“I must say, you look stunning in that gown. Even better than you did through my lens from atop that building.” McKenzey stared at Kareem’s dumbstruck face. The look was priceless. McKenzey grabbed his walkie-talkie cell phone and radioed for his colleagues, who were at the hospital cafeteria having breakfast. McKenzey stayed back to watch his prize, and he did not need breakfast. He was full of anticipation and hope.

Kareem was visibly torn. How could Toi let this happen to me? She knew that this pussy was out here waiting for me! In anger, he tried to lunge at McKenzey, who stepped aside swiftly, and caused Kareem to slam hard to the floor. Toi rushed to his aid.

“Careful. I’ll hit a cripple.”

“Fuck you.” Kareem screamed, as Toi helped him up. “If you hurt my grandmother you asshole, I will kill you, I promise you that.”

Nurses dashed down the corridor after hearing the commotion. One of them in teal scrubs told him, “Mr. Bezel, you need to be in bed resting. You’re under strict doctor order, and you’re scheduled for surgery. You need to rest.”

Kareem was put back into his bed, and was fuming. His shooter was in the hospital room and was in full control. Kareem wanted to howl and transform into a werewolf. Where was Dre when he needed him? He had to get out of there. The way things looked, his only way out was to be admitted into the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, New York.

With Kareem snuggled in his bed, three other agents rushed into his room. There was not anything more desperate than a bunch of incompetent agents abusing someone’s Fourth Amendment right. He stared at the villainous agents—two men and a token woman—and realized that he may need to dig deep to fend off the unprincipled clan. Kareem was sure that McKenzey and company had carefully selected several crooked clones from a clever stock of agents, from which to take the Bezel’s down. Kareem hoped that the other three was not as indecorous as McKenzey.

“You came all the way up to New York just to arrest lil’ ol’ moi?” Kareem asked with a mocking disbelief.

“Oh, Mr. Bezel. It’ll be an honor to haul you off right now to MDC, but you’re not under arrest,” one of the agents said.

“Don’t worry, you won’t be going today, but I assure you faster than you can heal, your new doctor will be a Navy Reservist at the federal jail,” Agent Melvin Tyler said.

“What a criminal bomb shell?” Kareem said, disgustedly and rolled his eyes to the back of his head. “I guess that I should raise the white flag and announce my cease fire.”

“This is just the first of many cease fires,” Agent Tyler told him. “We have investigations for embezzlement, drug trafficking...”

“Murder for hire, conspiracy,” Agent Bollaski added.

“Credit card fraud, bank fraud, racketeering, you name it, we have you on it,” Agent Tyler said.

“And I have a lawyer to get me off it,” Kareem said calmingly. He had no idea if his next words would be effective, but he had to make them appear convincing. “Trust me on this, McKenzey, you’ll regret shooting me.”

“Kareem...Kareem...Kareem,” McKenzey rambled shaking his head. “Are we going to go there, again? We’ve been over this once before, and trust me; you will not trigger an approved audit of my behaviors.” The look on McKenzey’s face was unconquerable, as he leaned over his once invincible foe and whispered, “By the way, thanks for the...uh...half million. I’m already looking for a new home in an expensive foreign zip.”

Kareem opened his mouth to speak.

“Don’t think of ever disrespecting my senior officer. If you weren’t hurt, I’d be all over your scrawny ass myself,” the sour-faced female Agent Small told him. “You’re like an incurable disease.”

“She speaks,” Kareem said, grinning. He started to launch a verbal attack on her, but he was cut off again.

“Watch it, bitch!” Toi interjected. “Why the fuck your bull dagging ass keep cutting him off.”

“Get her out of here,” Agent Bollaki yelled wrathfully. Agent Tyler grabbed Toi by the arm and ushered her to the door.

“You can’t kick me out. He is not under arrest. Get your hands off me you son-of-a-bitch.” Toi screamed, and tried to resist his grip. “Kareem,” she yelled. “I’m calling, Dre.”

“Good. We’ve been looking for him.”

Medical staff witnessed the commotion. “Okay guys, that is enough.” The room door was being held open by a doctor who entered the room. With his soft mousey voice, he told the agents, “He needs to undergo surgery. You’ll need to be gone before he returns, so that he can recover.” The doctor checked the brake on the bed and prepared to sit his patient into the wheelchair.

“He’s been receptive to our questions thus far,” said McKenzey.

“Hell, we will be right here waiting for him to return,” the female agent said. She had a lot of mouth and a nasty disposition.

“I’m sure that he has a conscious spirit. However, his arm and shoulder needs to be addressed and he does not need police anxiety as he recoups,” the doctor said. “If you’d give him three days before you return that’ll be great. Or, I could have a court order to blockade your access to him for a few months.”