I owe special thanks to Mary Mackay-Smith, Janet MacEachen and Keary Grace for their generous help with this book. I am also grateful to Dr. Lome Parent and Kate Jaimet for their time and information.

The Ladies Killing Circle: Joan Boswell, Victoria Cameron, Audrey Jessup, Sue Pike and Linda Wiken continued to supply their eagle eyes, sound judgment and firm friendship. My daughters, Victoria Maffini and Virginia Findlay and my husband, Giulio Maffini, to whom I present an ongoing challenge, have shown endless support.

I am most fortunate to have Sylvia McConnell as my publisher and Allister Thompson as my editor. They never fail to be unflappable and enthusiastic.

You won't find Mimi Melanson's Bridal Bower, Women Against Violence Everywhere, St. Jim's Parish or the exact location of the Justice for Victims office anywhere in Ottawa. However, you can certainly eat Beaver Tails on the canal and skate to work if your timing's right.