See also Advertising (Clinton-Gore); Advertising (Dole);
Negative campaigning; specific
candidate or organization
Advertising (Clinton-Gore)
and approval ratings
and budget issues
and campaign reform
and children
and Clinton’s message
Clinton’s views about
cost of
and crime
and Democratic National Committee
Dole in
Dole’s views about
and education.
and environment
as focus of campaign,
fund-raising for,
and Gingrich
and gun control
and health care
about Medicare
and repositioning of Clinton
and Republican primaries
targeting of
and taxes
and welfare reform
Advertising (Dole)
and agriculture
and approval ratings
and Better America Foundation
and campaign strategy
and Forbes as contender.
Gingrich in
Hillary Clinton in,
and shake-up in campaign
about taxes
and welfare reform
See also Negative campaigning: and Dole
Affirmative action
Age issue
and Clinton campaign strategy
Age issue, cont. and Dole’s announcement of candidacy
and Dole’s decision to run
and Dole’s medical records
and Dole’s Perot convention speech
and Dole’s schedule,
Gore’s views about
and one-term presidency
Rudman’s views about
and vice-presidency
Agnew, Spiro T.
Albright, Madeleine
Alexander, Honey
Alexander, Lamar
announces candidacy,
approval ratings of,
and Dole,
Florida campaign of,
fund-raising of,
and Gingrich,
Iowa campaign of,
message of,
New Hampshire campaign of,
planning campaign of,
professional background of,
reasons for wanting to be president
South Carolina campaign of,
and Super Tuesday,
and vice-presidency,
views about Clinton-Gore of,
withdrawal of
Ambrose, Stephen
Americans For Tax Reform
Andreas, Dwayne
Anti-tax pledge
Approval ratings and Bosnia
of Buchanan
and budget negotiations
of Bush,
of Clinton,
and Clinton advertising campaign,
and Clinton fund-raising,
and conservative Republicans,
of Dole
and Dole advertising campaign,
and Dole message
of Forbes,
of Gingrich
of Gramm
and negative advertising,
of Powell,
Armey, Dick
and budget negotiations,
and Clinton,
and flat tax,
Gingrich’s relationship with
and Hillary Clinton and health care,
and Medicare,
Armitage, Richard “Dick,”
Associated Press
See also King, John
Baer, Donald
Baker, Howard
Baker, James A.
Balanced budget and Clinton advertising campaign
and Clinton fund-raising
and Clinton as governor
Clinton presentation of
Clinton veto of Republican
and Clinton’s relations with Democratic Party,
Clinton’s views about,
and congressional Democrats
Dole’s views about
and economic plan (1993)
and education,
and elections of 1992.
and environment
and Gingrich
Gramm’s views about
and House Republicans
and Medicaid/Medicare
and New Democrats
and Republican response to Clinton’s State of the Union speech
Senate vote on Clinton
and taxes
and welfare reform
See also Balanced Budget Amendment; Budget deficit; Budget negotiations
Balanced Budget Amendment
Barbour, Haley
Bateson, Mary Catherine
Batjer, Marybel
Bennett, Robert “Bob,”
Bentsen, Lloyd
Berger, Sandy
Berke, Richard L.
Better America Foundation
Black, Charlie
Blankley, Tony
Blue dogs
Bono, Sonny
Boorstin, Bob
and accomplishments of Clinton
and arms embargo
and Clinton approval rating
and Clinton-Dole relationship
Clinton’s views about
and Congress-Clinton relations,
Dayton peace conference about
diplomatic talks about
Dole’s views about
and “Endgame Strategy,”
and France
Gramm’s views about
Lake’s views about
massive bombing in,
and NATO,
Powell’s views about,
and Srebrenica horror,
as symbol of U.S. foreign policy,
temporary peace initiative in
as threat to Clinton presidency,
and U.N.
U.S. casualties in
U.S. ground forces in
U.S. troop deployment in
and U.S. as world leader
Bowles, Erskine and balanced budget
and campaign staff-White House staff coordination
and Clinton advertising campaign
and Clinton fund-raising
hiring of
and Morris
Boyd, McDill “Huck,”
Bradley, Bill
Bren, Donald L.
Brinkley, David
Broder, David S.
Brokaw, Tom
Brown, Jerry
Brown, Ronald H.
Buchanan, Bay
Buchanan, Patrick J. “Pat,”
and anti-Semitism,
approval ratings of
Arizona campaign of
and Bush
and California primary
and Clinton
and conservative Republicans
and Contract With America
decision to run of
defeats of
and Delaware primary
and Dole
and elections of 1992
and free trade
and gay rights
and Gramm
and immigration,
interviews of author with
Iowa campaign of
and liberalism
Louisiana campaign of
and McCarthy
and media
message of
negative campaigning about
Buchanan, Patrick J. “Pat,” cont. New Hampshire campaigns
and Nixon
and Perot
personal/professional background of
and race issues
and Reagan
and reasons for wanting to be president
and Republican Party
and sexism
South Carolina campaign of
and Super Tuesday
and Watergate
Buckley, William F.
Budget deficit and Clinton’s accomplishments
and Clinton’s use of Republican issues
Clinton’s views about
and congressional Democrats
and economic plan (1993)
and elections of 1992
and elections of 1994
and flat tax
and Gingrich
and government shutdown
Gramm’s views about
and Perot
and Quayle
as Republican issue
as values issue
See also Balanced budget; Budget negotiations
Budget negotiations
agreement in
and approval ratings
and Armey
and Clinton advertising campaign
and Clinton veto power
and Clinton and Dole
and Clinton-Gore campaign strategy
Clinton’s views about
and conservative Republicans
and Contract With America
and Dole
and education
and environment
and Gingrich
and Gore
and government shutdown
and House Republicans
as issue in elections of 1996
and Medicaid/Medicare
and Morris memo to Dole campaign
pictures released about
polls about
as Republican issue
and taxes
and welfare reform
See also Balanced budget; Budget deficit
Burke, Sheila
and anti-tax pledge
and Bosnia
and conservative Republicans
and Dole’s beliefs
and Dole’s decision making
and Dole’s reduction in government speech,
Dole’s relationship with
and Lott,
and Reed,
and Senate staff—campaign staff relations
Bush, George
and anti-tax pledge.
approval ratings of
Buchanan’s views about
and Congress
and conservative Republicans
and Dole
and elections of
and elections of
and elections of
media scrutiny of.
Powell’s views about
vice president for,
Bush, George W.
Byrd, Robert C.
Clinton advertising in
Clinton fund-raising in
Dole campaign in
electoral votes in
Medicaid program in
primary in
Camp David, Clintons meet with authors at
Campaign (Clinton-Gore)
and announcement of candidacy
beginning of formal,
and budget negotiations
and character issue
Clinton’s concerns about
and definition of Clinton.
and Hillary Clinton
and Morris’s relations with campaign staff
reelection committee created for,
staff for
strategy for
weekly meetings about,
White House staff’s relationship with.
See also Advertising (Clinton-Gore); Fund-raising (Clinton-Gore); Message: of Clinton-Gore; Speeches (Clinton); specific person
Campaign (Dole)
and announcement of candidacy
and Bosnia
and Christian right
and conservative Republicans
discipline in
and Dole as centrist
and Dole as conservative
and Dole as micromanage
and Dole as moderate
and Dole’s accomplishments
and Dole’s schedule.
and Dole’s strengths/vulnerabilities,
early support for
finances of
and focus/dial groups
and Lott-Morris relationship
and media
and Morris memo
and “new” Dole,
opening of office for
organization for,
and polling
Senate staff’s relationship with
and senators’ steering committee
shake-up in
staff for
strategy/tactics of
structure of,
and traveling companion for Dole
See also Advertising (Dole); Dole, Robert J. “Bob”—decision to run of; Fund-raising (Dole); Message (Dole); Negative campaigning: and Dole; Speeches (Dole); specific person, primary or issue
Campaign reform
Carney, Dave
Carter, Jimmy
Carter, Mary Anne
Carville, James
Castellanos, Alex
CBS This Morning (CBS-TV)
Cheney, Richard “Dick,”
Chew, David
China, People’s Republic of
Chirac, Jacques
Christian Coalition
Christian right
See also Christian Coalition
Christopher, Warren
and Bosnia,
resignation offer of
Clinton, Chelsea
Clinton, Hillary
and authors’ meeting at Camp David
book of
and campaign of 1996
characteristics of
as children’s advocate
Clinton’s relationship with
in Dole advertising campaign
and elections of 1992
and elections of 1994
favorite books of
and Foster suicide
and fund-raising
and health care
Houston/Bateson relationship with
and media scrutiny
and Panetta’s White House role
and role of First Lady
role model for
Safire’s column about
South Asia-India-Nepal trip of
and Whitewater
and women’s issues
Clinton, William J. “Bill” as above orthodoxy
accomplishments of
as Arkansas governor
background of
campaigning abilities of
as centrist
criticisms of
elections of 1996 as referendum on
ethics of
Hillary’s relationship with
as liberal
loyalty to
and mother’s death
personal characteristics of
personal outreach program of
repositioning of
role model for
style of
testing of
use of Republican issues by
See also Campaign (Clinton-Gore); Clinton, William J. “Bill”—administration of; Clinton, William J. “Bill”—and Dole; Decision making (Clinton); Speeches (Clinton); specific person or topic Clinton, William J. “Bill”—administration of characteristics of
Clinton, William J. “Bill”—and Dole
and Bosnia
and budget negotiations
and Clinton’s views about Dole
and death of Clinton’s mother
and Dole direct attacks on Clinton
and Dole’s resignation from Senate
and Dole’s views about Clinton
and economic plan (1993)
and foreign policy
and Medicare
meeting following election between
and tax reform
and welfare reform
and Whitewater
“The Clinton Economic Record,”
Coe, Jo-Anne and Better America Foundation
and Dole campaign
and Dole’s decision to run
Dole’s relationship with
and gay rights
Cohen, Claudia
Cohen, William “Bill,”
Commerce, U.S. Department of
Common ground, Clinton’s notion of
Congress, U.S. and Bosnia
Clinton’s relationship with
and Gingrich’s first 100 days speech
in 1980s
presidential relations with
Reagan/Bush relations with
and splintering among Republicans,
See also Congressional Democrats; House Republicans; specific person
Congressional Democrats
Conservative Democrats
Conservative Political Action Conference Convention
Conservative Republicans and Buchanan
and budget negotiations
and Burke
and Bush
and Dole
and Dole vice-presidential candidates
and flat tax
and Gramm.
and welfare reform
See also Christian Coalition; Christian right; specific person Contract With America and Balanced Budget Amendment
Buchanan’s views about
and budget negotiations
and Clinton fund-raising
and Clinton veto of Republican budget
and Clinton’s response to Gingrich’s first 100 days speech
and Clinton’s use of Republican issues
and Dole
and elections of 1994
and Gingrich
Gramm’s views about
and taxes
Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Covey, Stephen R.
Crime Clinton advertising about
Clinton campaign strategy about
and Clinton’s use of Republican issues
Clinton’s views about
Dole advertising about
and elections of 1994,
Forbes’s views about
as issue in elections of 1996
and mandatory life sentences
as Republican issue
and “three strikes and you’re out” legislation
Weld’s views about
Wilson’s views about
Cuomo, Mario
Couric, Katie
Curry, William E. “Bill,” Jr..
D-Day anniversary celebration
Dal Col, Bill
D’Amato, Alfonse “A1,”
Daschle, Tom
Dayton, Ohio: Bosnia peace conference at
Deaver, Michael
Debates, Kemp-Gore
Decision making (Clinton)
and Bosnia
Bowles’s study of
and Clinton’s style
and media.
Decision making (Dole)
See also Dole, Robert J.
“Bob”—decision to run of Defense Department, U.S.
Defense issues
DeLay, Tom
Democratic Leadership Council
Democratic National Committee
Democratic Party Buchanan’s views about
Clinton’s relationship with
Clinton’s views about,
diversity within
liberalism in
See also Democratic National Committee; New Democrats
Democratic Senate campaign committee
Devroy, Ann
Dial groups
Dodd, Christopher J.
Doggett, Lloyd
Dole, Elizabeth
as campaigner
and Dole’s announcement of candidacy
and Dole’s decision to run
Dole’s relationship with
and Dole’s resignation from Senate
and fatigue question
focus groups’ views about
health of
and Iowa
and New Hampshire campaign
professional career of
and Reed
as religious
and Republican response to Clinton’s State of the Union speech
style of
and vice-presidential candidates
Dole, Robert J. “Bob” accomplishments of
defeats of
Elizabeth’s relationship with
health/injury of
interviews by author with
Kansas background of
as last political leader of World War II generation
liberalism of
military service of
as moderate
and reasons for wanting to be president
as Republican nominee for president
reputation of
resignation from Senate of
as Senate Majority Leader
as vice-presidential candidate
See also Campaign (Dole); Clinton, William J. “Bill”—and Dole; Decision making (Dole); Dole, Robert J. “Bob”—decision to run of; Dole, Robert J. “Bob”—style of; Speeches (Dole); specific person or topic
Dole, Robert J. “Bob”—decision to run of
and age issue
announcement of
and campaign planning
and campaign staff
and Dole as moderate
and Dole as Senate Majority Leader
and Dole’s meeting with Quayle
and Dole’s reputation.
and Dole’s style
effects of previous campaigns on
and elections of 1994
and Elizabeth
and exploratory committee
and fund-raising
and Gingrich.
initial meetings about
Lacy’s views about
and Letterman show
and possible contenders
Rudman’s views about
and scrutiny
Senate staff’s views about
Mari Will’s meetings with Dole about
Dole, Robert J. “Bob”—style of
and campaign management
and campaign structure
and decision making
and speeches
and staff relations
and Warfield’s hiring
George Will’s views about
Dole, Robin
Dole Foundation
Domenici, Pete
Dornan, Robert
Drew, S. Nelson
Duberstein, Kenneth
and Powell,
DuPont, Pierre
Economic plan (1993)
See also Budget deficit; Budget negotiations; Economic plan (1993); Taxes
Edelman, Marian Wright
Education and budget negotiations
Clinton advertising about
and Clinton budget veto
Clinton-Gore campaign strategy about
and Clinton’s response to Gingrich’s first 100 days speech
Clinton’s views about
as Democratic issue
as issue in elections of 1996
Education, U.S. Department of
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Eisold, John
Elections, fundamental principles for winning presidential
Elections of 1968
Elections of 1976
Elections of 1980
Elections of 1982
Elections of 1988 (Dole) campaign organization/staff in
Castellanos as media consultant for
and Dole schedule
and Doles’ book
and Dole’s support for Bush
Dole’s views about
effect on Dole’s decision to run in 1996 of
and Kemp
See also Bush, George: and elections of 1988; specific primary
Elections of 1992 and Buchanan
and budget issues
Bush campaign in
Dole’s senate campaign in
and economy
and middle class
and New Hampshire
and Perot
and taxes
and welfare reform
See also Elections of 1992—Clinton-Gore campaign in
Elections of 1992—Clinton-Gore campaign in
advertising in
Clinton promises in
Dole’s views about
and economy
and Hillary Clinton,
and New Hampshire
and strategy for 1996 elections
and taxes
and welfare reform
Elections of 1994
blame for Democratic losses in
and budget deficit
Clinton as campaigner in
and Clinton interviews on election day,
and Clinton-Gore fund-raising
and Clinton’s accomplishments
Clinton’s reactions to
and Contract With America
Democratic victories in
and Dole’s decision to run
Dole’s views about
and Forbes’s decision to run
frustration vote in,
Gore’s views about,
and health care
and Middle East Peace Treaty
Morris’s advice about
as referendum on Clinton
significance of,
Wilson gubernatorial campaign in
advertising in
Clinton-Dole meeting following,
Clinton’s views about
Dole’s challenges in
Dole’s views about
dominant issue in
fund-raising in
Elections of 1996, cont. Kemp-Gore debate in
Perot in
as referendum on Clinton
significance of
See also specific topic
Elections of
Electoral votes
Ellsworth, Bob
Empower America
“Endgame Strategy,”
Energy, U.S. Department of
Engler, John
Entertainment industry speech (Dole)
Equal Rights Amendment
Ethics of Clinton
of Dole,
of Gingrich
as issue in elections of 1996
role in winning presidential elections of
Evans, Rowland
Executive experience, role in winning presidential elections of
Fabrizio, Tony
Face the Nation (CBS): Dole interviewed on
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), files of
Federal Election Commission and Better America Foundation
and Clinton advertising campaign
Clinton files with
and Clinton fund-raising
and Dole’s decision to run
and Dole’s exploratory committee
and fund-raising laws
and link between individual campaign and party advertising
membership on
Feinstein, Dianne
Finkelstein, Arthur J.
Flat tax and Armey
and budget deficit
and Dole
and Forbes
and Kemp
and middle class
Fletcher, Martin
Florida Alexander campaign in
Clinton campaign in
Dole campaign in
Dole’s vacations in.
Dole’s views about
electoral votes in
Gramm campaign in
Quayle’s visit to
straw poll in
Focus groups
Forbes, Malcolm, Sr..
Forbes, Sabina
Forbes, Steve
and abortion
Alexander’s views about
announcement of candidacy of
approval ratings of
Arizona campaign of
beliefs of
Buchanan’s views about
and campaign costs
and Clinton
and crime
and decision to run
and Delaware primary
and Dole
Evans and Novak interview of
father’s influence on
and Gramm
image of
interview by author with
Iowa campaign of
and Junior Tuesday
and Kemp
on magazine covers
and media
message of
and negative campaigning
New Hampshire campaign of
and New York primary
and Republican Party
as salesman
scrutiny of
South Carolina campaign of
support for
and taxes
withdrawal of
Forbes, Tim
Forbes magazine
Ford, Gerald
Foreign policy Bosnia as symbol of U.S.
and Clinton,
and Dole
and Will’s “vision themes,”
See also Bosnia
Foster, Henry W., Jr.
Foster, Vincent
Fowler, Donald
Francis, James B., Jr.
Frasure, Robert C.
Free trade
Frost, David
Fuller, Craig
Fund, John
Fund-raising (Clinton-Gore)
and access to Clinton
and advertising campaign
and approval ratings
and balanced budget
big donors in
and campaign strategy
and Clinton-Gore Finance Board
and Democratic National Committee
Dole’s views about
and elections of 1992
and elections of 1994
and elections of 1996
and federal election laws
and Gore
Gore-Dole conversation about
investigation of
and National Steering Committee
plan for
and presidential gala dinners
and primary period
role in winning presidential election of
Fund-raising (Dole)
and Better America Foundation
in California,
and Dole speeches
and Dole’s decision to run
and gay rights
and gun control
and Republican National Committee
Fundamental principles for winning presidential elections
Gambling, John
Gay rights
Gaylord, Joe
Gephardt, Richard “Dick,”
Gigot, Paul A.
Gingrich, Marianne
Gingrich, Newt
and Air Force One incident
and Alexander,
approval ratings of
and Armey
and balanced budget
book of.
and Bosnia
and budget deficit
and budget negotiations
candidacy of
and Clinton
and Clinton advertising campaign
and Clinton campaign strategy
and Contract With America
and Dole campaign
and Dole’s decision to run
Dole’s relationship with
and Dole’s resignation from Senate
endorsement of Dole by
and ethics charges
first 100 days speech of
fund-raising by
and Gore.
Gingrich, Newt, cont.
and government shutdown
and gun control
and House Republicans
and Iowa
and Kemp commission
Lott’s relationship with
and McCurry
and Medicare
polls about
and Powell
and Republican response to Clinton’s State of the Union speech
and social transformation
and Susan Smith case
and taxes
as Time Man of the Year
and welfare reform
Glassner, Mike
and Dole’s announcement of candidacy
and Dole’s medical records
Warfield conversation with
Golden Rule Insurance Company
Goldwater, Barry
Goodin, Mark
Gore, Albert “Al,”
and advertising campaign
and balanced budget
and Bosnia
and budget deficit
and budget negotiations
and campaign staff–White House staff coordination
and campaign strategy
and Clinton’s Houston speech
Clinton’s relationship with
and Clinton’s response to Gingrich’s first 100 days speech
Clinton’s weekly lunches with
and Congress-presidential relations
and congressional Democrats
and death of Clinton’s mother
Dole’s views about
and elections of 1994
and fund-raising
and Gingrich
and government shutdown
and Kemp debate
and Kerrey
and Medicare
and middle-class bill of rights speech
and Morris
and Squier
style of
as vice president on 1996 ticket
and Whitewater
Gorton, George K.
Government—reduction in
Government shutdown
Government—reduction in
and accomplishments of Clinton
and Clinton campaign strategy
and Clinton’s use of Republican issues
and Dole
and Forbes’s decision to run
Powell’s views about
Government shutdown and budget deficit
and budget negotiations
Clinton’s views about
Dole’s views about
and Gingrich
and House Republicans
Perot’s views about
and reopening government
Samuelson’s views about
Governors’ meeting
Graham, Bob
Gramm, Phil
announces candidacy
and anti-tax pledge
approval ratings of
and Bosnia
and Buchanan
and budget issues
and campaign strategy,
Castellanos as media consultant for
and Christian Coalition.
and conservative Republicans
and Contract With America
and Dole
and elections of 1984
endorsement of
Florida campaign of
and Forbes
and foreign policy
fund-raising by
and gay rights
and gun control
Iowa campaign of
Louisiana campaign of
message of
Quayle’s views about
and reasons for wanting to be president
and Republican National Committee
and Republican Senate Campaign Committee
style of
and welfare reform
Wilson’s views of
withdrawal of
Grassley, Charles
Greenberg, Stan
Greenfield, Jeff
Gregg, Judd
Griscom, Thomas
Gun control
Gunderson, Steve
Hanson, Jill
Hatch, Orrin
Hatfield, Mark
Hawkins, Paula
Haynes, Judy
Health care
Clinton advertising about
Clinton’s views about
and Congress-Clinton relationship
Dole’s views about
and elections of 1994
and Hillary Clinton
and New Democrats
See also Medicaid; Medicare
Health Care Financing Administration
Helms, Jesse
Helprin, Mark
Henreich, Nancy
Heritage Foundation
Heston, Charlton
Hine, Clarkson
Holbrooke, Richard
Hooley, Jim
House Republicans
also specific person
Housing and Urban Development, U.S. Department of
Houston, Jean
Howell, Ray
Hume, Brit
Hutchison, Kay Bailey
Ickes, Harold
and advertising campaign
and balanced budget
campaign functions of
and campaign staff–White House staff coordination
and campaign strategy sessions
Clinton’s relationship with
and Clinton’s response to Gingrich’s first 100 days speech
and Democratic challengers in 1996 elections
and fund-raising
and Morris,
and Morris memo to Dole campaign
and Morris-Stephanopoulos relationship
White House functions of
Buchanan’s views about
Imus, Don
Independent counsel law
International Republican Institute
and Christian Coalition/Christian right,
Clinton approval ratings in
debate in
Dole campaign in (1988)
and Dole’s decision to run
and elections of 1980
primary election day in
Quayle’s visit to
straw poll in
See also Iowa—Dole campaign in (1996); specific candidate
Iowa—Dole campaign in (1996)
and announcement of candidacy
Iowa—Dole campaign in (1996), cont.
and approval ratings
and Buchanan as contender
and Christian Coalition
and debate in Iowa
Dole schedule in
Dole’s views about
and Forbes as contender
and Gingrich
and Gramm as contender
initial planning for
and negative campaigning
and polling
and primary election day
shake-up in
and straw poll
and Will’s “vision themes,”
Israel, bomb attack in
It Takes a Village and Other Lessons Children Teach Us (Hillary Clinton)
Japanese trade
Johnson, Tom
Johnston, Kelly
Jones, Paula Corbin
Junior Tuesday
Dole family background in
Dole speech in
and Dole’s announcement of candidacy
Kansas State University
Kantor, Mickey
Kasich, John
Kearney, Darrell
Kelley, Virginia
Kelly, Charles J., Jr.
Kemp, Jack
and Dole
and elections of 1988
endorsement of
and flat tax
and Forbes
Gore, debate with
and illegal immigrants
non-candidacy of
and race issues
and Reed
and tax commission
and welfare reform
Kennedy, Edward M.
Kennerly, David Hume
Kerrey, Bob
Keyes, Alan
King, John
King, Larry
Kissinger, Henry
Klein, Joe
Koppel, Ted
Korologos, Tom
Kruzel, Joseph J.
Lacy, William B. “Bill,”
and advertising campaign
and approval ratings for Dole
and Arizona
and Better America Foundation
and Bosnia
campaign office of,
and campaign shake-up
and campaign strategy
and D’Amato
and Delaware primary
and Dole’s announcement of candidacy
and Dole’s decision to run
and Dole’s medical records
and Dole’s Meet the Press interview
and Dole’s message
Dole’s relationship with
and Dole’s Republican National Committee speech
and Dole’s schedule
and dual role of Dole as Majority Leader and presidential candidate
and entertainment industry speech
and Florida straw poll
and focus group
and Forbes as contender
and gay rights
and hiring campaign staff
and Iowa
and New Hampshire
and one-term presidency
and Perot.
and polling
and Powell as contender
professional career of
Reed’s relationship with
resignation of
role in Dole campaign of
and Senate staff–campaign staff relationships
and senators’ steering committee
and taxes
withdrawal from politics of
Laird, Melvin
Lake, Anthony “Tony,”
and Bosnia
and Iranian hostage crisis
and Morris’s foreign affairs speeches
Lameiro, Gerald F.
Lauder, Ronald
Leno, Jay
Letterman, David
Buchanan’s views about
and Clinton
in Democratic Party
and Dole
of media
and Republican response to Clinton’s State of the Union speech
Lieberman, Joseph I.
Limbaugh, Rush
Little Rock, Arkansas
Log Cabin Republicans
Lott, Trent
Lugar, Richard G.
McAuliffe, Terrence “Terry,”
McCrary, John Reagan “Tex,”
McCurry, Mike
and advertising campaign
and campaign meetings
and Clinton-Gore message
and Clinton’s accomplishments
and Clinton’s State of the Union speech
and definition of Clinton
and Gingrich
and Medicare
and Morris
and Morris memo to Dole campaign
and Powell’s announcement of non-candidacy
and release of budget negotiations picture
and Safire column
and Washington Establishment
and White House staff–campaign staff relations.
McDougal, Jim and Susan
McGann, Eileen
Mclnturff, Bill
Mack, Connie, III
McLaughlin, Ann
McLaughlin, John
Mahoney, Kieran
Manafort, Paul
Matalin, Mary
and Bosnia
Buchanan’s views about
and Clinton
and cost of Clinton advertising campaign
Forbes’s views about
liberalism of
See also Media scrutiny; specific person, newspaper or television program
Media scrutiny
Buchanan’s views about
and Bush
and Cheney
and Dole
and Forbes
of Gingrich
and Hillary Clinton
and Powell
and Quayle
and Wilson,
Medical records, of Dole.
Medical savings accounts
and balanced budget
Medicare, cont.
and budget negotiations,
Clinton advertising about
and Clinton veto
Clinton’s views about
and congressional Democrats
Dole’s views about
and Gingrich
polls about
Republicans proposed cuts in
Meet the Press (NBC-TV)
Merrill, Stephen E. “Steve,”
of Clinton-Gore,
See also Message (Dole); specific candidate
Message (Dole)
and announcement of candidacy
and approval ratings
D’Amato’s concerns about
delivery of
discipline in
and Dole’s beliefs
and Dole’s decision to run
and entertainment industry speech
and Face the Nation interview
and focus group results
and Gingrich
and Larry King Live
Quayle’s views about
and reduction in government
and Washington Times interview
George Will’s views about
Wilson’s views about
Metaksa, Tanya
Michel, Bob
Middle class
bill of rights for,
and Clinton
Dole’s views about
and elections of 1992
and health care
and taxes
Middle East Peace Treaty
Minimum wage
Mitchell, George
Molinari, Susan
Mondale, Walter
Moran, John A.
Morris, Dick
and advertising campaign,
and Bowles
and budget issues
campaign staff’s relations with
and Clinton speeches
Clinton’s relationship with
“dynamic center” of.
and economic plan (1993)
and elections of 1994
and ethics as issue in 1996 elections
function in campaign of
and fund-raising
Gore’s views about
and Ickes
and Lott
and Medicare
memo to Dole campaign of
and message in Clinton-Gore campaign
and Panetta
polls by
Republican primary analysis by
and Squier
and Stephanopoulos
strategy of
and triangulation strategy
and Weld
and welfare reform,
and White House staff
and Whitewater
Moseley-Braun, Carol
Mudd, Roger
Murphy, Mike
My American Journey (Powell)
National Prayer Breakfast
National Rifle Association
National Security Council
National Steering Committee (Clinton-Gore)
Negative campaigning
and approval ratings,
and Buchanan
and Dole
effectiveness of
and Forbes
New Democrats
New England: primaries in
New Hampshire
and anti-tax pledge
Clinton approval ratings in,
Clinton campaign in (1992)
Clinton’s reaction to Republican primary in,
Dole campaign in (1988)
and Dole’s decision to run
and elections of 1988
and elections of 1992
and Iowa results
and Powell as contender,
primary election day in
Quayle’s visit to
See also specific candidate
New Hampshire—Dole campaign in
and Alexander as contender,
and announcement of candidacy,
and anti-tax pledge
and approval ratings
and Dole schedule,
Dole’s reaction to
and Forbes as contender,
and Gramm as contender
and Kemp,
legislature speech for
and Powell as contender,
and primary election day
New Jersey
New York
The New York Daily News
The New York Post
The New York Times
Newhouse, Neil
Newsweek magazine,
Nickles, Don
Nightline (ABC-TV)
Nixon, Richard M.,
and Buchanan
Dole’s views about,
and elections of
resignation of,
tapes of,
vice president for,
Noble, Lawrence M.
Norman, Greg
Norquist, Grover
North, Oliver
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and Bosnia
North Carolina
North Dakota
Novak, Robert
Nunn, Sam
Obey, David
One-term presidency: Dole’s as
Panetta, Leon
and advertising campaign,
and balanced budget
and Bosnia,
and budget negotiations,
and campaign staff–White House staff coordination
and campaign strategy
as chief of staff,
Panetta, Leon, cont.
and Clinton speeches
and government shutdown
and Morris
and Morris memo to Dole campaign,
Pataki, George
Peck, Charles
Penn, Mark
Perot, Ross
Buchanan’s views about
and budget deficit
and Dole
and elections of
and government shutdown,
Powell’s views about
as presidential contender in 1996
Reed’s views about
and United We Stand America convention
Perry, William
Persian Gulf War
Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act (1995)
Powell, Alma
Powell, Colin
and abortion
announcement of non-candidacy of,
approval ratings of,
book of
and Bosnia,
and Bush,
and Christian right
and Clinton
considers running for president
and defense spending
Dole campaign’s concerns about candidacy of,
Dole’s conversations/meetings with,
Dole’s views about,
exploratory committee for,
and family values,
and fund-raising
and Gingrich,
Griscom meeting with,
and media scrutiny,
nature of,
and race issues
and reasons for wanting to be president
as Republican
Rudman’s lunch with
as Secretary of State
and Sherman as role model,
and Smullen
style of,
and tax cuts,
and vice-presidency,
Alexander’s reasons for wanting,
Buchanan’s reasons for wanting
Clinton’s views about
and Dole as one-term president
Dole’s reasons for wanting
fundamental principles for winning
Gramm’s reasons for wanting,
Powell’s reasons for wanting,
texture and feel of,
Proposition 187 (California)
Quayle, Dan
Quayle, Marilyn
Rabin, Yitzhak
Race issues
Radio and Television Correspondents’ Association
Rather, Dan
Reagan Democrats
Reagan, Nancy
Reagan, Ronald
Buchanan’s views about,
and Congress,
defeats of,
and Dole
and elections of
fund-raising by,
as governor,
and Gramm campaign,
influence of,
Iowa campaign of,
Spencer’s relationship with
and taxes
and welfare reform,
Reed, Ralph
Reed, Scott
and advertising campaign,
and affirmative action
and anti-tax pledge,
and Arizona
and Better America Foundation
and Bosnia
and Buchanan as contender,
and budget issues
and Burke
and campaign strategy,
and conservatism
and D’Amato,
and Delaware primary,
and Dole message,
and Dole Republican National Committee speech,
and Dole schedule,
and Dole speeches,
and Dole-Gingrich relationship,
and Dole’s announcement of candidacy,
and Dole’s medical records,
Dole’s relationship with
and Dole’s resignation from Senate
and dual role of Dole as Majority Leader and presidential candidate
and Elizabeth Dole
and entertainment industry speech,
and Florida straw poll,
and fund-raising
and gay rights
and Gingrich,
and gun control,
hired as campaign manager,
and hiring staff,
and Iowa
and Kemp
and media coverage of Dole campaign
and Moran
and New Hampshire
and Perot,
and polling
and Powell
and Republican response to Clinton’s State of the Union speech,
role in campaign of
and Senate staff–campaign staff relationships
and senators’ steering committee,
and shake-up of campaign
and Sipple campaign role
and South Carolina primary,
and Super Tuesday
and taxes,
and tobacco issue.
and vice-presidential candidates
Dole’s views about,
and Elizabeth Dole,
See also Christian Coalition; Christian right
Republican National Committee
Republican Party
Buchanan’s views about
Clinton’s views about,
and Dole,
Forbes campaign as attack on,
splintering of
See also House Republicans; Log Cabin Republicans; Republican National Committee; specific person
Republican Senate Campaign Committee
Rhode Island
Richards, Ann
Ridge, Tom
Right from the Beginning (Buchanan)
Robbins, Anthony
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rudman, Warren
Dole conversations with
and Dole’s announcement of candidacy,
Rudman, Warren, cont.
and Dole’s decision to run,
and Powell,
Rumsfeld, Donald H..
Russert, Tim
Safire, William
Samuelson, Robert
Schieffer, Bob
Schoen, Doug
Schorr, Daniel
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
Scoggins, Tracy
Senate staff (Dole)
campaign staff’s relations with.
and Dole’s resignation from Senate,
Senators’ steering committee (Dole)
Shalikashvili, John M.
Shea, Dennis
Sheehy, Gail
Sherman, William T.
Simpson, Alan
Sipple, Don
and Dole advertising campaign
function in Dole campaign of,
and Republican response to Clinton’s State of the Union speech,
and Wilson
60 Minutes
Smith, Richard Norton “Rick,”
Smith, Susan
Smullen, Bill
Social Security
Soderberg, Nancy E.
South Carolina
South Dakota
Specter, Arlen
Speeches (Clinton)
on anniversary of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s death
and balanced budget
about crime
to Dallas newspaper editors.
and economic plan (1993)
on education
and foreign policy
at Georgetown University,
at governors’ meeting.
in Houston
on Japanese trade
on Memorial Day at Arlington National Cemetery
and middle-class bill of rights
and response to Gingrich’s first 100 days speech
State of the Union (1995)
State of the Union (1996).
and taxes.
and terrorism,
at United Nations
at Warm Springs, Georgia
and welfare reform
Speeches (Dole)
delivery of,
and direct attacks on Clinton
and Dole’s style
Dole’s views about
and economy,
Elizabeth Dole’s concerns about,
about entertainment industry,
and focus/dial groups
and formal announcement of candidacy
and fund-raising
at governors’ meeting
and Iowa,
and middle class
in New Hampshire
at Perot convention,
practice for,
on reduction in government
to Republican National Committee
and Republican response to Clinton’s State of the Union speech
in Russell, Kansas,
and Schorr’s question
and values.
on welfare
Spencer, Stuart
Springer, Jerry
Squier, Robert “Bob”
and campaign strategy sessions
and Clinton advertising campaign
on Clinton as campaigner,
and fund-raising
hiring of,
and Medicare
and Morris,
professional background of,
Starr, Kenneth
State Department, U.S.
See also Christopher, Warren
State of the Union speeches (Clinton)
Steeper, Fred
Stephanopoulos, George
and advertising campaign
and budget issues
and Clinton as New Democrat
Clinton’s relationship with
and Clinton’s speeches
and Contract With America
on death of Republican budget
and Morris,
and Morris memo to Dole campaign
and Powell’s non-candidacy,
role in campaign of
Stern, Todd
Stevens, Stuart
Stevens, Ted
Strauss, Robert
Sununu, John
Super Tuesday
Symington, Fife, III
Synhorst, Tom
and Better America Foundation
and campaign strategy,
and Dole’s decision to run
and Dole’s message
and Dole’s speeches
and Iowa (1988)
and Iowa (1996)
and New Hampshire,
role in campaign of
Tafel, Richard
Tarnoff, Peter
and balanced budget,
and budget negotiations,
and Clinton advertising campaign
Clinton campaign strategy about
and Clinton’s use of Republican issues.
Clinton’s views about
and Congressional Democrats,
and Contract With America,
Dole advertising campaign about
and Dole’s announcement of candidacy,
Dole’s views about,
and elections of
and elections of
and elections of
and Forbes
and Gingrich
Gramm’s views about
as issue in elections of
and middle-class bill of rights,
and Powell
and Reagan
as Republican issue
Weld’s views about,
See also Anti-tax pledge; Flat tax
Taylor, Morry
Term limits
Terrorism: Clinton speeches about
Thomas, Larry
Thomas, Scott E.
Thompson, Fred
Thurmond, Strom
Time magazine
Time Warner
To Renew America (Gingrich)
Tobacco as addiction issue
Today (NBC-TV)
Tonight (NBC-TV)
Traditional Values Coalition
Triangulation strategy
Tymchuk, Kerry
United Nations
and Bosnia
Clinton’s speech before
conference about women of,
United We Stand America (UWSA)
See also Perot, Ross
Unlimited Partners (Bob and Elizabeth Dole)
U.S. News & World Report
USA Today
budget deficit as issue of,
and Dole advertising campaign,
Values, cont.
and Dole speeches.
and Dole’s announcement of candidacy,
Dole’s views about,
as issue in 1996 campaign,
Medicare as issue about,
polls about voter interest in
and Republican response to Clinton’s State of the Union speech
and Whitewater,
Vanity Fair magazine
Vardaman, John W.
and Alexander,
and Bush’s selection of Quayle
and Clinton campaign strategy,
and Dole as one-term president,
and Dole as vice-presidential candidate,
Dole’s consideration of candidates for,
Dole’s views about,
and Gore as vice president,
and Powell,
and role of vice president.
selection of person for,
Will’s views about,
and Wilson.
Vietnam War
The Wall Street Journal
Wanniski, Jude
Warfield, Nelson
and Better America Foundation,
and Delaware primary,
and Dole advertising campaign,
and Dole’s medical records,
Dole’s relationship with
and Dole’s Republican National Committee speech,
and entertainment industry speech,
and Forbes as contender,
and gay rights,
and Gingrich endorsement,
and Gramm as contender,
hiring of,
and Iowa,
and negative campaigning,
and New Hampshire,
and Powell as contender,
and Senate staff–campaign staff relationships
and shake-up in campaign,
Washington Establishment
The Washington Post
The Washington Times
Weathersby, George
Weaver, John
Weld, Susan
Weld, William
Welfare reform
and budget issues
and children
Clinton advertising about
Clinton campaign strategy about
Clinton veto of Republican
and Clinton’s use of Republican issues,
Clinton’s views about.
and conservative Republicans,
and Democratic Leadership Council,
and Dole advertising campaign,
Dole’s views about.
and elections of 1992
and Gingrich
and Gramm,
and House Republicans,
as issue in 1996 elections,
Kemp’s views about,
and Reagan Democrats,
as Republican issue,
and Republican response to Clinton’s State of the Union speech
Republicans divided about,
Weld’s views about,
Wellstone, Paul
Weyrich, Paul
White, Bob
White House staff
campaign staff’s relationship with,
changes in,
and Clinton-Dole relationship,
and Clinton-Gore campaign strategy,
Clinton’s views about,
Dole’s views about
and elections of 1992
Gore’s views about
and Hillary Clinton
Imus jokes about
investigations about
as issue in 1996 elections
Morris’s views about
Safire’s column about
Whitman, Christine Todd
Whittinghill, James
Will, George
Will, Mari
and affirmative action
and Bosnia
and campaign strategy
and D’Amato
and Dole’s announcement of candidacy
and Dole’s decision to run
and Dole’s medical records
and Dole’s message
Dole’s relationship with
and Dole’s style,
and entertainment industry speech
and Forbes as contender
health of
and Iowa
and New Hampshire campaign
and Perot convention,
professional/personal background of
and reduction in government speech
and Republican National Committee speech
and Republican response to Clinton’s State of the Union speech,
role in campaign of
and taxes
and values issues,
and vice-presidential candidates
and Washington Times interview
and welfare speech
Williams, Maggie
Williamson, Marianne
Wilson, Gayle
Wilson, Pete
and affirmative action
campaign organization/staff for
decision to run by
and Dole
Finkelstein’s views about,
fund-raising by,
and Gramm
gubernatorial campaigns of
health of.
and Iowa
Kemp’s views about
media scrutiny of
message of,
New Hampshire campaign of
Spencer’s meeting with
and vice-presidency
withdrawal of
Zeliff, Bill