KIDS’ BOOKS TRULY COME alive on the NOOK, with interactive activities and features—you can even record yourself reading the book, so your child can listen to you reading even when you can’t be there. You’ll learn how to do all that and more in this chapter.
Kids aren’t like adults, and the books they read aren’t the same as adult books, either. NOOK Kids books are different from NOOK books for adults, with plenty of additional features. They’re specifically formatted for high-resolution touch-screen displays, and they’re designed to be read in landscape mode (horizontally) rather than most books’ vertical orientation. That way, you can see an entire two-page spread at a time—the way children’s books are designed to be read.
A NOOK Kids book can also read itself aloud, or, as mentioned earlier, you can record your own voice doing the reading. What could be more comforting to your child when you’re not around?
Beyond all that, many NOOK books for kids also have interactive features, including games and educational play.