BEAUTY: BRAGGING RIGHTS: A beautiful sight
HOW EASY IS IT TO SEE? Telescope required
BEST TIME TO SEE IT: Winter (in Perseus)
TYPE: Diffuse Nebula DISCOVERED: 1858 by Eduard Schonfeld
Reflection nebula in Perseus. Many of the nebulae in this book are emission nebulae, in which newborn stars ionize their gas cocoons, which causes them to light up—it’s the same principle behind neon signs. In contrast, NCG 1333 is a reflection nebula: a group of stars illuminates a patch of dust and gas—like headlights hitting fog.
Small and dim. NGC 1333 concentrates its meager light into a compact oval, making it easier to see. Nevertheless, this is not a simple object to spot: at low magnification it is too small to see details, but at high magnification, it is too dim. Look for it halfway between the Pleiades and Algol (Beta Persei). Find it at low power first and increase magnification as appropriate.