Using LendMe

If you have NOOK Friends, you’ll want to get familiar with the NOOK Friends LendMe feature, because it’s a way for you to lend books to your friends and borrow books from them. The feature can be used not only for NOOK Friends, but also for anyone who has a Barnes & Noble account and who uses either a NOOK or a NOOK app on a computer, mobile device, or tablet.

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Chapter 7 is entirely devoted lending and borrowing books using your NOOK, but here’s a quick recap of what you’ll see on the LendMe screen:


The LendMe feature is available not just in the NOOK Friends app, but in the Library as well.

You can lend or borrow only books whose publisher allows lending. The loan lasts for up to 14 days. When the time is up, you don’t need to do anything to return it or to ask for it back—it automatically reverts to the owner. When you lend a book to someone, the digital rights (Tip) for reading it go along with the lending, so if it’s a book you’ve bought, you can’t read it while it’s lent out. (However, if the book is free from digital rights, you can read it even when you’re lending it.)

When you first start using NOOK Friends, every one of your NOOK Friends can see every one of your books available for lending. Whenever you buy a book that can be lent, all your friends know about it.

But what if you don’t want them to know what lendable books you have? You can do something about it: Use the LendMe privacy settings to block individual books from being seen, or block the entire list from being seen.

In NOOK Friends, tap LendMe→Privacy, which takes you to the settings screen. If you don’t want any friends to ever see any of your lendable books, uncheck the box next to “Show all my lendable books to my NOOK Friends.”

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If you only want some lendable books to be hidden from friends’ view, tap the Show button next to any until it turns into Hide. To unhide a book, tap the Hide button so it turns into Show.