Just as with computer-based browsers, the NOOK’s browser lets you save your favorite sites as bookmarks—sites you can easily visit again without having to retype their URLs. In fact, before you even use your browser, it has bookmarks for a few popular sites, including BN.com, Facebook.com, Twitter.com, and YouTube.com, among others.
Whenever you visit a web page you want to add as a bookmark, tap the Bookmark button on the right side of the address bar, and the Bookmark screen appears. You’ll see all your bookmarks, and on the upper left of the screen you’ll see the page you were on when you tapped the button, with the word “Add” on it. Tap it and the “Add bookmark” screen appears, with the name of the page you were on, and its address.
Tap OK, or else edit the screen (for example, to change the title). Here you can edit the name or the actual URL of the bookmark. In the Name box, type a different name if you want one, and in the Location box, type a different location. Then tap OK. Or you can just leave it as is and tap OK. The bookmark is added to your list. To go back to the browser, tap the Go Back button.
If you edit the URL, and the new URL differs from the page you wanted to bookmark, you’ll go to the URL you typed in, not the original one you planned to bookmark.
When you’re in the browser, to see the bookmarks, tap the Options Menu and then tap Bookmarks. You see all your bookmarks. To head to any, just tap it and you’re there.
Most of the time when you add bookmarks, and then go to your bookmark screen, you see thumbnails of the pages you’ve added. However, in some instances instead of seeing a thumbnail, you see a generic icon representing a Web site. The bookmarks pre-added to the NOOK all show up with the generic icons until you visit them; after you visit them they generally appear with thumbnails of the websites.
The NOOK Tablet lets you do more than just go to bookmarks. You can delete them, edit them, and more. To do it, head to the Bookmarks screen and then hold your finger on the bookmark you want to edit or manage. A menu appears with the following choices:
Open. Opens the bookmarked site in the current window. So let’s say you’re on www.google.com, you go to your bookmarks, and then hold your finger on the www.bn.com bookmark. Now, www.bn.com opens in the window where www.google.com had previously been open.
Open in new window. Opens the bookmarked site in a new window. So if you’re at www.google.com, open your bookmarks, and then hold your finger on www.bn.com, www.bn.com opens in a window of its own.
Edit bookmark. Brings up a page that lets you edit the name and location of the bookmark. It’s the same page for adding a bookmark.
If you sometimes find yourself with a slow WiFi Internet connection and wish there was a way to browse the Web faster, here’s a bookmark you should add to your list: http://google.com/gwt/n. It hides most graphics and lets you browse the Web much more quickly on a slow connection.
Delete bookmark. Deletes the bookmark. After you tap it, you get a warning that you’re about to delete the bookmark, just in case you want to reconsider, or if you tapped this option by accident.
Set as homepage. Tap this, and from now on whenever you open a new window, it opens to that site.