Once you’ve got NOOK Friends, you can start sharing with them. One of the key ways is to see what books and periodicals they recommend, and what quotes from books and periodicals they have decided to share with you.
To do that, in the NOOK Friends app, tap the Friends’ Activities button at the top left of the screen. You see a scrollable list of the recent activities of your NOOK Friends.
You’ll find a variety of activities there:
Recommendations made directly and privately to you.
Public recommendations made via Facebook or Twitter.
Ratings of books, periodicals, and apps.
Quotes shared publicly via Facebook or Twitter or privately with you.
Postings of friends’ reading status (what book they’re currently reading, how far along they are in it, and so on).
Friends “Liking” a book, periodical, or app on Facebook.
Along with the activity, such as a recommendation, there’s also a picture of the book, periodical, or app. Tap its cover or icon to get more details about it. Tap the green button to buy it (or download it if it’s free).