expressions, and there was no question as to why. Harrison’s heart dropped when he saw the distress on Elizabeth’s face with the realization that her brother was severely injured.

She wiped her tears away when he approached her. “Harrison,” she sniffed and forced a smile, “it is wonderful to see that you are home safe.”

Harrison embraced her. “It is good to be home, sweet one.”

Elizabeth held him tighter. “Will my brother survive?” she asked with a shaky voice. “My father assured me a moment ago that he will, now that he is home with our physicians.”

Harrison withdrew. “Your father is correct. We believe that having him under our physicians’ care will greatly accelerate his recovery.”

Elizabeth nodded. “I was not able to speak with Reece, but I am very concerned for her, Harrison. Is she well?”

Harrison exhaled. Reece did not look healthy in any way. “I am concerned for Reece as well. However, just as Levi, she is home and safe in the company of family and friends. Although she is quite distressed, she has proven herself to be stronger than any one of us ever gave her credit for. She saved all of our lives.” He bent to kiss her forehead. “Do not fear, Lizzy, we simply must be patient for now.”

She smiled up at him. “I understand.” She glanced past Harrison. “If you will excuse me. My father is headed this way again, and I have only had an audience with him for a brief moment. I long to embrace him again.”

“Go. You have waited long enough,” Harrison said as he kindly guided her past where he stood.

He remained silent as he took in the beauty of Angeline again. She smiled up at him, and without hesitation Harrison impulsively brought her into his arms. He brought the back of his hand to cradle her head and buried his face into the side of her neck, absorbing the very essence of her. He said nothing; he only held her, having no desire to let her go.

“I am so thankful you are safe, Harry,” she finally said.

“I have longed for this moment since I left you,” he said as he pulled away. He gazed down into her eyes. “Allow me to freshen up. There are some other matters of business that require my immediate attention.” He glanced around at the crowd of people. “After that, I will return for you. As much as I desire to be back at Pasidian, I cannot bear the chaos of being around all of these people. My only wish is to be in your company alone.”

She caressed his cheek. “I understand. I will be with my father until then.”

Harrison nodded. “Your father fought bravely today.”

She smiled. “He said the same for you. Thank you for keeping him safe.”

Harrison nodded and reached for her hand. He brought it to his lips, eyes never leaving hers. “Just as I promised you.”

“Go handle your business. I will see you when you have finished.”

He bent to kiss her softly, surprised that she would be willing to accept. After their trip abroad, and having been in a horrific battle that morning, there was no telling what he looked like. One more lingering kiss to her forehead, and he released her from his embrace and strode briskly into the palace gardens.

He walked down to the isolated medical center in the lower level of the palace. His heart sank when after all this time the physicians were still assessing Levi’s condition. Queen Galleta was in a meditative state, most likely trying to mentally assess the damage he suffered. Reece was in the room, staring somberly at the queen, waiting for any response.

It was obvious that there were no answers, so he decided that once he finished freshening up, he would return with hopes that they would be further along with their assessment.

After Harrison changed into his formal attire, he promptly strode into the command center. He took reports from Vincent and found that nothing out of the ordinary occurred with the rest of the Guardians while they were away. Everything was as it should be, and he left knowing that Vincent was in complete control of everything.

Unable to wait any longer, he went back to the area where Levi was. Once admitted to the room, he found Levi and Reece alone. He noted that there was a tray of food brought in from the servants and that Reece hadn’t touched anything on it.

He walked over to where she sat in a chair holding Levi’s hand and staring intently at him. When she noticed Harrison, she looked up at him and smiled. He sighed in relief to see that her eyes were much brighter and hopeful now.

“It is good to have you amongst us again, Reece,” he said as he glanced over at the untouched tray of food. “I would like to see that you stay that way, so you should try to eat something.”

Reece smiled sweetly up at him. “Thank you, but I already have.” She softly laughed. “This is the third tray of food that has been delivered to the room for me. Lady Allestaine has informed me that if I insist on staying with Levi, I will not go hungry.”

“The third tray of food?” Harrison laughed. “Well, I suppose that means you must have informed my dear aunt about her unborn grandchild.”

“Yes. She knows and is delighted. I think I’m going to be more spoiled than if Levi was awake and attending to these matters himself.” She laughed, and then looked back at Levi’s face. “With the remedies they gave him, the physician said he would most likely be waking by tomorrow or within the next few days. It all depends on if his mind has healed enough.” She looked at Harrison. “You were right, he will be fine.” Reece smiled at him. “Harrison, you need to go and unwind. Like you said before, all that we have been through in recovering Navarre was a lot for anyone to deal with.” She squeezed his hand. “Even you, Harrison. Have you had an opportunity to spend time alone with Angeline?”

He exhaled. “No, but I have plans with her later.” He rose up and smiled down at her. “I had to come and ensure you were doing better, and learn any news about Levi’s condition.” He softly laughed when he noticed she was still wearing her Guardian uniform. “Why do you not let me stay with Levi for a while? Go freshen up and change into some comfortable clothing. It will help, believe me.”

Reece smiled. “Jasmeen is on her way down as we speak, and she will make sure that I look presentable again.” She softly laughed. “Either way, I won’t leave this room until he wakes up.”

Harrison gazed sympathetically at her. “You will be okay using the showers here in the medical center?”

Reece arched her eyebrow. “Have you already forgotten the wonderful facilities I had the privilege of using in the other galaxy? I am sure a less than elaborate shower will not put me out.”

Harrison laughed. “Indeed. It is good to be home, though, is it not?”

“It is. Now, you should go. Finish the rest of your business, and spend your evening alone with Angie. I’m sure she’s longing to have time alone with you. Don’t forget, she’s probably been forced to entertain all of the kings and the families that have been residing at the palace, waiting for the emperor’s return since the day we left. Until they all leave, I’m sure she would love to get away from this place.”

Harrison softly sighed. “I have every intention of taking her away for a while. Now before I leave, Levi informed me that you have a strong desire to eat tomato basil soup from the Anders’ cafe. I will have the palace send for it.”

Reece smiled. “That would be wonderful.” She stood and embraced him. “Thank you, Harrison—for everything. Now, go and quit wasting time here.”

Harrison searched out Angeline and found her in the sitting room with Elizabeth, his parents, and the Hamiltons. He noticed Angeline’s face radiate with excitement when he walked in, and he quickly crossed the room to where she and Elizabeth were entertaining Mozart. When he approached them, he rubbed over the top of Mozart’s head and chuckled. “It is easy to see Mozart has taken to you nicely, Lizzy.”

Elizabeth laughed. “Indeed; however, Angie and I have had the privilege of a cello accompaniment with our music ever since Reece departed. I do believe he misses Reece’s company immensely.”

Harrison shook his head. “Well, our little zorflak here must be patient, as Reece has no intention of leaving Levi’s side until he is awake.”

“Do you believe it will be okay for me to go visit her now?” Elizabeth asked.

“I believe that is a most excellent idea.” He smiled. “She is doing much better, and I believe Mozart here will help to cheer her up as well.”

“Very well, I will leave you and Angie to catch up.” She smiled warmly at both of them, and then stood and left the room.

Harrison extended his hand down to Angeline, who was waiting patiently for him to bring his attention to her. She gently placed her hand in his, and he brushed his lips over the top of it. “Would you care to join me for a horseback ride before we lose daylight?”

She slowly stood and gazed at him with concern. “Aren’t you hungry by now, Harry? We all took dinner early, and I was surprised not to see you there. I believed you must have been with Levi and Reece.”

The room started filling with other guests who were residing in the palace. Navarre and Allestaine retired early, and Harrison had no obligation to stay, as his father and King Hamilton would entertain the guests.

“I took a small dinner in the command center while going over business matters with Vincent,” he answered.

Her smile brightened. “Well in that case, I will happily join you. Allow me to go change into my riding habit first.”

Harrison escorted Angeline to her rooms, and once she was ready, he walked her down to the stables. “I hope you will be comfortable on Saracen riding with me, as I do not wish to spend another moment without my arms around you,” he said as they approached the massive stallion.

Angeline squeezed the inside of his arm tightly. “I will be perfectly comfortable. I never believed I would ever have such an opportunity to ride on one of our Guardian horses,” she said with excitement in her voice.

Once they were on Saracen, Harrison led them away from the palace. There were plenty of guests lingering outside in the palace gardens, yet Harrison managed to smoothly avoid them.

As they rode out, Harrison kept the horse at a gentle speed. He used one hand to guide the horse, and the other he held around her waist. He tenderly rubbed along her side as he continued to place kisses along her covered shoulders, her neck, and when she turned to the side, his lips were softly against her cheek without hesitation. He had ached for this moment since she first told him she loved him, and he indulged himself in this moment even more when Angeline seemed to desire their closeness as much as he. She was completely relaxed into his loving embrace while caressing the arm he had protectively wrapped around her.

“I did not expect this would be how you would hold me in your arms upon your return,” Angeline said with laughter.

“You will be lucky if I ever allow you out of my arms again, after the week I have been through,” he said while continuing to indulge himself tasting the softness of the delicate skin of her slender neck.

“I would not have a problem with that.”

Once they were at the meadow where they first spent time alone, Harrison halted his horse. He dismounted and helped Angeline down. Saracen wondered off, and before Angeline could say a word Harrison wound his arms tightly around her waist, abruptly lifting her up as she stared down into his eyes. He spun her around joyfully, so thankful to have her back in his arms and happy that the stress of their mission was all finally over. Angeline shrieked with delight, surprised by the gesture. She brought her hands to each side of his face and leaned down to kiss him. To Harrison’s pleasure, she deepened their kiss without any reservation.

As much as Harrison desired the taste of her enticing lips, he slowly brought her feet to the ground. To his surprise, Angeline kissed him with more power, unwilling to separate herself from him. They remained in this state for quite some time until Angeline withdrew, took his hand, and led him out through the tall grass. She slowly turned back to him, and the expression on her face halted his breath for a short moment.

She reached for his other hand and interlaced her fingers through both of the hands that she now held. He was spellbound by her beauty at the moment. All of the stress and unnerving sensations that he and the Guardians had gone through over the last week had simply vanished. All that he felt now was the comfort of this woman who held his heart. Her exquisite, yellow riding habit seemed to enhance the beauty of her bronze eyes and the complexion of her flawless, golden skin. In her eyes, he saw more than beauty now, but also a longing for him and his love.

She looked down to where she held his hands. “Is this really happening?” she asked before her eyes were gazing lovingly back into his and she wrapped her arms around his waist, drawing him closer to her again.

Harrison stared down into her passionate eyes, snaking one arm around the small of her back and the other gently caressing the back of her neck. “I keep asking myself the same question, lovely Angeline.” He bent to kiss her, and then took her hand. “Come with me.”

Harrison sat, guiding her to sit in front of him. When she did, he wrapped his arms around her, holding her securely in his arms. “I understand very well that I do not deserve such a divine and pure woman as you, Angie.”

“Please, do not speak that way—”

“Allow me to finish,” he said in humor, while kissing the top of her shoulder. “I must have you know, I never believed that I would ever desire a woman’s presence or love, such as I do yours. I prided myself in such things. I was such an ignorant, arrogant man, and I learned that lesson very well in the days following our first kiss.” She looked up at him and grinned as he smiled with compassion into her glistening eyes. “All I know now is that I want your love, Angeline, beyond anything else.”

As Angeline brought her attention to the meadow in front of them, he reached into his side pocket and pulled out a silver band that he received as an heirloom from his great aunt many years before. It wasn’t much, but for now it would have to do. He held it out in front of her and listened as her breathing halted. He softly kissed the side of her neck. “I promised upon my return I would hold you in my arms and prove to you just how profound my love for you most assuredly is.” Angeline was frozen as she stared down at the ring he held in front of her. “I plan to start proving my love for you in this manner. I want nothing more than to commit my life only to you, the only one woman who has ever captivated my heart and soul. Become my wife, Angeline Hamilton, as I desire nothing more than to be your husband.”

Angeline twisted in his arms, and the expression on her face was so somber that it had Harrison somewhat concerned. She was a young woman, and Harrison knew that committing herself to one man at this point in her life might not be what she wanted. He, himself, had plenty of time to enjoy the luxuries of courting different women, and if Angeline accepted Harrison’s request, he was not affording her the same opportunity.

“Angie, I love you so greatly that I will not force this upon you. If you need more time, I will patiently—”

Her lips on his silenced him. She caressed his cheek, tilted her head to the side, and deepened their kiss. After a few moments, she withdrew, her eyes filled with tears. “Harrison, I feel as though I am dreaming. Are you sure that I am that one woman who you truly want in such a way—forever?” she softly asked.

He gazed intently at her. “I have never loved anyone as I love you, Angie.” He softly exhaled. “On our journey into that galaxy, I was severely injured in an ambush; and for the first time in my life fighting as a warrior, I stared death in the face and nearly lost my life. In that moment, and during my recovery, all I could think about was you and how I would never have the chance to prove how much I ardently loved you.” He looked past her, recalling the memory “I promised myself after we survived the attack that if we were to survive the rest of our mission, once I had you in my arms again I would waste no time ensuring that you knew I was willing to commit my life to none other than you. I have wasted enough time already, and in doing that I nearly lost the opportunity to ever have you love me in return.” He looked back at her. “I love you, Angeline Hamilton. I never knew the meaning of the word until you and I shared our first kiss together in this location. My outlook on life has indeed changed from that moment on.”

Her eyes filled with tears, and she sat back some, still facing him. “Harrison, nothing could possibly make me happier than to accept your proposal. I have loved you since I was a girl. There is no man that I have ever desired to love other than you.”

A broad smile stretched across his face as he reached for her hand. “You make me a better man, Angie, more so than I believe you will ever understand,” he said as he slipped the ring onto her finger. He softly chuckled. “Accept this token for now, as I have not had time to meet with a jeweler.”

She stared down at the silver band. “Having you as my husband will always be more magnificent to me than any extravagant ring I could wear.” She looked up at him. “I love this ring, and I want nothing else.”

Harrison gripped the back of her neck, gently bringing her to lay her down, and without hesitation he brought his lips down onto hers. Harrison had no desire to pursue more from their kisses; he cherished this woman with all that was in him.

He would patiently wait to show her more of the love that held for her until after their commitment ceremony, which could have easily been done that evening. However, with Levi’s current state, he felt it only right to wait for him to recover, as he wanted Levi present in the private ceremony. For now, he would wait and enjoy these treasured moments with Angeline before she became his wife.


It had been close to four days, and Levi still lay in his comatose state. Reece was determined to persevere alongside of him, and she had not left his room once. The rest of the family was continually checking on both her and Levi’s condition. Reece was doing surprisingly well. Jasmine was giving her a remedy to help nourish her and the baby, and her constant hunger was starting to cease. The doctor that was assigned to care for Reece for the duration of her pregnancy informed her that because she was carrying a child with the genetics of a Pemdai, the baby required more nourishment than her human body could naturally give, and that was what was causing her constant hunger. Now that that issue had been taken care of, she could properly focus on Levi’s recovery.

In the last day or so, Levi started to respond somewhat to her voice whenever she was alone in the room with him. She nearly jumped from the chair the previous morning when she told him she loved him and his hand softly gripped hers in response. She knew his eyes would open any time now and she would have him back in her arms again. They would celebrate the news of their child, Navarre’s return, and the news of Harrison and Angeline’s engagement. All they needed now was for Levi to wake.

In the last hour or so, Levi was beginning to show drastic improvement. Harrison had come in and teased him in his usual manner, and Levi’s lips twitched in response. It was obvious his mind was starting to hear all of them, and everyone was waiting. Navarre and Allestaine had just left to have lunch with the rest of the palace guests after stopping by to bring Reece some more tomato basil soup. Reece had finished the last of the soup and nearly dropped the bowl onto the floor when she glanced over and saw two brilliant sapphire blue eyes staring up at the ceiling.

She placed the bowl on the table and looked over at the servant that was sweeping the floor of the room. “Quickly! Let the emperor know his son is awake!” she screeched with excitement.

Levi turned his head abruptly in her direction, seemingly startled by her order to the servant. So overjoyed to see the eyes that she believed she would never see open again, Reece anxiously placed her hands to each side of his face and impulsively kissed his soft lips. So absorbed in feeling the strength in his lips again, she hardly heard the door open, admitting whomever it was to the room.

To her surprise, two strong hands gripped each side of her face, gently but forcefully removing her lips from his. She stared down into Levi’s stern sapphire blue eyes, his brow furrowing as he studied her. “Levi?” she questioned.

Levi tilted his head to the side. “Forgive me, madam, there seems to be a misunderstanding,” he said in confusion.

Reece softly gasped as she tenderly reached for his face. She paused when his expression darkened, and he moved his head away from her hand. “Levi?” she said softly, “It’s me, Reece. I am your wife.”

Levi looked past her and stared at Harrison, Angeline, Elizabeth, Navarre, and Allestaine, who stood in astonishment at the scene that had played out before their eyes.

“Please forgive me, but I believe you are very much mistaken. I have never seen you before in my life.”