Borrowing Books from the Library

Just as you can borrow printed books from libraries, you can borrow NOOK books as well. You don’t have to go to your local library to borrow the book; instead you head to the library’s Internet site.

Not all libraries have NOOK books available for lending, and the way you borrow may vary from library to library. This section, though, covers the most popular way, and should go a long way to help you borrow whatever is available. Before you borrow, here’s what you need to know:

As mentioned previously, libraries may have different methods for lending out eBooks, and for you then to transfer them to your NOOK. Typically, though, you must download the free Adobe Digital Editions software, and then register it. Without first doing so, you may not be able to borrow books.

Head to and install the software. You must also register for an Adobe ID to use the software and borrow books from a library. If you don’t have one, head to and create one. Then, when you’re asked to activate your computer after the Adobe Digital Edition software is installed, enter that ID and password.

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Now that you’ve got the software activated, it’s time to borrow a book. Ask your library for the website it uses to lend eBooks, and ask to have a user name and password set up. Also check for any special lending policies, and whether the library offers online help.

Once you do all that, you’re ready to go. Head to your library’s eBook-lending website. Different libraries organize their eBook collections differently; you may be able to search and browse or only one of the two.

Look for the NOOK section. If there seems to be one, look for books in EPUB and PDF formats. Those are the ones you can borrow.


For excellent all-around help with borrowing eBooks, head to the NOOK eBook Central site run by Google and the New York Public Library ( Although much of what’s there is specifically for borrowing books from the New York Public Library, it’s a good overall resource for advice about how to borrow books from any library using your NOOK Tablet.

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Once you’ve found a book you want to borrow, follow these steps:

Remember, you can borrow the book for only 14 days. After that, it automatically gets returned to the library.

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