I HAVE HAD THE great privilege of having three marvelous teaching assistants while I was writing this commentary, all of whom were expert editors. I am grateful for their contribution in ensuring that I actually communicated the ideas that I wanted to get across. Ashley Edewaard and Kathryn Cobb both spent countless hours rewriting my sentences to make them effective and clear. Aubrey Buster did the same, but additionally read the manuscript numerous times providing critique of the ideas that I was trying to convey. Her input is reflected throughout the manuscript in more ways than I can recount. Many times, she was able to provide whole sentences that improved greatly on what I was trying to say. It was not uncommon that her wording corrected overstatements or logical non sequiturs. I am grateful and indebted to each for their conscientious work that served me well and will therefore serve the reader.
I would also like to thank Matthew Patton for preparing the indices.
Finally, I am very grateful that Kelly Lemon Vizcaino was willing to share her story, her life, and her struggles. As difficult as it was for her, she has added an element of reality that is necessary for a work such as this. Her courage is an inspiration to me, and I hope also to each reader.