This novel is the first I’ve written since
my brother died of cancer. At times, I found living in the scenes
therapeutic. At other times, as I read through edits, I don’t
remember writing them at all. That’s the nature of grief. Memory
loss. There are so many people to thank, but I’m afraid I’ll miss
the most vital due to the moments I’ve forgotten.
Usually a writer pleads for minutes, stolen from family here and there. I’m thankful my wife Tonya, and kids Jost and Kade, carve time for me to write. If not for them, this novel wouldn’t have been possible. If they ever asked me to stop writing, I’d gladly comply. They ask the opposite.
My parents, Monte and Jeneen, are more than simply genetic links. My mother is an artist, painting pictures that spark my imagination. My father grew up in a saddle in Cody Wyoming, and has helped with horse lore. Thank you, you two. Stay forever young!
Mountainview Books has been an inspiration—C. J. for her encouragement and kind words, and Carol for her edits. If there are any errors in this book, it’s because I put them in later. It’s an honor to write for them.
A few obsessive friends made the series popular—especially Mike Ehret, Clarice James, Terrie Todd, Jim Hamlett, and Kimberley Graham. Also Susie Finkbeiner and Rachel McMillan and Karen Barnett and Nancy Kimball and C. J. Darlington. They all have excellent books.
Thanks to everyone in Fowler, Colorado. I hope you noted the part near the Apishapa. The scene is located there because I think you’re all awesome.
Cathryn Swalia helped with Arabian characteristics. Cathryn, did you notice Raven doesn’t always listen to you?
Thanks to you, reader! Without you, the series wouldn’t have won awards and found success. And thanks for buying your dad, mom, grandfather, and grandmother a copy. They sent me a note of encouragement! I’ve received hundreds of notes! Thanks again!