When you’re browsing and searching for books, magazines, apps, and newspapers, you’ll often come across items that you’re not quite ready to buy yet, but you might want to later. That’s where the NOOK’s wishlist comes in. When you come across something you think you may want to buy at some point, add it to your wish list.
The wish list on your NOOK is separate from the wish list on your BN.com account. The wish list on your BN.com account includes printed books and periodicals for your NOOK, and other items you can buy on BN.com, while your NOOK’s wish list only has items for your NOOK.
To add a book, newspaper, or magazine to your wish list, when you tap its cover and come to the Details page, simply tap the box next to “Add to Wishlist” so the box turns green. It’s been added to your wish list.
To view your wish list, go to the top screen of the Shop. The wish list is accessible only from the top screen, so if you’re browsing, searching, or doing anything else in the Shop you’ll have to get to the top screen. To get there, tap the Home button at the top of any screen when you’re in the Shop.
Once you’re on the top screen, tap My Account and select My Wishlist. From here, you can buy books, periodicals, and apps as you would normally.