The NOOK Tablet’s LendMe feature is available directly from the Library as well as through NOOK Friends, so it’s always within easy reach. Before getting started with it, here are some things you need to know:
Only some books can be lent and borrowed. Those that can be lent will have a LendMe badge across their cover. That way, you know before buying or downloading a book whether it can be lent out. And when it’s in your Library, you can easily see which books you can lend. You’ll see the badge when you’re browsing in the Library as well as on the detail page you come to when you tap the cover.
You may think that all books you can download for free from the NOOK Store are lendable. After all, they’re free. That’s not the case, though; some free books are blocked from lending. So if you’re planning to download a free book and want to lend it out, check to see whether there are multiple editions of the book. Sometimes, particularly with classic fiction from authors like Dickens, there are many free editions of a single book, some of which are lendable, and some of which aren’t.
A book can be lent out only once. Once you’ve lent the book, you can’t lend it again.
You can’t read a book while it’s lent to someone. Only one account at a time has access to a book, so during the time you’ve lent it to someone, you can’t read it.
Loans last for 14 days. At the end of that time, it’s no longer available to the person to whom you’ve lent it. If you’ve borrowed a book, you can only use it for 14 days. As soon as the time expires, it’s again available to the lender.
You can lend a book only if you’ve registered your NOOK Tablet or NOOK Color. The lending feature doesn’t work on an unregistered NOOK Tablet or NOOK Color.
Someone borrowing a book must have a Barnes & Noble account with a valid credit card. No account, no book.
Borrowing is free. No money is charged to either the lender or the borrower.
You can lend only one book at a time. You have to wait until a book is returned to you before you can lend another book.
You can’t lend a book that someone has lent to you.
You can’t copy a borrowed book to your microSD card.