Judge Riley concludes his instructions to the jury and officially turns the fate of my client over to them. I'm completely helpless. There is absolutely nothing more I can do until they reach a verdict. The urge to run to the restroom and throw up is overwhelming me.
"Now what?" Tony asks, his eyes wide and face pale.
I give his hand a reassuring squeeze. "Now, we wait."
Alex comes through the gate and embraces me. "You were amazing, Kylie," he whispers in my ear before releasing me. He reaches past me and extends his hand to Tony. "How are you holding up?"
"Doing my best, Alex. Thanks for coming. I appreciate the support."
Alex nods. "I called in a favor and found a quiet place for you to wait for the jury to return a verdict. It's close by, and the press won't be an issue."
I freeze and stare at him in total disbelief. He thought ahead and found a place for us to hang out? I didn't even think to do that.
No matter how much time I spend with him, he never ceases to amaze me, and he always seems to know just what I need, precisely when I need it. It's almost as if he is a part of me that has been missing, a piece of the puzzle that has been lost under the couch and finally found. We fit together so perfectly that it's daunting to consider what life would be like without him.

Carl escorts us down the back elevator, and we enter the garage. Alex, Tony, and I slide into the backseat while Lisa takes the front passenger seat next to Jake. A similar SUV leaves ahead of us, and I watch as it slowly makes its way down the block, a myriad of press charging after it. I snicker, thinking how surprised they'll be when they discover they've chased the wrong vehicle and we're not in it.
We turn in the opposite direction and make a strange series of left and right turns, seemingly going nowhere. We finally pull into the service entrance of the Queen Anne Inn, a mere two blocks from the courthouse. I glance behind us as the gate closes to the private parking area at the rear of the hotel. Not one news van is following us. Jake is pretty good at evasive maneuvers. I'm guessing this is not the first time he's had to get away from inquisitive press and paparazzi.
A short gentleman in a smart suit, striped tie, and matching handkerchief folded in the pocket of his jacket steps forward as the SUV comes to a stop.
Alex exits the vehicle and shakes hands with the man. "Alberto, it's nice to see you again. Thank you so much for your help in accommodating us on such short notice." Alex turns to me, and places his hand on the small of my back. "Allow me to introduce Kylie Tate. Kylie, this is Alberto Consuelos. He manages the Queen Anne Inn."
Alberto takes my hand and kisses the back of it. "Miss Tate, I've been watching you on TV all week. It's a great pleasure to meet you and have you at our hotel."
He has a Spanish accent that I could listen to all day. "Thank you. It's very nice to meet you as well."
Alberto turns and begins walking into the grand hotel. "Let us get inside before anyone takes notice of us, shall we?"
We are led through the kitchen and onto the service elevator. Alberto uses a key card and pushes the button for the top floor.
Of course, Alex would get a penthouse suite.
Using the same key card, Alberto opens the door to the suite and stands aside to allow us to enter. It's breathtaking and charming and feels like home.
The pale gold walls contrast the dark wood flooring, furniture, and fireplace façade. Tall, narrow windows line one wall, covered by heavy, crimson drapes that are pulled back to allow in the sunlight and an amazing view of the historic courthouse and churches surrounding the circle. The open room is separated into two distinct areas—a large sitting room with a couch and recliner facing a huge flat screen TV and a dining area in the other half.
The buffet table along the wall in the dining room is filled with sandwiches and salads as well as a couple of covered serving dishes. There is a three-tiered dessert tray with cookies, cakes, and chocolate-covered strawberries.
"Miss Tate," Alberto calls to me, "your coffee and tea station is here, tucked into this nook."
I look over at Alex, who just winks at me and smiles.
He has thought of everything.
Alberto remains for a few more minutes, ensuring everything is to Alex's expectations. Before leaving, he informs me that I simply need to call his office if I require anything at all. I thank him and smile as he takes my hand and kisses it once again.
I walk through the suite into the bedroom, Alex not far behind me. I twirl around, wrap my arms around him, and press my lips to his. "Thank you for doing all of this, Alex."
"Anything for you, baby. You know that." He draws me back in for a longer, deeper, more passionate kiss.
I take in the opulence of the room. There's a king-sized bed with down comforter and too many pillows. "This must have come at a premium on short notice. Was it strictly a monetary exchange, or did you have to promise him something else?"
"It cost some coin, but I had to agree to name-drop, as well. We'll have to let it slip that you were staying here while waiting for a decision to come back. Nothing will happen on that front until after you have left. I'll have my PR people release a statement." Alex kisses me again, his lips teasing the sensitive skin along my neck.
"Better have them coordinate with the firm's PR for consistency."
"What would I do without you, Alex Stone?"
He lifts his eyes and gazes at me, a mischievous glint in them. "A better question is, what do you plan to do with me?"
"Odd you should ask because I'm compiling quite an extensive list."
"Really? Sounds intriguing." He draws me in for another kiss that makes my toes curl. "Unfortunately, I have to get back to the office. I have a conference call that I can't reschedule."
"Tease," I chide him. "Okay, but sometime in the future, we're reserving this suite, and trying out this bed...and maybe a couple of other places around the suite."
"Deal. Until then, try to relax. And eat something, please. I have some plans for you when this is all over, and it will require you to have lots and lots of energy."
I grasp his tie, haul him against me. "Again, with the teasing," I murmur, and lay a lustful kiss on him. If he's going to leave me here in a heightened state of arousal, turnabout is fair play.
I step back.
He exhales. "Damn."
"More of that, later." I wink.
We head back into the main living area.
Alex shakes hands with Tony and offers a reassuring, "See you again soon."
He gives me a peck on the cheek, and he and Jake walk out the door.

Thomas arrives and makes a beeline for the buffet, piles his plate full of food, and joins Lisa, Tony, and me at the table. We don’t discuss the trial or speculate on the jury deliberations. Instead, Lisa and Thomas regale Tony and me with tales of their childhoods and the antics of children from large families.
By late-afternoon, Thomas and Tony are playing some excessively graphic war game on the Xbox. Lisa had files sent over to the hotel from the office and is typing away on my laptop. A deposition from another case was included in the materials, which I'm trying to read without much success.
My cell phone rings, and the room falls instantly silent. I check the caller ID, and my stomach rolls.
"Kylie Tate."
The judge's clerk. I perform a quick mental calculation. The jury deliberated for about four and a half hours. My heart sinks. That's awfully quick for a death penalty case. She gives me instructions, and I disconnect the call.
"Jury's back."
Tony's face turns ghostly white.
He stares at me, probably trying to gauge my reaction. He's no doubt wondering the same thing I am and coming up with the same conclusion. It doesn't look good.
Lisa is on the phone with the office and informs Sarah the jury is returning. I call the front desk for an escort to the service entrance.
A black cloud looms over all of us. I desperately search for light amid the storm that darkens my vision.
I quickly send a text to Alex.
Verdict. Too soon. Expecting bad news.