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Arthur Prendergast returned to prison for a very long time, convicted of armed robbery, kidnapping and attempted murder of the Queen – but he wouldn’t own up to bringing the prawns on board. His brother Whitley spent a few days in hospital recovering from his ordeal and returned to work to a rousing welcome. Henderson was given a stern talking-to from the admiral but was relieved to keep his job.

Upon reaching their destination in Venice, Dr Lush and Alex invited Alice-Miranda to go ashore with them. The tiny child stood in silence on the Rialto Bridge over the Grand Canal as the two men scattered their beloved mother Maria Bella to the wind, just as she had wanted.

Mr Winterstone took Alice-Miranda’s advice and decided that he would try to inject some fun into his life. The first thing he did was take a spin on the new jet boat with Her Majesty, Granny Valentina and a very attentive Dalton.

Sloane Sykes turned over a new leaf. She promised to write to Alice-Miranda and secretly hoped she might convince her father to allow her to go back to Winchesterfield-Downsfordvale.

Neville had been wrong about the butterfly in the frame. It hadn’t belonged to his grandfather at all. It was his father’s. It seemed Leonard loved butterflies as much as the President.

Neville Nordstrom and President Grayson became firm friends. With their shared love of butterflies, together they saved the Euchloe Bazae and its habitat. The land’s owner, Smedley Sykes, didn’t take too much convincing to find a new location for his next villa project. As he saw it, there were plenty of good sites in Spain and the new owner had paid him a handsome return on his investment. The property was turned over to the local government under the provision that it remain open parkland forever. Neville’s discovery was written up in Scientific Scientist and he was hailed as a hero. His parents couldn’t have been more proud.